Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and fifty-nine. Qilin

1559. Kirin

As a giant in the world, even if the Demon Lord dies, his graveyard will be as large as a small world. He has crossed the heaven realm and reached the human world, just like a bridge to the sky, linking the two realms together.

It can be said that everyone knows this news, but how many people can really travel through the Tomb of the Demon Lord twice?

Without the approval of the Demon Lord, even the God Emperor has no choice but to die.

After careful observation of the current state of the Demon Lord, Qinglong Liu Hao also had a clear idea.

"No wonder these people have to spend countless efforts to control Xiaoliu Dao!"

Since the term "Small Six Paths" is used to describe the cycle of sentient beings in the tomb world, it means that there are many loopholes to exploit. It is no wonder that in the subsequent war with the heavenly path in the tomb world, one strong person after another came back from resurrection.

Perhaps this is the greatest confidence for the Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian and others.

Just like the Demon Lord in front of you, as long as there is a trace of the residual soul left in the world, it is nothing more than how much time it will take to reunite. In other words, in the tomb world, as long as the Demon Lord does not seek death, as long as the Demon Lord takes it easy, he and the world will be together. There really isn't much difference between Tongshou and Tongshou.

Don't think that the Demon Lord must be very fragile during the period of his return. Isn't it clear to such a tyrant?

Just like the guardian he left behind, it is not something that ordinary people can bear. Even if the God King fights to the end, he will probably not be able to escape unscathed in the hands of the guardian.

For those with higher cultivation levels, there are no other means of defense in the Demon Lord's tomb?

Even if he overcomes these defensive measures, can't the Demon Lord in the state of remnant soul be violent?

It's nothing more than burning a few soul fragments that were finally reunited, and paying a certain price. It can be said that if the realm is not comparable to that of the Demon Lord, it is almost impossible to take advantage of it to cause trouble.

And those who are at the same level as him, such as Dugu Baitian and others, are on his side.

In fact, even if they are not a group of people, at their level, they have already run away from the so-called 'view of good and evil' and no longer bother to add insult to injury. They also need this tacit understanding. Who can guarantee that they will be able to do so by then? Won't you encounter the same situation as the Demon Lord?

The closer you get to the top, the more the truth that many in the middle and lower classes believe exists is not applicable at the top. This is often the reality. Differences in heights and disparate interests are the biggest reasons why they cannot understand each other.

In fact, this state is the same in any society. How can even a mortal world with an extremely low world level escape?

"It won't be long before the Demon Lord returns!"

Qinglong Liu Hao suddenly said something, which shocked Changshou Gui and Ao Qing beside him. Especially the information contained in the words shocked them even more.

After all, they can be regarded as a member of the surface boss of the tomb world, but some information is also beyond their control, and they must be afraid of it.

In the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, the demon lord lying on his side was already bursting with endless vitality, but these vitalities were tightly covered by the demon lord's body, and they could not see clearly at all.

Qinglong Liu Hao withdrew his gaze from the Demon Lord and looked below where he was lying on his side, but he could only glance at it.

He knew that the Demon Lord lying on his side must be suppressing a "Heaven", but he did not delve into the incarnation of the Heaven in the tomb world, and he knew that it did not make much sense, because before long, this "Heaven" would also 'Digested' by the Demon Lord.

That's right, it's 'digestion', relying on countless hours to absorb everything bit by bit in the suppression.

But Qinglong Liu Hao knew very well that in this 'digestion', it was very difficult to predict how much of the 'law of heaven' would be 'digested' by the devil.

After all, the Demon Lord's cultivation level is still a bit lower. If it were him, it wouldn't take much time at all. Moreover, this 'digestion' would be far more thorough than the Demon Lord's.

At this time, he was still hesitating. He knew that in the "Third Realm" of the tomb world, there were buried the incarnations of heaven in the tomb world such as "Cangtian", "Huangtian" and "Netherworld".

Even with such an incarnation of Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world can be divided into as many as he wants, but if it is really absorbed by him, does it mean that the 'nutrition' needed by the Demon Lord, Chen Nan, Dugu Baitian and others will be lost in the future? Became lacking a lot?

If this 'lack' expands due to his actions, so that they are defeated in the war with the Tomb World's Heaven, then this karma will really fall on him.

If it were White Tiger Liu Hao, he would probably not consider these things, but who told Qinglong Liu Hao to major in the laws of heaven?

Everyone knows that as long as they are monks who major in the laws of heaven, even if they know in their hearts that heaven is not the absolute 'authority', they must have the due respect, that is, 'go with heaven'.

At this time, Qinglong Liu Hao's biggest hesitation lies in this.

Even if he is determined in his heart that he will definitely participate in the battle with the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World in the future, it does not mean that he must abandon the mainstream plan for the destiny of the Tomb World.

"Forget it, it's not in front of you yet, it won't be too late to make a decision when you encounter it!"

Looking back, Qinglong Liu Hao lost much interest. He waved his hand, put away the longevity turtle and Ao Qing, turned around and walked outside. Before leaving the tomb, he was keenly aware of the aura of the Demon Lord. There was a fluctuation, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Have you found anything unusual? I underestimated you!"

Qinglong Liu Hao's footsteps did not stop. After leaving the Demon Lord's 'bedroom', there was a whistling sound in the dark tomb, and from time to time there were shrill screams, as if it were hell.

When he was about to leave the Demon Lord's tomb, his footsteps paused slightly and looked up at the sky.

"Chen Nan is still firmly following the path planned by fate for him. It seems that the power of fate in the tomb world is more turbulent than I expected."

"Yes, the biggest reason here may be the addition of the power of all living beings? The Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian and others have made an extreme plan. It is not easy to get out, and not everyone can break free!"

Speaking of Chen Nan, he has been extremely unlucky during this period. It can be said that more than half of the gods in the entire Eastern Heaven have issued the ultimate hunting order against him, and they are the kind that have sent out all their own sects to chase Chen Nan to the sky and the ground.

In other words, he was not destined to die, or this was an experience that he had to go through. The Tomb of the Demon Lord, the greatest forbidden and terrifying place for all living beings today, became his only chance of survival, and he had to take a gamble.

How could he know that this road was not as dangerous as he imagined, but was his greatest blessing. Except for the worse scenery and darker environment, he was given the utmost care.

This guy, who entered the heaven in a daze and had to flee back to the human world like a stray dog, had an exciting experience, but it was also because of this constant crisis that Chen Nan's potential was forced to be exerted to the extreme, and he had today's cultivation.

How long has it been? At this time, Chen Nan has already reached the critical point of the God King, but if there is a chance, he can break through.

In fact, this is also the case. Before long, this guy will become one of the top few strong men in the surface world of the tomb.

But by then, he will not have time to enjoy the benefits of climbing to a higher level, and a more magnificent world will be unveiled in front of him, forcing him to move forward again.

This guy who had been buried for 10,000 years was lucky because he escaped the last catastrophe, but he was also unfortunate because he was still ignorant at the time and could only let others arrange it.

But at least, fate gave him a rebirth, allowing him to have his own choice, even if he didn't know that this choice was also planned by others.

He just foolishly led all the expectations of the strong and went forward all the way, without any chance to stop and sit down to enjoy the scenery.

For ordinary people, under such extreme pressure, most of them would have been crushed on this road, but Chen Nan didn't. Instead, he became stronger and stronger, and his inner will became more and more firm, and he was completely fighting with his own destiny.

For this reason, Liu Hao must also give Chen Nan an "admiration".

In the heavens and the worlds, those "children of destiny" who can reach the top may also experience countless hardships, but if Liu Hao sums it up, there are really few who can compare with Chen Nan in this regard.

On this road, Chen Nan has done well enough, and has never let down the expectations of the Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, and his father Chen Zhan.

In the Endless Forest, Qinglong Liu Hao took Ao Qing and the longevity turtle on the cloud. They seemed to have no purpose, as if they were leisurely watching the scenery, but in fact, their purpose of this trip had been planned.

This is Qinglong Liu Hao thinking of the "Qilin" in the Endless Forest. This is a rare beast of heaven and earth. Since he knows there is such a beast, how can he miss it?

In his impression, this Qilin whose will is hidden in the human world seems to have no role in the future battle against the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World. It seems to be a soy sauce party.

In this case, it does not prevent Liu Hao from making an attempt. There are still too few chess pieces in his family. It is a pity to miss such a potential guy.

But when he really saw this Qilin, Qinglong Liu Hao had to admit that the other party's Qilin bloodline was not pure enough.

"Yes, the level of the grave world is there, isn't it because I expect too much?"

He comforted himself in his heart, but his brows did not completely relax.

He realized that all along the way, it seemed that the teachings he had learned from the Qilin clan were only in front of him, and where was the inheritance of the Qilin clan from other worlds?

In other words, even if he took the Qilin of the grave world in front of him as a chess piece in the 'chessboard of heaven and earth', what he could give to the other party was just to help 'heal'.

"In the prehistoric world, the three clans are also lifted, why is the Qilin clan still closed?"

Suddenly, he remembered that when he went to the original body to ask for the treasure, the group of waiting outside the world of the White Tiger Great Venerable Daochang did not see any 'elders' of the Qilin clan.

But if it is said that there is no quasi-saint master of the Qilin clan who has survived, he will not believe it. In other words, only the Qilin clan is still in seclusion and does not want to come out of the mountain.

"Are they afraid that the catastrophe will affect their own race?" This may be a reason, but Qinglong Liu Hao believes that this is still not the most important factor. As one of the most powerful races in ancient times, how deep is their foundation? Their understanding of the catastrophe of heaven and earth is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary races. How could they not know that the catastrophe is coming? Escape will not solve any problems at all.

In Honghuang, this catastrophe of heaven and earth is not just as simple as settling the cause and effect of all beings in the world. The Qilin clan must also know it, but they still made this choice, so there can only be a reason that he has not guessed.

He moved his eyes and looked down at Qilin again.

"I see, is it the spirit of fortune?"

"It's no wonder that the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World has changed its ways to cause Qilin to be injured!"

Qinglong Liu Hao could see the power of heaven hidden in Qilin's body at a glance, and his original plan also deviated.

Healing the opponent only takes a little effort in the hands of Qinglong Liu Hao. However, once this happens, it will inevitably attract the attention of Tiandao in the tomb world. This is almost the first choice of Tiandao in the tomb world to harvest all sentient beings in the world. No wonder it is in his memory. , during the future war, the unicorn in front of us will not have a role to play at all. There is a high probability that at that time, this unicorn will have already turned into ashes!

"It seems like we can't remove the power of heaven from this unicorn, but we can't just sit back and ignore it. Other injuries must be known. In this way, we can also give a chance to the lackeys sent by heaven in the grave world in the future. surprise.

In any case, it can be regarded as an 'early warning' to start a war. "

After a while, he had an idea in his mind, but he also gave up the original idea of ​​bringing Qilin with him. It happened that the other party's child was sleeping and recovering from his injuries. A three-color light flashed between Qinglong and Liu Hao, and in an instant, there was a situation that Qilin could not detect at all. After sinking into the opponent's body without anyone noticing, Qilin would probably only think that this time the healing effect was remarkable, but for Liu Hao, the chess piece that deserved to be dropped had already been dropped.

"It seems that the name of the Qilin auspicious beast has been recognized in all the heavens and all the worlds. Only in this position can the aura of blessing and fortune of all living beings be wrapped around the body for a long time!"

"Then, can we think that once Qilin exists in the heavens, the level of this world will not be any lower?"

Soon, Qinglong Liu Hao shook his head again. This cause and effect sounded like that, but in fact it had nothing to do with it. From another perspective, Qilin itself is a practitioner. Since it can carry practitioners, these worlds have nothing to do with it. How could it be so bad?

It is a false proposition in itself.

"Forget it, when you travel through the heavens in the future, you need to pay attention to this detail. Maybe you can find common ground from it. When you return to your home earth, you also need to be reminded of the incarnation of obsession!"

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