Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Six. New Road

1546. New road

The method of beheading the three corpses is to cut down the three thoughts of good, evil, and attachment in the heart, and achieve the incarnation. In this way, one can achieve the penetration of one's own soul. When one understands the great road, one will no longer have the three thoughts of good, evil, and attachment. The evil spirit makes it possible to be in a more "sane" state whether it is to comprehend the great road or to create a method.

From another perspective, it is easier to enter the "quiet" formula.

This was Liu Hao's initial thought, but after actually doing it, he realized that these were just appearances.

Nowadays, he still thinks that the method of killing three corpses is more similar to the method of "one Qi transforming three pure beings" of Lao Tzu, the Supreme Moral God.

He does not really cut down the three thoughts of good, evil and attachment in the monk's heart, but separates these three thoughts and adds the deity himself, so that he can understand the great road from four directions and achieve this goal. A true comprehensive understanding of the Tao will not lead to generalizations of the Tao that one has understood.

He didn't know whether this was right or wrong, but the effect now seemed to be extremely good.

Because every time he gained enlightenment from his incarnation, it greatly made up for his shortcomings in various avenues and laws.

This feeling is as if because of my position, I am always used to looking at the problem from one angle, but I don't know that when I look at the problem from other angles, I can always discover the secrets that are difficult for me to see.

On the other hand, isn’t my true self supplementing other incarnations?

This is true complementarity.

He was very glad that before he killed the three corpses, he had firmly made his choice, that is, to be independent of all incarnations from the very beginning and let them develop. This was how he achieved his extraordinary progress in practice today.

Today, this harvest came again, but compared with the previous times, the 'realizations' I gained this time were far more numerous than before, so much so that it took me a long time to understand them one by one. Only by sorting them out can they truly be digested and turned into something of your own.

He also knew that the bigger reason here was that White Tiger Liu Hao had already realized Hunyuan. This ice cube didn't care whether he could fully accept it or not. He didn't think too much about it and just transmitted his understanding in one go.

If it were anyone else who had gained such a huge realization, most of them would have turned into an idiot in an instant. Didn't you see the original indifference on Qinglong Liu Hao's face was quite strange? It was obviously beyond his expectation.

White Tiger Liu Hao on the other side didn't care much. He got the "realization" from the deity and Qinglong Liu Hao. He just nodded slightly, and then tore apart the space and left. Moreover, he left directly from the heaven and earth of White Tiger Master's dojo. .

This guy has already lost interest in the new world under his feet.

It took a while for Liu Hao and Qinglong Liu Hao to adapt to the changes, and both looked at each other with a bitter smile.

"Is this Hunyuan? Compared with him, our knowledge is as much as that of a kindergarten child!"

"Daluo Daoguo is a dividing line, and Hunyuan is the same, and the chasm before and after the latter is even greater. Why are we not prepared in our hearts?"

"Even so, I'm still a little shocked!"

"It seems like I've taught you a lesson!"

"Since that's the case, I thought I would be able to prove the truth in a short time, but I just found out today..." Qinglong Liu Hao did not continue to speak, but the bitter smile on his face had subsided, and the light in his eyes was even brighter, and in his mouth Saying this, his heart has obviously come out of the shock.

After he paused, he raised his eyes and scanned the surroundings, and finally looked up into the void. Compared with Liu Hao himself, he could vaguely see the target he wanted to see;

Because there was originally the place where the Heavenly Dao ** appeared, but now it has disappeared without a trace, leaving only a little Dao rhyme, but it was also quickly captured by him. From this point of view, Qinglong Liu Hao’s understanding of the laws of Heavenly Dao Obviously different from his modesty just now, it is obvious that he has truly entered this threshold.

He didn't dwell on the fact that he missed this opportunity, nor did he sigh because White Tiger Liu Hao was not interested in the laws of heaven and received very little 'realization'. He believed that God's will is like a knife. Since he missed it, he would It means that when fate is achieved, there is no need to force it, let alone be annoyed by it.

But here, there is nothing he really needs, and Qinglong Liu Hao naturally has no interest in continuing to wander. He said goodbye to the deity, and walked towards the world where the White Tiger Master came without looking back.

Even Liu Hao could only shrug his shoulders at this openness, and he realized that his own "nostalgia" for all things was only slightly better than the obsessional incarnations of the three incarnations.

White Tiger Liu Hao and Qinglong Liu Hao, who left the White Tiger Master's dojo before and after, did not know that they had become gossip in the mouths of many quasi-sages outside this new world.

Who makes him the most unique person in the world?

This group of quasi-saints had to focus a lot of attention on them. They also wanted to see the benefits of completely liberating the three zombie incarnations and allowing them to develop, so as to evaluate whether they would follow suit in the future. Fan.

No wonder they are.

The purpose of practicing Taoism is to pursue the Great Way. To be specific, when they have reached the quasi-sage realm now, the only thing they want is to realize the Tao and Hunyuan.

In other words, as long as they think it is harmful to the enlightenment of Hunyuan, even if they see an example in front of them, they will still hesitate, thinking that it may be just a 'coincidence' and not an example that can be 'promoted'.

It's not that they think about how to convince themselves, but that they really know that they can't afford to gamble, let alone gamble rashly.

This is the reality, and it is also the only common topic they can chat about when they are waiting to enter the world of White Tiger Master Dojo. They are also observing whether others are moved while chatting.

Not long after, the figure of Liu Hao walked out of the passage. The group was startled again, and then they all nodded and saluted. Until the figure of Liu Hao disappeared on the edge of chaos, the sound of gossip sounded again.

"The incarnation just now was probably a benevolent one!"

"Exactly, he is so kind and kind, and he is happy to respond to our greetings with a smile!"

"I think there are more incarnations of obsession!"

"Oh? Could it be that fellow Taoist has touched the edge of obsession?"

"If this is true, I will laugh three times. How difficult is it to be obsessed with it!"

"In the entire prehistoric period, apart from the Taoist ancestors and the Daode Tianzun, who else has cut off their obsessions? I think this newly promoted Tianzun wants to surpass other saints..."

This person did not completely clarify the follow-up, but his words also aroused the recognition of many quasi-sages.

Behind the team, Zhuolong listened to the buzzing discussion of the group, but his lips were filled with disdain.

"Fellow Taoist doesn't seem to be in a hurry?"

"Fellow Taoist Wutian is not in a hurry. What's wrong with the poor Taoist waiting for a while? On the contrary, fellow Taoist, aren't you afraid that Buddhism will attack you?"

"What's there to be afraid of?" Wutian didn't even move his head to match his words. His face was still neither sad nor happy. No one who was familiar with it could distinguish the ordinary-looking Taoist and the new demon lord in the demon world in front of him. Correspond.

That is to say, Zhuolong, who has been sitting in the Netherworld Sea, deduced from the aura on the opponent's body and made an identification before. Most of the other quasi-sages also thought that Wutian was the reincarnation of a certain Chaos Demon God, but he was a bit more lonely.

"Fellow Taoist, do you think that the last person to leave was also the incarnation of Fengdu Tianzun's good thoughts?"

Zhuolong saw that Wu Wu aroused Wu Tian's emotions and did not hesitate. However, his words made Wu Tian chuckle, and he responded after a moment:

"Fellow Taoist has also been with Fengdu Tianzun for a long time. Could it be that he didn't find anything special?"

"What's his temperament?"

"It seems that fellow Taoist masters are very aware of this!"

"It's just too shocking!"

"The road to enlightenment is so difficult. Is it really the best way to follow the path traveled by the saints of the past? Do you really think so?"

Wutian was obviously more accepting of this shock than Zhuolong. Likewise, he also admired Liu Hao for being so 'free and easy'. He wanted to give it a try, but in the end he still chose to stop.

But he is different from other quasi-sages. He believes that what he really needs is how to find a path that truly suits him, rather than imitating whoever he sees walking fast.

Zhuolong, on the other hand, had another plan. At this time, he already had more thoughts deep in his heart. This was not only the discovery of the information that shocked him, but also the fact that Qinglong Liu Hao had even him as a prehistoric person. Zhuolong had to bow his head when he saw this dragon bloodline.

If Zhuolong before this had no choice but to bow his head to White Tiger Liu Hao, the Fengdu Emperor and Fengdu Heavenly Lord, then after seeing Liu Hao himself and Qinglong Liu Hao, he This sense of surrender that was not there before is already taking root;

Only then did I realize that I didn’t seem to be embarrassed at all about surrendering to the Fengdu Heavenly Lord, White Tiger Liu Hao, nor would I really embarrass my dragon bloodline.

He didn't know what this change of mentality meant, but he also knew that he could never make up his mind lightly.

But there is one thing he thinks he can do, that is, why not release one of his three corpse incarnations?

"Maybe it can be done, but it still needs Emperor Fengdu's permission, so that it can be truly justified!" Such a thought flashed through his mind.

As an ancestor of the dragon clan who was burdened with the first calamity of the Dragon Han Dynasty, it was not that he could not let his incarnation leave the underworld, but if he could get the permission of Liu Hao, the newly promoted white tiger of Hunyuan, he would also get the permission of the prehistoric world to a certain extent.

Likewise, isn't this a temptation? He would not regard this as an attempt to show his loyalty to Liu Hao, it could only be a test.

Wutian on the side saw the changes in Zhuolong's expression one by one, but he only thought that Zhuolong was hesitant in his heart whether to follow this path. At the last moment of seriousness, he thought it was Zhuolong's determination. try.

Naturally, Wutian would not think that Zhuolong lacked the perseverance to stick to his own path.

In fact, he wasn't so tossing and turning at first?

It was just a coincidence that the world changed drastically, allowing him to walk out of the demon world calmly. Knowing that he was about to become the protagonist of the increasingly terrifying catastrophe before him, he continued to strengthen his heart, but Zhuolong did not have this ability. Opportunity, countless years of stagnation, how could he not know the hardships?

With such a path right in front of you, why not try it?

It's not like you can't turn back once you step in. Even if you fail, it's just a small price.

Little did they know that the two of them were not on the same channel at all, and it was impossible for them to openly communicate with each other. Naturally, they had their own thoughts.

They didn't even know that Zhuolong had just made a decision in his heart, and the white tiger Liu Hao had already felt it in his heart. After a little calculation, the thousand-year-old iceberg on his face also showed a trace of relaxation;

"Dragon clan? It's a good thing!"

But this news was only known to him. Even Liu Hao himself knew nothing about it, let alone Qinglong Liu Hao, who had already passed through the passage and returned to his home earth.

"I've met the emperor!"

"Fellow Daoist Jiuying, you are polite. There is nothing serious here. If you are free, you might as well take some time to go to the Abyss Frontline to have a look!"

This is also a kind response from Qinglong Liu Hao to Jiu Ying's "attachment". The key is not the content of the response, but the attitude.

As expected, the smile on Jiu Ying's face immediately relaxed a lot after hearing this, and he nodded in agreement. As for the more 'uncontrollable' factors that resulted from his departure at the other end of the passage, in fact, neither of them really paid attention to it. inside.

If the real threat cannot be controlled by Jiu Ying, what difference does it make between its presence and its absence?

Isn't this a good step forward for Jiuying? Jiuying really doesn’t know where the opportunity lies on the abyss front? How is that possible?

Similarly, it was Qinglong Liu Hao who revealed a piece of news to Jiuying. Perhaps it won’t be too long before more quasi-sage powers will arrive one by one from the prehistoric world. At that time, it will be Emperor Juntaiyi. If he joins forces with Haotian, he can't stop him. So, what does it have to do with Jiu Ying? But don't let yourself die because of this. At that time, Emperor Jun Taiyi would really protect him with his life?

There is no need to doubt the former Emperor Jun Taiyi, but it is hard to say about the Emperor Jun who has returned.

It is difficult to say these words openly, and they can only be hidden deep in the words. As for whether Jiuying can really understand it, Qinglong Liu Hao also has a plan. He can see it to some extent and can learn from the Lich. Jiu Ying, who has survived the catastrophe to this day, is not a fool. Even if he doesn't really understand it today, he can figure it out soon.

"Fellow Taoists, you should know that Nuwa, the Empress, has already attained the mastery of the ancient human realm. The 'human realm' is not just the human race. All living beings with wisdom are in the human realm!"

"Thank you, Emperor, for informing me that Jiu Ying will definitely strengthen the demon tribe's respect for Empress Nuwa! It will be the birthday of Empress Nuwa in a few days, and the demon tribe should also offer sacrifices!"

"You can think of it this way. I think in the future, after Empress Nuwa knows about it, she will also look at you differently. Lords of humanity and saints will bow down and salute when they see you. If you get approval from the empress, your fellow Taoist will truly be limitless in the future!"

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