Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and sixty-six. Chen family ancestral land

1566. Chen family ancestral land

Qinglong Liu Hao's words completely made the ruffian dragon's bones soft.

During this time since he returned to the cultivation of the God King, he has been wild and self-indulgent, almost completely abandoning his practice. Suddenly, someone whipped him behind him with a whip. Only then did Fa Ying come over. He was not unattended. .

He suddenly changed from swearing to silence, which also made Chen Nan surprised. When he looked again, the trace of fear on Ruffian Long's face had not faded, and he quickly asked why, but what he got in exchange was Ruffian Long's perfunctory response.

Chen Nan only thought that the ruffian was frightened by the ancient god just now. In fact, he was completely powerless.

I thought that after entering the rank of God King, my voice would be greatly improved, but I didn't know that a steady stream of masters emerged and dashed this idea in his mind;

Just now, on the Seven-Star Island, the Longwu sect's background was left to delay the time, but it didn't make the slightest wave in front of the ancient god. However, as soon as they met, they were picked into a string. The leader, whose cultivation level But so is the God Emperor.

In other words, with his cultivation as a God King, he is just like an ant in front of others, so it is no wonder that he is completely ignored by others.

When such an extremely powerful master just ignored me, why didn't I feel relieved in my heart? Didn't I feel a little bit of fear before?

He can somewhat understand why the devil sent those real masters to the third realm. Just like the ancient god just now, just to recover himself, he forcibly destroyed a holy place of cultivation around him. If there were a group of masters, how devastating would it be to the world?

The world can withstand it once or twice. If it continues like this for a long time, how much will be left in the end?

"But why did the Demon Lord forget only these few people?"

Chen Nan suddenly remembered this incident again. He didn't think that the Demon Lord had forgotten it, so it could only have been intentional.

He couldn't think of an answer after much thought, and in the end he had to give up. But he always felt in his heart that these people had a great relationship with him, and he had a feeling that they would come to his door soon.

His feeling must be said to be very keen.

These seven ancient gods who broke through the seal have now reached the seventeenth level of the eighteen levels of hell under Baidan City.

They looked around and soon discovered that this broken world seemed to be missing a corner, and this corner was the core of this broken world.

Thousands of years ago, these seven people were living freely in the fifth realm. One day, the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian arrived and hired them at the cost of a broken world. Their opponents were naturally those incarnations of the way of heaven.

They finally achieved their goal. Both Cangtian, Huangtian and Netherworld are now buried somewhere. They made great efforts, but the final result was that they were sealed away. No one would be willing to accept it.

Fortunately, they don't seem to have much resentment about this. They follow the law of the jungle and the strong, and they don't seem to be filled with hatred because of being sealed. On the contrary, they think that they are preparing for others' schemes because they are not strong enough.

But now that he is out of trouble, he naturally wants to get back his own 'employment fee', which is the broken world that the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian responded to. Naturally, they will not be happy to return with a broken world that lacks the core.

Out of this idea, these seven people began to wander around the world, and soon they found the Dujia Xuan Realm.

Then, there was a crazy killing. The Du family, which had stood for thousands of years, was completely wiped out without knowing the reason. In the entire Du family's mysterious world, no living thing, whether human, animal, insect or bird, could escape.

Unfortunately, the Du Jiaxuan Realm is still not the core of the broken world that these seven people wanted. Chen Nan's keen sense was also verified at this moment.

Kunlun, Chen Nan's group who returned are now blocked in the mysterious world by the leading ancient god. One person has completely sealed off the entire Kunlun mysterious world. Even the newly fused and separated Qijue female Chantai Xuan cannot leave. But this guy didn't seem to be in a hurry to get back the broken core of heaven and earth in Chen Nan's body, because he saw the benefit that he cared about more, which was Chen Nan's unborn child.

What others couldn't see, he could see clearly. He himself practiced the art of merging weapons. How could he not see that Chen Nan's unborn child was simply the upcoming reincarnation of a certain soul soldier? ?

If he is a person with normal emotional intelligence, in fact, this matter is not non-negotiable, because it is more about establishing trust, and it is not too late to fall out when he fails to succeed in the end.

But that was not the case. He was used to being domineering and believed that it was only natural for the strong to demand from the weak. Whatever he thought of, he never thought of hiding his thoughts, so he told the other party straightforwardly.

Chen Nan was absolutely confused, and then his endless anger had nowhere to vent. The child he had worked so hard to protect for so long was already labeled before he was born, and there was no intention to discuss it with him. It was like a piece of cargo. People were already waiting outside the door, waiting for their child to be born and taken away. How could he bear it?

Naturally, he had to fight hard, but soon he discovered that no matter how many ants there were, they were still ants. No matter how many they were, they would not be able to do anything. He could not even go out, let alone resist.

Fortunately, his old Chen family still has a trump card, and the fourth and fifth elders of the Chen family also understand that now is the time to reveal their trump cards;

Little did they know that all their actions were under the eyes of the other party, and they had no intention of stopping them. They just watched them from the sidelines, and then the ancestral land of the old Chen family was also spread out in front of everyone.

This place was originally a moon in the heaven of the tomb world. It has been occupied by the old Chen family for countless years. Today, it can be regarded as a real test.

The eight previous ancestors of the Chen family, when they reached the peak of their practice in summoning demons, destroyed themselves to provide nourishment for the ancestors of the Chen family. However, even if they did so, the ancestors of the Chen family still could not absorb all of them. They are clean, and in the end they still retain a trace of their souls.

The fourth and fifth sons of the Chen family were thinking of them. They returned to the ancestral land of the old Chen family just to summon them. Only they could truly resist the ancient god-man leader who had escaped from trouble.

It has to be said that a person who is extremely proud will always be arrogant.

This was the case for the leader of the ancient gods at this time. Even though he knew that Chen Nan would definitely increase his cultivation level after merging the eight remnant souls of the old Chen family, he did not make any move. He just waited quietly, feeling all over his body. It was so relaxing to go up and down, and I even hoped that the other party could bring me a little fun.

It can't be said that he is really arrogant. In fact, if he hadn't met Chen Nan, he would be really fearless. Don't think that his "fake immortality" characteristic is fake in the tomb world. It can only be said that he is Meeting Chen Nan, the son of destiny in the tomb world of this era, was his greatest misfortune.

When it comes to luck, it can be so overbearing sometimes. How many people in the world have been defeated by this?

Somewhere in the void, Qinglong Liu Hao watched leisurely. When Chen Nan used the "law combat skills" of the remnant soul of the eighth ancestor of the old Chen family several times but still could not cause much damage to the ancient god-man, he had a slight disdain on his lips.

He does not think that this is the immunity of the law as claimed by the ancient god. In fact, it is more of a conflict with himself. In addition, the 'law combat technique' is not a law after all.

For example, if the law is compared to an iron sword, then the law combat skill is more like an 'iron sword', and the real body inside is more of wood, and it is just a sword. The wooden sword was wrapped with a thin layer of iron.

After all, it is also a trick. Most of the time, the power it can exert is still terrifying, and the crushing it brings is still complete. But when it faces monks of the same level, it Or for those who are already clear about it, how much more power it can exert depends on God's will.

In front of him, the battle between Chen Nan and this ancient god of the fifth realm was the best demonstration.

The 'hedging' in Qinglong Liu Hao's perception is more about the fact that when this guy trains his body to the extreme, the body itself integrates into his own laws. When facing Chen Nan's law combat skills, they offset each other. That’s all.

Therefore, this guy was given the 'law immunity' that he knew deep down in his heart. In fact, if Qinglong Liu Hao actually made a move, he could easily capture it, and he could even easily capture it without exerting much strength at all.

The fundamental difference here is that Qinglong Liu Hao is using the real laws of heaven and earth. What stirs up every move is the power of heaven and earth. As long as you are in this world and want to escape, the only way is for both parties to fight against this law of heaven and earth. It’s just the level of understanding and control. Apart from that, there is no third way at all.

"Could it be that there is a plan by the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World in this?"

Suddenly, Qinglong Liu Hao had such a thought in his heart. He felt that maybe there was a deliberate weakening of the world of cultivation by the heaven of the tomb world, or it was a kind of guidance, deliberately guiding the path of cultivation of all living beings on this path. .

Because the one who benefits the most is the Heavenly Dao of the tomb world.

Only in this way can the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World reap the rewards of all sentient beings in the world time and time again in each era.

Soon, he rejected this speculation.

Even if there is guidance from the Heavenly Way in the Tomb World, after countless generations, there will always be people with outstanding talents, and they will inevitably feel something strange. There will always be one or two monsters who can see the problem and create a real path. Come.

But now it doesn’t appear, it can only be caused by the problem of heaven and earth itself!

Qinglong Liu Hao really wanted to spread his spiritual consciousness completely, scan every corner of the world, and collect all the data in the entire tomb world to analyze whether his guesses were true or false.

But in the end he had no choice but to give up. Once this happened, he would have to completely confront the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World. He was not a fool. Facing a greater threat, the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World could only abandon all others.

It's not that Qinglong Liu Hao is not confident enough in his own cultivation. Even if he is facing the Tiandao of the Tomb World, he does not think that he will definitely be the loser. It is just a 50-50 split, and this is still within his home court.

It's just not necessary, let alone putting yourself in the 'catastrophe' of others.

It's like you see two groups of people fighting on the street. Even if the two groups of people are just like that to you, if you go up and fight the strongest one, you can still be 50-50, but will you go up?

The only ones who really rush forward like this are real fools. It has nothing to do with you, so why bother yourself?

Don't you feel comfortable eating melon in peace?

Isn't that what he is doing now? Facing the bonfire that is about to burn, isn't he looking for 'firewood' now, adding fuel and vinegar to the bonfire while waiting for a certain point in time?

He just had a preference in his heart, so he just wanted to charge at the front. No fool would be willing to do it, right?

In the final analysis, he entered the tomb world more to summarize the laws of heaven and improve his understanding of many laws of heaven. Why worry?

He put it down, shook his head, and looked at the battle between Chen Nan and the ancient god Songtsan again. It had to be said that Chen Nan became more and more brave after becoming familiar with many laws and combat skills of the eighth ancestor of the old Chen family. Knowing these The legal combat skills could not cause much damage to the opponent, and they still did not stop at all.

Chen Nan knew very well that he had no escape route. Once he failed, not only would he lose his life, but also his Meng Ke daughter-in-law, the holy dragon baby and the ruffian dragon who had been with him all the way, and his unborn child. , even the entire Old Chen family, which had not had much affection before, will be destroyed on the spot. It is not an exaggeration to say that the family will be destroyed if the body dies.

With so many blessings on his heart, Chen Nan could be said to be crazy to the extreme. All the methods he had at his disposal were used one by one. Under the extreme pressure, even he did not realize that he had unknowingly improved a lot of cultivation. for.

When he fully adapted to the remnant soul of the Eighth Ancestor, that was when he fully aroused his maximum fighting power. It was only at this time that Songtsan in the fifth realm felt the real pressure, and only then did a trace of anger appear in his heart. Regret, regret that Chen Nan should not have been allowed to fuse the eight ancestors of the old Chen family.

As time passed and Chen Nan gradually gained the upper hand, the man remembered that he might have stopped and fled. He thought so and did so, but how could Chen Nan follow his wishes at this time?

With such a huge danger, how could Chen Nan dare to let the other party escape?

He knew very well that the eight souls of the old Chen family in his body could not last forever. This 'plug-in' itself had a time limit. He could not guarantee whether it could continue next time. His only idea was While you have the plug-in in hand, completely annihilate the opponent. Only in this way can you truly eliminate possible threats.

Out of this thought, Chen Nan stimulated his body's potential again and again, drained his own energy reserves again and again, and indeed got the results he wanted at the last moment.

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