Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and seventy-two. Ruthless

1572. Ruthless

The Kunlun Mountains are sealed, not only in the Kunlun Mysterious Realm, but also in the entire Kunlun Mountains.

There is no so-called announcement to the world, and there is no fanfare to promote it everywhere. What is really known, and only the monks passing by nearby can understand that this time the closure of Kunlun Mountains is not just a talk, but will fundamentally close the entire Kunlun Mountains. A cut was made from heaven and earth.

From the perspective of outsiders, all the areas in the Kunlun Mountains are clearly right in front of us, but they cannot be reached no matter how hard they walk.

Needless to say, the only one who made this move was Qinglong Liu Hao. He had seen Kunlun and was there. He did not want to cause great destruction due to the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world and turn the Kunlun Mountains into ruins.

Of course, there is another important reason, but it is unknown to others, that is, since the Kunlun Mountains in the tomb world are intact, if the Kunlun ancestral line is opened in the future, there may be a chance to follow the ground beneath our feet, even if this possibility is only a contingency. , but if you protect it easily, you won’t miss it.

Nowadays, people in the entire cultivation world are in panic. The great destruction of heaven and earth, which was originally only known to the upper echelons, has gradually spread throughout the entire monk class. Naturally, all kinds of chaos are inevitable.

In the past, such chaos would have been suppressed by monks at a higher level in a short time, but now there is no reaction at all. Under such temptation, how can one not know that the rumors spread are true? This is extremely huge. It promotes the spread of chaos. Under such a vicious cycle, it can be said that there is no pure land in the entire tomb world.

Dongtu, the human world has become a rare place of peace. It's not that there is no chaos here, but the original guardian of Dongtu, the Great Demon, is still doing his essential work. With such a superb master like him sitting in charge, those who are truly No sensible person would come to die. There might still be some commotion at the bottom, but that's all.

Sitting on the top of Kunlun, looking down at the entire human world, Qinglong Liu Hao is like a 'Heavenly Dao', analyzing all the changes and comparing them one by one with the laws of his own practice. Isn't this an extremely rare opportunity? ?

Every heaven has its origin, its peak, and its demise.

Although the Tomb World has not entered destruction today, it has also demonstrated the imminent destruction. For Qinglong Liu Hao, this is the evolution of the entire law of heaven and earth, from a law network that was originally very stable to what it is now. The chaos is endless, and countless creatures, regardless of their level of cultivation, are looking for loopholes in the network of laws of heaven and earth, hoping to get out of it and become the real fish that slips through the net.

Whether it is the chaotic evolution of the law network or the many fish that are looking for things to slip through the net, it is a valuable reference for Qinglong Liu Hao.

For him, a monk who specializes in all laws of heaven, such an opportunity is no different than seizing an innate treasure.

Many times, if you rely on yourself to deduce various possibilities, not to mention whether the difficulties can be overcome, the biggest problem is that you cannot ensure whether the possibilities you deduce are truly realistic.

And the latter, once you make a mistake, will often lead you into a deep ditch, not to mention it consumes endless time, and just repeating it over and over again without any gain is enough to drive you into a crazy situation.

Therefore, there is Qinglong Liu Hao who has given up all emotions today. He sits on the top of Kunlun so indifferently, ignoring the despair of all living beings. On the contrary, it is also because of this that he has never been as good as he is today. Close to the essence of 'Heaven'.

Heaven and earth are so unkind that they regard all things as stupid dogs!

Isn’t this Qinglong Liu Hao’s current state?

He will not rejoice because all living beings are happy, nor will he sympathize with all living beings because they cry. He will only silently operate the laws and regulations of heaven and earth. No matter whether it is a dog that threatens all living beings in this process, he will not pay attention to it. This operation brings joy to all sentient beings in the world. He is just doing what he should do.

We should also be thankful that he completely sealed off the entire Kunlun Mountains, so that the law fluctuations emanating from Qinglong Liu Hao today would not spread to the entire world.

But what is certain is that even if Qinglong Liu Hao's cultivation level has not improved much today, his Taoism and state of mind will have a huge improvement.

As for this improvement, only Qinglong Liu Hao himself understands which of his shortcomings he has made up for.

Only then did he understand why the white tiger incarnation of the deity could realize Hunyuan early.

This shortcoming is ‘human nature’.

The incarnation of the three corpses, as a monk, was chopped off. At the beginning of the killing, it can be said to be pure to the extreme. For example, when the incarnation of the white tiger Liu Hao was born, even Liu Hao himself felt that he might be cutting off a An ice cube without any emotion is likely to become a huge 'devil'.

But as the white tiger incarnates and travels in all the worlds, it is inevitable that he will be contaminated by the atmosphere of the world of mortals. In other words, as he gradually develops emotions, that is, becomes "human", he will inevitably become less pure.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with human nature, but in fact, for monks, gains and losses are always accompanied, especially for a certain "Three Corpses Incarnation Thought" that is originally a monk.

If it weren't for the coincidence of Liu Hao himself, who prompted White Tiger Liu Hao to step into the abyss and go to that truly inhumane place to practice, White Tiger Liu Hao would not have wanted to do this even if he got the Queen Mother's support. Don’t even think about quickly realizing Hunyuan.

In this regard, just compare Fuxi's and it will be very clear. ​​Similarly, the same goes for Qinglong Liu Hao.

The way of heaven is ruthless, and it requires extreme ruthlessness to reach it, otherwise you will only be able to wander on the edge for the rest of your life without being able to get in. This was the case with the previous Qinglong Liu Hao, who seemed to be able to attain enlightenment soon, but in fact There was still a chasm in front of him, and only he knew this best.

"So that's it. The so-called son of destiny is determined by 'destiny', which also explains everything. It clearly has nothing to do with the laws of heaven!"

Only today did he truly understand why Tiandao in the grave world knew nothing about Chen Nan and why he didn't eliminate the most dangerous opponent early.

In the eyes of Tiandao in the tomb world, the biggest threats are only the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian. It is obvious that they did not take it seriously after countless deliberation.

"No wonder Dao Dao is fifty and Tianyan is forty-nine! The so-called escape from one of them, is the law of fate the real leader?"

"The river of destiny is hidden in the deepest part of the heavens and the world, running through all the heavens. There must be links between them that ordinary people can't see, right?"

"Is it possible that the ability of our earth to connect to the heavens is due to the laws of fate?"

Qinglong Liu Hao had to shake his head to pull out his thoughts. He was also a little bit dumbfounded by the thoughts he was emanating. He also understood that he had been separated from the ultimate 'heartless' state just now.

He didn't feel disappointed at all. This state had lasted for too long. Why wouldn't he be assimilated?

He didn't want to make himself a 'statue' without any emotion because of this.

Everything is just for the sake of enlightenment and the pursuit of a higher level of cultivation. If it really turns out to be like that, it will be a waste of time and money.

Suddenly, he thought of the 'Tai Shang' of the tomb world. This guy who summed up what he had learned throughout his life into the 'Tai Shang's Forgetful Love' now seemed to have some clues. He could also be regarded as a person who truly understood the way of heaven in the tomb world.

It's a pity that he thought he could escape the control of heaven in the tomb world and circulate among all living beings through the "Tai Shang Wang Qing Lu", so as to "resurrect the soul through the corpse", but he didn't know that all his calculations would only come to nothing in the end.

He had no idea that any flaw on the path of spiritual practice would gradually amplify over time and would be fatal in the end. From the moment he surrendered to the heavenly ways of the tomb world, his state of mind had completely collapsed. If you don't know it, all your efforts will be in vain.

Between the sky and the earth, roaring sounds are rising continuously. Standing here, it feels like being in a battlefield filled with artillery fire, but the biggest one is always the most attractive.

Here is the old Chen's family in the Tomb World and Heaven.

Chen Nan, who was going round and round, didn't know what his mentality was when he arrived at the moon that belonged to the old Chen family. He came with good intentions, but what he got was the ultimate betrayal. In other words, the old Chen family has never been there. In the end, he did not regard Chen Nan as one of his own, and only regarded him as one of the tools that could resurrect the ancestor of the Chen family.

The completely different positions naturally caused Chen Nan to lose all his enthusiasm. The boss of the Chen family rose up. He simply took advantage of the fact that all the other monks in the tomb world were going through the tribulation and could not take advantage of the opportunity to completely capture Chen Nan and destroy him. As nourishment.

Naturally, Chen Nan could not give in, so the huge battle was completely started. He had already entered the heaven level. Chen Nan was naturally not afraid. He was just fighting more with less. He had seen this kind of situation many times. It was not like this every time along the way. Came here?

However, even so, this battle was tragic enough. The most mysterious Chen family in the world of Nuo Da's tombs. In today's battle, there were even more powerful people who fell. The number of losses was even more terrifying than what had been accumulated over countless years. It shows that the old Chen family has also reached the last moment when they have to gamble.

In the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, he clearly saw that the elder of the Chen family smashed the third child of the Chen family without hesitation and forced it into the resurrection altar of the ancestor of the Chen family, hoping to take down Chen Nan in one fell swoop with the help of the ancestor of the Chen family's temporary recovery. Si.

This calculation would have happened if it were done by someone else. Unfortunately, as the son of destiny in the tomb world, Chen Nan is the one with the most immunity. However, if there is a chance of escape, others can escape through the smallest gap.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't need to guess how the eldest son of the Chen family was feeling at this time. He simply felt that he had made the right bet. It was just that the added weight was just a little bit off. Therefore, next, the fourth and fifth eldest sons of the Chen family, in the end, Even the second child of the Chen family was not spared.

The elder of the Chen family was stuffed into the altar like firewood, and was wiped out by the millstone. Indeed, the ancestor of the Chen family opened his eyes again, but the result was completely opposite to what the elder of the Chen family expected.

Under this extreme pressure, Chen Nan's final transformation was achieved. He gave up the last pursuit of the old Chen family's bloodline in his heart. It was because of this that he could truly move towards the final transformation of the future Tiandao Tomb. .

"Even if the Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian and others were involved in this plan countless years ago, how could they not make good use of the stubbornness of the old Chen family if they knew about it?"

"After counting, it seems that only the descendants of the old Chen family are the most suitable. No wonder this trump card falls on Chen Nan. It seems that he is the only choice in the entire tomb world!"

"To be able to reach the pinnacle of quasi-sage, even if a few people work together to become a chess player, is enough to be admired!"

He said this in his mouth, but in his heart he strengthened his original plan, that is, in the future decisive battle in the Tomb World, these guys who are fighting against the Heavenly Law of the Tomb World really need to protect even a trace of their disability. soul.

The turmoil of the entire world continues to intensify. Countless natural disasters have arisen, seawater has poured in, and the earth has collapsed. If there is one place that is safe, it is only Kunlun. However, from the outside world, the blocked Kunlun Mountains are also shattered as if they are peeling off. Come on, these are just the deliberate interpretations of Qinglong Liu Hao, and they are basically done to show the heaven in the tomb world.

In fact, he also knew that the way of heaven in the tomb world was probably doubtful, but he also knew that the way of heaven in the tomb world had already been replaced, and that was a creature that he deceived into entering the tomb world through a passage in the Amazon rainforest of his home planet. Monsters.

With this substitution, even if the Tiandao of the tomb world, which is busy harvesting all living beings in the world, has doubts, there is no extra energy to come and observe it in person.

His calculations are extremely correct. For the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World, there is a lower limit for the quantity and quality of sentient beings he harvests. But when this lower limit is satisfied, other changes will not matter at all.

Similarly, after the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world is harvested, it will take a while to digest it, and this time will probably last a hundred years.

This digestion period is also the deadline for the game between both parties.

The Demon Lord and others need to fight for nine days during the period of seclusion and digestion in the tomb world, and go straight to Huanglong. Only by doing this can they have the possibility of truly launching a decisive battle.

But Qinglong Liu Hao has no intention to participate in these. The so-called going all the way is just child's play in his opinion. It is nothing more than consuming the forces assembled by the Demon Lord and others for countless years. He lacks the biggest boss of the Tomb World Tiandao. , Others really don’t have much difficulty in front of the Demon Lord, Dugu and others.

In the sight, Chen Nan has started his own transformation. Qinglong Liu Hao did not keep his eyes locked on the opponent. Instead, he took the opportunity to look around the entire world and browsed many holy places for cultivation. He was also giving some help to these masters who had survived the great catastrophe. Do a little statistic.

"By joining, I have saved a little bit. I hope you can play some role in the decisive battle in the future!"

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