Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and forty-five. Wide open

1545, wide open

With the innate treasure of the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' as a reference, Liu Hao gradually entered the state. This time also did not last long.

This is the same as building a house. The foundation is originally the most difficult part, but the foundation of the heaven and earth of the White Tiger Dojo has been fully proved by the White Tiger Master over countless years. Instead, it has become the simplest part. Therefore, this most difficult thing has become the structural component of the dojo's evolution towards heaven and earth, and then adding to this structure has become extremely simple.

Since it is simple, it cannot last too long. When Liu Hao found that the original 'secret realm' in front of him had merged into the world and it was coming to an end, he could only sigh even if he still had unfinished thoughts. Fortunately, he was not without gains. But the exact amount obtained will need to be verified for a long time in the future.

But one thing, he has already had feedback, that is, he found that his control over the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' has been upgraded to a higher level through his understanding just now, and he knows more ways to use this innate treasure. Knowing how to save effort, and how to maximize the power of this innate treasure.

This can be regarded as an unexpected gain, but he didn't know that this innate treasure would not be kept in his hands for long. With the arrival of Qinglong Liu Hao, after showing him, there is a high probability that he would still use this newly obtained innate treasure. After giving it to the opponent to use, no matter what, the one who can really bring it to the extreme is Qinglong Liu Hao, who majors in the laws of heaven.

This is a digression. At this time, the world of the Great White Tiger Dojo has been completely stabilized, and the 'secret realm' in front of Liu Hao's eyes has just disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared, but he also knows that this 'secret realm' It is not just as simple as integrating the laws left by the Great White Tiger into the newly achieved world, but also almost without checking, Liu Hao himself can know that there are some other territories in the world under his feet.

However, these sites did not increase the land area of ​​the Great White Tiger Dojo world. Instead, they were integrated into this new world in the form of a brand new dimensional space, or an attached cave sky, waiting for the monks who really have the opportunity. Open and occupy it.

It is also because of this that the world under your feet can become a real world!

In terms of its vastness, Liu Hao also found that many of the heavens he had seen were far inferior to it. Even the magical world linked to the Qinling Mountains of his own Earth Dragon Kingdom was also inferior. Obviously, this may be what the White Tiger Master wanted to see. to the result.

Only in this way can it truly be a useful supplement to the ancient world.

He thought of the Azure Dragon Master and the Suzaku Master, and he didn't know if they had the same plans for the future as the White Tiger Master and the Xuanwu Master, but even if they did, he knew that they would not appear in the short term.

"The dojo left behind by Master Suzaku may be nothing more than an endless sea of ​​fire!"

Such a guess appeared in his mind, and then he shook his head, not wanting to think about it anymore. The gap in realm was too huge, and it made no sense to think about it.

In my ears, another sound of heaven came, but this time it was much clearer. It was not only clearly heard in the world of the Great White Tiger Dojo, but also in the entire prehistoric world. With the blessing of the will of heaven, as long as anyone steps on it, The living beings who have entered the spiritual practice have received a message deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, that is, there is an additional world attached to the great world.

This news directly detonated the entire prehistoric world. Everyone can know what the emergence of a new world means. Even if there is nothing in it, the Taoist charm in it is enough to benefit them for life.

But knowing it does not mean that they can get this opportunity. In fact, the vast majority of monks, even 99% of the monks, can only get this news. Then the edge of chaos is no longer something they can do if they want to cross it. Even knowing the path is in vain, let alone just a piece of news.

But even so, all living beings are still enjoying it. The opponents who were still fighting have also lowered their intensity at this time, and they all seem to be less enthusiastic about it. It can be said that the emergence of the Great White Tiger Dojo Heaven and Earth will, to a certain extent, To a certain extent, it is also giving a chance to cool down the outbreak of the great catastrophe.

For these sentient beings, it is just imagination, but for the many quasi-sages who have been waiting on the edge of chaos, the opportunity is right in front of them, and they are already eager to try it. All the original harmony between them has completely disappeared at this time. The alert level was suddenly raised to the limit.

There is also a gap among quasi-sages. Just like Emperor Xuanyuan, who has just stepped into the quasi-sage, he is naturally being targeted many more times. With the departure of the Fuxi clan and the absence of the Shennong clan, he has become a minority group.

"Why does the ancestral land of the human race ignore this?"

When Qinglong Liu Hao frowned slightly, a question flashed through his mind. For a moment, he also knew that this might still be caused by the saint's 'ban'.

The saints will not tolerate the existence of the ancestral land of the human race, but it does not mean that they can approve the departure of the ancestors of the human race in the ancestral land of the human race, because once this happens, the prestige of the saints among the human race will inevitably be reduced a lot. The ban given is naturally much higher.

On the other hand, Huoyun Cave, which is the dojo of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race, is more of a tacit understanding. Now that humanity has risen, this tacit understanding has changed. Both parties also have an acquiescence in this, which is why Xuanyuan appears here today.

While guessing, Qinglong Liu Hao did not choose to watch. He snorted slightly and directly warned the quasi-saint monks who had locked their consciousness on Xuanyuan, but he had no intention of taking action because of this, and there was no need.

Opportunity is always accompanied by disaster, and he doesn't think Xuanyuan can't pass this test. The improvement of the human race's luck is not just talk. With his warning, he believes that these quasi-sages who are ready to make moves must also weigh it carefully. Only with the influence of Emperor Ziwei.

Sure enough, with the cold snort of Qinglong Liu Hao, the group of quasi-sages who were originally interested in Xuanyuan Huangdi immediately restrained their thoughts. Maybe they cursed in their hearts, but they had to be honest on their faces.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!"

"That's how it should be! There's no need to be polite, Human Emperor! It's just that you have to be more cautious after entering. The Human Race's ancestral land should also..."

Qinglong Liu Hao did not continue to express his opinion, but he also gave Xuanyuan Huangdi a reminder. It was also a warning to other quasi-sages, telling them that the human race is not without people.

Xuanyuan Huangdi understood the deep meaning of Qinglong Liu Hao's words in an instant. After nodding with a smile, he remembered that he was not the only one supporting his family.

It seems that Qinglong Liu Hao is also a little embarrassed in his heart. The biggest treasure of Emperor Xuanyuan Huang was given to the leader of his own Earth Dragon Kingdom, leaving him empty-handed now. If he doesn't protect him here, he would be an inhumane person.

The two of them only exchanged two sentences, but it also made the other quasi-sages around them have to think carefully.

The ancestral land of the human race has been sealed off for countless years. Who knows how it will develop now?

When the ban was first imposed, not to mention other people, the cultivation level of the three ancestors of the human race could already compete with the great saints of the demon race. After countless years of seclusion, if they were not even able to attain the status of quasi-sage, They won't believe it either.

After thinking about it, they also discovered that the human race is not easy to mess with, and their destiny lies with the human race. As the current protagonists of the prehistoric world, if they take action and fail to achieve their goals, they will be greeted by endless pursuit.

Moreover, the Emperor Ziwei in front of him is obviously very firm in his position. That's right. If not, he would not have chosen the position of Emperor Ziwei. Isn't this already planned?

The saints must have been enlightened for a long time, right? Since the saints have acquiesced, it also means that the saints themselves are involved and will also support the future of the human race. If this is the case, why bother fighting each other in front of them?

Furthermore, as an independent existence, can the Xuanyuan clan really pose the greatest threat to them in the fight for opportunities?

Then the demon clan, Buddhists and the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God are the ones who come forward, right?

Qinglong Liu Hao doesn't care about the inner changes of this group of people. In his opinion, as long as these people eliminate their ill will towards Xuanyuan, it is enough. He even has no interest in visiting the world of White Tiger Master Dojo in front of him, just to wait for its opening. Get what you need and leave. Compared with the opportunities here, the 'Heavenly Way of the Tomb World' prompted by Liu Hao is the opponent that is truly suitable for you.

During this period of time, Qinglong Liu Hao thought about numerous countermeasures for Tiandao in the 'Grave World'. It was not about how to fight with the opponent. Before there was real contact, it had no meaning. On the contrary, he was confident that he could achieve the final victory. However, what I am thinking about is more about how to deal with the other party.

He also knows that the best way is to completely devour the consciousness of heaven in the 'grave world'.

But the best thing also has the biggest side effect, that is, it is very likely that he will have to be bound to the 'Grave World', and this price is not what he really wants.

Just when he was thinking wildly, a gap was opened in the protective formation outside the world of the White Tiger Master's dojo. It seemed that he understood the countless people waiting outside, and opened the convenient door to welcome guests.

They are all quasi-saints. Each one has endless patience and will not think that other opponents are impatient. The gaps appear, but they do not make anyone feel impulsive, and they all choose to wait silently.

After a while, the gap that opened gradually widened, and gradually turned into a road of mixed black and white. Originally, Qinglong Liu Hao thought that at this time, there would always be a few who couldn't help it, but who knew they were all thousand-year-old foxes? , all waiting for someone else to be the vanguard, which made him a little bit dumbfounded. While shaking his head, he had no idea of ​​waiting.

The realm is one level beyond this group of people. Qinglong Liu Hao can naturally see that although there is danger, it is just superficial to him. After waiting for so long, he does not want to continue to be entangled, which makes him become The first one to step into it.

His actions also caused others to change their plans, and they also understood that their calculations would probably not be able to achieve their goals. The second one to follow was Haotian, and then everyone from Heaven followed suit.

When this group of people stepped into the black and white passage, their figures disappeared in front of the newcomers, which made them unable to wait any longer. In a short while, the chaotic situation became the mainstream here.

On the other side, Qinglong Liu Hao, who was the first to step in, had already passed through all the obstacles, and his figure appeared in the world of the Great White Tiger Dojo. As soon as he entered it, both White Tiger Liu Hao and Liu Hao himself could sense him. Upon his arrival, two flashes of light signaled him. Following the breath, he came to Liu Hao himself not long after.

"Didn't something happen to our world?"

"There has been a slight change, but it doesn't matter. It is replaced by the incarnation of obsession. I am here because..."

He didn't want to stay any longer, but when he saw the deity asking, he immediately presented his thoughts one by one.

After Liu Hao heard this, he did not respond immediately, but asked others: "The Heavenly Way of the 'Grave World' is not easy to deal with. Its layout has been for countless generations. Can you think carefully about it?"

"How can everything in the heavens and worlds go as planned? It's nothing more than fighting for destiny!"

"That's right. Since you are ready, I won't stop you. It's also a coincidence that you came..." Liu Hao had to smile bitterly as he spoke, thinking in his heart that the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' of feelings was prepared for you. Could it be that the Great Lord White Tiger had planned this point in time?

When Qinglong Liu Hao took over the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', even though he was as indifferent as he was, a smile appeared on his face: "With this treasure, I will be more confident in this big competition!"

"The numerous groups of creatures in the 'Grave World' have been planning for countless hours, and their fate is more or less on their side!"

At this point, Liu Hao also stopped talking. He also realized that he didn't seem to need to remind him. He was his own incarnation. The people he knew before traveling through time also knew clearly who to be wary of and who to cooperate with when entering. There was already a plan in place.

If he talks too much, he will appear to be his mother-in-law. Thinking of this, he can only smile bitterly.

Just when the two were about to separate, the figure of White Tiger Liu Hao came out of the space. Even if his body was extremely restrained, the two of them could still clearly see the endless killing intent on White Tiger Liu Hao. As one, the two of them were probably about to raise the spiritual treasures in their hands.

"What are you doing?"

"I have gained a lot, it will take some time to digest it!" If Liu Hao, the white tiger, could finish one word, he would never say another word.

"How about the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror?" He then asked the reason for the meeting.

"It's running well. It's the best news that nothing happened!" Qinglong Liu Hao faced a guy who was even colder than him, but he seemed much kinder.

Liu Hao on the side was still shaking his head helplessly. His incarnation seemed to have just nodded to him from beginning to end.

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