Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and five, Nuoqigao

1705, Nuoqigao

Suddenly, the obsessed Liu Hao discovered that even if the surface area of ​​his earth expanded ten times, it seemed to be nothing.

The vaster world can be described as the sand of eternity. It seems that as long as the world at the other end of the passage is not a parallel world, it must be far vaster than imagined.

Compared with our own earth, the only shortcoming of the Goblin Magic World in front of us may be that its aura is slightly behind.

But as time goes by, this disadvantage will eventually be eliminated, right?

Obsessive Liu Hao thought of this and quickly shook his head.

The connection between the heavens and the worlds makes the spiritual energy connect with each other, but it does not mean that the spiritual energy is like the source of water, which means that all the heavens and the worlds must be on the same level.

A very simple example, even on Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Land, the density of spiritual energy can't be seen everywhere?

Isn't the spiritual energy density around my Wuyi Mountains one level higher than that in Zhonghai?

There is no obstacle between the two. It seems that spiritual energy is so close to nature. Where can you reason?

This is true for a world, let alone all the heavens and realms connected by a mere world passage.

Those low-level worlds, after the spiritual energy is poured into them, how much can they hold based on the level of their world?

It's like their original pond is only that big. After it's full, even if the water pipe is always connected, won't its function be lost?

The Goblin Magic World, compared to our own Earth, is like a countryside and a city. As a rural Goblin Magic World, there is a vast land that can be developed. It seems to be of infinite value, but in fact it is not as tall as imagined. .

Of course, even so, compared to the monks at the middle and lower levels of the pyramid, her attraction is still terrifying.

Obsessed, Liu Hao withdrew his thoughts and glanced at the three big demons and Wu Ruiwu who were still talking. Regardless of whether they had reached an agreement or not, the current convenient experiment had come to an end for him, and there was no need to follow up. He took matters into his own hands.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at the busy monsters below again. He found that after a brief panic, these monsters had quickly adapted. Some of the lower-level monsters had even begun to reproduce. He didn't know whether this was following instinct or gaining control. The little monsters’ orders.

He found that the reproduction of these low-level monsters was completely free. Compared with his own earth, which promoted eugenics and eugenics, after crossing the world, he understood that population is the only one.

Especially snake monsters, when they were in the Wuyi Mountains of Liu Hao's earth, they would probably only lay a few eggs at one time, but now they can lay as many eggs as they can.

Because they are not worried about vicious competition among the internal monsters, and their unanimous external unity makes them understand that the only enemy is the goblin;

They understand that their descendants are valuable no matter how low their talents are. They can clearly understand the combat power of a single goblin and are not at all embarrassed about it.

Their approach cannot be said to be correct at the moment, but at least it is a good solution, which at least removes the last trace of worry in their hearts.

They believe that their ability to reproduce offspring will not be lost to any other race. How could they know that there would be such perverts as Goblins in all the worlds.


Behind him, the voices of the three big demons and Wu Ruiwu and others came, and this made Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, withdraw from the observation with relish.

He turned around and smiled: "Forget it, it's time to leave now. As for the follow-up, you can discuss it yourself. No matter whether the monsters below can gain a foothold in this world, you will have the results in the future. Remember Tell me!"

"I will obey the emperor's orders!"

Obsessive Liu Hao nodded slightly, tapped his toes, and before others could react at all, he had already brought all the people in front of the world passage;

Across the passage, the same process was repeated, and then they were driven away with a wave of hands.

He also knew that there would be more talk about the two sides in the future, and he would never give up until a result acceptable to both parties was reached.

But what does this have to do with him?

In contrast, he was more concerned about removing half of the monsters from the Wuyi Mountains at once. You must know that in the many gathering places around the mountains, there are still many people who rely on hunting, living, and cultivation. This cannot be done for this reason. They were in dire straits, which slowed down their spiritual progress.

After scanning the entire Wuyi Mountains, Liu Hao put aside all his last worries. He had to praise the three ruling monsters in his Wuyi Mountains for being sensible. Even though the number of monsters in the periphery was reduced compared to before, they still supported a few There is still no problem in the year.

A few years later, a new batch of monsters have multiplied, and there is no need to worry anymore.

This matter was considered completed. He thought of the high-speed railway line that Wu Ruiwu had prayed for. His consciousness extended in the direction of Longhu Mountain. After a few breaths, he determined the route. Although he smiled, he did not withdraw his consciousness.

This was because his consciousness saw an acquaintance in the huge city at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

"Quan Xing? You are much more honest!"

He could understand the restraint of Quanxing members on their own earth. In the world under one person, they dared to release their nature. However, on Liu Hao's earth, facing countless demon clans and beasts, and facing countless powerful people in the world, It would be strange if there wasn't even a trace of fear in my heart.

"Xia He?"

Obsessed Liu Hao couldn't help but feel a trace of weirdness on his face. This Zhang Lingyu's wife seemed to be able to get along well wherever she went.

I don't know if Zhang Lingyu, who has become a disciple of Great Desolate Tongtian, will still miss her in his heart.

I think in the dead of night, this kid will still think of it, right?

Otherwise, the Xia He we saw today would not have had the current cultivation level. After all, it was Zhang Lingyu who gave his luck to the other party, so that the obsessed Liu Hao could see today's situation.

"This bone scraper is very restrained!"

"It's a pity that the demonic path on earth has not yet emerged. After all, it is because it lacks the most suitable technique, otherwise it will only be higher!"

"The reason why you still stay at the foot of Longhu Mountain is to wait for Zhang Lingyu's return?"

"It's most likely yes. Are you worried that Zhang Lingyu won't be able to find you when he returns in the future?"

"The Tangtang Quanxing bone scraper has now become a kindergarten teacher. Perhaps no one would have thought of this, right?"

Obsessed, Liu Hao couldn't stop mumbling. After observing for a while, he also found that Xia He's work was very qualified and he was very patient with every child.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books. I can switch sources and have many reading sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"Is it just the brilliance of motherhood that is unique to pure women?"

He didn't give himself an answer. He seemed to be trying to convince himself more of the reason why Xia He made such a choice.

"I still remember what the master Zhang Zhiwei said to Xia He in the plot, 'If you can't control yourself, how can you control your heart?'"

"This sentence, even if the link between the heavens changes, Zhang Zhiwei has probably told Xia He, otherwise Xia He would not have such a huge change!"

He does not think that his Dragon Kingdom has no understanding of the completeness of one person, and the list of allnesses under one person is bound to be loaded one by one in the hands of his own Dragon Kingdom;

Being able to ignore Xia He was not only because of the "guarantee" of the Heavenly Master, but also because he really saw the changes in Xia He and lowered his risk level a lot.

"Zhang Lingyu and the others will be returning soon. Wu Zhao and Li Zhi, after all this time, if they haven't established a foothold in Luzhou in the prehistoric north, let's not talk about Wu Zetian and Tang Gaozong!"

He was sitting cross-legged in the small courtyard and had just finished drinking tea when Wu Ruiwu came to the door again.

"You are quite fast. It seems that those three guys didn't cause you much trouble."

"I haven't dealt with them once or twice. I have figured out their habits to some extent. They have made concessions to each other. Although it is not completely satisfactory to both parties, it is full credit."

"You don't need to tell me how you will deal with it in the future. I also see that you have reached a bottleneck in the Goblin Magic World. I will try to introduce other external forces to give you some support."

At this point, Obsessive Liu Hao paused, and when he saw Wu Ruiwu nodding, he continued:

"As for the effect, I don't care about it. The world is so vast, and it would be a pity if it stays like this."

"What the emperor said is true!"

"Hahaha, you don't need to agree with me. How can the top management not have a plan? As long as my intervention does not disrupt the top management's plan and cause them trouble."

"The emperor is overly praised!" Wu Ruiwu quickly raised his hands and saluted:

"It is also the emergence of new world passages in recent years that has forced the top management to allocate more resources. This tilt is likely to last for decades. Even if the top management had various plans for the Goblin Magic World before, in the short term We can't even think about moving forward today. We are even more happy when the emperor intervenes."

Obsessive Liu Hao waved his hand: "No need to be so polite, I am one of my own."


Seeing that Wu Ruiwu was still respectful even if he relaxed, Liu Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart. As his cultivation becomes more and more advanced, the number of people who can remain the same in front of him will become less and less. In the end, , maybe there are only a few of them?

Wu Ruiwu left quickly, and before leaving, he took away a piece of "rune" written by Liu Hao, which was written by Liu Hao. There was just a simple word "zhen" on it.

It's just to maintain a railway line. Where does the magic need to be cast?

The word "Suppression" is enough. It came from his hand and already brought a trace of aura to him. This means that the aura can last for thousands of years. Once ordinary monsters get close, how can they dare to destroy it?

This is almost the simplest model he can think of, and it can be learned by others.

Perhaps the 'runes' written by other masters in the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance cannot be as effective as the ones he wrote, and the duration will be shorter, but at least the effect can be maintained for a period of time, which is the best solution.

He doesn't care that imitating others requires constant learning and improvement, and it also requires a lot of energy. He can't expect others to be as able as him.

In fact, he hopes that the researchers can write this rune themselves and integrate it into every rail. This is the real solution to the root cause.

But Liu Hao still didn't explain this to Wu Ruiwu because of his obsession. He somewhat understood why those saints and quasi-sages would play tricks in various ways, as if they were just for the sake of gods and gods to let the listeners understand for themselves.

This is also true. When you tell others how to do it, and when others understand the method themselves, it is completely different.

Who can guarantee that the approach Liu Hao came up with will be the best?

Even if what he thinks is the best, is it really what those hard-working researchers can do most easily?

Do you think it is the most cost-effective?

He didn't want to limit the imagination of those who came after him, that would be truly irresponsible.

After staying at home for more than half a month, he saw with his own eyes that the main line linking his town to Longhu Mountain was connected, and saw that his approach was verified, and he finally thought about traveling again.

He had to admit that when the monks joined the infrastructure, the speed they showed was terrifying. This was simply unimaginable before the spiritual energy was revived.

The expansion of our own earth has caused the distance between our home and Longhu Mountain to be as huge as three thousand miles. However, for such a long distance, the construction was completed in just ten days. Now it has begun operations, but the builders are not surprised. , it can only be said that they have become accustomed to it so quickly.

He did not follow the connected railway to Longhu Mountain. None of the protagonists in Under One Person were there, and there was nothing to see. The drastic changes in the world under One Person were also something he had guessed, and he was also interested in it. Quack.

He traveled north and reached Zhonghai again.

When he arrived at Zhonghai, he remembered that he seemed to be in this giant city with a luxurious villa.

But when he arrived at the villa and saw a familiar figure, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Nokigao, Nami's sister, was a girl who had a special love for growing oranges. After he brought her to the Dragon Kingdom, he really ignored her. Even if today had not come, he was not sure when he would remember her.

He could only smile bitterly, and was even a little embarrassed to face it, so he quickly disappeared and watched quietly from the side.

He had to admire the simplicity and purity of Nuoqigao.

His luxurious villa estate covering an area of ​​more than ten acres is now full of oranges, and Noqigao seems to be equally satisfied with this.

She carefully took care of each orange and continuously improved the quality of these orange trees. Liu Hao could already feel that these orange trees were evolving towards spiritual plants.

Maybe this is the only reason why Nuo Qi Gaoyi has stayed here?

From One Piece to the Dragon Kingdom, countless planting books have been released. There is a high probability that as long as the knowledge is effective for growing oranges, Nokigao has not let it go. Only in this way can we cultivate completely ordinary fruit trees into what they are today. .

He saw that Nuo Qigao had several directions of cultivation, from farming in the Baijia system to the magic in the magical world, and it was only in this way that he could achieve this.

He thought that Noqi Gao would be eager to return to his hometown, but now it seems that Noqi Gao has truly found his dream? 1705, Nuoqigao

Suddenly, the obsessed Liu Hao discovered that even if the surface area of ​​his earth expanded ten times, it seemed to be nothing.

The vaster world can be described as the sand of eternity. It seems that as long as the world at the other end of the passage is not a parallel world, it must be far vaster than imagined.

Compared with our own earth, the only shortcoming of the Goblin Magical World in front of us may be that its aura is slightly behind.

But as time goes by, this disadvantage will eventually be eliminated, right?

Obsessive Liu Hao thought of this and quickly shook his head.

The connection between the heavens and the worlds makes the spiritual energy connect with each other, but it does not mean that the spiritual energy is like the source of water, which means that all the heavens and the worlds must be on the same level.

A very simple example, even on Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Land, the density of spiritual energy can't be seen everywhere?

Isn't the spiritual energy density around my Wuyi Mountains one level higher than that in Zhonghai?

There is no obstacle between the two. It seems that spiritual energy is so close to nature. Where can you reason?

This is true for a world, let alone all the heavens and realms connected by a mere world passage.

Those low-level worlds, after the spiritual energy is poured into them, how much can they carry based on the level of their world?

It's like their original pond is only that big. After it's full, even if the water pipe is always connected, won't its function be lost?

The Goblin Magic World, compared to our own Earth, is like a countryside and a city. As a rural Goblin Magic World, there is a vast land that can be developed. It seems to be of infinite value, but in fact it is not as tall as imagined. .

Of course, even so, compared to the monks at the middle and lower levels of the pyramid, her attraction is still terrifying.

Obsessed, Liu Hao withdrew his thoughts and glanced at the three big demons and Wu Ruiwu who were still talking. Regardless of whether they had reached an agreement or not, the current convenient experiment had come to an end for him, and there was no need to follow up. He took matters into his own hands.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at the busy monsters below again. He found that after a brief panic, these monsters had quickly adapted. Some of the lower-level monsters had even begun to reproduce. He didn't know whether this was following instinct or gaining control. The little monsters’ orders.

He found that the reproduction of these low-level monsters was completely free. Compared with his own earth, which also advocated eugenics and eugenics, after crossing the world, he understood that population is the only one.

Especially snake monsters, when they were in the Wuyi Mountains of Liu Hao's earth, they would probably only lay a few eggs at one time, but now they can lay as many eggs as they can.

Because they are not worried about vicious competition among the internal monsters, and their unanimous external unity makes them understand that the only enemy is the goblin;

They understand that their descendants are valuable no matter how low their talents are. They can clearly understand the combat power of a single goblin and are not embarrassed at all.

Their approach cannot be said to be correct at the moment, but at least it is a good solution, which at least removes the last trace of worry in their hearts.

They believe that their ability to reproduce offspring will not be lost to any other race. How could they know that there would be such perverts as Goblins in all the worlds.


Behind him, the voices of the three big demons and Wu Ruiwu and others came, and this made Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, withdraw from the observation with relish.

He turned around and smiled: "Forget it, it's time to leave now. As for the follow-up, you can discuss it yourself. No matter whether the monsters below can gain a foothold in this world, you will have the results in the future. Remember Tell me!"

"I will obey the emperor's orders!"

Obsessive Liu Hao nodded slightly, tapped his toes, and before others could react at all, he had already brought all the people in front of the world passage;

Across the passage, the same process was repeated, and then they were driven away with a wave of hands.

He also knew that there would be more talk about the two sides in the future, and he would never give up until a result acceptable to both parties was reached.

But what does this have to do with him?

In contrast, he was more concerned about removing half of the monsters from the Wuyi Mountains at once. You must know that in the many gathering places around the mountains, there are still many people who rely on hunting, living, and cultivation. This cannot be done for this reason. They were in dire straits, which slowed down their spiritual progress.

After scanning the entire Wuyi Mountains, Liu Hao put aside all his last worries. He had to praise the three ruling monsters in his Wuyi Mountains for being sensible. Even though the number of monsters in the periphery was reduced compared to before, they still supported a few Years are still no problem.

A few years later, a new batch of monsters have multiplied, and there is no need to worry anymore.

This matter was considered completed. He thought of the high-speed railway line that Wu Ruiwu had prayed for. His consciousness extended in the direction of Longhu Mountain. After a few breaths, he determined the route. Although he smiled, he did not withdraw his consciousness.

This was because his consciousness saw an acquaintance in the huge city at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

"Quan Xing? You are much more honest!"

He could understand the restraint of Quanxing members on their own earth. In the world under one person, they dared to release their nature. However, on Liu Hao's earth, facing countless demon clans and beasts, and facing countless powerful people in the world, It would be strange if there wasn't even a trace of fear in my heart.

"Xia He?"

Obsessed Liu Hao couldn't help but feel a trace of weirdness on his face. This Zhang Lingyu's wife seemed to be able to get along well wherever she went.

I don't know if Zhang Lingyu, who has become a disciple of the Great Desolation Tongtian, will still miss her in his heart.

I think in the dead of night, this kid will still think of it, right?

Otherwise, the Xia He we saw today would not have had the current cultivation level. After all, it was Zhang Lingyu who gave his luck to the other party, so that the obsessed Liu Hao could see today's situation.

"This bone scraper is very restrained!"

"It's a pity that the demonic path on earth has not yet emerged. After all, it is because it lacks the most suitable technique, otherwise it will only be higher!"

"The reason why you still stay at the foot of Longhu Mountain is to wait for Zhang Lingyu's return?"

"It's most likely yes. Are you worried that Zhang Lingyu won't be able to find you when he returns in the future?"

"The Tangtang Quanxing bone scraper has now become a kindergarten teacher. Perhaps no one would have thought of this, right?"

Obsessed, Liu Hao couldn't stop mumbling. After observing for a while, he also found that Xia He's work was very qualified and he was very patient with every child.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books. I can switch sources and have many reading sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"Is it just the brilliance of motherhood that is unique to pure women?"

He didn't give himself an answer. He seemed to be trying to convince himself more of the reason why Xia He made such a choice.

"I still remember what the master Zhang Zhiwei said to Xia He in the plot, 'If you can't control yourself, how can you control your heart?'"

"This sentence, even if the link between the heavens changes, Zhang Zhiwei has probably told Xia He, otherwise Xia He would not have such a huge change!"

He does not think that his Dragon Kingdom has no understanding of the completeness of one person, and the list of allnesses under one person is bound to be loaded one by one in the hands of his own Dragon Kingdom;

Being able to ignore Xia He is not only because of the "guarantee" of the Heavenly Master, but also because he has truly seen the changes in Xia He and has lowered his risk level a lot.

"Zhang Lingyu and the others will be returning soon. Wu Zhao and Li Zhi, after all this time, if they haven't established a foothold in Luzhou in the prehistoric north, let's not talk about Wu Zetian and Tang Gaozong!"

He was sitting cross-legged in the small courtyard and had just finished drinking tea when Wu Ruiwu came to the door again.

"You are quite fast. It seems that those three guys didn't cause you much trouble."

"I haven't dealt with them once or twice. I have figured out their habits to some extent. They have made concessions to each other. Although it is not completely satisfactory to both parties, it is full credit."

"There is no need to tell me how you will deal with it in the future. I also see that you have reached a bottleneck in the magical world of Goblins. I will try to introduce other external forces to give you some support."

At this point, Obsession Liu Hao paused, and when he saw Wu Ruiwu nodding, he continued:

"As for the effect, I don't care about it. The world is so vast, and it would be a pity if it stays like this."

"What the emperor said is true!"

"Hahaha, you don't need to agree with me. How can the top management not have a plan? As long as my intervention does not disrupt the top management's plan and cause them trouble."

"The emperor is overly praised!" Wu Ruiwu quickly raised his hands and saluted:

"It is also the emergence of new world passages in recent years that has forced the top management to allocate more resources. This tilt is likely to last for decades. Even if the top management had various plans for the Goblin Magic World, in the short term We can't even think about moving forward today. We are even more happy when the emperor intervenes."

Obsessive Liu Hao waved his hand: "No need to be so polite, I am one of my own."


Seeing that Wu Ruiwu was still respectful even if he relaxed, Liu Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart. As his cultivation becomes more and more advanced, the number of people who can remain the same in front of him will become less and less. In the end, , maybe there are only a few of them?

Wu Ruiwu left quickly, and before leaving, he took away a piece of "rune" written by Liu Hao, which was written by Liu Hao. There was just a simple word "zhen" on it.

It's just to maintain a railway line. Where does the magic need to be cast?

The word "Suppression" is enough. It came from his hand and already brought a trace of aura to him. This means that the aura can last for thousands of years. Once ordinary monsters get close, how can they dare to destroy it?

This is almost the simplest model he can think of, and it can be learned by others.

Perhaps the 'runes' written by other masters in the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance cannot be as effective as the ones he wrote, and the duration will be shorter, but at least the effect can be maintained for a period of time, which is the best solution.

He doesn't care that imitating others requires constant learning and improvement, and it also requires a lot of energy. He can't expect others to be as able as him.

In fact, he hopes that the researchers can write this rune themselves and integrate it into every rail. This is the real solution to the root cause.

But Liu Hao still didn't explain this to Wu Ruiwu because of his obsession. He somewhat understood why those saints and quasi-sages would play tricks in various ways, as if they were just for the sake of gods and gods to let the listeners understand for themselves.

This is also true. When you tell others how to do it, and when others understand how to do it themselves, they are completely different things.

Who can guarantee that the method that Obsessive Liu Hao came up with must be the best?

Even if what he thinks is the best, is it really what those hard-working researchers can do most easily?

Do you think it is the most cost-effective?

He didn't want to limit the imagination of those who came after him, that would be truly irresponsible.

After staying at home for more than half a month, he saw with his own eyes that the main line linking his town to Longhu Mountain was connected, and saw that his approach was verified, and he finally thought about traveling again.

He had to admit that when the monks joined the infrastructure, the speed they showed was terrifying. This was simply unimaginable before the spiritual energy was revived.

The expansion of our own earth has caused the distance between our home and Longhu Mountain to be as huge as three thousand miles. However, for such a long distance, the construction was completed in just ten days. Now it has begun operations, but the builders are not surprised. , it can only be said that they have become accustomed to it so quickly.

He did not follow the connected railway to Longhu Mountain. The protagonists of Under One Person were not there, and there was nothing to see. The drastic changes in the world of Under One Person were also something he had guessed, and he was also interested in it. Quack.

He traveled north and reached Zhonghai again.

When he arrived at Zhonghai, he remembered that he seemed to be in this giant city with a luxurious villa.

But when he arrived at the villa and saw a familiar figure, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Nokigao, Nami's sister, was a girl who had a special love for growing oranges. After he brought her to the Dragon Kingdom, he really ignored her. Even if today had not come, he was not sure when he would remember her.

He could only smile bitterly, and was even a little embarrassed to face it, so he quickly disappeared and watched quietly from the side.

He had to admire the simplicity and purity of Nuoqigao.

His luxurious villa estate covering an area of ​​more than ten acres is now full of oranges, and Noqigao seems equally satisfied with this.

She carefully took care of each orange and continuously improved the quality of these orange trees. Liu Hao could already feel that these orange trees were evolving towards spiritual plants.

Maybe this is the only reason why Nuo Qi Gaoyi has stayed here?

From One Piece to the Dragon Kingdom, countless planting books have been released. There is a high probability that Nokigao has not let go of any knowledge that is effective in growing oranges. Only in this way can we cultivate completely ordinary fruit trees into what they are today. .

He saw that Nuo Qigao had several directions of cultivation, from farming in the Baijia system to the magic in the magical world, and it was only in this way that he could achieve this.

He thought that Noqi Gao would be eager to return to his hometown, but now it seems that Noqi Gao has truly found his dream?

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