Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and ninety-eight, Goblin

1698. Goblin

Obsessive Liu Hao did not hide his behavior, he just restrained his aura and wandered through the streets like an ordinary adventurer;

Here, if you put aside some fantasy, it seems to be no different from a city before the spiritual energy was revived.

There were various shops in the streets, especially clothing shops. He seemed to see that most of the owners of these clothing shops were students who entered them for 'study' or 'internship'.

These energetic guys always find some 'side jobs' for themselves once they have some free time.

Compared with before the revival of spiritual energy, the biggest feature of these stores is that there are no clerks, and the goods are placed in them for customers to choose, as if there is no worry about losing them.

The reason why this is possible is not just the improvement of per capita quality, but also technology that plays a real role in this.

Even after entering the age of spiritual practice, as a population in the modern world, we are always looking for more convenient modes for ourselves. Even if technology becomes a vassal, it seems impossible that it will disappear because of this.

In addition to technology, the unique ‘conveniences’ of spiritual practice are also widely used.

Just like mobile phones are still in hand here, but it does not prevent practitioners from using "talisman seals" or "paper cranes" to communicate with each other.

The former, that is, mobile phones, appears to be more versatile, but some confidentiality cannot be truly guaranteed. At this time, unique straight-line transmission between each other becomes a must;

When a message must be transmitted through 'talisman seals', etc., opening the mode with a clear recipient's spiritual thoughts will make it impossible for anyone other than the clear recipient to intercept the message, even if it is intercepted.

Even though they know that such a method has no possibility of hiding in front of real masters, they still don't care, because they understand that real masters who want to obtain information from you don't need such methods at all;

To put it bluntly, why don’t people just come to your door and ask you?

Facing a master who has crushed you for several levels, even if it is a secret that threatens your life, how likely is it that you can hide it?

If someone really wants to treat me violently and search my soul directly, how can you resist?

With this seamless combination of science and fantasy, Liu Hao found that the city in front of him was the best one.

Who made the number of students the mainstream in this city?

He had a hunch that this kind of integration was still more of an experiment, and would most likely be promoted in major cities and bases on Earth in the future.

Be it humans or monsters, who doesn’t have a little bit of inertia?

As long as there is a market, demand will definitely be met. Perhaps by then, factories specializing in manufacturing special communication talismans will appear on a large scale, right?

I don't know how long it took, but Liu Hao still walked to the edge of the city. Here, the only things that could be seen were tall trees. Through these trees, some goblins could still be vaguely seen wandering among them.

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In this situation, it can only be said that outside the formations covered by the city, the density of goblins is not small at all. Even if you step out of the formation, you will probably be discovered by goblins patrolling in the surrounding forest within a few minutes. , only to be besieged.

He scanned the surroundings and soon discovered several student training teams.

These teams did not dare to go deep into the city easily, and most of them only used their methods on the edge of the city's formation coverage;

They mostly experiment with long-range attacks. Once they find a large number of goblins swarming up, they will carefully retreat into the city formation and wait until the goblins disperse before continuing to activate it.

You can't say that their approach is very obscene. Compared with safety, it seems that this is the best mode.

How much combat experience do these students have?

Their young faces looked like they were only thirteen or fourteen years old. Even with long-range attacks, Liu Hao could see the nervousness on their faces, and sometimes they even appeared to be in a hurry.

He had to admit that this was indeed a good way to start training.

This may be the first time they have participated in a battle in their lives. After they have endured several experiences, their original nervousness will gradually disappear and they will gradually become more comfortable.

Through this method, they not only build up their confidence in fighting for the first time, but also gain real control over the skills they have learned. This is the greatest benefit of experience.

With his spiritual consciousness deeper, Liu Hao saw the older team again. If the edges were all junior high school students who had just entered the school, then the ones who were deeper were the seniors who were one grade higher.

These 'seniors' teams will also be accompanied by a teacher. Unless they encounter real danger, these teachers will never take action.

But even so, once they stay in one position for a long time, they will be surrounded by goblins, numbering at least several hundred, as if they are like rats that appear all the time in the lower caves, and they can't kill them all no matter how hard they try.

Soon, the obsessed Liu Hao discovered that these teams all carried a hidden formation. This formation did not seem to have many other effects. It was developed to hide the team and target goblins.

The formation was refined based on a formation disk. On top of it, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, even saw the 'spirit stone', and for a moment he felt a hint of astonishment.

"Lingshi? Could it be that a vein of spiritual stone has been discovered?"

"Perhaps a world of cultivation was discovered somewhere within the Dragon Kingdom?"

"The last possibility is that the research institution has found a way to collect spiritual energy and made a special crystal carrier!"

Obsessed, Liu Hao quickly locked the spirit stones in the array and quickly determined the third guess, which was the research product.

He found that compared to the world of cultivation, the 'spiritual stones' on the formation plate could only be said to be shoddy products. After all, they were not naturally formed over endless years, and the amount of spiritual energy they could contain was too limited;

It's no wonder that if you put it in the array, you don't dare to expand the effect of the array. Otherwise, how long it can last is really a question.

The formation is very simple, almost to the extreme simplification, but its practicality is immeasurable, but the disadvantage is equally obvious, that is, the covering time is not long, only about a quarter of an hour.

During this time, either move slowly back to within the coverage of the city's formation, or pray that the Goblins that were originally coming in droves will disperse.

These teams know only too well how passive the latter can be.

But they did not abandon this 'advantage' because of this. Instead, they chose to expand this advantage and took advantage of the goblin's low IQ. The effect did not seem to be generally good.

Obsessive Liu Hao discovered that when a certain team opened the formation and hid itself, a nearby team would put away the formation and be responsible for attracting the surrounding Goblins, and then driving these Goblins back and forth. Zhida was consuming these goblins bit by bit.

However, the effect of their approach does not seem to be obvious. When the number of Goblins near the city decreases in the forest, new groups of Goblins will migrate deeper into the city. In less than a day, the city formation will The forest outside will be filled with new goblins.

This is the real reason why the development of the city below has reached its peak and bottlenecks have appeared.

Obsessive Liu Hao knew that during this process, the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance must have tried many methods, but in the end they chose to give up. There was no other way. It was because the cost was too much compared with the benefits, so they chose to continue waiting. .

This is definitely a very annoying race. Its biggest feature is that it does not contribute any meat, otherwise neither the Dragon Kingdom nor the Yanhuang Alliance would mind investing more.

It seems that the only harvest is the 'staff' from the hands of some goblins, and it is also very poor. When it was taken to Liu Hao's earth, it was just an experiment in the primary school students' classroom.

The obsessed Liu Hao didn't know that most of these harvests were actually exported and sold to the Lao European area, or to America who was still lingering.

He didn't even know that the prices of these things outside the Dragon Kingdom of the world under one person and the world of bright swords were simply unprecedented.

Especially in a world without demons like the Bright Sword World, it is like a product from another dimension, an existence that is absolutely willing to exchange huge minerals.

Don't underestimate a small defective magic wand, especially if you have it at the beginning of the magician level. It is a treasure that can double your combat effectiveness;

In those tiny countries outside the Dragon Kingdom of the Bright Sword World, there are only a few magicians that can be cultivated. Having such a magic wand is like having a noble title;

For these countries, it seems that their waists can be straightened a lot. Furthermore, they regard this as an envoy of peace and a real deterrent.

The reality is so ridiculous. When the levels are clearly defined, and with the blessing of the Matthew Effect, the chasm will only grow more and more, and now it has already become a real gap.

The Dragon Kingdom and the Outer Country in the Bright Sword World have long been the same as the two worlds, with no comparison at all.

There is more than one such world. The Ming Empire in the Zongwu world is the real paradise for all countries other than the Ming Empire. It is possible to sacrifice all the wealth of the entire family, as long as it can be exchanged for a 'study abroad' place. Existence without hesitation.

Speaking back to the present, Obsessive Liu Hao has not visited these worlds for a long time, and of course he simply has no interest in them;

In contrast, the goblin in front of him was more valuable in the eyes of Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it.

He extended his consciousness and soon covered the entire endless goblin forest. After checking for a while, he finally understood the real reason for the endless goblin forest.

As a group created by the gods of this world, goblins have been given their greatest advantage before they are born, which is reproduction.

This is already the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, as if it is to prevent this rat-like group from being exterminated because of this.

Relying on their greatest advantage, they almost occupied the entire endless forest and drove out all other species that could be driven out.

Although they are extremely good at it, they have not changed their warlike nature. Without enemies, they will fight among themselves. But if an enemy appears, even if they are just following their instincts, they can put aside all the hatred left by the internal fight and fight against the outside world. It seems that they will not give up until the outsiders are expelled.

It's no wonder that as soon as a group of Goblins discover an enemy, the surrounding Goblins will drop everything and swarm in once they get the news. This is already a gene engraved deep in their bone marrow, and it seems to have been recorded before it is produced. Procedures, they must follow and can only follow.

As a kind of creature, they are absolutely pathetic.

Over the course of countless years of reproduction, everything about them has been recognized by the world, which has given them both restraint and support.

"This is also a condensation of the laws of humanity!"

Obsession Liu Hao let out a small exclamation, and shook his head after a while. He seemed to have discovered that the reason why humanity covers all living beings is absolutely reasonable. Any species seems to have Can't be ignored.

Even if these species seem to have no advantages at all, if they really have no advantages, how can they survive in such a cruel environment?

Don't you see that the goblin in front of you is living a very good life?

Aren’t the other monsters that were originally in this endless forest just migrating away now?

Under the cover of divine consciousness, it seems that except for goblins, there are only a few monsters that can really survive in it.

Which of the remaining monsters is not the top one?

They can survive well anywhere. The reason why they choose the Goblin Endless Forest may be more because they don't want to be disturbed and they like peace and quiet.

Obsessed with Liu Hao, he looked towards the north. There, there was a Western Silver Dragon. Within this silver dragon, Liu Hao's mark was left in his body. What he did at the beginning was nothing more than to make a final gift to his people who had just entered this world. s method;

But now it seems that this method does not have much effect.

During this process, the silver dragon may have observed the changes in the city beneath its feet many times and seen several crises, but in the end it still did not take action even once.

It's not that this silver dragon is unwilling, but that he has been following Liu Hao's orders from beginning to end. Unless the situation is beyond human control, he will only watch calmly from the sidelines.

Facts have also proved the resilience of the people of Liu Haolong Kingdom. This guy is actually honest and has not moved an inch. Even though he knows that she no longer needs to protect the city, this guy still faithfully follows his responsibilities.

It doesn't matter whether she is single-minded or whether she feels the future in the dark.

At least now that he saw this silver dragon again, Liu Hao was still happy. Who could refuse such an obedient mount and subordinate?

Even if this subordinate and mount are nothing more than an ant in the eyes of the obsessed Liu Hao, it is impossible to give Liu Hao any help.

It is also time for others to receive rewards from their own hands.

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