Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and seventy-one. Kunlun


In the Burial Land, Qinglong Liu Hao did not continue to go deeper, not because of anything else, but because he already felt that the heavenly way of the tomb world was harvesting all sentient beings right in front of him.

As an opponent, he would naturally not be happy to see the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World harvesting all living beings in the world too much.

It is naturally impossible to stop them, but to protect others is just casual.

Returning to the human world again, the sky was already densely covered with countless catastrophic auras, the density of which even he could not match in the prehistoric world. But such a catastrophic aura could not be escaped in the tomb world in every era. It's no wonder that within the world of the mere grave world, the will of all living beings can achieve a rare unity.

This is basically being forced to the extreme, and everyone has to unite to resist.

At the same time, he also had to lament that ignorance is really a kind of happiness sometimes. On the earth, countless mortals just feel that there is more depression in the world, and they only think that the weather is a little repetitive these days. This influence may have long been adaptable to them.

When the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World begins to be destroyed, most of these countless mortals will be destroyed together with the earth under their feet in an instant. In this process, they will not even have time to feel the slightest pain, and it is not a kind of happiness. ?

On the other hand, the more advanced the monks are, the more nervous they are these days. The trump cards that they did not dare to use in the past are not hidden at this moment. They can use as many as they have. Even so, I still didn't feel safe enough, so I called out to every familiar colleague, looking for a possible stable place, just to add even a hint of security.

They are terrified inside, and after doing everything they think is feasible, they still don’t have even a trace of peace in their hearts;

As monks who are accustomed to controlling themselves, they do not want to leave their lives and safety to God's will no matter what, which shows how they are struggling in their hearts.

In this process, there will naturally be countless dirty things that have never happened before, especially the robbing of resources, and they will go to any lengths. The so-called respected places in the past have no scruples at all now;

The only thing they can think of is how to wear their 'clothes' thicker. For this, what if they are cast aside by all living beings? Only those sentient beings who spurn themselves can survive this great destruction to be qualified to evaluate them. This is the biggest key to their lack of scruples.

Sitting in the clouds, looking down at the heaven and earth, Qinglong Liu Hao has seen countless darkness while traveling thousands of miles, but he has no intention of stopping it. When the wisdom of the crowd has become completely extreme, the previous morality has long been meaningless.

Originally, his first thought was to find a city to protect, but after he visited, he also found that he didn't seem to need to take action.

That's right, whether it's Tiandao in the tomb world or the Demon Lord and others, they all know where the foundation of their world lies, and they all made their choices intentionally or unintentionally.

The Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World looks down on those mortals. The real target of the destruction of the world he caused is still the monks in the world. He also needs to leave the seeds of civilization for the next era. Only in this way, Only then can he continue to harvest again and again in the future.

On the other hand, the Demon Lord is also very clear about these principles. Previously, he had to clean up the masters hidden among mortals one by one. Wasn't it intentional?

Both sides seemed to have deliberately avoided the mortal towns. Of course, they didn't care how many of these mortals could survive in the end. All they wanted were seeds, but no one expected at this time that they would eventually survive in the future. The decisive battle, the mortals who survived this great destruction will be the last straw for both sides to win or lose.

I have to say, this is a great irony.

What is "all living beings"? The word "all" in front of it explains everything.

In any of the heavens, when the Lord of Humanity in the heavens does not appear, what determines the will of all living beings will not matter how high your cultivation level is, it will only be the simplest number that has the final say.

Sometimes it’s quite funny to think about it.

If the great destruction of heaven and earth had not occurred before the decisive battle between the Heavenly Dao and the Demon Lord in the tomb world, and the number of living beings in the world had not been greatly reduced, a unified world would still have been formed during the decisive battle in the future. The will of all living beings'?

Obviously, this possibility is almost impossible. The larger the number of a group, the more difficult it is to achieve unity.

From another perspective, this time of great destruction is simply that the Heaven of the Tomb World has given its biggest trump card directly to the Demon Lord.

Perhaps the demon lords also have a clear plan for this. They know very well that even if they give countless benefits, it will never be possible for all sentient beings to choose to side with them.

On the contrary, when sentient beings realize that they are not on their side, and that their future selves and their future descendants will only be slaughtered by others, they will make a choice without hesitation, and they will Inspire the greatest courage in your heart and risk it all.

Isn't this what the Demon Lord wants to see most?

In this process, all sentient beings will always be nothing more than chess pieces!

"Use all living beings as pawns to play against the way of heaven!"

This sentence is the greatest compliment to the Demon Lord and others, but for all living beings, it is endless sorrow!

The reality is often so cruel.

After standing in the cloud and analyzing the reasons, Qinglong Liu Hao didn't know how to choose?

Naturally, it was impossible for him to intervene at this time, and his original plan was completely abandoned at this moment. He found that in the end he could only focus on the Kunlun Xuanjie, which among all the heavens and worlds was the same as his own. A place with a lot of fate may be his only choice.

He had to smile bitterly at this. Compared with the ten thousand-year-old layout, he, the temporarily inserted chess player, obviously had far fewer chess pieces to choose from.

Until now, after thinking about it, he realized that there really wasn't much he could do.

He glanced at the longevity turtle and Ao Qing beside him. These two people followed him, and they had their own constant guidance. They were both at the peak of the God Emperor, especially the latter, who came from behind and seemed to be catching up. He also We can only hope that the two of them can take on more roles in the future.

In fact, the two people were able to realize the Daluo Dao Fruit one after another, which was also beyond Qinglong Liu Hao's expectation. He found that it seemed that in the world of the tomb, it was much easier to realize the Daluo Dao Fruit than on his own earth. many.

He thought about this for a long time, and in the end he could only attribute it to the fact that his earth originally chose the link between the ancient world and the earth.

In other words, within our own earth, even if the ease of attaining the Daluo Dao Fruit is slightly lower than that of the prehistoric world, compared to other heavens, it is definitely at the top level.

This may not seem like a good thing, but in fact, no matter how much you lose, you won’t gain anything. It connects the world of prehistoric times, which also means that there are more futures to choose from. The prehistoric world with three thousand avenues and three thousand laws is naturally in the quasi-sage. This road is far wider than other heavens.

On the other hand, it is not surprising that the heaven-level monks in the tomb world are more homogeneous. It is also no wonder that they have to embark on the path of 'law combat skills'. Many times, this is not something they have no choice in. s Choice?

"Remember that after Taiyuan is destroyed, it will take a hundred years before the decisive battle in the tomb world begins. Maybe we can take advantage of this time to return to our home earth!"

Kunlun Xuanjie is right in front of him, but Qinglong Liu Hao has already made a decision in his heart. He does not want to continue waiting in the tomb world for a hundred years, and he does not have the time to continue to toss with them.

When he made this decision, he also had another attempt, which was to take Changshou Gui and Ao Qing out of the tomb world to see what changes would happen to them after they entered their own earth.

Furthermore, he felt that some arrangements needed to be made for the Amazon Rainforest Monster Tribe at the other end of the passage. Even if it was a Monster Tribe, he would not be willing to be used by the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World for nothing.

Standing on the clouds, looking down at the entire tomb world Kunlun, Qinglong Liu Hao was in a trance for a moment. Without him, the Kunlun Mountains in the tomb world in front of him were no different from his own earth.

It's as if the two are copied from the same mold, and even the many details have not been spared.

After comparing it for a while, he had to admit that this was not his illusion, but a real thing.

Suddenly, he thought of Kunlun in other heavens. Those planets and worlds that were originally the same as his own earth were not mentioned in the comparison at all because there was no need. They were all 'earths' and there would naturally be no differences.

But what about the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism?

Although he didn't really see the whole scene the time he went there, but now that he thinks about it, it seems that some of the scenes he has been to are also vaguely visible in the Kunlun Mountains in front of him, which is nothing more than doubled.

"That's not right. Kunlun, the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, has an active volcano in it, and there is a sleeping phoenix in it. How can the Kunlun in front of you and the Kunlun on your own earth have these?"

This difference clearly gave Qinglong Liu Hao a sense of relief. For some reason, he always felt as if he had found a detail that he had ignored in the past, but he was unwilling to touch it in his heart. With such a detail, he could deny himself He even accepted the difference in guesses very happily.

For a long time, he seemed to feel that he had just been ridiculous, and a sigh came out of his mouth, which lasted for a long time in the entire Kunlun Mountains.

"Kunlun ancestral pulse call?"

He murmured, with a wry smile on his lips. He finally understood why he was like this. The Kunlun ancestral vein that he had entered twice in a row was the secret that he was most curious about but wanted to know.

It's a pity that the first two times he stepped into the Kunlun ancestral line, his cultivation level was so low that he could only see the tip of the iceberg, and he could only follow the trend, unable to truly understand its essence. After he has achieved success now , the opening of the Kunlun ancestral line that I have been looking forward to has been far away, and I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to continue to step in. You can imagine the regret in my heart.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the Kunlun ancestral lineage he has entered twice is much higher than he imagined. Even the prehistoric world seems to be far behind compared with it.

But as to where the specific difference was and where the level was higher, he had no evidence at all. It was as if he had already given the other party an answer in his heart, and he felt that the answer he gave was unquestionable and could not be changed.

There is a saying that is true, the more you know, the more you think you are ignorant.

The current Qinglong Liu Hao is in such a state. Compared with countless sentient beings in the world, the secrets he knows, most of the time, those sentient beings may not even be able to touch the edge, but only from his standpoint can they understand. The world is far more terrifying than I imagined.

After all, he was still a big fish that jumped out of the long river. When he was swimming in the air, he saw the scenery in the distance, but now that he thinks about it, it seems that it is nothing more than that.

"After all, it still depends on the realm and cultivation level!"

His exclamation also explained all the reasons. Only as big a fist as you can have a big stage, and only by truly ascending to a higher stage can you truly see the future you want to see.

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Qinglong Liu Hao retracted his thoughts and looked far away. In just a few breaths, he locked the location of Kunlun Xuanjie. Such an opened inner space is basically a small one attached to the tomb world. It’s just a small dimension plane.

In the world of cultivation, it can also be called the paradise of heaven. It is not impossible for some truly powerful people to change the world and create it on their own. Even he, Qinglong Liu Hao, really spent a lot of materials, time and energy. It is not impossible to do it, but it is not necessary. .

"This little phoenix only has half of it, but its bloodline is pure. It's a pity that there is no one to train it!"

After truly stepping into the Kunlun Mysterious Realm, Qinglong Liu Hao had to admit that there was such a dimension and plane space that was unique to him, and he really had to show it off. There is a high probability that many quasi-sages would see such a blessed land, and many dissent would arise. ?

Among Chen Nan's group, only this little phoenix stayed here. It seemed that he understood that the road ahead was full of thorns and was not suitable for the young phoenix as young as a child to participate, so he stayed here.

This choice cannot be said to be wrong. If Qinglong Liu Hao had not arrived today, and the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World was undergoing great destruction, he would not have let it go. The little Phoenix might not have died, but it would also be a serious loss of vitality. kind of inevitable.

And how many of the countless demon clans in the Kunlun Mysterious Realm will be left in the end?

Didn’t that ‘Chen Xi’, who claimed to be the leader of Kunlun Xuanjie, end up dead? Was it not until a hundred years later that Chen Nan was reincarnated?

But the arrival of Qinglong Liu Hao today cannot be just charity. He has saved countless demon clans and has already formed a cause and effect. In the future chess game, it is inevitable to become a chess piece in the hands of Qinglong Liu Hao.

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