Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and sixty-five. Expulsion

1565. Expulsion

The inexplicable sigh appeared in Qinglong Liu Hao's heart. It was also his understanding of the way of heaven. It was also his discovery in time. He quickly took out the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' in his hand to cover up the abnormal phenomenon caused by the improvement of the way. Otherwise, the whole world would probably be in chaos at this time. .

In that case, he would have to face the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World, which was not a situation he wanted to see.

Facing such an old opponent, it is better to have a good layout. Only in this way is it interesting, isn't it?

When Qinglong Liu Hao had fully absorbed what he had just realized, the Seven Star Island in front of him had changed drastically. Countless "magic weapons" transformed from the sea water around the "Seven Pillars of Heaven" were charging towards the seven "Heaven Pillars" like thousands of troops. You can tell at a glance that he is being manipulated.

This approach is no different from ants eating elephants. It seems that they have been doing useless work, but if the time lasts for tens of thousands of years, it is not the case at all. No matter how huge the elephant is, in the end it can only Collapsed.

And this collapse is obviously right in front of us.

This is also the purpose of Qinglong Liu Hao's arrival today, which is to observe the creatures in the fifth realm of the tomb world, or to understand the other party's cultivation method.

All of this is going on quietly. These seven so-called ancient gods in the fifth realm have no idea that they have been scanned by Qinglong Liu Hao when they were sealed, and their most fundamental secrets were found from them. The method of practice.

"Tempering the body does not mean that you can ignore the soul, but it means that you can completely integrate it with the body and temper it!"

"Regardless of the difficulty, the pain alone is unbearable for ordinary people!"

"It's no wonder that they are extremely practiced and have the characteristic of 'immortality'. Although this characteristic is a bit shoddy, it has to be admired!"

Everyone knows that immortality in any world is relative.

Even the saints in the prehistoric world are only immortal in the prehistoric world and cannot be killed no matter what. Even if Hongjun personally takes action, it will be in vain. At most, it will only be sealed.

But these ancient gods of the fifth term in front of us cannot compare with the immortality of the saints of the prehistoric world. Most of them are still difficult to kill. Unless their bodies and souls are completely wiped out, others can recover. Many of them can be restored. Those who were reborn with blood in the world were still a little worse than the people in front of them.

Therefore, Qinglong Liu Haocai described it as "false immortality".

But even if the word "fake" is used, it is already very rare in Qinglong Liu Hao's opinion. It is also an excellent reference object, especially those in his own earth who are inherently lacking in talent in Qi training and have to This is especially true for monks who take the path of satin body.

The threat of the abyss is right in front of us. So many monks who can only use physical attacks are wasting away. It is unjustifiable not to use them.

Before today, Liu Hao had not thought about this aspect, and also thought about whether to introduce Wu Clan skills on a large scale, but in the end he put it off and chose to wait.

This waiting finally paid off today.

Perhaps it is because the fifth monks of the Tomb World have completely integrated their souls into their bodies, so that every attack they make adds a lot of damage to the enemy soul bearer.

Qinglong Liu Hao believes that this may be because they already know it very well and unconsciously take this side effect into consideration. This is the most difficult thing. With such an effect, it will naturally be more effective in the battle. There was support for the abyssal species. Even if the effect could only be considered far-fetched at first, it was still much better than no effect at all.

As for the difficulty of cultivation, Qinglong Liu Hao doesn't care much. What road will be smooth sailing?

Is it possible that a monk is going against nature and wants to improve himself without enduring hardships and hard work?

Even if it exists, it is absolutely pitiful. They must have countless backers who have helped them lay the road, so how could it be your turn?

In this cruel world, the lazy ones have long been eliminated by time. At least it is difficult for Liu Hao to see the "shoulder" in his own dragon country. At most, some people are more contented.

In an era where everyone is striving to get ahead and fight for their own lives, striving to find opportunities and practice hard has penetrated into the hearts of every compatriot. This is not only a matter of survival, but also whether we can survive in the future. The biggest bargaining chip to continue to survive.

All he had to do was to make a good summary based on the several ancient gods in the Fifth Realm in front of him. Of course, the best way was to detain one or two of them and push them to his own experimental platform, such as a profound dissection or something like that. .

All the worlds and human races are basically the same. To explain it in scientific terms, the genes within them are basically similar.

But it's just 'basic', and it can't be exactly the same, because the environment faced by each world is very different, resulting in this gap.

Among them, because of the ethnic group, it may be close to 99% or even more, but once there are differences, in many cases, this small difference often determines everything.

The tomb world is already very different from our own earth world, and with the chaos of heaven and earth in it, who knows how big the gap is, especially since it is a gathering place for the non-human world, it is even more different.

It can be said that Qinglong Liu Hao's approach is the safest. He directly abandoned the method of searching for skills in the opponent's mind, and pursued the essence fundamentally. He used these countless data to make his own summary, combined with his own attempts, almost After some deductions, it will be truly taught to the people of the Dragon Kingdom on their own earth, and then it will be taught to everyone in the Yanhuang Alliance.

He doesn't want to cause changes in the future because of his temporary laziness. Once this happens, he will truly regret it.

While he was studying it carefully, on the seven islands in front of him, obvious cracks had begun to appear on the big pillar that reached the sky. Most of the monks who originally lived on it had fled, leaving only a few old guys. , these old guys obviously have their own mission and are ready to fight.

But Qinglong Liu Hao knows that these old guys who are left behind are just delivering food at most. Even if they stand there and let you chop them, you can't even think of cutting a hole in their bodies. The gap is so huge. It's so huge that I can only despair.

At this time, Qinglong Liu Hao also felt that the reason why the demon lord expelled the monks above the heaven level of the grave world to the third world was probably because he did not want to cause violent conflicts.

This is often the case sometimes. When monks with higher cultivation levels actually fight, the destruction caused is far more terrifying than when high-level monks bully low-level monks. Often in the eyes of high-level monks, monks with low cultivation levels are nothing more than ants. Too lazy to look directly at it.

This may be part of the devil's plan. If they avoid them, this group of people will feel bored after a lot of trouble, and it will be a matter of time before they leave.

Obviously, the devil's plan was successful.

After the few old guys who stayed behind rushed up, they were just picked casually, like skewers of candied haws on a stick. They didn't even blink their eyebrows, and they didn't make the other party have any mood swings at all.

Even Chen Nan and his group who were watching them didn't even take a glance at them and just ignored them.

With that time, it is more important to extract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to restore oneself. However, the speed at which he extracted the spiritual energy of heaven and earth made even Qinglong Liu Hao couldn't help but praise him.

"I directly abandoned the method of Qi training and opened all the acupoints around my body to form one body, just like a formation. No wonder I can completely integrate my soul into my body!"

This is like a dragon sucking water, and one drink is like a river.

Not only that, but even the vitality on the seven islands under his feet was not spared at all. The various spiritual plants planted by countless monks on the original seven islands were plundered by this guy in just a few breaths. Once it is empty, it turns into dust and disappears into the heaven and earth in a moment.

And as time goes by, this guy's recovery speed becomes faster and faster, and the pressure he brings to the surroundings becomes more and more terrifying. Starting from the island, he heads towards the sea, and directly plunders the vitality from the sea and fishes wandering in it. Didn't let go of anything.

In just a few breaths, the whole sea was covered with countless fish corpses for hundreds of miles around this guy.

Such an effect was not enough for this guy. Then Qinglong Liu Hao saw that the surroundings began to become a little dark, but this guy set his target in the sunshine. It seemed that as long as it was energy, he would not refuse it.

"That's nothing! You can't be picky!"

As a researcher, Qinglong Liu Hao is very happy about this. Greed is not terrible. What is terrible is that greed is also picky. The population of the Dragon Kingdom on Earth is now more than two billion, plus more and more people from the Yanhuang Alliance in the world. But you can't afford to be picky. This way of absorbing energy that doesn't refuse anyone comes is actually the best.

"Has space already fluctuated? This guy seems to be stronger than I expected!"

It was clear that this guy was still not satisfied, so he turned it up and absorbed energy from the most difficult space. Unfortunately, he still couldn't tear apart the dimension, otherwise the effect would only be stronger.

"Perhaps it can be combined with the Nine-turn Mysterious Technique of the Great Desolate Taoist Sect. Even the first few turns will be good!"

Liu Hao was not worried about whether he could get it from Sanqing, especially in the first few rounds, it was nothing more than a transaction.

He doesn't need the subsequent rounds. What he needs to summarize for his family cannot be too complicated, nor can it directly include everything. It is more basic, such as Zongzong before the immortal level.

As for the follow-up, he may release some, but that's all. Those who are truly talented in this area, after becoming familiar with these, can always combine themselves to compile a set that is truly most suitable and suitable for them.

And this is what Liu Hao wants to see.

Although I really don’t want to admit it, in any system, the pyramid model has always been inevitable, and only a few can truly reach the top.

These few people often really shine as long as they are given a little sunshine.

All he needs to do is this, just give him a chance.

At this time, in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, the guy who plundered the aura and vitality of the world, nothing on his body escaped his eyes. Like stars, countless light and electricity flashed in his eyes, which were densely packed, but also clearly had a unique The operating mode is like a precise computer, full of charm.

"These photoelectrics cover the entire human body, leaving no blind spots!"

"But it needs to be broken down carefully. The initial introduction must not be so complicated!"

Obviously, he had entered his own state, and was already doing various simulations deep in his heart, forming countless methods, but until this guy stopped plundering spiritual energy and vitality, Qinglong Liu Hao still did not give an accurate answer.

"But I'm a little anxious!"

"It seems we still need some action!"

The action in his mouth was naturally to win one or two of them, but he was not in a hurry. The other party still had his own mission in the tomb world. This mission was to force Chen Nan to the extreme, to give Chen Nan the ultimate pressure, to force him The other party had no choice but to take the path of merging with the eight remaining souls of the old Chen family in order to improve himself.

Here, if there wasn't the devil's plan, he wouldn't believe it. If others don't know, doesn't he know that the so-called core of the broken world is basically in Chen Nan's body? To be precise, it is the inner world in Chen Nan's body. .

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh at the great wisdom of the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian. Every step was almost stuck. Only by utilizing all the resources to the extreme could they create a tomb to bury the way of heaven.

Seeing the ancient god of the fifth realm drifting away, he glanced slightly in the direction of Chen Nan. There, the ruffian Long was cursing. Needless to say, he was also very angry.

People are like this. When the enemy is in front of them and there is no way to stop them, they will inevitably feel fear in their hearts and will make the enemy let them go.

But when the enemy ignores you from beginning to end, you will feel that your dignity has been completely trampled on, and any vicious words will be spoken immediately, just like the ruffian dragon at this time.

"You are very free. If you really want to go up and fight with the opponent, I can help you!"

Qinglong Liu Hao's voice lingered in Ruffian Long's ears. The guy immediately felt like a goose that had its neck strangled. He couldn't utter a single hoarse sound and his face turned red in an instant.

His sudden change attracted the attention of Chen Nan and others, and all kinds of doubtful questions were directed at the ruffian Long Gai.

At this moment, Ruffian Zilong realized that he was the only one who heard Qinglong Liu Hao's voice just now. He didn't dare to explain much, so he could only complain a few words, but he was happy in his heart, thinking that his backer was indeed the strongest. The abominable person who ignored him seemed to be just like him, and no one was found watching from the beginning to the end.

Immediately, Ruffian Long felt relaxed again, and his whole body instantly regained his confidence, as if he was not the one whose self-esteem had been hurt by the curse he had just cursed.

"See you next time, if you haven't broken through to the God Emperor yet... humph..."

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