Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Seven. The Snake of the World

1577. ‘Snake of the World’

Qinglong Liu Hao's guess did not happen after all. It would be false if he said in his heart that he was not lucky at all. As long as the probability exists, it is possible.

Once it happens, the future direction of the Tomb World will be huge. Once the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World wins, what will greet him will be a real enemy.

How could he, who majors in Heavenly Dao, not understand that a true Heavenly Dao gives birth to wisdom, even if it is tainted by the breath of humanity, he will still turn into a truly heartless person in the end, not to mention that this truly heartless person also has the most selfish side, and also He has the ambition to move up at all costs.

In the wild world, during Qinglong Liu Hao's detailed search, he also discovered the deliberate legacy of Tiandao in the tomb world, but more of it was used as a mark, as if he had discovered it and left a 'traction' in it first, waiting for the time in the future. Now, come and refine it when you have the strength.

From this perspective, the way of heaven in the tomb world has formed an idea of ​​how the future path should be taken, and perhaps the path has been planned in people's hearts;

For example, wait a hundred years later, wait for the tomb world's Heavenly Dao to digest the gains from harvesting your own world, and then go through the passage to reach these worlds. Even if you still cannot refine it, you will make a lot of harvests to fill your own greater heritage, and then return to your home. world, completely refining the tomb world as one's own body.

Of course, Qinglong Liu Hao also knew that these were just his guesses, and that the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World would probably be more planned than he imagined;

But one thing he understands is that what he needs to do now is to completely eliminate the means laid down by Tiandao in the tomb world. No matter what the ultimate goal is, being able to bring destruction to others is the greatest victory.

Floating in the sky, looking down at the entire planet, it is blue in color, half-covered by white clouds. If you look closely, there are countless green embellishments.

This is the 'Earth'. He had to admit that after the human race in the Python World was almost destroyed by the snake-like demon race, the environment improved to an impressive degree. At this time, she was closer to the original ecology. After the influx of many spiritual energies, In another thousand years, this place will surely form a beautiful 'Dongtian Paradise', and there will certainly not be many snake monsters emerging in the future.

Perhaps this is the ancient time when the snake-like demon clan invested huge resources to occupy it, right? Most of the heavens that are assigned to the Amazon's major ethnic groups one by one are the same as this planet, just like the sects occupied by the human race in the heavens.

Nowadays, the biggest restriction on them is also due to time. No one can predict whether there will be a thousand years for them to develop quietly.

There are indeed countless heavens and realms connected to the earth, but as time goes by, there will always be an end. In other words, future resources will still become scarce with the rapid increase of living creatures. By then, perhaps among humans, War will appear at every turn in China.

Furthermore, our own earth, the transit station of the heavens, still has an invasion from the abyss. Once they succeed, countless heavens will be affected. Such a beautiful planet in front of us will only be able to invade by that time. Can it be a tiny brick in the abyss?

"As long as you have wisdom, as long as you know where the real crisis comes from, even if there was an undisclosed hatred between each other in the past, in the face of survival, you can only cooperate and face the real enemy!"

Qinglong Liu Hao said leisurely, but his expression remained indifferent. From the memory given by Liu Hao, he knew that the population of the Dragon Kingdom in the Python World had been moved to the 'Novice Village'. The same was true. Only with this ability could he He was indifferent to the near-annihilation of the human race within him.

Don't think that Qinglong Liu Hao, who majors in Heavenly Dao, really has no humanity. After all, he is not a saint, nor is he a Hunyuan, and he can't ignore all this.

His eyes scanned the entire American continent, and he could hardly see a few human figures in it. The only remaining human race in the entire wild world was only in southeast Asia. It seemed that this was deliberately left behind by the snake-like demon race.

Here, the largest human race is the third brother. Qinglong Liu Hao felt that this may be a manifestation of the improvement of the third brother's luck. After all, the Tathagata has entered the heavens, and the bonus brought by the Buddha cannot be underestimated.

He also knew that the third brother here had an inexplicable worship of snakes. When he thought of this, he once again visited all the surviving places of the human race. As expected, it had a lot to do with it.

"Has the improvement of wisdom also given them a simple understanding of 'faith'?"

At this moment, Qinglong Liu Hao is like a Heavenly Emperor sitting high in the sky, looking down at the human world. He enjoys understanding everything in the world from peeping at all living beings. It seems that he wants to use this as a reference for his future rule as the 'Celestial Emperor'. It also seems that he is just Simply curious about the struggles of living beings.

He looked at it quietly for a long time without missing any corner. Finally, his eyes were fixed on a huge 'island' in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

This 'island' is not a real island, but a giant snake circling, as if it has fallen into a deep sleep, as if it is just a simple practice.

This giant snake is not an outsider, but a real product of the wild world. It is the 'Snake of the World' catalyzed by countless blood orchids.

He just hovered there, and the space exposed above the sea was comparable to the largest island on the planet, which shows how huge its body is.

But don't think that the cultivation level of this 'Snake of the World' is so high. On the contrary, its cultivation level is only the peak of the ninth level of the mortal realm. However, if there is a chance, it can step into the realm of demons and immortals. But this chance When exactly it will come is hard to predict.

Qinglong Liu Hao understands that this is the height limit of the ceiling of the Python world, and this 'World Snake' is clearly the greatest expectation given by those Amazon snake monsters. What they want is this 'World Snake' 'Through your own efforts to break through it, you can bring the entire Python world together to advance.

For this reason, the Amazon snake demons must also teach all the techniques, skills, etc. that can be taught one by one. In other words, this 'world snake' in the wild python world, regardless of others, is at the same level. , it must have few rivals, among the countless heavens, it can be called the 'prodigy'.

"That's a good plan!"

Qinglong Liu Hao also had to secretly praise. He had to admit that the Amazon snake monsters made the best choice. From this point, we can also see how much the snake monster family has great expectations for the wild python world.

No wonder he could get heartfelt recognition from his Amazon core demons before. At one time, he thought it was just his own cultivation that crushed them too much, and then he was convinced. After working for a long time, 'interests' still took over here. most.

For this reason, he had to smile bitterly, but he soon did not get too entangled. This seemed good, at least he did not need to feel any guilt for using these countless monsters as chess pieces in the future.

Putting aside his extended thoughts, Qinglong Liu Hao appeared at the head of the 'Snake of the World' with one step, and directly probed his consciousness into the other party's sea of ​​consciousness. In an instant, he captured the location of the spirit of the 'Snake of the World' under his feet.

He originally thought that in the sea of ​​consciousness of the 'Snake of the World', there should be this extremely huge soul, but when he actually saw it, he had to laugh out loud.

Here, the sleeping 'Snake of the World' has evolved into an illusion, which seems to be its best memory of the past. The countless 'Blood Orchids' are the best proof. This thing can almost span the entire Pacific Ocean when it stretches. , whose mind is still so immature.

Yes, after all, there is still a lack of education. It is also impossible for those Amazon snake demons to know much about this. The countless inheritances they have instilled probably do not have any 'civilization', which is why the scene he saw today happened.

He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. On the bad side, even if this guy broke through the immortal level and transformed into an immortal child, he would probably still be an immature child, and he would be a 'Red Boy' bully.

The good side is that once a breakthrough is made, this guy's innocent heart can still be preserved, and his future cultivation will be even more talented.

Originally, Qinglong Liu Hao was just investigating out of curiosity, but after discovering this, he had other ideas. He thought for a moment, a slight smile appeared on his face, and a light spot was left between his hands. Within its sea of ​​consciousness.

The reason why he did not directly instill this 'benefits' into the other party was because he wanted to see the other party's opportunities and give the other party a choice that truly belonged to him.

Crazy python world, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. After so many years, ever since humans were led away by the obsessed Liu Hao, countless animals and plants have gradually occupied the villages and towns that originally belonged to humans. Many of the unmaintained trees have even grown taller under the infusion of spiritual energy. After leaving the building, countless concrete bricks and stones below were covered. If it weren't for the still strong words placed there, who would have known that this place had once been extremely prosperous?

Qinglong Liu Hao walked slowly in a city that used to be called "super first-line". He could occasionally see flashing neon lights, which all told him that the prosperity of the past was not long ago.

A golden lion swayed in sight, and it was already demonized at first glance, but the fierce light and desire in the eyes of the other party looking at Qinglong Liu Hao revealed that even if he was demonized, he was still confused. The ignorant bottom.

Such monsters are also the mainstream of this once-first-tier city. When Liu Hao took away the humans from the Dragon Kingdom, he did not consider their property. This golden lion monster looked like it was left behind in a former zoo. It is remarkable that guys like this can survive.

Does he know that in this once super first-tier city, apart from the snake clan, the only real leaders are cats and dogs. They are the masters of this city today by virtue of their numbers.

Seeing the golden lion monster flying towards him, it also wiped out the last bit of Qinglong Liu Hao's interest, and he no longer had the intention to continue sightseeing;

He let out a breath of turbid air, broke through the space and left before the golden lion monster was about to succeed. He had no intention of arguing with a monster whose intelligence was not yet complete. He had a feeling that he might be in trouble someday in the future. During a period of time, you will also encounter this lion.

"Laojun Mountain" is the place where Qinglong Liu Hao appears again. Since Qinglong Liu Hao has entered the wild world, he naturally has to leave something behind, but he is not doing it for himself either. This destination already explains everything.

The demon clan is not completely indivisible. In the ancient world and in heaven, most of the immortals are demon clan. These immortals have never admitted that they are members of the demon clan. I can only call myself "principal" and insist that I am a true seeker.

This is what Qinglong Liu Hao wants to do, but he only leaves a possibility.

Not only Taoism, but also Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, he has not let go. As for who will get this recognition and step into it in the future, or whether it is the snake-like monster clan, he has no interest in knowing.

What he provided was just a possibility. What he provided was more of an opportunity for the groups other than the snake demon clan in the wild python world. An opportunity that would not only become food for the snake demon clan in the future. .

This in itself is what he should do as a monk who majors in the laws of heaven. In the final analysis, it is still the law of order and balance in his heart that is at work, telling him that since he is here, he cannot sit idly by.

"A world that is too unipolar will inevitably lead to deformity. In such a world, even if it can break through its own shackles and improve its level this time, it will only be more difficult in the future!"

This is what he realized at this time. He can also see that the snake demons will probably guess this reason in the future, but by then, the snake demons have swallowed all the fat, and they will still be willing to part with it. Cutting meat?

The innate "hard to give up good wealth" that intelligent creatures are born with does not only appear in humans. The moment wisdom appears, this "selfish" factor has already become entangled with the advent of wisdom. , which cannot be escaped no matter what.

"I wonder how 'Xiao Qing' is doing?"

Suddenly, he thought of the Xiao Qing he met when he first stepped into the Kunlun ancestral lineage. This green snake in the world of white snakes had left a big mark on his heart, and it was a big cause and effect.

He even felt that the reason why he stooped down to leave these inheritances today was probably because he thought of Green Snake.

"The White Snake World must be connected to our own earth, but the passage still needs to be explored. I always feel that I will encounter it soon. By then, Miss Xiaoqing will probably have cultivated into a Daluo Jinxian, right?"

"Don't you know that Green Snake didn't save Bai Suzhen?"

"The 'Bai Suzhen' in the ancient world should also rise in time. With the current situation in the ancient world, it is probably impossible for the Leifeng Pagoda to be suppressed!"

"If the Green Snake hasn't saved Bai Suzhen from their world, in the future the White Snake will step into the heavens and be entangled in this line of cause and effect, and then save itself?"

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