Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and forty-eight. Ying Zheng and the Black Dragon King

1548. Ying Zheng and the Black Dragon King

Qinglong Liu Hao immediately wanted to arrest the Black Dragon King for questioning, but then he put it down and his eyes became scrutinized;

He also wanted to see how Ying Zheng subdued this black dragon. He knew that this black dragon king from Tianchi in Changbai Mountain was quite proud and was not easy to subdue.

The black dragon king brought wind and rain with him when he wandered around, and he was indeed on the verge of transforming into a dragon. I think he has benefited a lot from the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms over the years.

Liu Hao kept him in order to help Cao Mengde. In the Three Kingdoms era, productivity was already low. Even if his own dragon country sent personnel to improve its technological level, there were countless large and small aspects that needed to be integrated, especially training personnel was even more difficult. , and sailing on the sea, conquering other places, with the protection of the Black Dragon King, it is peaceful and calm.

Naturally, the Black Dragon King also gained a lot of faith from it, but even so, the Black Dragon King still dared not say that he could really transform into a dragon.

This is already an essential improvement. Once it fails, there is a high probability of death. Therefore, for the Black Dragon King, the more he can accumulate in it, the more his confidence will increase.

He also believed that Liu Hao would not harm him. If at the beginning, the Black Dragon King's choice to follow Liu Hao was an element of gambling, then now, he can almost say that he has 100% trust. This is why Liu Hao said hello , the reason why he quickly returned from the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms.

But he didn't know that this time it was different from the past. He was already given away 'like an opinion commodity'.

Of course, it can also be said that this choice is also two-way. If the Black Dragon King does not agree, Liu Hao will not be unhappy at all.

In the future, he will still choose to help the Black Flood Dragon King at a specific time. In fact, if Liu Hao is really willing to take action, it will not be so difficult for the Black Flood Dragon King to transform into a dragon. It is nothing more than giving some luck, or nothing more than directly transferring it. The Black Dragon King took him as his mount, which allowed him to have a destiny connection with Liu Hao to a certain extent.

But now Liu Hao is no longer as enthusiastic about it as he was at the beginning. When his cultivation was still low, a powerful mount, regardless of other attractions, was enough, but what about now?

In Liu Hao's eyes, the Black Dragon King's peak cultivation level as Taiyi Golden Immortal was no different from an ant. So what if he transformed into a dragon and directly stepped into Da Luo? What's the point of sitting on it and hating its slow speed?

On the other hand, if the Black Dragon King chooses to follow Ying Zheng, it will be a rare win-win situation.

It can be said that the basics of the two are the same, and their realms are almost the same. At this point in time, they are stuck just right, and it is the perfect time to complement each other.

Don’t think that when the Black Dragon King surrendered to Ying Zheng, the Great Qin Empire only got a future black dragon;

Don’t think that the Qin Empire’s Dragon of Fate has already gathered together, so it doesn’t need a real ‘black dragon’ to govern the country.

A simple example, if the Black Dragon King follows Ying Zheng and transforms into a dragon successfully, it will not only add a high-level combat capability to the Qin Empire.

Among them, the significance of introducing the Great Qin Empire's national-governing mythical beasts is enough to make other demon clans have a lot of goodwill towards the Great Qin Empire.

This goodwill is enough for the Great Qin Empire, a young force that has just stepped into the world, to stand on its heels. When it faces the monster clan of the Rocky Mountains in the future, everyone will not have to fight to the death, because The attitude has been expressed, and the demon clan in the Rocky Mountains has been told that the Great Qin Empire's attitude towards the demon clan is not impossible to communicate and negotiate.

Different from the prehistoric times, Liu Hao's earth does not yet have the concept of three races. However, there is only one collective name for the demon race for races other than the mortal race. Liu Hao knows this and has this push.

From this point of view, Liu Hao is not generally optimistic about Ying Zheng.

Returning to the front of the eyes, Qinglong Liu Hao disappeared into the void and watched calmly. Seeing the Black Flood Dragon King making the scene huge, he didn't know that the Black Flood Dragon King had gotten the information about Liu Hao's obsession and had probably explained it to the other party. This was how the Black Flood Dragon King came into being. The grand appearance is clearly intended to give Ying Zheng a small show of strength.

He did not dare to vent his anger towards Liu Hao. The Black Dragon King was not stupid either. He would not choose to fly away just because he was angry. Being valued by Liu Hao was enough to arouse a lot of curiosity in him, but these and being able to Being his new master is completely different.

This time, the Black Dragon King thought more about going through a formality, and then looking for Liu Hao. Then he would lower his head even more. He didn't think that Liu Hao would really know how to do it if he had been trended for so long. Give him up because of this little thing.

Liu Hao, the green dragon who disappeared in the void, could see the plot in the Black Dragon King's heart at a glance, and his mood for watching the show became more and more intense.

As the Black Dragon King got closer to Yingzheng's new city, the wind and rain started to become more and more violent, and he did not hide it and choked, but spread his majestic pronunciation from a distance, as if just to tell The Great Qin Empire is in trouble.

His actions naturally put a lot of pressure on the Great Qin Empire. The power of heaven and earth was not a big deal to the senior officials of the Great Qin Empire, but to the middle and lower-level armies, it was really a storm.

"Who is running rampant here?"

Seeing the solemn look on the Emperor's face, Li Si stepped out and shouted loudly. As his voice came out, a ray of light rose up, like a laser cannon, directly opening a gap in the dark clouds above the sky;

Above the gap, the corner of a giant black dragon was exposed to everyone in the Qin Empire.

If it were anyone else, he would most likely feel a little thumped in his heart, but from Ying Zheng's point of view, he instantly felt that a great opportunity was right in front of him. No matter how he looked at the dragon's horn, he felt very comfortable, as if the black dragon in front of him was born for him. And out.

As soon as this state of mind came out, Ying Zheng, who was still sitting on the throne, couldn't help but stand up. As he stood, the black dragon king in the sky also stretched his huge head out of the dark clouds, and two house-sized balls were Longmu pointed directly at Ying Zheng.

This was a mutual inspection. The two men's sharp eyes did not retreat at all. Those who didn't know it thought that the two were clearly confronting each other and would explode at the slightest movement.

But only the two of them knew it best. Even though their sharp eyes were full of murderous intent, there was no real Sha Nian'er in their hearts. On the contrary, the more they looked at each other, the more they felt destined to be with each other.

Even the Black Dragon King had no trace of this feeling in front of Liu Hao, but in front of Ying Zheng, who seemed to have average cultivation, he felt a touch of kindness for no reason, and this kindness seemed to be engraved into the bone marrow. , even if I grind my heart several times, I can’t even think of wiping it out.

In the end, the Black Dragon King could only think that Liu Hao had noticed this kindness a long time ago, and then he gave himself a reminder, and he also understood that he did have a close relationship with the person in front of him.

But fate is fate, but it doesn't mean that the Black Dragon King is really willing to surrender to Ying Zheng, and he will not give up at all when there is a test.

Ying Zheng, who was looking at the Black Dragon King, already had a high IQ. After just a few turns of his mind, he quickly understood the other party's intention. He didn't know that this was Liu Hao's arrangement. He only thought that this was God's will and he had to do it himself. Can.

Therefore, he waved his hand to stop Li Si, who was still about to shout loudly, and also stopped the surrounding soldiers who were eager to try, and stepped out:

"Great Qin, Ying Zheng!"

This is the greatest respect that Ying Zheng can give to the Black Dragon King, and it is also an extremely equal self-introduction;

After all, the Black Dragon King has stayed in the Mythical Three Kingdoms for a long time. Although his level of education may not be high, if he still doesn't know about such a famous figure as 'Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng', then he, the Black Dragon King, is really helpless.

When listening to Ying Zheng's self-introduction, the Black Dragon King could clearly hear the sincerity in the other person's mouth;

It was also this sincerity that made the Black Dragon King let go of the anger in his heart a lot, thinking about how it was, thinking that Emperor Ziwei did not really give himself to others 'like a piece of goods', but truly saw the fate of both parties. , looking for a companion who can truly be entrusted to oneself.

"If he is the First Emperor, he can let the Black Dragon King eliminate the greatest hostility in his heart with just a simple self-introduction!"

Qinglong Liu Hao, who was disappearing in the void, murmured in his heart. At this time, the Black Dragon King introduced himself, perhaps out of respect, but the self-introduction of the Black Dragon King almost made Qinglong Liu Hao laugh out loud;

"Dragon Kingdom, Black Dragon King!"

It has to be said that the self-introduction of the Black Dragon King is more about learning from Ying Zheng, as if not adding a prefix to himself will reduce his prestige. However, as soon as this prefix comes out, he will add a cause and effect.

This cause and effect made the Black Dragon King admit his origin to a certain extent, and he had a lot of connection with Liu Haolong Kingdom. He could borrow some luck from the Dragon Kingdom itself, but he must repay it in the future.

In the same way, it also made Ying Zheng feel a little more flawed. The emperor's suspicion made Ying Zheng wonder whether this was an arrangement by the Dragon Kingdom?

Fortunately, although Ying Zheng had doubts in his heart, he didn't care, because he knew that the intimacy in his heart could not be faked. More importantly, he just thought that there were masters in the Dragon Kingdom who could see that the Black Dragon King in front of him was really related to him. It was quite a fate, so I informed the other party and let the Black Dragon King in front of me make his own choice. This is why the Black Dragon King arrived today, and also the scrutiny after the Black Dragon King's arrival.

This actually aroused the pride in Ying Zheng's heart. He was suspicious and thought more. He even thought that to a certain extent, maybe the Dragon Kingdom also wanted to see if he could conquer the Black Dragon King. He was also the Dragon Kingdom. It is also a measure of the Qin Empire.

Unconsciously, Ying Zheng straightened his chest, put his right hand on the sword on his waist, slowly pulled it out, and pointed at the Black Dragon King in the sky. This was clearly telling the other party that since you are here to weigh yourself, Needless to say, it would be better to have a big battle, so that we can truly tell the difference.

This was also in line with the Black Dragon King's wishes. He moved slowly, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated as he moved, revealing his huge body like a mountain.

During the whole process, neither Li Si nor the soldiers around Ying Zheng moved their feet at all, which is enough to show the reputation of the First Emperor in the Qin Empire and the recognition of Ying Zheng's combat effectiveness by the generals of the Qin Empire.

When Ying Zheng's body slowly rose to the same level as the Black Dragon King, the aura of the two of them also reached its peak. Almost at the same time, they both chose to take action without any reservation. However, Qinglong Liu Hao, who was watching, It can be seen that even though the two tried their best, they had no intention of killing each other, and the target of the attack was not really fatal.

"It's interesting! Fate is so wonderful!"

He didn't think this was sympathy. The two of them had just met for the first time, so how could it be possible? It's just that they really meet each other. Isn't this the most powerful thing about fate?

Ying Zheng, who has been separated from the "Jade Seal of the Nation", is naturally not at his strongest, but it seems that Ying Zheng has no idea of ​​relying on the fate of the country to fight. For him, it is not only a proof of his own strength, but also a He has the greatest respect for the Black Dragon King and this is the only way. He understands that this is the best and the only feasible solution to conquer the other party.

For Taiyi, even if he is at his peak, such a battle scene is naturally impossible for Liu Haofa to see, but in the eyes of the soldiers of the Qin Empire, it is extremely exciting, and among them is the First Emperor, whom they most admire, participating in the battle. He can only see everything The soldiers of the Great Qin Empire felt the same way and did not dare to kick him even more. Once the First Emperor fell into a disadvantage or was hit by the Black Dragon King, there would always be screams of surprise.

In other words, both sides of the battle have invested 100% of their energy, otherwise they would really be affected by this group of people.

"The black water technique is not bad!"

Qinglong Liu Hao was the only one to comment. Every move of the Black Dragon King can cause the black water to accompany him. He has obviously refined this into an 'arm'. This is also where Ying Zheng's greatest pressure lies. .

Black water may sound like that, but in fact its biggest function is that it is corrosive. It is highly poisonous, and anyone who gets it will suffer disaster. Obviously, the First Emperor had never experienced defense in it. This also forced Ying Zheng to invest a lot of energy in avoiding, and even gave the Black Dragon King the upper hand.

This is not to be blamed on Ying Zheng. He is an emperor. Even if he goes on a personal expedition, he rarely goes out to fight in person. Naturally, this makes him very inexperienced in combat. That is to say, the two sides are really not fighting to the death. Otherwise, Ying Zheng will only be more embarrassed, and even very You may lose your life accidentally;

I didn't see that Li Si and the others below had already picked up the magic weapon in their hands, but if something goes wrong, they won't care about you much. Saving the First Emperor is the only thing they have to do.

In fact, the Black Dragon King knew these things very well in his heart, but he really didn't hold back, because he saw that Ying Zheng became more and more adaptable to this battle as time went by. In this regard, the Black Dragon Not only did the king not have any anger, but he was very happy to see such a scene. He even thought in his heart that he was worthy of being the First Emperor and the companion introduced to him by Emperor Ziwei.

Didn't he know that his mentality had completely changed from before he arrived?

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