Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and forty-seven. Conquer

1547. Conquer

This is not that Qinglong Liu Hao wants to push Jiu Ying out who has taken refuge in him, but directly gives Jiu Ying a future. He is telling the other party that there is no need to worry about your so-called psychological burden. You can tell those subordinates who follow you that The one who really took refuge was the saint Nuwa.

Jiuying instantly understood the 'future' given by Qinglong Liu Hao. He didn't know that even if he really crawled at the feet of Empress Nuwa, Empress Nuwa would probably not look at him twice?

During the Lich Catastrophe, the Demon Clan never listened to a single word of advice from Empress Nuwa, and even did many things that made Empress Nuwa completely give up. In other words, Empress Nuwa would rather find a spokesperson from the descendants of the Demon Clan. Nor would he choose Jiu Ying, a great sage from the ancient demon clan.

But just saying that, it doesn't mean that you can't use it as a 'shield'. It can naturally be accepted by the demon clan, and there won't be any problems because of it.

As for whether Empress Nuwa will be blamed for this in the future, Jiuying is not worried at all, because this suggestion was made by Qinglong Liu Hao in front of him, which also means that these words have left their mark in the long river of time. When the time comes, Empress Nuwa will know with a little pinch of her fingers that even if she looks for trouble, she will only find Qinglong Liu Hao.

Since Qinglong Liu Hao dares to say it, it means that the relationship between Liu Hao and Nuwa Empress is far more stable than Jiu Ying imagined. He finally understands why Nuwa Empress would marry the Lingbao "Shanhe Sheji Tu" After giving it, I also understand why Liu Hao wanted to cast a statue of Nuwa Empress outside Shiwanda Mountain.

"The Great Emperor Ziwei at that time was no more than Daluo Jinxian, right? And he has already planned it until today?"

Many speculations flashed through Jiuying's mind. Little did he know that Liu Hao at that time was just expressing his heartfelt gratitude to Nuwa Empress for giving her the Map of Mountains and Rivers and the Xuanyuan Sword, but he felt that he could not really do anything for Nuwa Empress. This promoted the birth of the towering statue of Nuwa.

But some things are just like that. Regardless of coincidence or luck, the effect is a good thing. Just like in front of him, Qinglong Liu Hao can even feel that Jiuying's respect for him has increased a lot.

"Back then, scalpers didn't expect to have such achievements today. Now that we meet again, it's a chance!"

Qinglong Liu Hao naturally did not say these words to Jiuying, but to the bull demon Niu Guangxi who swept behind Jiuying. While he was surprised, he also found that this guy seemed to have development value, and his potential seemed to be a lot, but Due to the lack of some advanced skills, it is still stagnant in Taiyi Jinxian to this day.

As a member of his own Earth Monster Clan, he has a weak smell of blood. He can tell at a glance that he is not a bloodthirsty person, and he can be recognized by Jiuying after following Bai Ze. He is obviously a smart person. , in this case, giving further opportunities can be regarded as an investment, so naturally you will not be stingy.

But this time, Qinglong Liu Hao gave Niu a technique that was beyond the ancient times of Guangxi. One of the nine secrets of the perfect world, the 'Ji' technique, was also considered an alternative experiment. This could have stimulated ten times the fighting power. The magic method itself is not a skill that stimulates the bloodline?

"Thank you, Emperor!"

Compared to Jiuying, Niu Guangxi knelt down directly on the ground.

"Get up!" Qinglong Liu Hao gave the skill and waved his hand to lift the other person up. He was still not used to accepting other people's kneeling, "There are hundreds of thousands of talents in the mountains in the southwest, so don't waste them!"

This is a double entendre. It is not only meant for Niu Guangxi, but also for Jiuying. Isn't it true that the demon clan in the prehistoric world is not the real support of Jiuying and Bai Ze in the future?

Empress Nuwa may be disappointed with the demon clan in the prehistoric world, but what about the demon clan outside the prehistoric world?

Sure enough, Jiuying's body shook slightly after hearing this, and he was also a little annoyed in his heart. He felt that he had been too arrogant before, looking down on these monsters outside the ancient world, and he clearly almost missed a huge opportunity.

Qinglong Liu Hao also smiled and nodded in his heart. Children can be taught. The hundreds of thousands of monsters in the mountains in the southwest were originally the most powerful monsters in their own earth, but what about now? Its high-end combat power cannot be matched even by the Amazon demon clan;

Is it really because talents can’t get ahead? How is that possible?

It's just that once those who stand out and see bright prospects, most of them are let go into the primitive world. But after going to the primitive world, can these demon clans really rise?

The odds of this can be said to be smaller than winning the lottery.

Because these demon clans who were sent had little ability to stand out in the world of prehistoric times. Even if they became some small bosses, they still could not escape the fate of cannon fodder. If so, why waste it? Isn’t it good to hold it in your hand?

Aren't these people with outstanding cultivation and higher talents the natural elites of you and Bai Ze in the future?

In all heavens and all realms, talents are always a scarce commodity, and they are the foundation of all heavens and all realms.

Why would Liu Hao want to see the talents of his own earth being plundered by other worlds? Even if it is a demon clan, even if the world is prehistoric.

It was also the right day for him to mention this matter in front of Jiu Ying. He also knew that once Jiu Ying surrendered to him, there would be no possibility of returning to Emperor Jun Taiyi in the future. In this case, why not give him full trust?

But he had no intention of further elaborating. Some things could just be stopped. He would not interfere with such things too much. God's will is like a knife. Even if he knew that even if he gave Jiu Ying a reminder, the number that could be stopped would be limited. Not too much.

Qinglong Liu Hao, who has understood the laws of heaven, cannot predict what will happen to the heavens and worlds in the future, and it is even less clear whether the heavens and worlds will be further integrated in the future.

Who can say this clearly? The heaven, earth, and world are all in chaos. Since they can be forcibly connected, it is not impossible to further meet and merge in chaos.

Who knows if this is the situation that the person behind the scenes wants to see?

When he walked out of the Shiwan Mountain in the southwest, he raised his eyes towards the towering statue of Nuwa Empress. I don't know if it was an illusion, but it seemed that the Nuwa Empress in front of him was becoming more and more like the real Nuwa Empress.

Across the world and across an unknown amount of chaotic time and space, has this influence finally been reflected?

He murmured in his heart, not out of worry, but because he felt that this might become the norm in the future, just like Wu Zetian ordered his subjects to build a temple for Emperor Ziwei in the ancient southern part of the continent. ;

Even though he had never gone to the fruit and had not responded to any of the worshipers at all, he could still feel the connection between himself and the statue in the temple of Emperor Ziwei, and this connection was catalyzing the statue to move towards his face. 'evolution'?

When the incarnation of Obsession traveled through the heavens and worlds before, he also used the name of "Emperor Ziwei". Those who knew it, such as the mythical world where Liu Bang is now, such as the three generations of Zhu Di in the glorious world of Ming Dynasty;

Even if Qinglong Liu Hao never went there, wouldn't it be possible to guess the vague connection?

Is it because the believers who can vaguely see them offering incense are because these worlds have established Taoist temples for them? Didn’t you contribute part of your faith to him?

"I can vaguely sense that Nuwa, who has entered the realm of heaven, will only be more aware, right?"

When he withdrew his gaze, in the corner of his eye, the vague Taoist charm around the statue of Nuwa was not the feedback given by Nuwa.

"In the southwest, a new world passage is bound to appear. How many people will fall into the hands of the human race?

Forget it, the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance are already stable, so why do you need to get involved?

I think the incarnation of obsession is also expected to be like this, so I rarely stay in my hometown for a long time.

As a cultivator and the incarnation of the law, he can have the willpower to let go, so why should he care about it? "

Liu Hao, who was as indifferent as a blue dragon and also had a rare sadness in Spring and Autumn, may have also discovered this. He gave a rare self-deprecating smile, and then he tore open the space while shaking his head and submerged into it. When he reappeared, he had already crossed over to the planet. the other party.

"First Emperor Ying Zheng? The incarnation of obsession is beyond my expectation. The road ahead for the destiny of the dynasty is not ordinary difficult! Even if you are called the 'Ancestral Dragon', I think you are the only one who is the most suitable!"


Qinglong Liu Hao suddenly thought of something, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"The ancient ancestral dragon has passed away, and his body remains to suppress the eyes of the East China Sea. However, the Chaos Demon God killed by Pangu can be reincarnated. There is no reason that the ancestral dragon can only fly away!"

He said these words because he was already evaluating the possibility of Zulong reincarnating as Ying Zheng in his heart.

Of course, the reincarnation of the ancestral dragon Ying Zheng in his heart is not the Ying Zheng of Qin Shi Mingyue in front of him.

"The remnant soul of the Ancestral Dragon that I encountered that day was just an obsession of the Ancestral Dragon. This also means that the Ancestral Dragon has already had countless reincarnations;

Not necessarily. Didn’t Empress Houtu have a hand in it? "

He didn't believe that Empress Houtu could really sit back and watch the storm, letting everything in the world run on its own, and she could really watch everything.

For Empress Houtu, this kind of thing is not just casual? Even if he does something that can be understood, Hongjun is the only one in the whole prehistoric era.

Moreover, even if Hongjun saw Empress Houtu's actions, would he really stop her?

For such a trivial matter, to really force a low-key Houtu empress out of the mountain would be more gain than loss.

"According to legend, Ying Zheng has the blood of the Wu clan. Isn't this evidence that Empress Houtu fell into the trap?"

Liu Hao didn't think that these rumors would be groundless. It was a prehistoric time. Any news that could be passed down meant that it was probably true. The Wu clan did not have a soul. Now Ying Zheng in the ancestral land of the human race is still there. Isn’t it possible to practice?

Who else can be favored by Empress Houtu and let her blend into the bloodline of the Witch Clan?

The more he thought about it, the more Qinglong Liu Hao felt that the probability of his guess was greater.

"If that's the case, the incarnation of obsession will make an interesting move this time!"

Qinglong Liu Hao also showed a rare smile, obviously he still had enough to eat.

He made assumptions about his guess, and then extended it to think about the essential reason why Empress Houtu did this. After much deliberation, it was only Hongjun.

"Is it the Lich Catastrophe because of Hongjun's intervention?"

"If true, it can only be a karmic revenge of Empress Houtu against Hongjun, and only Haotian will face him directly! It seems that the disaster of the Great Heavenly Lord will most likely fall on Ying Zheng!"

"This disaster may also be the key to Haotian's ability to prove Hunyuan! In this case, Hongjun has no possibility of continuing to intervene. He probably saw the future and chose to acquiesce!

The prehistoric human race, as the protagonist of heaven and earth, is not just a nod from the saints. The love of the fate of heaven and earth will definitely give the prehistoric human race a chance to reach the top.

Rule the three realms and six realms?

No wonder there is not a single trace of the military souls of other dynasties left in the underworld, only the military souls of the Great Qin Empire are used;

It's no wonder that when Ying Zheng beheaded the three corpses, he let them enter the underworld without any hesitation! "

The smile on Qinglong Liu Hao's face gradually faded, and he looked at Ying Zheng in the bright moon world of Qin Dynasty again, with more and more profound meaning in his eyes.

There, a majestic city had already taken shape, and many machines sent by the Dragon Kingdom cooperated with the Mohist disciples of the Mingyue World in Qin Dynasty to show real construction speed.

But it is obviously impossible for a mere city to satisfy the ambitions of the First Emperor. In which direction should we develop in the future to meet Ying Zheng's ambitions?

"To go west, we need to cross the Rocky Mountains, and the demon clan is an obstacle!"

"Going east is not an excellent choice. America has no way out. Ying Zheng has passed through the Dragon Kingdom and it is clear to him that he has just entered the world. No matter how proud he is, he is not willing to let the main force of his army lose too much. However, the comparison between the income and investment is not worth it!”

"In this way, the only way to seize some land from the north and south is to make it border the "Zhou Han" established by the Confucian and Taoist saint Fang Yun, and to expel some of America is nothing more than a mutual compromise.

Going north is an opportunity, and Ying Zheng will not miss it! "

"This can only be done in a short period of time! I wonder if he can recover the demon clan in the Rocky Mountains, even if it is only partially, it will give him one more choice!"

If it were any other emperor, Qinglong Liu Hao would have little hope, but the possibility of Yingzheng succeeding is not impossible. This born emperor, this first emperor, has an extraordinary broad-mindedness. Coupled with the possible soul of the 'ancestral dragon', The result may not be low.

Isn't the method of transporting a dynasty a shortcut for those demon clans who surrender their hearts to Ying Zheng?

There are countless demon clans, how many can truly rely on their own talents to rise?

Among them, those monsters who have finally climbed to the middle level, after a long period of stagnation, will really not be tempted once the opportunity for promotion is placed in front of them?

"Lucky hit?"

Qinglong Liu Hao felt that he would need to find Obsession Liu Hao later and ask about his original plan.

"If you just do it casually, the power of fate will..."

He did not continue thinking, even if he felt a little unhappy, no matter who reached Liu Hao's level, he would not feel comfortable being driven by the power of fate.

At this moment, a 'dragon roar' came from the distant sky, and the noise was quite loud. He raised his eyes and saw a pitch black dragon appearing in his eyes.

"Black Dragon King? Is the incarnation of obsession increasing investment?"

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