Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and four, wisdom under huge pressure

1704. Wisdom under huge pressure

With such a long distance, it was impossible for Wu Ruiwu to let the obsessed Liu Hao wait at home for him to complete the communication before taking action;

On the other hand, Longhu Mountain is not the case. The distance is not long, and there are not so many paths. It can almost be said, and it can be achieved tomorrow or the next day. It is easy to understand how to choose.

Not long after, the three big demons returned, still standing in three directions, observing quietly for a while, and they didn't seem to be too satisfied. After thinking carefully, they were cast as expected according to the obsession Liu Hao had guessed. The second city wall.

Cultivation is never done alone. Perhaps most of the time, these three big monsters have been staying deep in the Wuyi Mountains and practicing with concentration. But as long as time allows, they will go to the Qinling Mountains where humans and monsters jointly built the exchange. Mega city.

Even if the things purchased are not urgently needed after going, I am still happy to go. The reason is that I still want to get more information from it.

The information here not only contains changes in the outside world, but also contains many discussions between the great demons, as well as various bragging between each other.

They naturally knew that among these big monsters, some monster clans occupied a side of the world. Even if not all of this side of the world was captured by them, the resources in it were enough to make people salivate.

Such a big demon is extremely wealthy, and it is definitely a being that they must envy, envy, and hate in their hearts.

Finally, now that there is an opportunity to develop a world, how can the three big monsters miss it?

Even if this opportunity is a gift from others, even if the development process requires protection fees from humans, they are still very happy.

They cannot be valued enough.

Don't think that they just flew out just to reduce the number of goblins. It was just a convenience. More importantly, they wanted to use this to better observe certain conditions in this world.

Although they have not gone far, they have also crossed the endless forest of goblins. Even if they observe a little from the edge, they know that there is a wider world that can be developed beyond the endless forest of this world.

But they also know that this opportunity is still somewhat slim for them.

Because the first thing you want to achieve is to have the strength to span the entire endless forest of goblins.

Although this strength is not necessarily above the immortal level, it is not much different.

A 'strong man' with such strength, even among all the monsters and monsters in the entire Wuyi Mountains, is not that high.

They can't send all these 'masters' here, right?

Even if humans agree, they don't dare to do it. If they really go, the Wuyi Mountains will really not be theirs.

After thinking about it, they realized that having such a 'base' made a huge difference to them.

They believe that this in itself is also a test of their abilities by Liu Hao and humans.

Obsessive Liu Hao and humans don't seem to mind sharing some opportunities in this world with them, but one thing must be that they have this ability.

For example, the current 'base area' left for them can be preserved in the future impact of endless goblins.

If they think it is possible, their chances of participating will be greater in the future. If they fail, both Liu Hao and humans will feel that they cannot be reused, right?

It has to be said that they think too much, which is the real reason why they have changed from being a little indifferent to now being almost devoted to thinking about these migrating monsters.

If possible, they would be happy to continue to build a layer of forged walls to surround the entire "Copy Wuyi Mountains" in a circle.

But they finally chose to give up. The reason was that they wanted to lose face, and they were also worried that doing so would directly make Liu Hao and the humans who followed him look down on them, thinking that they were afraid of them.

They didn't do this, but they also came up with various methods, and regardless of whether they were effective or not, they all taught them directly to the little monsters.

They thought in their hearts that after returning, they would definitely ask this question. Even if most of the answers given by human collective wisdom are nonsense, even if one or two of them are useful, it is still worth it. They pay a price.

After all, he is also the leader of the great demon in a mountain range in a certain area. If you say that they don’t have any good things in their hands, no one will believe it.

There is a unique specialty product in the Wuyi Mountains called "Honggu", which is at the elixir level. Its ability to restore blood alone is enough to add a lot of wealth to them.

It's time to take a gamble.

The obsessive Liu Hao who stood above the sky and observed calmly was able to grasp the mood and thoughts of these three monsters to some extent, but he just continued to watch indifferently, as if he didn't pay attention to all their efforts.

Wu Ruiwu beside him was not the same. At this time, he could not wait to take out his notebook to record. He was also a little annoyed in his heart. He felt that he was not very qualified for this base in the past.

"Is it because of the improvement in cultivation that we have forgotten the methods of mortals?"

"It's not that I forgot, but that I subconsciously ignored it!"

Many thoughts flashed through Wu Ruiwu's heart. It was not until a long time later that the three big demons returned to the clouds, and then he let out a heavy breath.

Below, the entire "Copy Wuyi Mountains" has been greatly changed. Looking down from a high altitude, you can still see the prototype of it. But if you go deep into it, you will find that various "levels" have been built by millions of monsters.

They don't seem to care whether these 'levels' can be put to good use in the future, but more importantly they want a greater sense of security.

The biggest difference is that these monster beasts have formed a kind of "unity" that is very rare among monster beasts.

This kind of unity is not due to suppression by higher-level demons, but driven by common interests, which makes them have to do this.

No one knows how long this 'unity' can last, but one thing is very clear. As long as they feel in their hearts that the threat of goblins is far greater than others, they will not disperse quickly.

This unexpected 'factor' may be the key to their ability to preserve this base in the coming days.

On the outermost city wall, even if the monster beasts are building like crazy inside, some monster beasts will remain on it, just to attract the goblins outside the city wall, prompting them to continuously build human walls towards the city wall, condescending. Watch them die.

Among them, the simplest weapons gradually appeared, such as some stones, some sharpened thorn sticks, and so on.

In the hands of monsters, these weapons also have considerable lethality for goblins. Compared with the mana required, they are extremely economical. They can even be used while chewing food, which makes it easier for them to eat. Obsession Liu Hao was surprised.

"War is the best catalyst. The ancients do not deceive me!"

He groaned in his heart, and a bitter smile flashed slightly on his face. What he was thinking about was how much of the birth of civilization was caused by war?

Pressure is motivation. When facing danger, pressure is often the greatest. All dangerous wars deserve to be ranked first. The pressure is naturally endless, and the motivation is naturally full.

In such a situation where the entire army would be annihilated if it failed, it was no wonder that even the somewhat silly monsters had to use their brains to their full potential.

They are no different from the humans who occupy the passages of the world. When they are really in danger, they can pull up a steady stream of reinforcements with just a word of greeting;

They really can only fight alone until they die.

Didn’t you see that the faces of the returning three demons were still very solemn? Even with countless protections, they still have no idea.

After a while, three big demons came to Wu Ruiwu. Even the bamboo leaves were no longer cold at this moment. They put down their bodies. As for what they exchanged with Wu Ruiwu, Liu Hao was obsessed with it but had no intention to listen.

But one thing he knew very well was that after today, the demon clan in his hometown would bow to humans to some extent.

This in itself is the price you get and pay.

How long such a 'tilt' can last depends on how long the base that the monsters below are still building crazily can last.

Once this monster base is destroyed, this bowing will only become a thing of the past.

Perhaps in order to keep the Wuyi Mountains bowing their heads, humans must always help.

"Are the three kings familiar with the Taimu Mountains to the east?"

"General Wu, that is Hu Meier's territory. Nowadays, she is not as wealthy as usual. Doesn't that big monster want to sell her face?"

Although these words were not stated explicitly, they blocked Wu Ruiwu's mind and told Wu Ruiwu clearly:

The three monsters are very poor. For the immediate interests, they won't mind too much about some things that are just a matter of honor, but that's not the case with Hu Mei'er. If you want to introduce monsters from the Taimu Mountains, it's hard to say that this kind of benefit will not be valued at all in their eyes. Eyes, it’s better not to make any plans.

"That's true! Even if Hu Meier only returns to the Taimu Mountains for seven or eight days in a year, if she doesn't nod, the current head of the Taimu Mountains won't dare to respond!"

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"Who says it's not the case? Among the employees in Hu Meier's many chain stores, excluding her own ethnic group, the number of little monsters in Taimu Mountain is the largest. For this reason, those big monsters and little monsters who are left behind have to be subdued!"

The few people seemed to be chatting, but it was revealed that the confrontation was not small. Wu Ruiwu wanted the three demons to agree to introduce the monsters from the surrounding mountains to resist together. However, the three demons did not want to at the moment. It was not the time of real crisis anyway. Do you think you can succeed on your own?

When the benefits are not at their most critical, who would be willing to distribute them to others?

In fact, why doesn’t Wu Ruiwu understand? He just mentioned it casually to plant a seed first.

"The three great kings can also take turns to enter this world in the future, just apply in advance; although this cooperation was completed under the emperor's plan, at least it has gained an extra level of trust. I think the three great demons will not be happy to lose it. Bar?"

"That's natural. We were also cultivators in the Wuyi Mountains before, and the general knows this best!"

"Hahaha, that's good. It's also my duty. I ask the three kings to forgive me. Personally, I am very happy to trust the three kings!"

"Where is it! There will still be a long time for cooperation in the future."

Before the spiritual energy revived, there were many varieties of beasts in the Wuyi Mountains. However, after the spiritual energy revived, not all beast varieties could reach high positions.

This is like competing on a runway. Once someone occupies the front position, and the newcomer wants to cross, they must knock down the front obstacle and replace it.

In turn, the top ones will often find ways to suppress the latecomers, forcing other ethnic groups to succumb to them.

Just like the original group of short-tailed monkeys in the Wuyi Mountains, the number has not increased much so far. They are more willing to hide in a certain area of ​​the Wuyi Mountains to develop themselves, and rarely participate in the affairs of the Wuyi Mountains monsters.

They will pay tribute to the three big demons every year, and will inform them of the number of their own group, as if they are voting in names;

In this gathering, they also sent out men and horses, but in fact, everyone they sent could see that they were just some "abandoned children".

Similar to the macaque group, there is not only one group, such as the pangolin group, the even rarer Wuyishan golden cat group, and so on.

Because these ethnic groups all know that even if the interests of the owners of this world are allocated to their ethnic groups, they can only be pitifully small, and most of them have to reluctantly hand over some cannon fodder.

How could the three demons before this not know this?

It was just to fulfill their wishes, but now, they discovered that the interests here were far greater than they imagined. If they wanted to monopolize it, they must completely stabilize the current 'base'.

They rejected Wu Ruiwu's suggestion to 'promote' the monsters in the Taimu Mountains, and they naturally thought that the potential within their own Wuyi Mountains had not been fully stimulated.

It would be fine if they were all monsters, but with monsters accounting for 99% of the total, some monsters such as the monkey tribe, regardless of their flexibility and intelligence, must admit that they are in the current 'base area' Among them, the role it can play is more obvious.

Just like the wooden long-haired projectiles on the city wall, can the lethality be the same when used on wild boars and monkeys?

In terms of outbound reconnaissance, can it be the same as leaving it to the golden cats and pangolin groups as to leaving it to the jackals and wild boars?

It's just that they have no outlet for these, and they all think in their hearts that after returning this time, they must have a good chat with these ethnic groups who have been suppressed by the three demons.

They are not worried about whether the original balance will be broken after these groups send more people. They are confident that as long as their cultivation can crush the bosses of other groups, this will not happen.

In this case, why worry?

In addition, they feel that they must also inform the real boss of the Wuyi Mountains, Dahongpao Old Tea Tree, about what happened today, and at least listen to their opinions.

They also thought about one thing, that is, in this world, the reproduction of monsters can really be completely unleashed. How huge is the endless forest of goblins in front of them?

Even if all the monsters in the entire Dragon Kingdom are sent in, there won't be any crowding, right?

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