Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and ninety-nine, mount

1699. Mount

In the magical world, the Western dragons have always been a high-end species. Even if they are hybrids, their starting point is better than most creatures in the magical world.

Just because the advantages are significant doesn't mean they don't have disadvantages.

The biggest shortcoming of the Western Dragon Clan in the magical world is that the starting point is too high in this world, and the restrictions that follow are equally significant.

This limitation is that it is difficult to purify blood. Most and even almost all the Western dragon clans in the magical world have to work hard for a lifetime to purify their blood. It is often difficult to break away from their original shackles. From the initial state to the death It is still the case.

They knew it was almost impossible, but none of them would choose to give up.

In Liu Hao's back mountain goblin magic world, the same is true for the Western dragon mount he collected in the past. For them, even if the blood purification is improved a little, it will be good.

He was lucky because he met Liu Hao.

Even if Liu Hao just gave it some casual guidance last time, what he gave it was nothing more than the common practice methods from the monster clan and monsters, which were of incomparable value to this giant dragon.

When it comes to bypass, sometimes it is so overbearing. You accelerate wildly on a road, but it is difficult to make any progress because the front and rear thrust has reached a very balanced situation.

But at this time, if there is an outsider beside you who helps, even if the person is just a child, even if the person just pushes you gently, it will break the balance and encourage you to move forward;

Even if the speed of travel is still like a snail, it is better than staying where you are.

The last time, Liu Hao casually bestowed this technique on this giant dragon. It had already purified the dragon's bloodline towards the Golden Dragon Clan. Although it was moving slowly, it was moving firmly.

Now, it has evolved from the original ice dragon clan to the silver dragon class.

And on these silver scales, you can still vaguely see traces of gold.

No wonder this guy has been able to stick to Liu Hao's instructions to this day and keep his mission in mind. Even though he knows that he no longer needs to pay for the protection of the target, he still hasn't moved at all.

It no longer needs the environment here to help it evolve, and perhaps now it simply hopes to stay here and wait until Liu Hao arrives again.

No matter how it thinks, the goal in its heart can be considered achieved today.

When Obsession Liu Hao appeared above this guy's head, a slight leak of breath woke him up from his deep sleep. Seeing Obsession Liu Hao, he quickly lowered his body and crawled to the ground. The greetings in his mouth were even more... Standard Mandarin, no doubt.

Also, after guarding it for such a long time, even if there is no contact, there must be many inquiries;

Learning a new language is nothing, but with such a standard, even Liu Hao's obsession is a bit unexpected, and his original softness is doubled again.

Who makes this guy not only proficient in standard Mandarin, this already shows that he has a very clear positioning, and he has made his own choice in his heart;

Obsessive Liu Hao can naturally see the sincerity in this guy, and this is enough.

Even if the silver dragon in front of him was of little value to him.

He could guess that the person who entered this world must have had a lot of communication with the silver dragon, and even revealed his identity to the other party, but so what?

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, doesn't care if the other person has other purposes and wants to get some benefits from himself.

Isn't this the nature of living things? Being ambitious is much better than those who are used to lying flat. Even if its value is low now, it does not mean that it will remain so in the future.

What's more, hasn't he kept his casual instructions in mind for such a long time and completed them very well?

Even if the other party doesn't change like this today, don't you still want to give some reward?

Obsessive Liu Hao nodded with a smile, and called "Master" to the silver dragon, which was considered a positive response.

So far, even if he includes his main body and the other two incarnations, he has not actually collected a clear mount. They are all temporary, such as the "Bifang Bird" in the wild world, such as the "Little Bird" in the perfect world. Suan Ni'.

Logically speaking, such a species outside the Yanhuang civilization is not the best choice, because as a mount, it is inevitable that he will be obsessed with Liu Hao's fate.

But everything has two sides.

It seems that the bad side is that because of Liu Hao's luck, the Western Dragon Clan in the magical world will definitely benefit from it in the future;

For example, the Western Dragon Clan in this world will have a lot smoother times in the future, some fatal conditions will also tend to change, their tribe will also multiply and grow larger, and so on.

Even this situation is likely to continue in other magical worlds. As long as it is the Western Dragon Clan in the magical world, it will more or less change due to this.

It seems inappropriate to grant such benefits to a species group outside the Yanhuang civilization.

But because of this, it is very likely that the Western Dragon Clan will be completely included.

Not to mention the arrogance of the Western Dragon Clan, it also depends on who is right.

For Liu Hao, who is obsessed with this, he doesn't have this kind of thought. How can he have so much leisure to do these things?

Even if the Western Dragon Clan is completely taken into account, how much benefit can it bring to him?

There is a high probability that it will be more troublesome!

But there is one thing that Obsessive Liu Hao has fully considered, and that is to lead with one point.

At his level, every move will inevitably be magnified by all the worlds. People will speculate about the 'true meaning' of Liu Hao's actions, whether it is to show an 'impression' to the outside world.

For example, when he adopted the silver dragon in front of him as a mount, many gods in the magic world saw it. They would definitely think that this was a hint from Liu Hao, telling them that Liu Hao would not have any discrimination against them. .

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Once the gods and god-kings of these magical worlds have this kind of mentality, they will have less scruples about their future integration into the heavens and their participation in the future resistance to the abyss war.

Even if they still can't completely abandon the idea that they may be cannon fodder, they are still thinking that they may just be overthinking. Haven't they already given hints?

In addition, they will also think that they finally have a channel to communicate with Liu Hao, which is the silver dragon at their feet.

Don't underestimate Liu Hao's small actions. The chain reaction he brings is not the slightest.

For example, when Liu Hao's own people in the Earth Dragon Kingdom and Yanhuang Alliance saw Liu Hao's choice, many people would also think that this was indeed a good plan to increase combat effectiveness.

How difficult is it to collect a mount from the demon clan?

But what if it's in the magical world?

Those monsters don't seem to have much objection to this. They seem to be happy to face it with you as long as they recognize you.

Those monsters may not be able to progress in the magical world, but what about outside the magical world? What if you want the demon tribe to practice their skills?

The moment Liu Hao nodded towards the Silver Dragon with obsession, he seemed to see many 'monks' in his own Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance, and the craze for mounts was about to begin.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Even if he knew that these monsters who had left the magical world would only gradually become members of the monster clan in the future as they acquired the skills of the demon clan.

This may be a small turn. If you accidentally find a magical beast with excellent demon cultivating talent, it is not impossible for your mount to become a great demon in the future.

"It seems like that's not bad!"

"The number of magical beasts in the Qinling world is far greater than that of humans. It's time to develop this aspect!"

Suddenly, he thought of the Bright Tiger, a guy he had adopted by chance before he was still young. It seemed that he hadn't seen him for a long time, and he seemed to have almost forgotten about it.

He smiled bitterly in his heart and shook his head. As for the life safety of Guangminghu, he was not worried. The lack of any warning in his heart explained everything.

This guy followed Tama and joined the Straw Hat Pirates. Now he has no idea where he has wandered to, and it is still unknown whether he is still in his home world of Earth.

Who makes Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, so single-minded? Who knows where he will take this pirate group now?

He wanted to make some calculations in his mind, but he quickly chose to give up. Since he had already let go, why not just do it better?

With the luck of the Straw Hat Pirates, even if they encounter danger, they will probably be able to turn it into a disaster. They may even be able to stimulate their potential again and move to a higher position after encountering a strong enemy. , Guangming Tiger seems to be a good choice to follow these guys.

He retracted his thoughts and looked at the silver dragon in front of him again. He stretched out his big hand and gently supported it in front of him, then lifted up the silver dragon that was lying on the ground. This action was regarded as "satisfaction" in the eyes of the other party, and also attracted a sigh from the silver dragon's mouth. Breathing out gently, he seemed to relax a lot.

It seemed to feel a slight change in itself, but it wanted to pursue it, but it didn't know where to look. It wasn't the right time, so it gave up.

It didn't know that it had been personally acknowledged by Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it. There was originally some mixed luck on the top of its head, but now it condensed, and its color instantly moved towards purple energy. Maybe it won't be long before it transforms again. It will no longer be difficult.

Before it could even say thank you, a ray of white light followed Liu Hao's index finger and penetrated into the center of its eyebrows. A huge amount of information filled its mind, and it took a while for it to reply.

This information is naturally a reward given by Liu Hao.

He did not bestow the orthodox Taoist skills. If it were any demon clan, he would choose this way, but the Western Dragon in the magical world in front of him is an exception.

It also needs a turning point, and everything in the magical world needs to be converted into demon cultivators. After it is completely demonized, it will not be too late to convert to orthodox Taoist techniques.

Moreover, this process can also give Obsessive Liu Hao more time to observe. Once this guy becomes a demon and cannot suppress the 'violence' that emerges from his inner demon, Obsessive Liu Hao will not choose to do so. Staying and abandoning are just a matter of thoughts.

Liu Hao might even be obsessed with killing him personally.

Of course, this is something to talk about later. He would not do this unless it was impossible to retain her.

He also believed that this silver dragon, which could endure loneliness, could be 'calm' by then. After all, he was also from the Ice and Snow Dragon Clan, so there wasn't much of a problem with his determination.

In the Goblin Endless Forest, there are very few hills, and the mountains are even more pitiful. The entire Goblin Endless Forest is like a vast green ocean. These rare mountains are more like the middle of this endless green ocean. some islands rising from the middle.

Most of these 'islands' are still covered with trees and green, so the place where the silver dragon settles is very special.

Perhaps it was also because of the silver dragon's arrival and long stay that this area underwent drastic changes, turning it into a slightly ice and snow environment. Over time, it became what it is now, and even the goblins were unwilling to come. place.

This kind of environment also saves Yinlong from the biggest trouble, as if he has transformed into a self-governing place, and there is no one to disturb him.

After Yinlong fell into practice, Liu Hao realized that he had come twice, and the ice and snow area under his feet had many differences.

The small hill where the Silver Dragon originally settled is now three thousand meters high, no different from some big mountains.

The temperature here is getting colder and colder, and the area originally covered seems to have expanded a lot because of this cold ice, and the trees on the edges have been frozen for quite a while.

If we say that when we first arrived, this ice and snow area was only tens of thousands of square kilometers, it has now expanded more than seven or eight times, and it is not much different from the province of our own earth before the spiritual energy was revived.

Such a huge area will naturally allow some of the surviving monsters to multiply. These monsters are also those who have a great affinity for ice and snow, such as ice foxes, snow rabbits, etc.

He didn't know whether these magical beasts were deliberately retained by the silver dragon, or whether they were the products of the silver dragon deliberately introduced from the outside world and multiplied, just so that they would not wander away when they were full.

None of this matters. The most important thing is that Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, can see the changes in the Goblin Endless Forest. It seems that no big move is needed to achieve it.

He originally thought of creating an area in the endless forest, setting up a formation, and then introducing various groups of monsters from the mountains behind his home. Now it seems that there are other ways.

"It's so simple to raise a mountain."

The size of the Goblin Endless Forest is beyond imagination. The entire Goblin Endless Forest's area cannot even be compared to that of the Dragon Kingdom, which has now expanded its own earth ten times. It is only about one-tenth at most.

In such a huge area, transforming a similar Wuyi Mountain Range is nothing at all.

Expelling all the goblins there means leaving a lot of time for the monsters brought here to develop. If they still can't survive in it, no one can really blame them.

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