Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and eighty-four. Accept it and become a dog

1584. Accept it and be a dog

This is also one of the greatest functions of the All Worlds Platform.

Through 'communication', the worlds at both ends of the channel can 'learn from each other', 'influence each other', 'integrate with each other', etc., and ultimately achieve 'mutual improvement'.

As for those who are eliminated in this process, they can only be 'unlucky', because the opportunities are 'equal'.

Qinglong Liu Hao does not have the concept of "standing and speaking without backache". There is no so-called "fairness" in his eyes. Those are things that humans should consider. As a heavenly man, that is not what he wants to see.

Just like the Monster Clan of the Rocky Mountains, when they entered the world of mortals cultivating immortality, they did not make as much fanfare as the Amazon monsters now. Compared to the spirit world at the other end of the path to the world of mortals cultivating immortality, weren't the Monster Clan of the Rocky Mountains stronger?

They are obviously a powerful party, but they also have no grand intention of conquering because of this. No matter what their psychology is, for them, it is a 'victory', otherwise, the Rocky Mountains at this time will Where can they find a place to stay?

In the world of mortals cultivating immortals, there is a world of immortals. Once the mortal world of immortals discovers that the spiritual world has suffered large-scale destruction and a new world is discovered, their actions can be imagined.

It was also because of the caution of the demon clan in the Rocky Mountains that they escaped the greatest disaster. To a certain extent, it helped Old Demon Han hide, and it also helped his own future life and death.

This is the power of choice.

The magical world at the other end of the passage in front of you also has gods.

When the spiritual energy of the earth is poured into that world all the time, the cultivation level of those gods is not improving?

Is it really impossible for those gods to regain their disadvantage in the future?

Now that you have made a choice, you can only bear the consequences yourself. The pressure they give is also helping the growth of all creatures in the opposite world. It is also a kind of mutual promotion, isn't it?

Hundreds of wolf demons have already stepped into the passage. Behind the wolf demons, there are also a group of large and small beast demon clans. These affected demon clans are very rare in number, and most of them are just sent to go out for some training. As for how much they can store in the future, their tribe may not care at all.

In the Amazon rainforest, countless monsters hunt each other, but with top-level restrictions, such hunting must have been reduced by countless amounts, which also means that the number of monsters at the bottom must have increased dramatically. Why don't the top leaders of their respective ethnic groups have any intention of reducing the number of their ethnic groups through such 'experiences'?

They can also select the true elites of their own tribe through such experiences. Perhaps this is their biggest goal!

It wasn't until this wave of 'Refined Demonic Beasts' all entered the passage that Qinglong Liu Hao suddenly raised his steps and walked slowly into it. As soon as he entered the world at the other end of the passage, countless fighting sounds suddenly rose. Here, it is simply a huge battlefield.

Stretching for thousands of miles, whether it was in all the mountains around the passage or on the plains beyond the mountains, the sound of fighting never stopped at all.

Obviously, all the creatures in this world have reached an internal agreement, and they all know clearly that there is an "invasion" from the outside world. All the hatred in the past seems to have to be put aside in front of the "outside invader" and become unified. foreign.

In these countless mountains, there are monsters and monsters fighting. On the plains outside the mountains, there is a confrontation between monsters and human armies. Even in the sky, there are monsters and big monsters in this world. The gods stared.

Here, the number of monsters that have stepped into it has reached hundreds of millions. It is no wonder that the edge of the Amazon rainforest has become a little quiet now.

It’s just that all the poor species in this world don’t know that such an ‘invasion’ is not just an ‘experience’ for the Amazon demon clan, but a ‘experience’ that can last for a long time.

But it is the plan of the Amazon Rainforest Demon Clan that is the greatest harm to this world. In this world now and in the future, countless monsters, orcs, humans, etc. have lost their lives because of this. They will only think that they are in this world. Protecting your homeland, you don't know that from the beginning to the end, you are just a chess piece in the eyes of others, and it only has this little value left.

If such a cruel 'fact' is known to them, it may be the most fatal thing. Sometimes the most terrifying thing is the loss of 'hope', which extinguishes the 'faith' in their hearts.

But these, the gods who were 'glaring' at the big demons in the sky, had some guesses in their hearts, but they were just unwilling to admit it.

At the entrance of the passage, a navy blue dragon was prostrate, and it fell directly into a deep sleep. At first glance, it was the big demon that the Amazon rainforest had deliberately arranged to sit here. From his state, it can be seen that the Amazon demon clan has not controlled this world at all. Start making threats.

In response, Qinglong Liu Hao just shook his head and smiled. He spread out his consciousness and scanned the entire world. He saw everything in this world. He quickly locked the target of his trip and then raised his hand directly. Insert it into the space, grab the Heavenly Mark of the Tomb World that is far away in your hand, and crush it gently.

After doing this, he could easily look around the battlefield in front of him, but more of his attention was still focused on the sky and the local gods staring at the big monsters.

He had to admit that even in Western civilization, the gods with the same name had the same level of cultivation as heaven and earth.

Also, the level of the world has given these gods the maximum limit. When the spiritual energy is poured into them from their own earth, if they are given time to slowly cultivate, they may be able to improve step by step, and finally become the same as many Western gods in other worlds. There is not much difference.

It's a pity that such an opportunity will never come in Qinglong Liu Hao's opinion. The reason why those big monsters did not kill these gods is because they don't want to lose the support for their calculations.

Because they know that once these gods die, the opponents below who are fighting against the descendants of their own ethnic group will soon know about it, and then they will lose the fighting spirit they finally gathered together, and it will inevitably make the 'experience' they arranged lose the greatest value. Effect.

For this reason, they must keep alive these gods who are not in their eyes at all, even if they simply regard them as tools.

As a bystander, Qinglong Liu Hao knew that the demon clan's plan could not last forever.

It's not that he underestimates these so-called gods, but they really don't have such backbone.

Throughout the mythology of Western civilization, the gene of obeying the stronger has never disappeared.

When they think they are strong enough, they will not hesitate to betray, even if they are their father and mother, but before that, their prayers while lying on the ground are always so pious.

In other words, when these gods completely understood that they could not resist the big monster in front of them, they knelt down faster and more thoroughly than anyone else.

Regardless of how round their eyes are now, and the weapons in their hands are raised high, Qinglong Liu Hao has already seen the weakness in their hearts. In his opinion, such a confrontation can last for three to five years. It's already very good.

Once these gods choose to surrender, even if this group of big monsters bypasses them in the future and accepts them as dogs, the inner beliefs of the major ethnic groups who are fighting with the monsters below will completely collapse. In other words, these gods The future outcome will also be doomed demise.

As for when that time comes, how should the local groups below choose? Should they continue to fight for their own pride or choose to surrender to the Amazon demon clan?

Qinglong Liu Hao believes that there is a high probability that it will be the latter.

This is also the essence of the major ethnic groups in Western civilization.

But what does such surrender mean to the Amazon demon clan?

If they were willing, how could there be only a tiny bit of the original human race left in the wild world?

In many cases, whether you are scared of a dog or not does not depend on whether you are good or not, but whether you are valuable.

According to Qinglong Liu Hao's estimation, there is a high probability that by that time, monsters like Amazon will not stop their sharp claws. In the end, even if they are accepted as dogs, there will only be a limited number left.

Qinglong Liu Hao scanned these local gods again and guessed each other's names one by one from their powers.

His last gaze was fixed on the 'God of Light' in this world, and there was a slight curl at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, a thought arose in his heart, that is, if all the gods of light in the countless heavens gathered into one, which realm would they be able to gather into?

"Quasi-sage is inevitable, is there any chance for sub-sage?"

"It's most likely impossible!"

This is not something that Qinglong Liu Hao is looking down upon, but it is almost an obvious fact.

If the contrast between the Quasi-Sage and the Great Luo Jinxian is ten thousand to one, then the comparison between the Sub-Saint and the Quasi-Saint will only be even greater. It is no longer something that can be achieved by many Quasi-Saints gathered together. More It also involves the degree of control of the laws of heaven and earth.

In other words, even if this number is infinite, you are only one in a billion who can cross this realm.

It is just like the fact that there are tens of billions of elementary school students who only know elementary school mathematics. Even if they are added together, they will never be able to solve advanced mathematics problems.

The more they do, the more knowledge they have accumulated in this realm will become more transparent, and they can get 100 points on all elementary school mathematics papers.

Further up, it can no longer be inferred through known knowledge, but requires more accumulation.

Of course, that doesn't mean that they don't have any effect. Obviously, the effect here is also huge.

By gathering countless selves, their knowledge at the current stage becomes richer. In other words, through the accumulation of knowledge at this stage, they can learn higher stage knowledge more easily, and the speed is naturally not comparable to that of other people.

"As far as the 'God of Light' is concerned, if there is a unique God of Light in all the heavens, and if more time is given to this 'honored position', it will be difficult for the Yasheng to be trapped!"

Soon, Qinglong Liu Hao shook his head again. This did not sound difficult, but in fact it was far more difficult than imagined.

For example, in the tomb world that Qinglong Liu Hao visited before, when the first generation of Gods of Light retired, didn’t countless generations of Gods of Light emerge later?

The goddess of life in the tomb world, two generations live together!

I didn’t see them having to fight just for this position. Didn’t I see that the two generations of the goddess of life were so harmonious?

They are still sisters, and they don't seem to care about it at all, and they have never felt that the goddess of life must be the only one.

This is not the case for a world, let alone all the heavens and realms.

Even if there is such a God of Light who annihilates the "God of Light" one by one in the heavens and merges them, after he opens these heavens, a new generation of God of Light will appear again soon. Isn't all the hard work in vain?

The only way may be to forcefully leave an avatar behind after the fusion, and ensure that this incarnation can survive after the original body leaves. You can imagine the difficulty.

Qinglong Liu Hao also knew that the biggest difference here is that the gods of light in the countless heavens do not have a unified source. They are all just creatures born from the light, or they simply think so.

From another perspective, most of them are not the same person, but countless people with the same name.

This alone would not allow them to achieve the unique achievement that Qinglong Liu Hao had guessed.

Thinking about it, he felt sad for these Western gods.

In comparison, Eastern civilization seems to be too unified. Even if there are many details that are inconsistent among the countless heavens, most of the emperors of heaven have the same real name of "Haotian".

On the other hand, rather than placing this speculation on these Western gods, it would be more practical to give this expectation to Haotian.

Thinking of this, Qinglong Liu Hao smiled bitterly again. He suddenly remembered that he still had the honorary title of Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Fengdu.

That's all for the latter. White Tiger Liu Hao has long been enlightened to Hunyuan, and he doesn't care about it at all. All he has to do is to walk among the heavens with the title of Emperor Fengdu. Once this happens, heaven and earth will give recognition and deprive this world of the 'Fengdu Emperor'.

As for Emperor Ziwei, he snatched it from Boyikao's hands;

Among the heavens outside the prehistoric times, although Emperor Ziwei is much better than the God of Light and his ilk, they are still different.

Especially those innate beings who were truly born from the Ziwei Star will not shrink back because their own cultivation is crushed. Most of them will rush forward without hesitation and fight to the death with themselves, right?

"It seems that I am lucky now. I have traveled to so many heavens without meeting my 'colleagues', and I have saved countless troubles!"

For a moment, he remembered that among the many heavens visited by the incarnation of Obsession, he showed up with the title of 'Emperor Ziwei'. In other words, this competition had been buried long ago, even if neither he nor himself had any idea about it. No matter how much I care, I have no choice but to do it.

"That's all, it's just a little trouble!"

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