Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and forty-three. Hou Tu’s choice

1543. The path chosen by Hou Tu

Under the situation that Liu Hao was obsessed with and could not know, in the wilderness, a strange phenomenon appeared in the girl. However, compared with Liu Hao's earth, this strange phenomenon seemed so small that few people actually noticed it. Very few.

This vision only manifested within the prehistoric lunar star, and it was only the laurel tree inside that shone brightly.

But the result will be a great moment for Honghuang.

That is the 'Wu Gang' who was originally stupid and without any consciousness among the lunar stars. Now, under the illumination of the laurel tree, he gradually began to regain consciousness.

In the past, during the Lich Catastrophe, there were ten days in the sky and hundreds of millions of miles of scorched earth. As a ethnic group on the primitive land at that time, the Witch Clan was naturally not happy to see such a scene, and naturally someone came out to end this calamity.

Hou Yi was the real protagonist of this drama. He drew his bow several times and directly reduced the ten children of Emperor Jun to only one. How could Emperor Jun endure it?

He didn't care what the reason was, he wanted to skin Hou Yi and cut his bones. However, it was still difficult to eliminate the hatred in Emperor Jun's heart, and that's why 'Wu Gang' appeared.

But today, Hou Yi is gradually returning under the light of the laurel tree. His return, even Emperor Jun, who was in chaos on the edge of the ancient world, had some feelings in his heart, but because it was the right time to practice, he chose this ignore; ignore

Little did he know that because of this, Di Jun lost the perfect opportunity to kill Hou Yi. If he wanted to do it in the future, Empress Hou Tu would have a hard time with her.

Similarly, in the White Tiger Master's dojo, Empress Houtu got the news almost instantly. She smiled and glanced at the figures of Emperor Juntai and two people outside the dojo. She saw that the two were still immersed in practice. , then he didn’t continue.

In the dojo, Sanqing, Jieyin Zhunti and others have also reached the end of their enlightenment, and each of them has gained a lot. The three of us must have my teacher, not to mention the legacy of a strong man like Lord White Tiger who has a cultivation level far beyond theirs.

This kind of enlightenment can not only improve their cultivation level at once, but also supplement their many omissions in the past, or help them improve many things that they wanted to perfect in the past but didn't know how to do it. How to perfect the place.

Just like Zhunti, in his prehistoric times, one of his incarnations was a golden body unique to Buddhism, which was also created by him. But even so, it was still only at the limit of eighteen songs, and it was difficult to break through even half a point.

But after arriving at the dojo of Lord White Tiger, even if it is just a world that has not yet formed, and even if this world is formed in the future, it will only be a part of the ancient world, but within it, Zhunti can combine eighteen poems. The golden body has crossed over and reached twenty-four poems, which is already a kind of "completeness".

This is the manifestation of the Tao Yun left by the White Tiger Master in his own dojo for endless months. It is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought in all the heavens and all the worlds. He has received such huge benefits. What can the saints not do? Happy?

It should be noted that at their level, it has been difficult to improve at all for hundreds of millions of years. When it comes to their minds, they are much stronger than any monks.

Being able to put a smile on the faces of all the saints is enough to show how satisfied they are in their hearts.

Perhaps the entry of Hongjun and others also helped the White Tiger Master's dojo to take shape towards the world, and from another perspective, Liu Hao and Nuwa Empress were the most important.

Because only the two of them have truly reached the true core of this world. While gaining opportunities, they are also perfecting each other for this world that is about to take shape.

Especially the latter, the Empress Nuwa, arrived here soon after Liu Hao left and saw the land of creation. How could she miss it?

In the entire prehistoric world, in terms of the way and laws of creation, who can compare with Nuwa?

Those are the real professionals.

It was also the addition of Nuwa Empress that greatly catalyzed the dynamic evolution of the White Tiger Master's dojo.

In any world, life may not be the only indicator, but it is definitely one of the hard indicators, and it is also the top one among them.

What is heaven and earth?

And why could it only be called the Great White Tiger Dojo before?

Just like the "small world" opened by Sanqing, Zhunti and other saints on the edge of chaos, it is not so much a small world as it is just a simple saint's dojo.

To be able to be called heaven and earth, one of the three elements of human nature must be possessed, even if it is just the beginning of life, even if it takes countless years to take shape.

This is the difference between something and nothing.

Only heaven and earth, where the three realms of heaven, earth, and human beings exist, can truly be named after ‘heaven and earth’, and can they truly be named ‘world’.

The joining of Empress Nuwa and her use of the Great Way of Creation have been speeding up this process. Today, it seems to have reached a certain limit. Both Hongjun and Houtu felt a faint power of heaven and earth. .

As time goes by, this 'power of heaven and earth' gradually becomes related to the prehistoric world.

"As expected, the luck of the prehistoric world has improved a lot!"

Hongjun nodded and whispered, then raised his head and looked at the center of the newly formed world. The extremely faint 'Tiandao**' was slowly observing a certain pattern of rotation.

Every time the Heavenly Dao ** rotates around, the original prehistoric world seems to be a little thicker.

As the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, Hongjun can naturally feel the huge benefits of this increase to the prehistoric world. Not to mention other things, even he, the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, will also owe the Great White Tiger Karma.

After a long time, Hongjun was well aware of this growth;

"For all sentient beings in the wild, the difficulty of attaining the Daluo Dao Fruit has also been reduced a little, and the possibility of becoming a quasi-sage has also increased a lot!"

Hongjun said this without any other emotion. In the past, he would really have been worried. After all, the total amount of spiritual energy in a world is always finite. Once the spiritual energy is absorbed too much by monks, it will often be followed by a catastrophe. Appear.

And once the great catastrophe of heaven and earth occurs, as the spokesperson of heaven and earth, maybe he can also get many hints from it, but for heaven and earth, this kind of damage is the top priority. The great catastrophe of Yin and Shang gods was almost destroyed by Tongtian. Destroyed the world?

Even Hongjun didn't want to go through this kind of trouble a second time.

But what about now?

He clearly felt that Great Lord White Tiger did not imitate Great Lord Xuanwu and had the intention of directly integrating the dojo into the ancient world as a continent.

On top of the 'Heaven and Earth' barrier that is about to take shape, there is clearly a large formation that the White Tiger Great Lord has set up early, and this large formation does not seem to have any other function, just to draw endless energy from the chaos to replenish this place.

Hongjun also knew that this might just be what the White Tiger Master did casually for the sake of cultivation. However, after the other party left, he did not dare to say that there was no conspiracy of the White Tiger Abyss.

"In addition, Liu Hao arranged the star fruit trees in the ancient starry sky, and he can also continuously draw a lot of spiritual energy from the chaos. With this two-pronged approach, it is possible to return to the ancient times by adding a few percent!"

After silently calculating the odds in his heart, even if he was as indifferent as Hongjun, a feeling of joy emerged in his heart unconsciously.

Returning to the ancient times, he, the spokesperson of heaven, would not lose any of the benefits that should be given to him even if he was lying down. Even if he was lying down like this, he had to admit that he had restrained Liu Hao in the past and finally had to face it. Here comes the biggest gain.

Unlike Hongjun, Queen Houtu, as the master of the earth, naturally observes not the laws of heaven, but the connection between the six reincarnations and this new world.

And this is what Empress Houtu has been waiting for so long to truly understand.

Because only by truly studying this understanding thoroughly can Empress Houtu spread the six paths of reincarnation in her hands to all the heavens and worlds in the future, and can she truly consolidate it.

After Liu Hao opened the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror in his own earth world, why didn't Empress Houtu urge Liu Hao to continue?

The problem lies here.

He is related, but he has not truly achieved 'penetration' with the prehistoric underworld, the prehistoric underworld, and the main body of the six paths of reincarnation.

For example, when the souls of the dead creatures on Liu Hao's earth were captured by the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" mirror image, it was extremely difficult for Queen Houtu to intervene in order to save these souls within the reincarnation mirror image.

In other words, Empress Houtu, who is separated by a world, only adds a little more business to the Six Paths of Reincarnation. For Empress Houtu herself, the real benefits can only be said to be very small.

What she wants, instead, is to use the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' under her control as the true circulation hub of the heavens and worlds, so that the souls of the worlds can truly be arranged within it, so that these souls do not only live in a certain world. Reincarnation within.

She believes that only in this way can true fairness be achieved among all the worlds.

For example, in the mortal world, there is a human race who has accumulated a lot of merit over several lives, but even if he is reincarnated, all he gets is glory and wealth.

But once the six paths of reincarnation truly control the reincarnation of the heavens and the world, then this human race with many merits will inevitably have countless more choices. For example, entering a certain world of cultivation, maximizing the use of the accumulated many merits, and becoming a successful person. It is not impossible for immortals to achieve enlightenment.

On the other hand, those creatures with countless karma can also be made to move around in certain soulless worlds through this method. No matter how evil the creature is in its heart, it will not be able to stir up much trouble. This is the real thing. punishment also.

It has to be said that Empress Houtu's ambition is very huge. She will soon complete it. Then surpassing Hongjun is only a matter of seconds. She can do it with a flip of her hand, even if she transcends the shackles of the ancient world. Down.

In fact, why didn't Hongjun know about Empress Houtu's plan?

It's just that he knows what he knows, but it's impossible to copy it.

Because among all the heavens and worlds, the birth of the Way of Heaven is often the easiest. The will of heaven and earth or the will of all living beings is often the source that catalyzes the birth of the Way of Heaven.

On the contrary, the circulation between souls is more based on the laws and regulations hidden in the heavens. This kind of operation seems so crude compared with the will of heaven. This is also the greatest advantage of Queen Houtu. As a result, Hongjun can't just learn if he wants to.

Of course, it was impossible for Hongjun to sit still and wait for death, but even Houtu and Nuwa could not guess how he calculated in his heart and which method he chose to move forward.

No wonder Queen Houtu still chose to cooperate with Queen Nuwa even though the path was clear. Without him, Hongjun was so unpredictable and mysterious that everyone had to be on guard against him.

Why isn't Liu Hao one of them?

If he had a choice, Liu Hao would never be willing to deal with Hongjun, but it was hard to know when he was being plotted by others. It was very likely that he would still happily help others count their money after being sold.

In contrast, even if Liu Hao knew that Empress Houtu and Empress Nuwa wanted to take advantage of him, he was still willing to cooperate. This was the difference.

Looking back, the prototype of the heaven and earth of the White Tiger Master's dojo has gradually been perfected, and the looming path of heaven between heaven and earth has gradually become clearer.

Like Hongjun, Liu Hao, who had been focusing his attention on this, the more he understood and observed, the more he discovered that his 'Tiandao**' was gradually transforming into the prehistoric 'Tiandao**'.

At first, there was some hesitation in this transformation, which was also the instinct of the formation of heaven and earth. But then, this hesitation gradually disappeared, and he began to get closer to the will of the ancient heaven, as if he knew where his true responsibility came from.

Liu Hao himself guessed that Lord White Tiger probably had a share of the credit here.

Originally, people left this dojo and guided it into a vast world in order to repay the cause and effect of the ancient world. Naturally, they would not refuse this. They were really independent from the ancient world. On the contrary, it was a drag on the calculations of the Great White Tiger. .

"In this way, we can truly use 'heaven and earth' as ​​a chessboard!"

Liu Hao, who had obtained the innate treasure of the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', had a small sprout starting to stretch deep in his heart. Little did he know that this was also a huge progress for him in understanding the laws of heaven.

Compared with him, White Tiger Liu Hao is less interested in this, but he is still a little bit poor in Taoism. He can only vaguely feel the difference in the hidden passage between heaven and earth that leads to the six realms of reincarnation, but he cannot see it. How did Qing understand it? There is no way to truly understand the truth.

Fortunately, the heaven and earth were first formed and the great avenues were manifested. This allowed him, a newly promoted Hunyuan monk, to see his own great avenues and laws and compare them one by one, and get more perfection from them.

Compared with their group of nearby viewers, many quasi-sages outside the world of White Tiger Master's dojo can only see a little bit of it, but even so, it is a huge opportunity for them, and They were all immersed in it and couldn't extricate themselves. All hatred and grudges were completely forgotten by them at this moment.

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