Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and eighty-five. Raising Gu

1585. Raising Gu

It's really just a little troublesome.

Neither I nor Qinglong Liu Hao have ever thought of using Emperor Ziwei to realize Hunyuan. In other words, Emperor Ziwei is just a small seat on the road to them. Now they sit on it. , more of it is just a small break during the march.

When they hit the road again, they won't care at all who sits in this seat in the future.

In other words, they and the countless ‘Emperors Ziwei’ from the heavens are not just in a life-and-death struggle.

"I remember that the real Emperor Ziwei is the innate demon god conceived by Ziwei Star. In the ancient times, no matter why the original Emperor Ziwei fell, he will return in the endless reincarnation in the future. At that time, it will no longer matter. Late!"

"Maybe because of this cause and effect, I will accept that reincarnated body as my disciple in the future?"

"Let him go! Just let it happen!"

Close your eyes and look out into the distance. Tens of millions of troops are deployed on the plain at the end of the continuous mountains. On one side of the monster beasts are backed by the mountains, and on the other side is a mixture of major local ethnic groups, among which the orcs and humans make up the majority. A little bit of western dragon and monster driving.

These native ethnic groups have built thousands of cities behind the army, and countless people have been driven as laborers.

In the past, the practice method in this world could only be a tool for the rich and the predestined, but now it has been thoroughly promoted.

Each of these driven laborers may have a trace of fear on their faces, but no one is lazy after work, and they all squeeze their rest time all the time to hone themselves, whether they are fighting spirit or magic. , because they know that maybe before long, they will become one of the large armies fighting monsters in front of the city.

War is the biggest catalyst in any world, and this world is no exception.

Qinglong Liu Hao saw a steady stream of monster beast corpses being transported to the rear, and then boiled into minced meat and distributed to all the workers. The essence was naturally enjoyed by the higher-ups and became their best supplement.

And these may be the biggest benefits brought by the invasion of this world by monster beasts.

Seeing such a scene, Qinglong Liu Hao also felt a little ironic.

Even he had to admit that for the lowest level of the world, this might be their only chance to change their destiny.

This kind of medieval world, even if fighting spirit magic is added, the fundamentals of aristocratic rule are the same.

Under such a ruling structure, the people at the bottom have never had many ways to rise. Perhaps the only possibility is to sell their lives as slaves of the nobles in order to get a change.

But even so, the chance of becoming a noble's iron-bodied slave is still pitiful. In other words, even if there is such a passage, it will be one in a million.

How ironic is it compared to what is happening today, which is also about sacrificing one's life, but allows all participants to improve themselves?

Perhaps the biggest misfortune for these people is that after getting this opportunity, the chance of surviving is also very low.

But, why do they have their own choices?

They were driven, but they were also driven here and had to join.

The high-ranking nobles will not take care of their emotions, and will only think that they are just necessary cannon fodder.

There are probably more than millions of women and children in the rear of the human race now.

These human nobles may be more envious of the orcs around them at this time, because the descendants of the orcs do not need more than ten years to grow up like the human race.

The evil spirit rising up into the sky has filled the area for thousands of miles. At this time, every living thing inside will inevitably be affected. Those wolf monsters who entered here with Qinglong Liu Hao will not be able to survive at this time. There was no relaxation anymore, they just felt as if they had fallen into a pool, and instantly became unable to breathe.

They thought of it as a 'vacation', that they would get a promotion and a raise after returning, but they didn't know that when they arrived, they had to work hard, and even if they worked hard, they didn't know whether they could survive. In billions of conquest battles, individuals can only become insignificant in them. They are by no means able to conquer the violent waves, and are just a drop of water in the ocean.

Seeing such a cruel scene, even the bodies of these 'beasts' who are accustomed to preying on the weak began to tremble slightly. They wanted to suppress the fear in their hearts, but thinking about it is one thing, and whether they can do it is another. .

Their state is the normal state of the monster beasts who have newly arrived from across the world, and no one is urging them. Obviously, the monster clan has long expected these situations and has given them sufficient time to adapt.

Isn't this a kind of sadness?

As a bystander, Qinglong Liu Hao knew that the Amazons had no choice. When they unified the monsters in the entire Amazon rainforest, and when they reset the rules, the explosion of monsters was inevitable. Is this world not the Amazon? The great monsters of the monster clan feel relieved?

On the entire home planet of South America, how many humans are left in it now?

Except for some city-sized survivor bases in the far south, all other gathering places together only amount to a million people. If the monsters in the Amazon rainforest really want to be destroyed, they can only attack them at random.

This torrent must go somewhere, and this world is just a little unlucky to be located here.

In turn, this purely magical world of Western civilization can only admit defeat. When they face such 'natural and man-made disasters', they are also lucky. At least they will be the Amazon monster clan for a long time to come. The ethnic training ground recognized by the big monsters. The scale of such a war may be shocking, but the enemy did not really want to destroy them all, so it was considered a chance to give them a chance.

Under the pressure of such a high position, in this world, whether it is Warcraft, Orcs, or humans, they will be united forever, truly uniting and sharing what they have, and cherishing every possibility. The 'genius' who appears is waiting for the hero in his world who can drive the 'Colorful Clouds' to appear one day.

War is always the best catalyst for world development.

This small magical world of Western civilization is no exception. This is no longer a demand-driven product, but it will most likely die if it does not change. It is necessary to seize every possible improvement to improve itself and the race.

In the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, the indigenous people have obviously achieved this.

He remembered that when the incarnation of his obsession came forward, this was still a world where people could only rely on hoes for farming. But today, he saw that even if the women and children farming in the back, they had more or less mastered some simple magic in their hands. .

Relying on these simple magics, they can turn the soil, partially irrigate, and artificially pollinate. It seems that they have completely turned the previously high-level magic into a civilian and productive one.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't think that those high-ranking magicians could put down their dignity, and it was only the crisis that forced them to make such a choice.

Because when men are dragged onto the battlefield to serve as cannon fodder, when the army maintains tens of millions every day, when these armies consume astronomical amounts of food every day, food must be a This is a huge problem, and the productivity of the previous small farmer structure must be changed, otherwise the world will be filled with despair just by this point.

However, they thought they had done their best, but little did they know that it was only the Amazon demon clan's great demons who restrained the demon beasts that allowed them to have such peace in the rear.

These nobles who used to rule this world would never have thought that what really subverted the foundation of their rule was not the monsters they were fighting, but the lowly people behind them who they had never bothered to take a look in the past. children.

This is just like the aristocratic families who monopolized educational resources in the past. In the next generation, the competitors they will face will also be the people of the entire world. The power they were proud of in the past will in the near future , will no longer be worth showing off, and will lose the power of deterrence. Only God knows how long they can sit on the throne under their buttocks.

"Perhaps this is also the future that the will of this world is most happy to see, right?"

The spiritual energy of our own earth is pouring into this place all the time. The energy of heaven and earth will not become a fetter, and the will of heaven and earth will also hope that all living beings in heaven and earth will start practicing cultivation;

Only in this way can the most powerful 'geniuses' be truly selected, and only these real 'geniuses' can break the ceiling of these worlds and bring the world together to a higher level.

"In this way, the invasion of the Amazon monsters actually fulfilled this world in a certain way!"

Qinglong Liu Hao couldn't help but shake his head and smile. Reality is sometimes so interesting. If the indigenous people in this world knew this fact, they would probably collapse completely, right?

Isn't this the guidance of the laws of heaven?

On the plain battlefield, the two sides launched another charge. Countless dust was swept away by the charge. In just a few breaths, the yellow sand rolled like a sandstorm. However, both sides within it did not stop at all, and they completely ignored these obstacles. Finally, there was only scarlet in their eyes, and all they thought about was killing the enemy in front of them.

Their thoughts aroused countless murderous intentions, and blasted away the countless evil spirits in the sky, causing a faint scarlet color to appear in the sky.

"It turns out that the discoloration of heaven and earth is not just a rumor!"

Only Qinglong Liu Hao, who has nothing to do with himself, can say such relaxed words. He has seen through the essence and will not have the slightest pity. In his view, everything is just a choice and it is just the law of heaven and earth. It’s just a manifestation.

Scenes like this will never only occur in this world. In countless heavens, wars bigger than the ones before us will never be rare. Even compared with those real horrific wars, scenes like this are not uncommon. It's just a little play house.

In contrast, Qinglong Liu Hao was rejoicing for this world. If the human race was the only one that could resist the Amazon monsters, perhaps it would have declined in just three to five years. Fortunately, Sister Fang had a tribe of orcs, who were far more capable than the human race. The multiplied ethnic group has now become the largest force in resisting the army of monsters. In the future, this situation will continue, and even last forever.

On the contrary, in the past, the 'Western Dragon Clan', which was an aloof ethnic group in this world, would only die one or less, and in the end most of them would be exterminated.

The advantage of numbers is sometimes so useful. In the past, the orcs were definitely the most looked down upon and even spurned in this world. Who knew that one day they would become the savior of the entire world?

Looking back now and imagining their past situation, how ironic would it be?

In fact, these orc groups are by no means incapable of being assimilated by the monsters.

In the future, once the Amazon monsters feel that their experience in this world has lost its meaning, they will most likely be very happy to accept these orcs. After all, compared with the human race, these orcs have many things in common with the monsters.

On the other hand, at that time, the human race in this world will probably have only one way to perish. The Amazon demon race, because of the Dragon Kingdom and Liu Hao, will have scruples about the Yanhuang human race, but they will not care about these blond and blue-eyed people. Humans don't show any sympathy.

In all the worlds, this kind of screening is everywhere, and it is so similar to my own concept of "cultivating gu"!

Suddenly, Qinglong Liu Hao's heart skipped a beat.

"Could this be the chess player behind the scenes, Yang Gu?"

"Forcing the originally separated heavens in chaos into a box, forcing them to fight each other. Even so, they still didn't find it interesting enough, and they introduced the abyss, an enemy that all heavens must face!"

Qinglong Liu Hao felt a stirring in his heart. He wanted to reject what he had just thought, but he couldn't extinguish it no matter what.

He felt that there was no essential difference between himself and the ant-like warring parties on the plain in front of him. They were just clowns in the eyes of others. They were just smaller in size and his body size was much larger.

But this extra size can only be ignored in front of those behind the scenes, right?

They are just ants. There is no difference between bigger and smaller ones. Can bigger ants be able to lift a house?

In the eyes of real humans, isn't it possible to crush someone to death with just one finger?

Qinglong Liu Hao suddenly lost interest in continuing to watch. For a moment, he only felt the desolation of charging, as if nothing could make him interested in Su Hao.

He raised his head and looked towards the sky, through the clouds, through the confronting local gods and great demons, through the simple divine realm of this world, until the barrier between this world and chaos shone in his eyes. Just stopped.

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