Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty-seven. Burial Place

1567. Burial Place

This battle, through the methods of the old Chen family, was displayed in the world, just like a live broadcast, so that all the creatures in the world could see it clearly.

They have indeed gained a lot from doing this. The most typical point is that all the monks in the original heaven and human world understand that apart from their world, there is another world called the 'Fifth Realm'. The other side seems to be obvious. It's not a good thing, and there's no telling when they will invade their land on a large scale.

When there are no external enemies, people are often good at internal fighting, but when external enemies are right in front of them, most of the hatred can often be put aside first and unanimously expressed to the outside world.

This is the mentality of almost all monks in the original heaven and human world of the tomb world today.

As an onlooker, Qinglong Liu Hao doesn't care about this. At this time, he is watching the flesh and blood secretly collected by himself in his "Heaven and Earth Chessboard", which is the Fifth Realm Songzan who was originally supposed to be killed by Chen Nan. This guy.

He was right. It was like the so-called 'rebirth from a drop of blood' in many heavens. Even if the skin is left behind, it can regrow in countless time and return to the original state.

In the chessboard of heaven and earth, Songzan's flesh and blood in the fifth realm has been splitting crazily among countless spiritual energies, and may return again soon. Of course, this must be with the permission of Qinglong Liu Hao.

After entering his "Chessboard of Heaven and Earth", and being a guy who has no resistance at all, why don't you just let him manipulate you, such as puppet spells, etc., or cast spells directly on his soul?

But he did not use such a dark method. It was not impossible, but there was no need at all.

In the entire tomb world, the only thing that can catch his eye is the way of heaven in the tomb world. Apart from that, even the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian, he just admires them, let alone drives them into his income account. meaning, there is no need.

What he wants is nothing more than a chess piece. Apart from that, he also wants to take a peek at it and conclude that the people of his Dragon Kingdom and the people of Yanhuang can step onto a higher level through the satin body. The method of position can be used to truly fight against the power of the abyss army.

Of course, Qinglong Liu Hao will not release the opponent immediately. He is in the tomb world and should have died. There is no need to let him appear again until the last moment.

The sealing method of his 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' is much more terrifying than the previous Seven Star Island.

If Na Songzan of the fifth realm wakes up at this time, he will find that the seven-star island that sealed them previously has been included in the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' by Qinglong Liu Hao.

This is also a small attempt by Qinglong Liu Hao. It itself has been completely destroyed, and the life on it has been completely extinct. It will not be long before they can only sink into the sea. Instead of being wasted, it is better to capture them. Do a little experiment.

Not to mention, Qinglong Liu Hao’s attempt was indeed rewarding.

It's just a matter of life. Others might not be able to recover, but who is he? The word 'Blue Dragon' is enough to explain everything. It already controls the vitality of heaven and earth. Combining the treasure of 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' is nothing more than incorporating some spiritual energy. And spiritual energy is not lacking in the tomb world. Nowadays, there is a steady stream of passages from our own earth. The constant infusion is a great help in itself, so why not ask for some?

There are seven seven-star islands in total. At this time, they have turned into seven small black chess pieces, looming in the corner of the "Heaven and Earth Chessboard".

If it was just like this, it was uncertain whether Qinglong Liu Hao would keep it forever. The reason why he still kept it was a bigger surprise, that is, he found that there was still a faint sky above the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard'. , the Big Dipper is also gradually revealed, although it is extremely faint, it is still clear at a glance.

Naturally, he would not miss such a change. After a long period of careful observation, he also understood that there was an additional seven-star formation in his heaven and earth chessboard. Although this benefit was not a blessing to the heaven and earth chessboard, it was basically a blessing. What can I do for a long time?

Can the Heaven and Earth chessboard be made better?

Or is this the real way to use your own world chessboard?

For example, gradually gather the necessary materials to fill the chessboard of heaven and earth so that it can be used as a real heaven and earth?

Qinglong Liu Hao is interested, but he also knows that many things he needs can be met but cannot be obtained.

Just like the 'Seven Star Islands' that I gathered together, maybe they were forcibly created countless years ago, but after they were arranged like this for countless years, they absorbed the light of the Big Dipper stars all the time from the sky of the tomb world. Today he is worth accepting.

But even so, it can only turn into a faint shadow within the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard'.

In other words, I don’t know how long it will take for them to mature.

He thought about whether he could absorb a lot of the light of the Big Dipper stars in the ancient starry sky after returning to the prehistoric sky in the future, so as to gradually strengthen it.

Or does it need to go through many heavens and absorb the light of the Big Dipper stars in many heavens before it can truly mature?

He was not sure whether his idea was feasible, and now it seemed that he could only try.

He glanced vaguely at the ruined world of the seventeenth level of hell under Baidan City. He once thought about whether he could seize it, but soon, he rejected it. It was still unnecessary.

For him, it may be just an attempt, but for the sentient beings in the tomb world, it is a matter of life and death. As a practitioner of the laws of heaven, Qinglong Liu Hao has an instinctive feeling of rejection in his heart. He is not White Tiger Liu Hao has no taboos.

Having majored in the Law of Heaven, it cannot be said that I have all kinds of scruples about myself. However, once I break through my bottom line, it will have a big impact on my understanding of Heaven's Law, which is not a good thing.

Even if you want to do this, you have to wait until you have attained Hunyuan, right?

Little did he know that just when he was thinking about this, Chen Nan, who was blocking the tomb world and fighting against ghosts, felt his heart tighten and a shiver pass by. He always felt that one of his valuable treasures was almost taken away, but at this time he He didn't have any time to think more. The ghost in front of him had merged all the divided ghost bodies and directly entered the heavenly realm. He couldn't help but deal with it with all his strength.


Qinglong Liu Hao didn't know when he appeared here, but he didn't watch the battle between Chen Nan and the ghost. Instead, he locked his sights on the boundless skeleton mountains below.

"In ancient times, this was probably also the location of the tomb world and the underworld, right?"

"It's a pity that it cannot be preserved after all. After all, it is still limited by the world level, which makes it impossible to truly take shape!"

His words also pointed out the biggest limitation of the tomb world.

It is also the greatest pity for many, even most of the heavens.

The three realms of heaven, earth and man can be said to be the essence of all heavens.

The Dao of Heaven is the highest and easiest to form, and it must be formed. Otherwise, it is impossible for the heavens to have the laws that govern the world, and they will inevitably collapse into chaos over time.

What's underneath is not authentic, but humane.

After the formation of Heavenly Dao, heaven and earth have their own laws of operation, which also means that humanity, that is, living beings have a basis for existence. As time goes by, living beings will inevitably appear within it, and various civilizations will appear. These civilizations are the basis of humanity.

However, civilization does not equal humanity.

Humanity, in the final analysis, is the embodiment of the will of all living beings.

In other words, when the will of all sentient beings is directed towards one place, the will of humanity will be truly revealed.

But how likely is this?

The reason why living beings are called living beings is not because each one has wisdom. Being wise means that each one has his own thoughts. If you want all living beings to have their thoughts directed in the same direction, what are the chances?

It can be said that one part per trillion is an exaggeration.

Take the Tomb World as an example.

Countless epochs have developed, and countless civilizations have risen and fallen in them.

Among them, how many of the strongest civilizations have discovered the way of heaven in the tomb world and gained wisdom? Discovered the world of heaven and harvested sentient beings to strengthen itself?

There must be some, and there must not be much less.

But even in this way, it still cannot make the sentient beings in the grave world form a true will.

I have been waiting for this epoch, and countless civilization experts have laid out their plans bit by bit. Until the final decisive battle, the will of humanity was truly formed in an instant to hedge against the Tiandaoer in the tomb world.

From this we can see how difficult it is for humanity to appear.

Here, let alone the endless hatred between various ethnic groups, such as the human race and the demon race.

It can be said that it is basically hopeless!

For almost all heavens, internal fighting is their real mainstream.

The last one is the tunnel.

When the way of heaven is formed in a world, and the laws and regulations are in operation, and when the creatures in it are manifested, at this time in the world, some of the needs of the authentic laws will often appear, such as life and death, which are the core essence of the authentic laws.

But the emergence of these authentic laws does not mean that authentic laws can appear.

Most of the time, most of the heavens can only stop here. The flow of reincarnation basically exists in fantasy, and can only allow the will of heaven and earth to operate and occasionally contribute.

In fact, there is no difference between some of the authentic laws and the way of heaven.

For the true tunnel to appear, the six paths must be exhausted, and all the worlds must appear in the heaven and earth, which are also marked by the emergence of the "underworld".

The tomb world has gone through this stage and even continued to develop, evolving towards reincarnation.

But in the end, it still failed.

The specific reason may be the calculation of the Heavenly Dao in the Tomb World, which does not want the tunnel to appear, but there is one thing that Qinglong Liu Hao must admit after observing, that is, even if the Heavenly Dao does not intervene in the Tomb World, it will still be very difficult for the tunnel to appear. , even in the end, there is still an overwhelming possibility of falling short.

Without him, the level of the world of heaven and earth would still be insufficient.

Just like if a fruit wants to truly mature, the nutritional support output of the fruit tree is the key.

The maximum amount of nutrients that this fruit tree in the Tomb World can draw from chaos is placed there, and it is destined to only produce such a green and authentic fruit.

The only pity in the end was that it was completely divided by the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World, so that it has now become a place worthy of its name and cannot play its real role.

It's no wonder that a monk with Dugu Baitian's cultivation level can force his son to reincarnate as Chen Nan.

If it were Honghuang, would you try it?

Without the permission of Empress Houtu, even Hongjun would not be able to do it. This is the true law of reincarnation in the six paths!

However, this is also a joy for Qinglong Liu Hao. If the tunnel of the tomb world is completely formed, what will happen to him?

When White Tiger Liu Hao comes in the future, he won't be able to reap any benefits, right?

The Skeleton Mountain Range named 'Fengdu' at the foot of the mountain, since it is named 'Fengdu', naturally has a cause and effect with White Tiger Liu Hao, and there is a reason to intervene. At that time, even all the people in the tomb world It was useless even if the monks objected.

This place is no different from our own earth, but it already has the prototype of the Six Paths. Based on this green fruit, the chance of building a real place of reincarnation of the Six Paths is almost 90% higher.

Once successful, it means that as long as the tomb world is not destroyed in the future, there will be a steady stream of merit and luck converging on White Tiger Liu Hao. With such benefits, just understanding the law and improving one's own realm is enough to make many Many Hunyuan monks and saints were envious and jealous.

Qinglong Liu Hao was happy for White Tiger Liu Hao in his heart, but he had no other thoughts. Didn't he also come to this world to harvest?

The only difference is that the difficulty is higher. Tian Dao has already gained consciousness, and if he wants to intercept part of it, the difficulty has been increased by several levels.

But it's also because of this that I have my own opportunity, isn't it?

At this time, he had no intention of continuing to watch. He had been thinking about it for a long time and it was time to take action. That was to take a look at the so-called tombs of Cangtian, Huangtian and Netherworld. Compared with others , what he wants is not to kill or completely annihilate the opponent, but to capture him and refine him.

The difficulty lies not in arresting it, nor in refining it, but in how to avoid being sensed by the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world during the refining process.

In the final analysis, he still didn't want to come to the stage so quickly.

For others, the 'Heavenly Road' requires countless efforts to penetrate, but Qinglong Liu Hao is walking leisurely in it at this time. Whether it is the divine light inside or the many impact forces outside the Heavenly Road, it seems that it will He ignored it and allowed it to move forward one step at a time.

I don’t know how long he had been walking, but Qinglong Liu Hao stopped this day. Here, a dark abyss crack stretched between the sky and the earth, as if someone had torn the space apart long ago. Under the abyss crack, there was another It was like the huge mouth of a gigantic beast, waiting for prey to arrive and be put into his mouth.

This is the legendary burial place, and it is also the goal of Qinglong Liu Hao's trip.

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