Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and forty-four.Rong


I don't know when, there was a buzzing sound between the heaven and the earth, which shook the entire newly formed heaven and earth like a bell. The sound was vast, but everyone who heard it did not feel disgusted at all. On the contrary, in this sound Among them, even the saint felt a trace of resonance from the soul, and a sense of joy emerged deep in his heart unconsciously.

This is a heartfelt celebration of the first creation of heaven and earth.

It is also a cleansing for the soul of every monk who hears it.

He is different from the "voice of heaven and earth" that the white tiger Liu Hao in the prehistoric world emitted when he attained enlightenment, but because of this, it makes it easier for all listeners to understand its principles.

Even Liu Hao, who was as indifferent as a white tiger, had a bright smile on his face at this time.

Such a release of emotions from the heart is extremely rare to see in a Hunyuan monk.

This voice more or less leaked out of the world of the Great White Tiger Dojo. It was also because of the armbands of heaven and earth that the sound became somewhat ambiguous. But even so, it still made all the quasi-holy monks sitting here stunned. joy.

Because in this wispy sound, they found that it was much easier to understand the principles of heaven and earth. It was as if a teacher was giving you many explanations in your ears, and you had an extra knowledge of what to do. Insights on how to move forward.

Qinglong Liu Hao, who came to wait for me, didn't expect that he would be able to take advantage of this benefit. Naturally, he would not miss it. The only thing that made him a little depressed was that the duration of this benefit was too short.

When he woke up from his meditation, he also found that there were groups one after another in groups around him, all talking loudly. Such a harmonious scene obviously surprised Qinglong Liu Hao, because among these groups one after another However, they are not hiding anything because of their opponents. Instead, they are trying their best to explain what they have just realized and confirm each other. Most of us are really good Taoists, and we all hope that both parties can learn from it. Benefit from the path explained by yourself.

Such discussions were commonplace in the early and ancient times. Almost whenever they met on the road, they would sit down and discuss the doctrines. However, with the onset of many great catastrophes, such discussions became increasingly rare. stand up;

Today, they have returned, which also shows that these powerful monks who stand at the top of the ancient world still have this in their hearts and are really willing to continue such good things.

However, Qinglong Liu Hao also knew that it would be extremely difficult to continue a scene like today's situation outside of this place.

What's more, now that the great catastrophe is deepening, even if this group of people travels, the biggest worry in their hearts is that they will be ambushed by their opponents. How can they achieve true trust?

Such a harmonious scene in ancient times like today can only happen today. In other words, this is the basis for everyone's mutual trust.

However, with the appearance of the heavens and the worlds, Qinglong Liu Hao felt that maybe he was out of prehistoric times, and the scene in front of him might still appear in other heavens, and they all left his own world. The original hatred was really not something he could not let go of.

Just like the group of saint disciples from the Second Sect of Interpretation and Interpretation who entered their own earth, if you say that they are not unhappy with each other?

But if you really meet someone and see them, as long as there is no conflict of interest on the spot, shouldn't you say hello? If you see the other person in trouble, you won't hesitate to help, right?

What about the Buddhist Avalokitesvara and Manjusri Samantabhadra?

You may still be a little embarrassed when you meet Master Yuding, but you won't bring the many emotions from the prehistoric era into the world, right?

Unless you really have that kind of unrelenting hatred, you have to let it go when it’s time to let it go, right?

It's like working hard in a foreign land, fighting alone, and meeting a fellow villager. Even if you have had a fight with this fellow villager in your hometown, the feeling of closeness in your heart cannot be erased.

This was the case in the prehistoric times, so how could it not be the case in other heavens and realms?

"It will still be difficult for our own planet to escape from the 'Shura Field' situation in the future, right?"

"After all the heavens and worlds enter their own earth on a large scale, it is expected that mutual support will be inevitable!"

Several thoughts flashed through Qinglong Liu Hao's heart. He shook his head slightly and stepped forward, directly finding Xuanyuan's group. His arrival would naturally not cause displeasure to the original Taoist group. In their opinion, it is a great thing for their incarnation to be able to blend in.

Little did they know that they really confused Liu Hao's true self, thinking that White Tiger Liu Hao, who had attained the Hunyuan Dao, was the real Liu Hao's true self.

The reason why Qinglong Liu Hao chose this group was for the sake of Emperor Xuanyuan. Little did he know that it was also because of Liu Hao's arrival that Emperor Xuanyuan was qualified to set foot here today. The luck of the prehistoric human race has improved a lot because of him. , but not only the Fuxi clan and the Shennong clan benefited, Emperor Xuanyuan, who was originally only at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, also beheaded a corpse not long ago, and truly became the prehistoric quasi-sage level.

"I've met the Human Emperor!"

Qinglong Liu Hao is the master of heaven. He usually has a very indifferent personality, but it depends on who he is dealing with. In other words, he still has not completely got rid of the influence of his personality. If he were replaced by White Tiger Liu Hao today, he would probably just nod towards Xuanyuan and give up. This is The difference is just that others cannot know it at all.

Emperor Xuanyuan was also very happy when Qinglong Liu Hao took the lead in greeting him. He didn't dare to hold the big one, so he quickly stood up and returned the greeting. When others saw it, strange emotions arose in their hearts, thinking about this human race in other worlds, and their hearts. The concept of 'human race' in the depths still cannot be abandoned. It is no wonder that the fate of the prehistoric human race is getting stronger and stronger now.

"I have met Emperor Ziwei!"

"Good luck fellow Taoists!"

After several people greeted each other with greetings and no other greetings, they sat down cross-legged again. Emperor Zhenwu, who was originally the one who had his turn to preach, also continued to explain Dao Cai in detail. The listeners all pricked up their ears, but as long as they thought he had something to do with Emperor Zhenwu's sermon, When they have different opinions, they will intervene loudly, and other people will also debate the different opinions one after another, until a few people think that the topic has little meaning.

This was the first time Qinglong Liu Hao had experienced such a discussion. At first, he was a little unaccustomed to it, but after participating in it a few times, he gradually got used to it. For a while, many voices were mixed in the entire area, that is, they Their cultivation is profound enough, otherwise almost everyone speaking at the same time would only give everyone a splitting headache.

This discussion lasted for a long time. As time went by, it seemed that everyone had some unfinished ideas, but they had no intention of continuing to argue. They knew very clearly that expressing their understanding of the Tao and convincing others to agree with them was the key to Two different things.

They know better that when it comes to such discussions, they are more likely to choose to listen and gain understanding, to choose "when three people walk together, there must be my teacher", and to have a deeper understanding of their own Dao from other perspectives and the perspectives of others.

In this case, the best way is to participate in more group discussions while all the quasi-sages are still unfinished.

The result is that once a small group's discussion ends, a new group will immediately appear and repeat the discussion.

Perhaps, during this process, the repetition rate among these discussions was close to half, but no one had any opinions on this pair, and they were all happy with it.

The same is true for Qinglong Liu Hao. He went to several small groups to discuss the Tao, and sometimes he could even quarrel with Di Jun Taiyi. But during the quarrel, even he would completely ignore the identity of Di Jun Taiyi, and he was just a person pursuing the Dao. Just a monk.

I don’t know how long this situation lasted. I have experienced it vividly here in the prehistoric era. It was not until new changes occurred in the world of the White Tiger Master’s dojo that these quasi-sages stopped talking about the Tao and quickly After regrouping, each other realized that they needed to be on guard.

Seeing this scene, Qinglong Liu Hao could only shake his head, and felt even more funny in his heart.

But this may be the beginning!

The world of White Tiger Master's dojo has now entered another realm. To put it bluntly, the combination of its laws has completed the underlying structure, truly achieving the initial formation of heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, the structure was patched. At this stage, the 'secret realms' left by the White Tiger Master in the original dojo world began to gradually collapse.

Everyone who knows knows that this kind of "collapse" is more about replenishing nutrients for this newly achieved world, and it is also when the legacy of the White Tiger Master really takes effect.

Just like the inheritance places of 'alchemy, weapons, and formations' that Sanqing entered before, when they are completely integrated into the new world of achievement, these 'secret realms' will disappear without a trace in the future and become completely visible in this world. The avenue of pursuit will guide the way forward for the creatures born in this world in the future.

"Isn't this the 'method of opening the sky'?"

Even Liu Hao, who has the lowest level of cultivation, can see the "clear instructions" for his future "opening up the world" in such a fusion, let alone Sanqing and others.

“It’s time to take some time to tidy up your inner world!”

While Liu Hao himself was frantically comprehending the ways in which the laws were integrated into the heaven and earth, he was also deducing the heaven and earth at high speed without letting go of his little inner world.

But even so, he can only be the one with the smallest benefit.

At this time, whether it was Sanqing or Jingyin Zhunti, it would not be an exaggeration to describe his expression as ecstasy.

They have already opened a 'Dojo' on the edge of chaos. They used to call themselves 'Heaven and Earth', but they understand very well that it is just to put gold on their faces. They don't even know how to evolve their Dojo towards Heaven and Earth. .

But today, this opportunity is so clearly placed in front of him. How can he make them unhappy when he is so proud of how he does it?

Even if the difficulty is somewhat beyond their realm, so what?

Cultivation can be improved, and difficulties only take more time. As saints, how can they be stopped by these difficulties?

Speaking of which, even Hongjun saw the future.

His Zixiao Palace is only a little more advanced than the Saint's Dojo, and it is still just a 'dojo'. If we refer to the layout of the White Tiger Master in the future, the world will be made in the future, not to mention other things, the world that will appear in the future will definitely be Hongjun was already excited about the benefits of replacing him in his position of suppressing the ancient world.

As the spokesperson of the ancient world, the benefits in the ancient world are almost unlimited.

But the benefits are endless, which means there are also many disadvantages. The most typical one is that it is difficult for him to leave the prehistoric world, because he has become the real Dinghai Shenzhen in the prehistoric world. Once he leaves for a short time, it is likely to cause The shock of the prehistoric world made him become the spokesperson of the way of heaven, and he failed to become the spokesperson of the way of heaven.

This identity has been completely bound to him, and it is no longer something he can just abandon if he wants to.

Even if his own dojo succeeds in the world in the future, its role in helping Hongjun suppress the prehistoric world will still be limited, but at least it will allow Hongjun to take some time to go out. For him, there is even no better news than this.

Is Hongjun's trouble not Queen Houtu's trouble?

That is to say, Empress Nuwa, the Lord of Humanity, does not have this problem, but because of this, Empress Nuwa is still far behind the two of them in terms of cultivation. With such gains and losses, it is difficult to tell the future.

Even if most of the heavens and worlds are nothing more than ants in their eyes, the heavens are the heavens, and every heaven and earth is a part of the Chaos Avenue. As long as they can get a glimpse of it, it is enough for them to improve a lot. .

As the nearly free Empress Nuwa, if they can only be imprisoned in the wilderness in the future, it is only a matter of time before they are overtaken or even overtaken, how can they be willing to do so?

Even Empress Houtu has already made plans and has made progress on this plan. Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra guarantee now?

"The demon world under the eighteenth level of hell has been born. Perhaps this can be used as an experimental place to transform it!"

Empress Houtu obviously cannot be a good person, and no one can know what she is saying to herself. It is just pitiful that she finally emerged from the demon world. Unknowingly, she has been targeted by the most powerful person in the world. Whether it will be a blessing or a curse is anyone's guess.

But it was said that Liu Hao himself, when he was enlightening, also found that many laws were integrated and difficult to understand. He didn't know whether it was a flash of inspiration or luck. He thought of the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' and quickly took it out to see if he could compare it. Ichiban.

This sight made the joy in his heart rise several notches. It was also because he knew how to give up and did not pursue everything. He chose more than fine.

Since he cannot understand them all, it is better to pursue one or two of them. Choosing the original secret realm of the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' becomes Liu Hao's only one. Obviously, his choice is just right, and there is a clear comparison.

The effect of this comparison is also significant. If before, he could only understand the case from all the fusions, then at this time he chose Baiyi, but he was able to understand the case. For the most part, the efficiency has increased by nearly a hundred times almost instantly.

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