Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and eighty-six. Fighting and defeating

1586. Enter the fight again

"I don't know if the people in the world, in the eyes of those behind the scenes, are it just a simple live broadcast show?"

Qinglong Liu Hao just stared at the gap between the world and chaos for a long time, softly uttering such a sigh on his lips, and then slowly looked back.

After exhaling this turbid breath, he calmed down the chaotic emotions in his heart, and a bitter smile flashed across his face.

"This is the first time that such emotions control my thinking!"

"I wonder if the incarnation of obsession that majors in the Law of Humanity will always be like this?"

Qinglong Liu Hao shook his head and didn't bother to think about it. When he surrendered his eyes to the battlefield again, his mood was completely different. The indifference in his eyes was more indifferent than ever before. This was simply a look down with all emotions completely erased. .

At this moment, he seemed to be sitting high in the sky, looking down at the way of heaven on earth. Even if billions of creatures were fighting in the plain, it did not stop his gaze at all. It seemed that there was no difference at all from the flowers swaying on the side, and they were nothing more than flowers. All sentient beings have only one answer.

His eyes swept over every corner of the world in front of him, without stopping at all from beginning to end, as if he was simply scanning, or just patrolling his territory.

When the scan ended, when his gaze retracted, it finally fell on the navy blue dragon sitting not far away.

It was this simple ending that caused all the scales on the dragon's body to stand up completely, as if it had been completely targeted and locked by a natural enemy, and it suddenly woke up from its deep sleep.

After waking up, the navy blue dragon followed his intuition and looked towards the source of the horror, and directly met the blue dragon Liu Hao's indifferent eyes. At this moment, he only felt that he had violated the power of heaven, and the soul deep in the sea of ​​consciousness told him that he had violated the power of heaven. He quickly lowered his head and crawled to the ground. Only in this way could his life be saved.

This is what he thought and did. The pride of the dragon clan and the aloofness in his heart were completely thrown away when he looked at Qinglong Liu Hao. He finally understood what "heaven" is.

He knew that all his worries were completely unnecessary. Whether he thought he was surrendering or resisting, it would not leave any impression in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, and he would not stop looking at him because of this. He would just ignore him directly. The only gain.

"Is this the sky?"

At this time, Qinglong Liu Hao was muttering to himself. He had fallen into an inexplicable state just now. He knew that this was the combination of his perception of 'Huang Tian' from the Tomb of Huang Tian in the tomb world at this moment. Completely, he imitated it unconsciously, viewing the world from Huang Tian's perspective.

The reason for this is also caused by his rare emotional outburst just now, which can be regarded as a mistake.

Whether it was a coincidence or a matter of course, it was because he had thoroughly digested the countless years of accumulation he had gained from the tomb world Huang Tian.

"The Incarnation of Heaven! This skill is not bad! It is woven with countless laws. The only pity is that the power is not very good, and it is only a quasi-holy war power!"

Unfortunately, there was something else on his mind. It was that this skill could not be truly popularized, and there were too many laws that needed to be understood. He had a feeling that even if he taught this skill to Tongtian, the other saint's cultivation would be extremely low. It doesn't take a while to master.

As for other people, forget about it. Even if they were taught step by step, they would probably be able to find where the door is.

Waking up from his perception, he discovered that the navy blue dragon beside him had been trembling. He waved his sleeves to calm the opponent's fear.

"Why did you choose the way to transform into a dragon?"

"Hui Tianzun! It was just a coincidence that I swallowed a spiritual fruit, and that's how I started on my current path!"

The navy blue dragon did not dare to hide anything. As he spoke, he quickly showed the appearance of the spiritual fruit he had eaten with a spell. If possible, he would definitely be happy to offer it with both hands.

Little did he know that Qinglong Liu Hao was just asking casually. When he saw the spiritual fruit displayed by the navy dragon, he was slightly stunned. He was very familiar with the displayed spiritual fruit. It was clearly the 'Chinese Dragon Fruit', and it was the only true dragon fruit. The Land of Fall can be formed.

In other words, somewhere in the Amazon rainforest, in ancient times, a real dragon must have died here, and its remains were buried for endless years. It was not until the spiritual energy of the earth exploded that this spiritual plant was born and these dragons grew. The spiritual fruit comes.

"Yes, after all, it is no longer the earth before I traveled. The plurality of spiritual energy itself demands the life of everything. How can it be set to be the hub of all heavens and worlds, how can it be just a simple earth?"

"I have ignored the past of my own earth in the past!"

"That's all, even if I look back now, it's impossible to find anything useful to me, so why bother?"

Many thoughts flashed through Qinglong Liu Hao's mind, but without delay, he nodded slightly towards the navy dragon:

"You're in luck!"

His words fell into the ears of Tiangqing Jiaolong, but he was filled with endless joy. How could he still not know that he was getting a huge advantage?

But Qinglong Liu Hao did not continue to explain the reason for his good luck, and he did not dare to ask further. He only knew that if he returned, he must take good care of the spiritual plant.

He still didn't dare to raise his head. After a long time, he still didn't hear anything more. Then he raised his huge head tremblingly, and found that the powerful man had disappeared long ago, and his whole body was like noodles. On the ground, it took a long time before a trace of strength came out.

But as for Qinglong Liu Hao, after he left this world of Western magical civilization, he traveled around the Amazon rainforest and uprooted the signs of heaven in tomb worlds one after another. However, he only took a quick look at these worlds and discovered these worlds. Most of them are dominated by Western civilization, but every human race in them is now only included, making them a rare species.

After a round of inspection, on this day, he came to a familiar passage. He had been here long ago, and it was clearly the Doupo Cangqiong where Xiao Huohuo was.

This passage that opens along the coast and is located on a cliff seems so hidden that both the human race and the demon race in South America ignore it.

Similarly, it is also the greatest luck of the South American demon clan.

Fighting to Break the Sky World should not be underestimated. Perhaps his level is just an ant compared to the Great Desolate World, but to many worlds, he is a behemoth.

He appeared early enough. If he had been located in the Amazon rainforest, it is still unclear whether the demon clan in the Amazon rainforest could survive now.

"It has been a long time since the rewarded deity arrived, so Xiao Huohuo must have attained the 'Master' level now, right?"

"Perhaps there is still a little difference, otherwise with his character, it would be impossible for him to continue to stay in the world of Dou Po Cang!"

Shaking his head, Qinglong Liu Hao stepped into it. It was still the familiar small island, and it was still empty. The boat that red-haired Shanks had left here had become dilapidated under the ravages of time. It seemed that The only difference is that the trees on the island have become taller.

"From the time when I was pouring spiritual energy into my own earth, to now my own earth's spiritual energy is being poured into this place!"

"This is already a reversal of the world hierarchy. Where is the ceiling of the world where our own earth is located?"

"The Asian Saint probably won't be able to hold it back for long. Those saints in the prehistoric times have been impatient for a long time, right?"

He made a move and reappeared in Xiao Huohuo's lair in the human world. His consciousness scanned the entire human world out of habit, and there were only a few familiar figures left.

"Why is this old dragon still in the world?"

The old dragon mentioned by Qinglong Liu Hao is naturally Kun Zhu, the leader of the Taixu ancient dragon clan.

"When I arrived, I remembered that I also gave him an opportunity. The ceiling of Dou Emperor's human world was broken by Xiao Huohuo again. Even if he stays here, he should enter the previous session!"

Pressing down the curiosity in his heart, Qinglong Liu Hao ducked into the Dragon Island of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. It suddenly dawned on him that this guy is patient enough and has been polishing himself until now. He also fully understands how huge the gap between himself and the dragon clan of all heavens and worlds is. The result of unwillingness in the heart.

Also, it doesn't take long for a true dragon to reach the level of immortality from birth to even if it eats, drinks, and sleeps. Its starting point is not comparable to that of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

Just having a nice name like 'Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan' doesn't mean that you are awesome.

Kunzhu compared with the real dragon, the difference between the two houses can be described as a firefly compared with a bright moon. After getting the comparison from the inheritance given by Liu Hao, this guy has already made up his mind, so that he has what he still has today. He lived in seclusion in the world of Doupo to hone his bloodline.

Today, it seems that its effect is still not much better.

"Well, since it's your chance to meet again, I can give you some benefits!"

Qinglong Liu Hao casually took out a piece of black-yellow crystal, about the size of a palm. It was the first time he stepped into the Kunlun Ancestral Line. It had been pressed at the bottom of the box for an unknown amount of time. If he didn't think of it today, he probably wouldn't be able to remember it. It's considered waste utilization.

Even if it is just a mysterious crystal formed by the spilled blood of an ancient true dragon, if it is simply given to Kun Zhu, it will take hundreds of years to refine it. However, in the hands of Qinglong Liu Hao, it turns into golden dragon blood with just a tap. , he was easily submerged into the opponent's body.

The moment this drop of dragon's blood, which was no more than the size of a raindrop, sank into Kun Zhu's body, he was like a piece of burning iron, his whole body flushed red, and his body that had been transformed into a human form instantly returned to its original form and returned to its dragon form. It directly melts the land it presses into magma, and the entire body becomes more than ten times larger in just a few breaths.

Such a sudden increase seemed to be impossible to stop, and was about to burst the entire Dragon Island. Only then did Qinglong Liu Hao have to stop it, imprison it within the dimension, and then let it go. After a while, that Kunzhu's body size is already comparable to that of a mountain, and it is more than ten thousand feet tall. From a distance, it looks like a lava volcano. There are traces of distortion around the hot body, as if the space is melted by it.

This situation lasted for more than an hour, and then it eased a lot. The originally red body also gradually slowed down. Then the body began to shrink, and one breath was reduced by half. After a while, it returned to its original body shape. It didn't stop yet. After a moment, the whole body shape stopped changing.

Today's Kunzhu is only about ten meters tall. On the contrary, the charm on his body is getting more and more full. Compared with before, it seems that he has been refined countless times, and he looks comfortable no matter how he looks.

But even so, Qinglong Liu Hao was still shaking his head.

"It's still not enough, it's up to you how you choose!"

Qinglong Liu Hao, who is most familiar with the Dragon Clan, can see at a glance the current nature of Kun Zhu. He can only say that he is just a pseudo-Dragon Clan. It has an appearance, but it is still not pure enough on the inside. In other words, his descendants can only be dragons. That’s all.

But even so, Doupo Tiandi still gave a vision, as if to celebrate Kun Zhu's transformation, a purple light shot down from the sky, covering the entire Dragon Island in a moment, and the dense color spread across the entire Dragon Island space.

From outside Dragon Island, you can clearly see the colorful rendering, which attracts countless masters to come here.

Since it is a strange phenomenon between heaven and earth, it is naturally impossible for only the human world to notice it. Dou Po Upper Realm also caused a lot of commotion. The eyes of countless experts who thought they were masters looked directly at Long Island. They penetrated the space and locked directly. On the Dragon Island, Kun Zhu had just been released from the dimensional space by Qinglong Liu Hao.

"The divine beasts of heaven and earth!"

This is the vocabulary born in the hearts of all the masters who fight against the upper world. How can they not know that this is a level of mythical beast that has never appeared in their world before?

Here, there is naturally no shortage of Xiao Huohuo, who is the son of Destiny to fight to break the world, but others are different. As a time traveler from the earth, Xiao Huohuo knows best what the dragon totem is, and he doesn’t know that Kun Zhu has probably also obtained it. The benefits of 'seniors'.

This made Xiao Huohuo feel a sense of urgency in his heart. As someone who knew all the world, a small fight to conquer the world could no longer bury his majestic ambition.

"Dare you..."

Just when Xiao Huohuo was thinking about it, he saw several big hands grabbing at Kun Zhu. They clearly wanted to take away Kun Zhu, who had truly succeeded in transforming into a dragon. It was absolutely impossible to cultivate him out of any good intentions, and He would only capture Kun Zhu and then drink his blood and eat his flesh to replenish himself.

Not to mention that the world that Kun Zhu is in is his Xiao Huohuo's human world. Even if he doesn't miss his old relationship, Xiao Huohuo will not stay on the sidelines of Guang Kunzhu's foreign trade today. If he sees it, he will naturally shout to stop it, and he will not hesitate to take action. .

Originally, Liu Hao, a green dragon standing in front of Kun Zhu, snorted coldly, but when he saw Xiao Huohuo take action, he stopped. Little did he know that it was Xiao Huohuo's action that allowed these greedy people to save their lives. It actually fulfilled Xiao Huohuo's last step.

When I saw Xiao Huohuo again, he was already a Da Luo Jinxian, and he was at his peak. He was only in the last step before he could fight against the 'master' of the world, that is, to realize the Da Luo Dao Fruit. It was a coincidence.

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