Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty-Eight. Tomb of Huang Tian

1568. Tomb of Huang Tian

"It's quite a sight!"

Qinglong Liu Hao stopped for a while, as if looking at the scenery, and finally gave some comments, without being affected by the aura in front of him at all.

After commenting, he put away his gaze and stepped into it. As soon as he stepped into it, there was an endless tearing force that wanted to pull him into the gap of the abyss. Qinglong Liu Hao didn't do anything about it. He took it for granted and didn't even think of resisting. He let it go and his body whizzed downwards like a heavy weight pendant.

Thousands of feet, tens of thousands of feet, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, no one knows how long it has passed, and there is no light around him. He only feels that the air around him has begun to become thicker, which makes his falling speed begin to slow down. He then moves his feet slightly, and for a moment , the original rapid landing disappeared without a trace. At this time, Qinglong Liu Hao was like a leaf, dancing in the air. After a while, he felt down to earth.

"Who disturbs my purity!"

A loud voice came from nowhere. It felt like a cry suddenly appeared in an originally closed space. If the God King were here, such a voice would probably destroy him.

This roaring sound, with its own coercion, caused the originally thick air to stir, as if endless water pressure, squeezing crazily towards Qinglong Liu Hao's body from all directions.

But this power is no more than a child's caress to Qinglong Liu Hao, but he knows that this is clearly a test of the coming person by the voice just now, so as to deduce the coming person's cultivation level.

The other party's approach seemed to Qinglong Liu Hao to be a sign of lack of confidence. He just looked curiously towards the pronunciation place. The endless darkness did not hinder his vision at all. There, a tall wall towered into the sky. , but he knew that it was just a tombstone.

Xu Qinglong Liu Hao didn't give any answer, his voice was a little angry, and the outpouring of this emotion caused the entire space to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, Qinglong Liu Hao saw six giant beasts laughing like hills appearing in front of the giant monument that towered into the sky. Each one had a ferocious face and a strange shape, but when he looked at it again, he felt that it looked like this. There is a lot of charm flowing on it, as if these giant beasts should be like this, a little more is too much, a little less is not natural enough.

This is the heavenly beast. It is clearly created by the heaven in the tomb world based on the sentient beings and combined with his own understanding. It is also the guardian beast that he gave himself many incarnations of the heaven.

It's a pity that even so, these incarnations of heaven are still not preserved, and they are reduced to tombs in the place where they are buried in the sky. No matter how huge they are, no matter how large they are, they are just a tomb.

As soon as these six heavenly beasts appeared, they immediately rushed towards Qinglong Liu Hao. Wherever they passed, the invisible air was extremely compressed by them, which made Qinglong Liu Hao need to add some strength to his forward steps, but even so, it still made him Somewhat angry.


He opened his mouth slightly, and softly spit out a syllable. As he finished speaking, the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles suddenly became fixed, and everything was forcibly and completely imprisoned, even a few rapidly attacking heavenly beasts were no exception. From the extreme speed, They didn't notice the momentary stop. In their minds, they were on the way to the enemy, and they thought they would tear the enemy apart in front of them in the next second.

Little did they know that at this time, Qinglong Liu Hao had already stepped over them and appeared in front of the burial tombstone, admiring the unusually ancient words on the tombstone with relish.

"It is somewhat close to the Taoist pattern. From this point of view, the end of the writing in all the worlds must be 'Taoist'!"

"But, how many of them can really understand it? Reading through it is even more difficult!"

He knows the horror of Daowen best, just like the small word 'forbidden' he just said. If he pronounces it with the syllables of Daowen, even he will have to spend half of his body's energy to form it. Once activated, it will not be just a mere fangyuan. It is so simple to be imprisoned for thousands of miles, and it will even affect most of the entire tomb world.

How long it can last, but it's hard to say. It still needs to be measured by Liu Hao's own output. In the final analysis, he is just a sub-sage. Before Hunyuan, even he would not dare to use it lightly.


Suddenly, Qinglong Liu Hao discovered something interesting. Within the thousands of miles he was imprisoned by, he originally thought that only Huang Tian in the tomb in front of him could be called his opponent. Who knew there was another one, following the gods? When he looked around, a purple-gold skull also appeared in front of him.

"It turns out it's her! If I remember correctly, she should be the human king of the tomb world!"

"It's a pity that in the end we can only succumb to the status of 'Human King'. If we can attain the position of 'Human King', it can be regarded as opening a gap in humanity!"

He was also struggling with whether to give the other party some help. Otherwise, it would take hundreds of years for the skeleton of the human king in front of him to return. But if he gave help and returned too early, it would probably arouse the scruples of Heaven in the Tomb World and suppress him in advance. .

"Well, since we met, it was a chance. I am also a human race, so I naturally have to do my best!"

While Qinglong Liu Hao was speaking, a drop of Three-Light Divine Water appeared in his hand, but he did not give it to him immediately. Instead, he raised his hands and opened his bow left and right, carving many lines on it, also to ensure that after this drop of Three-Light Divine Water was submerged into the opponent, It won't work immediately.

More importantly, it is to give the opponent a greater energy supplement when he recovers, but the biggest effect is that he wants to see if he can stimulate greater potential when the opponent returns.

He also knew that even so, the Human King would not be able to further become the Human King, but at least he was given a chance.

When this drop of three-light divine water submerged into the human king's skeleton, the other party's resistance to the confinement of this space disappeared from his consciousness, as if he was sure that the visitor was a member of his friends, or was already digesting the benefits, and there was no trace of it. Time continues to take care of itself.

He then continued to look at the tombstone in front of him. Although it looked like there were a lot of ancient words on it, in fact, there were only four characters on it, 'The Tomb of Huang Tian'. After analyzing it for a while, he lost interest.

Originally, he was still thinking about whether he could see the transition from runes to dao patterns, but now, he also found that this could only be his wishful thinking. If so, many monsters in the tomb world would not miss it for countless years.

The template in front of him does not have much meaning. Even in Qinglong Liu Hao's view, it is more of a work that Tiandao of the Tomb World thinks he is proud of, just like his own signature after studying it for a long time, and more of it is just good-looking. That’s all.

Of course, it doesn't mean that these words don't have any power, it's just that they are a bit useless, and most likely even Huang Tian himself can only ignore them.

Losing interest, Qinglong Liu Hao did not stay any longer. He raised his steps and took another step forward. The entire space in front of him instantly became blurry, as if a special passage had been opened for him to walk, and all obstacles fell away in front of him. No effect.

Stopping again, a blood-colored coffin hundreds of meters high appeared in sight. Needless to say, Huang Tianye was also inside.

"Using the blood of living beings to imprison him has both good and bad consequences. It is probably a choice that the Demon Lord and others have no choice but to do. No wonder Huang Tian still does it today!"

"The beasts of heaven in the grave world are probably happy like this, right?"

He shook his head slightly, raised his hand and put his palm against the blood-colored stone coffin. On his palm, a gray light flashed past. The blood-colored stone coffin did not block it at all, allowing his palm to insert into it, through the Qinglong Liu. With wide eyes, he could clearly see that his palm was directly attached to Huang Tian's head in the blood-colored sarcophagus, and the look of panic on the other side was even more vivid.

For Huang Tian, ​​this was definitely the most terrifying day since he was born. Facing Qinglong Liu Hao, he had the illusion that he was facing his true form, as if the other party wanted to kill him, but it was just a matter of looks. .

But the panic in his eyes did not last long, but for a moment, confusion appeared in his eyes. After a while, he felt that his consciousness began to become blurry, and sleeping thoughts that had never appeared before also flickered in his consciousness. After a few breaths, After that, this guy fell into a deep sleep like an ordinary creature.

Even so, Qinglong Liu Hao did not let go of the 'imprisonment', not because he was cautious, but because he understood that this was the best way to hide it.

At this time, he had no time to pay attention to this. He had already sunk wholeheartedly into all Huang Tian's memories. He had lost interest in refining. Instead, he happily picked and picked from them to get those things he had in the past. There are many principles of heaven that are easy to overlook.

After an unknown amount of time, Qinglong Liu Hao finally took back his palm with a smile on his face.

"If Tongtian were here, he would be laughing wildly!"

"No wonder there are blue sky, yellow sky and blue sky spread among the heavens!"

"The sky looks down on all living beings and ignores them. The blue sky is close to all living beings and likes to preside over the world, while the yellow sky is closer to the teachings of the Prehistoric Jiejiao, looking for a new way out for all living beings?"

"It's a pity that in the past three days, I was born in the tomb world. After all, I can only be a puppet of heaven. I can't make the decision myself, let alone my own way."

“Most of the pure Qi of the Open Heaven absorbed by the Three Pure Ones in the Prehistoric Period was caused by these three days;

Lao Tzu's character is compared to the sky. Originally, he said he followed the sky, but he was happy to rule the world. Most likely he was also influenced by the sky. Tongtian is so similar to the yellow sky! "

"Hongjun was able to accept Sanqing as his disciple, mostly because of this matter. If Sanqing did not have a place to breed and absorb these pure Qi, what relationship can Hongjun have with them?"

"That's all, since I have met and benefited from you, I will give you more opportunities! As for whether you can seize it in the future, it depends on yourself!"

As he spoke, Qinglong Liu Hao turned his palms into claws and grabbed Huang Tian's head directly. He also directly dug out a little of the opponent's soul along with his flesh and blood. But even so, Huang Tian was still asleep, as if he couldn't notice it at all.


A syllable was uttered in Qinglong Liu Hao's mouth. For a moment, the blood of all living beings absorbed by Huang Tian's flesh and blood and the fragments of Yuan Shen in his hand were also completely discharged. Its black and yellow color was vaguely visible. After a while, a small piece of The jade pendant has taken shape, with a small "yellow" mark on it, and a small "tian" mark on the other side.

If you compare the previous tombstones, you can clearly see that the fonts are clearly the same, which can be regarded as giving the other party a traceable source.

He put it away casually, and his figure disappeared in this instant. The space that was originally imprisoned by him also slowly returned to its original state with his disappearance. The six charging heavenly beasts did not know when they returned. On the tombstone, his own carvings returned.

No one was aware of the whole process, even the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World knew nothing about it. This was because he covered the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' early to conceal the secrets of heaven.

Qinglong Liu Hao was still walking slowly at the place where the sky was buried. He thought that there would be other tombs for the sky further ahead, but he didn't know that his destination was the tomb of the 'Human King'.

"For suppression?"

"That's right, if there is no one to suppress them, it would be difficult to ban these incarnations of heaven in just a tomb! Only a human king with a little will of all living beings will sacrifice his life!"

"Throughout the ages of the Tomb World, there have been countless heroes. Although the internal fighting has never stopped, it is inevitable to be united against the way of heaven. Perhaps it is also because of this that we have the title of King of Humans who is equal to the balance in the hearts of all living beings in the Tomb World!"

"It's a pity that it's just a wish after all, and it's because they are ignorant, but this expectation is also a good thing for you! The thoughts of all living beings may be the biggest help for you to return!"

The Tomb of the Human King in front of us is much smaller after all, but it still looks extremely huge. If you don't know clearly, you will only think that maybe a certain giant dragon is buried in it.

Qinglong Liu Hao is more admiring the seven colors. He knows best that every ray of light carries the blessings of countless sentient beings, but in the end these seven colors can only be unified, and only in this way, the King of Humans In order to truly return, it is no wonder that the purple-gold skeletons that Chen Nan is about to encounter must fight in succession. This is simply their own internal selection process to determine the strongest, and only in this way can they be called the human king.

He was silently calculating in his mind, estimating how long it would take, and clearly understanding the return date of the Human King. He then breathed a sigh of relief. At least there was no change in the timeline because of his help. Although he could not I'm afraid, but I don't want to cause too much trouble.

"Not long after, Chen Nan will also step into the third realm, which also means that the Demon Lord will soon repair the 'Road to Heaven', and the day when Heaven will harvest all sentient beings is not far away!"

"It's really sad that this world is like this! After all, the upper limit is too strong. When hope does not exist, it can only be driven to endless madness. When the spiritual wisdom was first born, Heaven would not have thought of today, right? "

"All the heavens and worlds are as incomprehensible as the way of heaven in the tomb world! In that perfect world, wouldn't it cause countless darkness just for the sake of longevity?

The way of heaven, even the wisdom of living beings, still cannot escape the shackles of living beings!

But ambition is no longer the ‘way of heaven’! "

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