Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred, an experiment is an experiment

1700. An experiment is an experiment.

Obsession Liu Hao himself is an activist. Once he has made a decision in his heart, he will not hesitate at all.

But this time, he did not choose to complete it alone. He knew that he could arrange it, but the subsequent observations also required others to do it.

Moreover, he did not want to cause the big monsters in the Wuyi Mountains to panic by quietly transferring countless monsters.

Think about it, when you find that nearly half of your family members have disappeared overnight, how can you calm down?

The first thought can only be fear, and then you try every means to find the answer. When you still can't get the answer after spending a lot of energy, then you can only escape.

If this is true, the demon clan in Wuyi Mountains will really be completely destroyed, which is not what Liu Hao wants to see.

He returned to his small courtyard, his mind locked on several objects that needed to be discussed, casually sent messages to them, and then waited quietly in the small courtyard.

On the human side, the majority are happy, because they know very well that the expansion of their Goblin magic world has reached a bottleneck, and what they want to pay further is no longer proportional to what they get. At this time, it is best to introduce an external force. Good answer.

The demon clan will inevitably overthink it.

Deep in the Wuyi Mountains, the three monster clan giants have met, but none of them has the intention to speak, and they are all waiting for others to suggest;

Because they know that it is difficult and impossible for them to refuse, they all want to shift the responsibility to the other party. Whoever speaks first will be the best person to take the blame.

It has to be said that there are essential differences between the monsters who have been in contact with humans and the monsters who have not been in contact with humans. Their tact has gradually been developed, and they have calculated and had a clear understanding deep in their hearts. Know.

After a while, the three of them were still calm, but everyone knew that was not the case, and in their hearts, they were all afraid of being urged by Liu Hao again;

But at this time, the competition is who can maintain stability longer.

As a cold-blooded animal, the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake Demon obviously has an innate advantage in this regard. The whole process was like a stone withering, and it did not move at all from beginning to end.

On the contrary, while the jackal demon was waiting, the hair on his body was already trembling, and the white air spraying from the nostrils of the wild boar demon was a little heavier.

In the end, it was the wild boar demon who spoke first.

It thought more, weighed the pros and cons repeatedly in its heart, and found that this seemed to be an opportunity, an opportunity to spread its direct ethnic group to other heavens.

If this opportunity needs to be fought for by oneself, it will find that even if it gives everything it has, it is still impossible to get it. In this case, why not take a gamble?

In terms of reproductive capacity, he believed that his own group was no worse than any other group. He didn't know how wild Goblins were in this aspect, otherwise he wouldn't be so indifferent.

"The Emperor opened Chrysostom, we dare not disobey!"

It was smart and had an answer in its mind, but it still wanted to drag the other two opponents into the water.

As expected, as soon as it said these words, it immediately received glares from Zhuye Qing and the Jackal Demon.

"Now that Brother Zhu has the answer, the important responsibility will be entrusted to you, and the two of us will naturally support you a little!"

Jackal's voice was clear and clear, and the meaning behind his words was also very clear. Zhu Yeqing on the side also nodded slightly after hearing this.

"Other ethnic groups cannot be left behind either!"

The wild boar demon added that Zhuyeqing and the jackal demon were both incompetent.

But the two demons were inevitably a little bit confused. Why was the wild boar so happy today without a few words of retort?

"Could it be that there are great benefits in this?"

This question arose in the two demons' minds at the same time, but they couldn't figure out the answer for a while.

This is a gamble in itself, and no one can predict the outcome. Even if Liu Hao is obsessed with it, he just wants to try it. Success or failure is irrelevant to Liu Hao.

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The three big monsters are different, and their failure is a big loss for their own clan. But as long as they are still at the top, it is nothing more than a low ebb for some time, and they can return to the past in three or two years, even if it is very likely to be the same as now. There is a slight difference.

But if it succeeds, the wild boar demon's inner speculation can indeed be verified.

Once the direct descendants of the Great Wild Boar Demon can settle down in the Endless Forest of the Goblin Magical World, consolidate their territory, and become a group within the Goblin Endless Forest, the luck above the Great Wild Boar Demon's head will inevitably be gained. A lot of bonuses.

By then, it would be no problem to catch up with the other two great demons in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that his calculations were not enough to support him, and he agreed too quickly, which made Zhuyeqing and Jackal Demon have more thoughts in their hearts.

Especially the latter, who originally thought about arranging the jackals outside his direct lineage, has now changed his mind and thinks that at least his direct lineage needs to account for half of them.

The three big demons reached an agreement. Although no one mentioned their inner plans, they did not dare to wait any longer. Soon, the three of them flew towards Liu Hao's courtyard in the demon cloud, not hiding anything along the way.

But they were just halfway through, and the scenery in front of them changed instantly. When they woke up, they were already in Liu Hao's courtyard. They had no ability to resist during the whole process. Even if they were as cold-blooded as bamboo leaves, they were still sweating.

"Greetings to the Emperor!"

The three big demons dared not show their arrogance. They all prostrate themselves on the ground, fearing that they would show no disrespect at all.

"Everyone get up!"

Obsessed Liu Hao never even glanced at them. He still brewed tea in his hands slowly and slowly. After a while, there was a sound of footsteps outside the small courtyard. After walking in, he saw three big demons. He was stunned for a moment, but soon recovered as before, and when he saw the obsessed Liu Hao, he also bowed politely.

Until then, the tea in Liu Hao's hands was just finished, and the number of teacups was exactly the same as the number of visitors.

With a wave of his hand, these teas were flown to everyone who came one by one. Even if the fragrance inside was as cold as green bamboo leaves, he would feel relaxed all over after smelling it. How could he not know that this cup of tea was obviously a big opportunity?

"Thank you, Emperor, for the reward!"

The three big demons did not dare to neglect at all, and only then did they dare to take the tea in front of them after paying homage again. The arriving humans also thanked them. Seeing the obsession, Liu Hao did not speak, and they did not understand that this was clearly left for them to digest by Liu Hao. Tea time.

At this moment, all the visitors were not polite. After taking a sip of tea, they were suddenly in the fetal breath. This feeling passed in an instant, but all the distracting thoughts in their hearts were cleared away.

After discovering this, the three demons and the arriving humans, regardless of whether their feet were covered with dust, sat down one by one and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp. Then everyone, including the demons, fell into in.

After about a stick of incense, people gradually woke up. After more than half of the human race woke up, the three demons made some movement;

The last one to wake up was the big wild boar demon. Except for Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, everyone else looked a little surprised. Especially the two big demons, Zhuyeqing and Jackal, were even more wary.

Originally weighing in my heart, I also made up my mind at this moment.

In fact, if it is said to be a negotiation, isn't it Liu Hao who has the final say in the whole process?

"Emperor! On the human side, do we need to cooperate with the monsters?"

"There is no need to be deliberate. The place where I am placed is quite far away from the human city. In the end, it still depends on the demon race itself!"

Obsession Liu Hao's words fell into the hearts of the three demons, and they didn't feel anything was wrong;

They think that if they go there on their own, they might be able to trust humans a little bit. Now they just arrange for some monsters to go there. If they really trust humans, who knows if those humans will turn around and hunt down all the monsters?

If you really think that they have a lot of trust in the human race in their hearts, you would be a fool!

"Great Emperor, can the three of us also go through the passage to explore that world in the future?"

The person asking was the big wild boar demon. Its posture was as low as possible, and its voice that should have been loud was now suppressed by it, no different from that of a little girl;

Neither Bamboo Leaf Green nor the Jackal Demon thought there was anything wrong with its posture, but thought that this was the way to get along with the emperor. The gene of the weak and the strong was fully reflected in them.

Liu Hao did not answer this question, but looked at Wu Ruiwu.

Wu Ruiwu was reminded by his obsessive Liu Hao, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "The human race is not hostile to the three 'kings', but the three 'kings' are too advanced in cultivation. If they act rashly, it is likely to cause trouble." The people below are worried.”

At this point, Wu Ruiwu paused and continued: "The three 'kings' want to go to that world to explore, but we can agree, but we need to make an appointment in advance!

It should be noted that when the three ‘kings’ travel, there will be a lot of noise! "

Before Wu Ruiwu finished speaking, Liu Hao had already seen the joy on the faces of the three big demons, and after thinking about it for a moment, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

It’s not like they haven’t been to the joint city of humans and demons in the Qinling Mountains. Before going there, most of them made reservations in advance. They were already accustomed to this procedure. They were not rejected after many times. During the process, there was nothing more than someone far away. By following, trust is already established.

"Forget it, you all go get ready!"

"I will obey the emperor's orders!"

The three great demons didn't talk nonsense and all left happily. However, this time they were very low-key. They all understood that the emperor in front of them didn't like them to show off.

The human side stayed, and Liu Hao called them to sit down.

"Is the emperor trying to introduce monsters to put pressure on the goblins in that world?"

"It's just an experiment. It doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not. Of course, it's best if it succeeds!"

"That's right, otherwise we want to continue to expand in that world, but we don't know how long we have to wait!"

"The only way for the reproduction of Goblins to be recognized by the heaven and earth in that world is to compress their space." At this point, Liu Hao shook his head slightly;

The endless forest of goblins is like one body. It is really difficult to achieve it. He doesn't know if the three big monsters will choose the real elites under his account to follow this time. If so, the chances will be greatly increased.

Although goblins are not very smart and are very ignorant of the pressure of strong men, they are still intelligent creatures. There will be a crisis in their hearts. When there is a crisis, they will hesitate a little. This is obsession Liu Hao 'Opportunity' in my mind.

When the Dragon Kingdom developed the space at the other end of the passage, it was not because he left a lot of pressure in it, which made the space around the passage safer.

But Liu Hao still won't reveal these truths. He gives opportunities, but only opportunities.

How to choose also depends on others.

He hoped in his heart that it didn't mean that he had to intervene in the choice. If this was the case, it would not be an experiment, but an arrangement.

How meaningful is that?

An experiment is an experiment. This is the 'rule' that Liu Hao and his several incarnations have long followed. He may break it, but he will never break it because of the demon clan.

"Emperor, there must be a lot of monsters taken away this time, right?"

"You don't need to worry that there are no monsters to hunt in the Wuyi Mountains. There are many monsters stationed around the core of the mountain range. If we really release all these monsters to the periphery, you won't be as comfortable as you are now!"

How could the obsessed Liu Hao not be clear about the situation of the demon clan and monsters in the Wuyi Mountains?

Compared with many other mountain ranges in the Dragon Kingdom, the population around the Wuyi Mountains and the intensity of hunting monsters are obviously much smaller.

There is nothing we can do about this. Who makes the world at the other end of the passage here special, so that most of the people who come here are students.

His words made Wu Ruiwu feel relaxed and tense at the same time.

"Emperor, is this true for other mountain ranges?"

"It's just a few, the demon clan should never be underestimated!"

"This is not a good thing! Is the demon clan trying to conserve its strength?"

"Hahaha, not really, maybe just leave some food beside you?"

Obsessed with Liu Hao's words may sound like a joke, but there is truth in it. It has always been difficult for humans to consider issues from the perspective of the demon clan. Regardless of their positions and habits, they are all extremely different, so how can it be possible?

It was as if these words fell into Wu Ruiwu's ears. Although he was surprised, he was still confused. He didn't know whether to believe it or simply think it was a joke, but he also knew that if he continued to ask, Liu Hao would not reveal more.

The 'Great Emperor' in front of him would never impose his thoughts on the Dragon Kingdom. Unless it was in danger, he would just watch silently from the sidelines. Whether he was right or wrong, he just watched.

This is the mentality of people in high positions. They think that if you do the right thing, they will nod at most. Even if you are wrong, they will not interfere. They think that you can learn more nutrition from your mistakes and embark on a broader path.

As the manager of the army around the Wuyi Mountains, Wu Ruiwu could somewhat understand Liu Hao's obsession, and he would naturally get to the bottom of it.

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