Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty. Man and Dog

1560. The difference between dogs and humans

The human world is still the Holy Land of Toad Terrace, and it would be unlucky for them to meet Chen Nan.

Chen Nan, who had been hunted by the major god kings in the heaven for several months, had already suppressed his anger and returned to the human world. Naturally, he wanted to take revenge on the orthodoxy of these god kings in the human world. But after avenging his hatred, he felt so angry in his heart. He still couldn't fully vent his depression, so he thought of the 'devil' that was sealed when the god-kings were still young thousands of years ago, hoping to release the other party, and then send them to the heaven to give those god-kings a hard blow. Let's do something ruthless.

But little did he know that this sealed 'devil' was actually an ancestor of his Chen family, one of the eight elders of the Chen family who was originally selected by the Chen family, but something happened that made this candidate empty;

But even so, he is still a top powerhouse, a generation of god emperors. When he comes out, even if he is very resentful towards those god kings, his biggest thought is still to extract the blood from Chen Nan's body to break through himself.

Qinglong Liu Hao felt that everyone in the old Chen family was paranoid.

What is the ultimate goal of the Demon Summoning Sutra? I cannot say that everyone in the Chen family knows it, but there are definitely many who know it.

As a "furnace"-like existence, which guy who steps into spiritual practice would be happy?

But before Chen Nan's father, there were already eight people in the Chen family who were willing to die.

From generation to generation, it was not until Chen Zhan that the first person to identify the Chen family was born. As an outsider, Qinglong Liu Hao sometimes found it incredible when he thought about it.

You must know that every person who can serve as Chen Zu's 'furnace' and be used as 'nutrition' for his resurrection is the true genius of the old Chen family.

To put it bluntly, those geniuses of the 'furnace' who were 'sacrificially sacrificed' to Chen Zu, at the moment they were about to die, were they really not unwilling at all? Have you never thought about relying on your own practice to surpass Chen Zu in the future?

Isn't it because Chen Zhan, Chen Nan's father, defected to the Chen family because of this belief?

As Qinglong Liu Hao, who knew the future pattern of the Tomb World clearly, he naturally knew that this was probably done by Chen Zu to fight against the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World.

To put it bluntly, when facing the heavenly way of the tomb world, only the top few can really play a role. For this reason, the old guy can be said to have risked his life and created such a technique forcefully. He sacrificed countless descendants for himself.

Just for the sake of Nirvana and rebirth, go one step further and reach the heaven-defying level on the same level as the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian.

With such a character, even Qinglong Liu Hao, who was extremely disdainful, had to secretly praise him in his heart.

From this, it can also be seen that in order to overthrow the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World, a small group of people at the top of the sentient beings can be said to have completely sacrificed everything they can.

Because they know that if they don't do this, their descendants, their ethnic group, and the creatures of their world in future generations will only be able to crawl at the foot of the heaven in the tomb world and become the nourishment of the heaven from generation to generation.

It is absolutely impossible to understand such a tragic song without empathizing with it, and it is impossible to recognize it without being in it.

But on the other hand, whether it is the Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, or Chen Zu, why do they need the understanding and recognition of others?

They are just doing what they think is right, even if they are reviled by others.

It's not that they don't want to believe their descendants, but they don't dare. For this reason, they have planned for thousands of years and advanced layer by layer. It was not until the last moment that they revealed their true colors and decided to die.

The eighth candidate of the Chen family who has been sealed in the Toad Platform Holy Land, is he not the group of juniors who look down on him behind the hearts of the Demon Lord and others?

If he is like Chen Zhan, he has his own firm thinking and only wants to follow his own path.

But this is not the case at all. Instead, he is jealous of the eighth child of the Chen family. This kind of thinking is something Qinglong Liu Hao cannot understand anyway.

Isn't Chen Nan who opened the seal one of them? There is a high probability that Chen Nan at this time, when he heard the chatter of the alternative eldest son of the Chen family, was definitely yelling in his heart, he was just a psycho and paranoid.

He didn't even think about quarreling with the other party, and directly sacrificed all his treasures, which indeed played the most important role. It was like naturally restraining the other party, holding the other party firmly in place and letting others come. The powerful God King attacks.

But even so, the eighth candidate of the Chen family did not suffer much harm. He was also waiting, because he understood that Chen Nanxiu was just relying on treasures to imprison him, and he could not bear it for too long. As long as he got out of trouble, it would be the responsibility of the group in front of him. Death date.

It's a pity that people are not as good as God, or maybe the real strong people in the human world have never thought of letting this guy go. After a while, Dugu Xiaoxuan, the goddess, the old man guarding the tomb in the cemetery of gods and demons, and the big man in the west... Lizard Kunde also appeared here one by one, which also heralded the decline of the eighth candidate of the Chen family.

At the scene, everyone's eyes were attracted to the eighth child of the Chen family, but no one saw that Kunde, the big Western golden lizard, had secretly captured Meng Ke'er. Liu Hao, the green dragon who had been hiding himself and watching, saw him, and it was a rare opportunity. Show a smile.

"Those treasures were conceived one by one with the help of Chen Nan's women. I think Chen Nan will be extremely complicated when he finds out about them in the future, right?"

This is indeed interesting. For Liu Hao himself, it would probably be difficult to accept it. Perhaps the only thing that makes Chen Nan happy is that he knows that these children have his own blood flowing through them.

In fact, how similar is this to the fact that one's own children did not drink Meng Po soup when they were reincarnated?

Each and every one of them carries memories of their past life, but which one of them in their previous life did not have their own parents and relatives? It is inevitable that such children will be separated from their parents, right?

"Why are you thinking so much? Then Chen Zhan can still endure that his only son is the reincarnation of another person's child, which also shows that this kind of thing is simply a tradition in his old Chen family.

Or is this kind of thing simply the norm in the tomb world? "

Thinking of this, Qinglong Liu Hao, who was about to let go, couldn't help but feel a little gossip in his heart.

Chen Nan also has another identity, that is, the reincarnation of Dugu Baitian's son, Dugu Xiaobai.

On this point, if you say that Chen Zhan knows nothing about it, Qinglong Liu Hao probably won't believe it either. Doesn't this guy feel like a cuckold?

Or is it simply because of the great enemy of heaven in the tomb world that he chose to be patient?

Only the person involved knows this matter best. Others cannot understand it even if they try hard to understand it.

Don't think that just because it's just a reincarnation of a soul, you can ignore it.

Which man doesn’t want his children’s souls to be blank when they are reincarnated?

Switching to Dugu Baitian's side, he got a huge advantage. No wonder this guy was willing to give everything to train Chen Nan.

Just when Qinglong Liu Hao was thinking wildly, the current battle was coming to an end. The eighth candidate of the Chen family had already absorbed 80% of his vitality by Dugu Xiaoxuan and others, and was directly knocked down from the level of the God King. In the end, he was even more Several people worked together to break through the barrier of heaven and send this possible scourge away.

But the one who suffered the most was Toad Terrace Holy Land. They were also unlucky. Toad Terrace Xuan was more or less happy with the world at one time, but this time it was even more like a situation where people were sitting at home, and disasters came from the sky, and they could not hide away.

It's no wonder that Chantai Xuan will be next in office soon. No one can bear the torment in their family like this over and over again.

Of course, this woman's biggest goal is Meng Keer, but unfortunately it is impossible for him to achieve his wish, otherwise Chen Nan will not be able to have many children in the future.


Below, Dugu Xiaoxuan finally returned the dragon essence to the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, but Liu Hao knew that the ruffian dragon would probably completely refine this dragon essence to become the Dragon Pearl. Only in this way can he truly compete with the dragon clan in all the worlds. Connect.

Isn't this the case for Ao Qing who is practicing again next to him?

"The next step, if I remember correctly, is the seventeenth level of hell, which is when the broken world opens and Chen Zhan's demonic body returns!"

"Do you need to continue watching?"

"You still need to go there. The demon lord will also come back by then. Even if the demon lord comes back and is at his peak, going to see how they use the law is also a reference!"

Once again, he delayed going to the burial places of the incarnations of Heavenly Dao in the tomb world, but only he knew it best. The biggest reason was that he still had not made up his mind.

In the Western Land, when Qinglong Liu Hao arrived with Longevity Turtle and Ao Qing, it was peaceful here, but he knew that not long after, Chen Nan would lead the Ruffian Dragon and his gang to cause chaos again. This time it was different from the last time. There is a huge difference, and the enemies are no longer the original masters of the Western Land, but the many main gods from the Western Heaven.

It is still Baidan City, the place ruled by the Holy See of Light, and also the place where the eighteen levels of hell in the tomb world are located.

Here, the Light God Sect has continued to exist since the birth of the Tomb World, but the God of Light worshiped by the Light God Sect is not the one in the Western Heaven today, but the first generation of Light God in the Tomb World in a true sense.

No one can connect the passing of the first generation of God of Light with the foodie holy dragon baby next to Chen Nan.

Many times, Qinglong Liu Hao has a feeling about the tomb world, that is, coming and going, in the entire tomb world, the ones who can really be useful are always that group. They continue to resist, die, and then reincarnate and continue to resist. , continue to die, over and over again.

They have always been perhaps the group that enjoys the most harvest by the heavenly law of the tomb world, just like a group of cattle and sheep being raised in captivity.

Perhaps, in their hearts, or deep in their souls, they already have such a perception, and they know that this cannot continue, and they must try a different path, which is why the current layout of the Tomb World is created.

This may also be their only chance, blocking everything. If they don't succeed, they will be benevolent. Once they fail, they will never have the chance to be reincarnated.

Why did the first-generation God of Light who followed Chen Nan, the Holy Dragon Baby, show a great closeness to Chen Nan when he first met him? Most of them also had something that had stayed in his heart before he was reincarnated. The deep imprint he left on him told him that the person in front of him was the person he had been waiting for for countless years, and it was always right to follow him.

This is also the real reason why Chen Nan has one cute pet after another and one treasure after another.

It is not only driven by the power of fate, but also has a layout that continues to this day.

Baidan City is a typical city of faith. The influence of the Church of Light extends almost to every corner of the city, and it has a profound influence on every citizen in the city.

But Qinglong Liu Hao was dissatisfied with this. In his opinion, what was the difference between the actions of the Bright Church and the way of heaven in the tomb world?

One is to treat sentient beings as pigs and dogs, and the other is to treat believers as cattle and sheep.

Cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs are just livestock, slaughtered to be fattened and fattened.

It's just that the perception was different during the period before being slaughtered.

“Isn’t this the essential difference between Eastern and Western civilizations?”

Sometimes I think about it, those Westerners have been emphasizing that the people of Yan and Huang have no faith in their hearts, but they have no idea how ridiculous those Westerners who say such things are.

This is like a group of dogs asking a group of people, "Why don't you eat shit?"

How can a group of people who are willing to kneel at the feet of the so-called ‘gods’ and a group of ethnic groups who are willing to kneel and lick the ‘gods’ understand the people of Yan and Huang who have a heart of ‘resistance’?

In fact, when you think about the topic of the other person's inquiry, you have already fallen into the other person's trap and subconsciously thought that "people should have their own beliefs."

Perhaps what this civilization is best at is bringing your IQ to their level, and then using its rich experience to defeat you.

Looking back now, it is so ridiculous.

Isn't this the case in the world of graves?

In the end, even during the war with the Heavenly Dao of the tomb world, the ones who can really play a role in Western civilization are not their so-called group of gods or angels?

Have you ever seen ordinary people from this world standing up and shouting?

Cows and sheep are cows and sheep after all!

The countless people in Baidan City have been completely imprisoned and have become completely ignorant of resistance. They will only accept the situation;

If one day the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World crushes the God of Light they believe in in front of them and rubs it hard on the ground, then they will definitely change their stance extremely quickly and kneel down respectfully at the feet of the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World, kneeling and licking each other. , calling the 'Grave World Heaven' as 'Lord'!

They have become accustomed to this kind of life. The so-called sacrificing one's body to the Tao may not be possible even one in a billion. This is the reality!

Looking up at his magnificent Holy See, Qinglong Liu Hao always felt extremely ironic wandering around the entire city of Baidan. He didn't even have to think about it, and he could clearly understand that even all the masters in the Holy See of Light had always regarded all I pinned my hopes on the 'Holy Dragon Baby', and I never thought that I might be able to do it myself!

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