Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and ninety-seven, back mountain world

, Dimensional invasion of the real earth

1697. Back Mountain World

In the world, there is never an isolated system or an isolated individual.

The same is true for the demon beasts within the Wuyi Mountains.

Compared with other famous mountains and rivers in the surrounding area, they have relied on Liu Hao's 'blessing', which is nothing more than a little safer and more comfortable.

But these benefits also made them less aware of the crisis, making their cultivation level actually lower.

This is a good thing for the surrounding humans, and naturally less force will be invested in 'suppressing' them.

But this situation, after obsessive Liu Hao observed these three monsters, he felt that it was not a good thing.

They already know the pros and cons in their hearts, and know that there are some things that cannot be crossed. It would be a pity if such a monster tribe is allowed to continue to be comfortable and not make good use of it.

He thought of the Goblin Magic World at the other end of the mountain passage behind his home. This world shared the same heavens with the Qinling Magic World. It was unique among the many heavens connected to his home earth. The level of development there was indeed not high. .

There are countless groups of goblins hidden in the vast ocean-like endless forest. However, even if the number of these goblins is extremely large, they can not really bring much benefit to their dragon country.

Perhaps to him, no matter how huge the number is, it doesn't matter. It's just a matter of spending a little energy cleaning it up.

But for the Dragon Kingdom, this is not the case. Sometimes when the number reaches a certain level, the pressure caused is also terrible.

He remembered that when he returned home last time, he went to the back mountain passage to check the situation. The situation was not that optimistic. The area opened up by the Dragon Kingdom in that world had indeed expanded a hundred times, but it seemed to have reached a certain bottleneck. middle.

Because if you want to expand, you will have to face the impact of countless goblins.

They are like rats. Once they attack, they are really endless. It seems that their reproductive ability is beyond imagination. It gives people the feeling that even if you kill hundreds of millions, they have already supplemented the ones who come after you.

Last time, the Dragon Kingdom's world expansion at the other end of the passage was at such a "peak" level. If we continue to move forward, the gains will outweigh the losses, because what we pay and what we get will not be directly proportional, but it is likely to cause huge losses.

It was also thanks to the maintenance of the formation that it covered itself, otherwise the situation on that end would probably be almost the same as the "Spirit Cage World" on Luhan Island, and a lot of energy would have to be invested in protecting them across the world.

This makes it so far that there are not many private forces involved in the channel, because it is always difficult to achieve a balance between what is paid and what is received, and in many cases, a lot of losses are incurred.

The vast majority of civil forces would rather set up an office or similar institution in that world, or some with greater wealth would establish a research laboratory there, while others were less interested.

It cannot be said that this approach is too practical, it is just human nature.

However, this approach will not help to continue to expand the magical world of Goblins in the future. Perhaps in a few decades, the cities established by the Dragon Kingdom in that world will only look the same as they do today.

This is not a good thing.

He also knew that the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance had too many things in their hands. Recently, they had acquired a lot of Heavens, so they had to put more energy into them. Naturally, their own back mountain passage could only be 'irrelevant'.

Called any other area, Liu Hao would only take a glance at it at most, but who would let this world be behind him?

If he continues to leave it there for decades, he will still be able to develop it as it is now. How can he allow it in his heart?

It seems that the monster clan in the Wuyi Mountains in front of them cannot be used.

The Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance are still more in opposition to the demon clan in their own earth. But if it were another world, would this opposition only be an opposition?

Obviously it can be changed. People are also intelligent beings. What is there that cannot be communicated with?

What's more, the entire world passage is controlled by humans. In terms of overall strength, what does the demon clan in the Wuyi Mountains mean?

What Liu Hao thought of in his obsession was to introduce some demon clans, let them bring some demon beasts into it, and even help them occupy some territory in the hands of countless goblins, so that they can truly have a place where they can reproduce. base area;

Only in this way can the eyes of the goblins in the endless forest be attracted even more;

After all, in the forest, the advantages of humans are indeed incomparable with those of monsters.

How could he not know that the Wuyi Mountains were already saturated with monsters?

The reason why the number has not soared is mostly due to the deliberate restraint of these big demons;

In other words, they still have a larger space. Why not introduce this space into the magical world of Houshan Goblin?

He had an idea in his mind, but he did not immediately 'discuss' with the big monsters in front of him. Instead, he chose to return to his back mountain and appear at the door of the world passage.

The changes here are drastic again. Even among these mountains, you have to admit that the area around the entrance is not much different from a city.

At least, this place is already several times more prosperous than the home county before the spiritual energy was revived.

This is like discovering a great oil field somewhere, and the city built on it is the same principle, but this 'oil field' can be developed endlessly. As long as the world channel in front of you exists, this city will never be able to decline.

Based on this, it’s no wonder that Dragon Kingdom and Yanhuang Alliance are willing to invest more.

Here, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, saw many people in Zongwu World, wearing buns and clothes of the Ming Empire. Even in the modern world, they seemed to have been accustomed to the original, and at most they had changed a little internally.

Speaking of which, this situation has changed the modern world to some extent. The confidence of civilization is increasing crazily, just like Hanfu became a trend before its spiritual energy was revived.

They are actually easy to distinguish, especially the bun.

Even though people in the modern world are equally willing to wear the gorgeous robes of ancient times, they take their hairstyle very seriously. Even if they are willing to grow their hair long for a while, they will return to the past over time.

They are more willing to 'modify' ancient clothes, such as color, bright decoration, etc.

Their language has become secularized. Even if you have read many ancient books, you can hear the difference from their conversations just by listening a little.

This is the reason why Liu Hao, after a little observation, saw the people of the Ming Empire in Zongwu World, not because he saw the Jin Yiwei team.

He can understand the special nature of the world behind his family. She has an advantage that many other worlds don't have, that is, it has a unique bonus to mental power and soul.

The Ming Empire was one of the earliest participants in the Yanhuang Alliance, and it was natural for their footsteps to extend here.

He knew very well that his own Dragon Kingdom would never hide anything.

A shrewd man like Zhu Yuanzhang knows this. If he doesn't let his Jin Yiwei come here for a visit, then there will be something wrong.

This world is like a special gas station on the road ahead. It may not be decisive to come and ignore it, but the benefits must be clear to everyone on the long-term path of spiritual practice.

In fact, even Liu Hao himself did not understand the essential reason why this world showed such benefits.

He could only vaguely see the bias of the laws in it, but which laws were combined to form it, he needed to truly realize the Tao of Hunyuan to know.

White Tiger Liu Hao doesn't seem to have much interest in this place. Maybe he can only fully display it until the day in the future when White Tiger Liu Hao wants to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror in this world.

He could feel that this was probably an overflow of the many laws of the tunnel. Investing a lot of energy in analyzing it was more than worth the gain for Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it. He only came back now, which also made him less interested.

Instead, he was more interested in observing the increasingly large city in front of him.

He glanced around and compared the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, and it seemed that they were almost the same.

However, the entire city draws a huge circle around the World Passage, with a radius of nearly fifty kilometers.

In this city of more than 7,500 square kilometers, the permanent population seems very sparse in comparison.

The feedback from Obsessive Liu Hao's spiritual consciousness told him that the total population in this huge city seemed to be only about five million.

In such a huge city that exceeds the area of ​​Shanghai before the revival of spiritual energy, it only has one-sixth of the population, which shows that the population density is very small.

Here, the tallest building only has six floors, and the concentrated areas are also close to the World Passage. At first glance, it can be seen that the land was used efficiently during the initial expansion.

The further away from the center, the lower the buildings become. It seems that the reason why they are built in this way is to prevent them from exceeding the height of the trees on the outer edge of the city.

Whether these houses or factories, each one has a huge area, as if the land is not valuable here at all. The more peripheral it is, the more manor models can be seen everywhere. Among them, Liu Hao even saw many farms and pastures. .

"Native breed?"

Obsessive Liu Hao murmured in his mouth, carefully observed the cattle and sheep in the pastures outside the city, and quickly confirmed his guess.

Also, even if the entire city can only live in this endless goblin forest, it does not mean that the experts of the Yanhuang Alliance cannot go out to investigate.

In this world based on magic, there may not be many beasts that are not transformed into monsters, but there are still many poultry and the like.

After discovering it, how could you not study it? You must know that in this huge city, the most numerous are the countless academies of the Yanhuang Alliance.

"It's a pity that even if it is introduced to our own earth, it will most likely become a demon soon!"

This is a fact that almost all humans and monsters on Liu Hao’s earth know;

It seems that as long as the beasts in any world are dragged into Liu Hao's earth, as long as they survive for a period of time, their bodies will evolve consciously;

Over time, a lot of wisdom will be born that is unique to you.

Because of this, Liu Hao's earth has long lost so-called pastures and poultry breeding bases. All meat seems to be obtained only from monsters, as if to force humans and monsters to eat endlessly. Fight.

What exactly is the 'factor' that determines the evolution of this beast has not yet been discovered, not even by Liu Hao himself.

This particularity is actually used more by the demon clan, just like the seemingly endless stream of demon beasts in some large rivers in Liu Haolong Kingdom is the biggest example.

They are not worried about the possible harm caused by reaching a "hunting ground" agreement with the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance, because their real confidence comes from this, and some of them can supplement the source of the bottom layer.

But to humans, even if these cattle and sheep have been domesticated, their value is actually nothing more than this.

Mortal meat itself does not have much nutritional value. Even the Yanhuang Alliance itself does not lack these at all.

Just like the Ming Empire in Zongwu World, they have taken over the entire American continent and the entire Pacific Ocean. They have no shortage of land at all. Even if the local people let go of reproduction, they will never lack meat subsidies;

But when they entered the practice, they had to supplement their food through food. At this time, monster meat became the mainstream, forcing them to leave the world of Zongwu and go to Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom to become a 'hunter'.

This is almost the normal situation in all Yanhuang Alliance countries except Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom.

In fact, even in the towns extending from Liu Hao's village, there are no people from these Yanhuang Alliance settling here?


It's just that these settlers have stayed in the modern world for a long time, and their original living habits have gradually been assimilated, and over time they have become no different from the locals.

Liu Haolong's country accepts that a population of over 100 million is the norm, and has long formed a unique set of rules and regulations.

Those world passages that have been completely controlled by the Yanhuang Alliance a long time ago are probably no different from a toll station on the highway today, right?

In fact, these 'toll stations' do not charge any fees at all. At most, they only register and enter the circulation information.

He even simply records the information of those who come and go, so that when he wants to find this person, he will not even know which world they are in.

The entire Yanhuang Alliance is bound to be open to this, and is happy to support their own people to wander around. They hope that the people under their account can better improve their cultivation through such experiences;

Because only in this way can we better ensure that more masters emerge in our world.

In the whole process, the senior management does not need to devote any resources at all. It is nothing more than sharing all channels. Who wouldn't be willing to support it?

In the huge circular city in front of him, Obsessive Liu Hao knew very well that apart from the people of the Ming Empire, there were bound to be more people in the Bright Sword World, Under One Man and other worlds. They were already modernized, but they were even more at home. .

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