Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and seventy-eight. The disaster of Orochimaru

1578. Orochimaru’s calamity

On this day, Qinglong Liu Hao, who came out of the python world, immediately paused, reached out and counted a few times, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Orochimaru, you deserve this calamity!"

At this time, in the southern part of Liu Hao's third brother's country on Earth, a Buddha statue tens of thousands of feet covered a hundred miles. Under the pressed Buddha's palm, a white phosphorus snake was struggling crazily, but it could not shake the Buddha's palm in any way.

This white phosphorus snake is none other than Orochimaru, and it is also Orochimaru's biggest trump card. But even so, it has no effect at all in the face of Tathagata Buddha.

It has to be said that Orochimaru is by no means a good person. He can be more honest in the area controlled by the Dragon Kingdom, and he also knows that some scruples must not be done. But outside the area controlled by the Dragon Kingdom, Orochimaru is the real Orochimaru. Pill, there are absolutely no taboos in doing things.

To the south of the third brother, there was already a test site left by Orochimaru in his early years, so it was naturally his first choice. When he came again, he suddenly opened up countless 'human experiments' that he could only bury in his heart. The ones who suffered were naturally Three brothers.

Originally, everything was peaceful. With Orochimaru's current level of cultivation, even if he was discovered, it wouldn't be a big deal. To take a step back, even if he couldn't defeat him, it would be no problem at all. Orochimaru was the strongest in this regard.

However, it is a pity that what he met was the Tathagata Buddha, who was crushed by several levels of realms, and all Orochimaru's trump cards were no different than playing house.

White Phosphorus Orochi is the product of Orochimaru's complete demonization. It is the biggest trump card that he can completely digest after transforming himself. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an explosive seed. It is a pity that when disaster strikes, he realizes that he seemed to be too much in the past. I was too addicted to 'science', only to realize that I seemed to have not practiced properly for a long time.

At this moment, Orochimaru's heart was definitely bitter. At this time, how could he not know that it was Tathagata Buddha who captured him?

Reading, Orochimaru was serious. Knowing the name of Tathagata Buddha, he naturally knew that he could not escape with his life today. He also knew that if he reported Liu Hao's name, even if the Tathagata Buddha in front of him had murderous intentions, he would He kept his hand, but the pride in his heart told him that doing so was definitely not a good thing.

After struggling for a long time, seeing that it was in vain, Orochimaru also gave up his twisting. Then he saw his huge white phosphorus snake body being grabbed by the Buddha's palm and being lifted up like a small insect. Only then did he really see clearly. The whole picture of Tathagata.

Orochimaru didn't know that there was no need for him to call Xuan Yukou, and Tathagata had already figured out the many causes and effects of Orochimaru and Liu Hao.

If it were the Tathagata of the prehistoric times, Orochimaru would have been released by the Tathagata this time. It was just driven by profit. He told him not to offend Liu Hao for such a trivial matter. Even when he was released, he would be very high-sounding.

For example, monks are compassionate;

For example, even though you have done evil, I, the Buddha, think that if you put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, you must be given the opportunity again.

But today's Tathagata Buddha has also undergone earth-shaking changes in his thoughts. He has already moved towards the truly compassionate Buddha in the Dragon Kingdom civilization, and his considerations are naturally different.

He was still scanning Orochimaru's karma, and then he realized that this guy who he thought had sinned so much didn't have as many karmas as he thought. On the contrary, the karma and merits of this guy were evenly matched. .

It gives people the impression that while doing evil, he is also making contributions to all sentient beings in the world.

Seeing such a situation, Tathagata would naturally not kill directly. In fact, even if Orochimaru really had many sins, Tathagata would only suppress him. Even if he didn't want to admit it, Liu Hao still had to give him face.

He was relieved in his heart. He just felt that his cultivation was not enough, his determination was still not firm enough, and his past thinking was still affecting him to this day.

Fortunately, things are still moving in a good direction. Orochimaru, who is half karma-like and entangled with merits, is also a good research object for Tathagata.

For this reason, he pinched it with a flower finger in his hand. The white phosphorus snake that was originally transformed from Orochimaru was entangled with countless restrictions in an instant. After a while, it turned into a white phosphorus bracelet, which was casually worn by Tathagata.

At this time, Orochimaru seemed as if his entire body had been completely twisted and turned into a simple object. He obviously had his own wisdom, but he could only see the world through the eyes of Tathagata, which was also given by Tathagata.

How did he know that he had become an experiment in the hands of others today?

The only thing that made him happy was that he survived, and he made a vow in his heart. If he could get out of trouble this time, he must practice himself severely. Orochimaru knew the law of the weak and the strong better than anyone else.

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

Tathagata didn't care what Orochimaru's inner plans were. He traveled southward and visited countless gathering places of the Third Brother, large and small, and stayed for varying lengths of time;

But every third brother gathering place, as long as he walked by, would be greatly improved, and there would also be a statue of him, a thin old monk with a white beard. Perhaps only a few of those third brothers knew that he was Tathagata, but they could not It does not prevent them from contributing their faith to him from the bottom of their hearts.

The power of these beliefs is not the kind of belief that was mixed with countless thoughts when he was the Buddha in the prehistoric times. Instead, it is so pure. It simply gives him ideological sustenance and only gives him great and small respect, even if Even though he knew that he would gain nothing by worshiping him, he would not become angry because of it.

He enjoys this and understands that this is the real faith he needs. He also understands that this is the Mahayana Buddhism in his heart that can save all sentient beings!

Along the way, Tathagata did not have any conflicts with the big demons who originally controlled the gathering place of these three brothers, because he has completely understood that the faith of all living beings is not only for him. Only by letting go of this and gaining everything on that day can he satisfy his obsession. Later, he realized how wrong he had been.

He also understood that he was just a chess piece placed in the world by Zhunti from the beginning to the end.

The so-called great prosperity of Buddhism is basically just to fulfill the oath that Yin Yin Zhunti made and repay the merits bestowed by the ancient world.

What does this have to do with him?

From the moment I accepted Zhunti and became the Buddha of the West, I thought I had fallen into the calculations of the two Buddhist saints. I thought I was complacent and thought I had forced the two saints to retreat behind the scenes. How could I know that? In their calculations, he was just a 'scapegoat' brought to the stage by the legs of the two saints.

The high position of the third generation Buddha also explains everything, but why didn't I realize it in the first place?

He knew that he was lost in the enjoyment of power. The comfort of being able to have countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan drive for him with just a decree was indeed something that no one could let go of.

He was glad that he had a real master. Even if he betrayed him, he was still fulfilling his responsibilities as a master. He reminded himself when he was addicted to it. Only then did he understand where his future was, and this allowed him to truly He took the first step and gave up everything that did not belong to him.

Tathagata now has no regrets, nor any nostalgia for the past. Instead, he enjoys his walking with relish. Every step has a footprint, and he is slowly improving himself. Isn't this the greatest achievement? ?

The believers he had never ignored before, now as long as he sees the smiles on their faces and the hope in their eyes, he will feel joy and joy from the bottom of his heart. Such emotions seem to have disappeared since he entered Buddhism. He had never experienced it before, and he already felt that he could no longer be satisfied.

If Liu Hao saw Tathagata's current state, he would be surprised. If the last time Qinglong Liu Hao and Tathagata met, Tathagata still carried a sense of Buddha's reserve, then now, anyone who sees Tathagata will only Think that this is just one of the many living beings.

It can be seen that the Tathagata today has truly integrated into all living beings, and is no longer the aloof Tathagata Buddha!

San Ge, the birthplace of Buddhism, has lost its former glory after countless foreign invasions. Various kinds of worship have sprung up. Before the revival of spiritual energy, San Ge religion was the mainstream. With the help of this, many skills and means were derived. It's a pity that this backbone was still not strong for long before it was interrupted by the demon clan, which further confused the reciprocal belief system.

Before Tathagata came, the worship of monsters naturally accounted for the majority, and then it was the legacy of the previous divine worship system. As for Buddhism, it almost only stayed in legends.

But in such a state, with the arrival of Tathagata, he forcefully brought the third brother back and crawled at the feet of Buddhism again. The monsters who controlled them could only turn a blind eye and let the third brother make his own choices. .

The demon clan is so 'open-minded', so the Tathagata will naturally reciprocate their kindness.

It is impossible for him to leave him alone. In other words, the ones who can truly protect the third brother will still be the big monsters like the monster clan for a long time to come.

This is why even if Tathagata doesn't need to investigate, he can understand that these great demons who rule will definitely do some things in private that show their teeth and grin like the third brother, but he can only pretend that he doesn't know;

The appearance of Orochimaru can also be said to have allowed Tathagata to vent a lot of his pent-up anger while walking. It also allowed Tathagata to truly scare the monkeys and make the big demons who still control the third brother understand that some things must be done. Only when it is converged.

It's just this, Orochimaru naturally has no way of knowing. He is now like a criminal who is locked up in a small dark room. He can only see the outside world through Tathagata's eyes. He can only go to jail, and he has no idea how long he needs to serve. We can only hope that Tathagata can meet Liu Hao soon, and only in this way can he regain his freedom.

Little did he know that when he was pinned to the ground by Tathagata, Liu Hao had already received the news and had no intention of coming to rescue him. He even thought that such an experience would be a good thing for Orochimaru.

It is true that this endless prison life is definitely a test for Orochimaru. It is also an excellent opportunity for Orochimaru to sort out his past and think about his future.

Liu Hao knows Orochimaru too well. This guy who seems to want to learn everything, fundamentally speaking, has no real 'Tao' of his own. It seems that he only has a feeling that he can go anywhere and as long as he is happy, it is enough. .

It's not that he thinks Orochimaru is bad, in fact, he can face the world with such an attitude. How many countless creatures in the world are there?

It's one thing to think about it, but it's another thing to be able to achieve it.

Just like how Orochimaru was defeated by Tathagata today, if your fist is not strong enough, how can you have the absolute self?

Orochimaru suffered a disaster today. Isn't it Orochimaru's tribulation?

Qinglong Liu Hao, who is already proficient in the laws of heaven, knows this very well. The life and death that Orochimaru should have had in the ninja world disappeared due to the intervention of external forces, but it does not mean that it is completely eliminated.

This disaster of imprisonment was just postponed. The merits obtained by Orochimaru were not enough to eliminate this disaster, so the Tathagata came to suppress him.

Similarly, it was also because of following Liu Hao that Orochimaru gained many merits and was suppressed by Tathagata. Following Tathagata Buddha, even a scorpion or a mouse can become an immortal, not to mention Orochimaru, who is already extremely wise. pill?

This is also the reason why Qinglong Liu Hao clearly knew it, but just ignored it with a smile, obviously with a hint of schadenfreude.

At this time, Tathagata once again transformed into an old monk with a white beard, still looking like a weak man standing in the wind. But everyone who survived with Orochimaru knew clearly that the old monk in front of them was not their enemy at all.

Here, it must be said that Orochimaru is extremely capable of brainwashing. Even though they knew that their boss was imprisoned by this old monk, this group of people had no intention of abandoning Orochimaru. Under the leadership of Kimimaro, they seemed to have become the followers behind Tathagata. The Tathagata saw this and did not drive them away. He let them go as if they did not exist at all. He still walked further south step by step with a determined face.

But Tathagata didn't know that if he continued to go south, he would have two choices, whether to cross the sea and enter the ninja world or to turn a corner and continue to measure in the land of the third brother.

Green Dragon Liu Hao, who was standing on the sidelines of the Amazon, hoped that Tathagata could step into the ninja world, because only here is a better template. By observing the changes brought about by Tathagata here, he can also analyze the future Tathagata's entry into the Dragon Kingdom. Changes come later.

It seems that the idea of ​​​​Qinglong Liu Hao came to mind. When Tathagata walked to the seaside, he paused for a long time, and then walked on the sea;

Kimimaro and his entourage behind him also did not miss a thing. This group of people took good care of Tathagata along the way, as if they were afraid that Tathagata would starve. All this passed through Tathagata's eyes, but Orochimaru could see it clearly, and he didn't know. Will there be gratitude in this guy's heart?

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