Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and six, the development of the times

1706. The development of the times

From Nuo Qigao, the obsessed Liu Hao suddenly discovered that not every human ambition is the same.

Perhaps in an era like the revival of spiritual energy, more than half, or even most, people think about how to further improve their cultivation level all day long.

Among most of these people, raising their cultivation levels also has various purposes;

Perhaps they simply want to avoid being eliminated by the rolling waves in such an era of spiritual energy explosion;

Or just to enter a higher level circle.

Maybe you just want to protect your life, safety and property from being threatened.

Their purposes must be all kinds of strange.

But there are still some people. What they really want is not a high level of cultivation. All their cultivation is just to serve another purpose.

Just like the Nuoqigao in front of her, what she wants is to grow her own oranges. She simply wants the oranges she grows to have higher yields, better taste, and further nutritional value.

All her cultivation was for this purpose. When she found that her cultivation was enough to fulfill her many dreams, the time she spent on cultivation became scarce.

But when she finds that her cultivation is not enough to support her dream, she will study crazily and try every means to improve herself.

The improvement here is no different from the practitioners in various major positions who were crazy about learning their professional knowledge before the spiritual energy was revived.

She only regards cultivation as an integral part of the foundation of her dream. In Nokigao's eyes, the amount of cultivation is no different from any knowledge she learned from agricultural college.

She is just good enough, and will never pursue it excessively. Her dream is consistent from beginning to end. As long as the sky does not collapse and the earth does not crack in the future, she will never change at all.

She enjoys it, even if what she does every day is never a "surprise" and is always repeated, she can still find the happiness brought by her dreams.

When the oranges mature each year, she tastes them and compares them with previous years in detail. She finds differences. Even if some parts are clearly deteriorating, such as yield, she will not be upset at all as long as she can find room for improvement.

When she discovered that her orange production this year was acceptable, but the taste was even better, and the nutrition had also increased a lot, her joy at this time was by no means less than that of the monks who saw their cultivation level increasing bit by bit, and even To become more intense.

After so many years, Nuo Qigao has grown into a real big girl. She is still no different from the 'elf' in the orange grove. Her happiness is so simple, even if her current cultivation level is only eighth level. That’s all.

With her current level of cultivation, she cannot be said to be incomparable to everyone, but she is definitely just one of the many living beings.

The gap between her and Nami was not that big at first, but now there is no need to think about it, the gap must be like a chasm.

It will only get bigger in the future.

But so what, who can stipulate that life can only be like this? Whose choice is not a choice? If you are not a fish, how can you know the happiness of a fish?

You also cannot say that Nokia Nokia has made no contribution to the world.

In fact, in the eyes of obsessed Liu Hao, this contribution is not a lot at all, and it will explode soon.

The spiritual energy revives, and countless plants in the world are nurtured by the spiritual energy. There are always those who transform, and there are all kinds of spiritual herbs, elixirs, and spiritual fruits.

But these transformations or evolutions are distributed among all plants, and the ratio is extremely rare. Once they are discovered, they will definitely bring surprises to living creatures, but the reason why they are called surprises is because of their scarcity and preciousness. .

At this time, how to cultivate ‘spiritual plants’ that can be planted on a large scale has become a real need of the public.

It's like Yuan Sheng cultivated Linggu. Although not every piece of land can be cultivated, their output is now quite large. Although it can't be said that they bring the original grain, you can taste a piece every now and then. It can still be done.

For this reason, most of the energy of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance in cultivating spiritual plants has been invested in the 'grain' varieties, and then medicinal materials, and they are still the kind that have clearly needed large production.

It cannot be said that there is no research on other varieties among the people, but they will never have many.

Liu Hao: Compared with the time it takes for the spiritual energy of the earth to recover, compared with those worlds that have been in motion for millions of years, the foundation is still lacking.

Moreover, the impetuous social state has also caused most people to be unable to truly invest their energy in it, just like before the recovery of spiritual energy, everything was focused on money.

How many individuals and companies are able to calm down and engage in real research if they are used to short-term and fast work?

From this point of view, it is enough to praise Nokigao’s contribution.

You know, there are only two acres of land in this villa and small manor, and there are only a hundred orange trees, but each one has touched the edge of the spiritual plant. In the eyes of Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, after three to five years, evolution will Those who become spiritual planters of orange trees will also gradually appear;

Even in ten or eight years, it is not impossible that the orange grove in the backyard will completely evolve into a spiritual plant.

By then, perhaps we will really have the seeds of the spiritual orange variety, which can really be promoted on a large scale.

With this contribution alone, Nokigao may not be able to become a peasant semi-saint, but it is basically the same.

Obsessive Liu Hao doesn’t know how many people like Noqigao there are in his Dragon Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance, but they are definitely not a rare breed;

Even if they are still mediocre in all walks of life, once the opportunity comes, it will be easy for them to soar into the sky.

They are the real professionals, and they are no different from the cooking sheep demon at the foot of Lingnan Mountain.

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They may not know that they have chosen their own path early on, and they only think it is their own preference. Little do they know that this is not a "mistake", and they have their own advantages early on.

They may not be able to stand out from it in their lifetime, but so what, they are still happy compared to most living creatures.

Obsessive Liu Hao observed Nuoqigao invisibly for several days, and also evaluated all aspects of Nuoqigao. Finally, he discovered that one thing seemed to be an obstacle to whether Nuoqigao could reach a higher peak in the future, and that was the formation. The way of law.

In the orange grove in the backyard of this villa and small manor, it is not that there is no spirit gathering formation, but this spirit gathering formation is not just knowledge garbage in the eyes of Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it. It can only be regarded as the difference between having and not directly pressing it.

It is like the cheapest product in the market. You can buy it for three to five yuan, and the effect can be imagined.

The difference in spiritual energy density inside and outside the entire miniature orange forest is only about 1:1.1. If you don’t know better, you would think that it is simply caused by the nature of the orange forest.

Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, would naturally not directly help Nuo Qigao refine one. He did not want to share Nuo Qigao's merits.

His appearance brought a bright smile to Noqigao's face. It was like flowers blooming at that moment. It was a joy from the heart, and Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, couldn't help but smile.

"Big brother!"

Nuo Qigao was like a cheerful crane flying towards Obsessive Liu Hao, so much so that even Obsessive Liu Hao ignored the title of 'big brother'.

"Is this the orange grove that Nokiko carefully takes care of? It seems to have reached the edge of evolution!"

His 'question' made the joy in Noqigao's heart go even further. It was like a child. If you praise someone for being well-behaved, they will at most give you a sweet smile. It's already very interesting to deal with you.

But if you praise a child after they have succeeded in doing something, they will definitely remember you deeply and even remember this scene for the rest of their lives.

If children are like this, how can adults be exempt from vulgarity?

The joy of success is common to everyone. At this time, having one person to share it with will double the happiness, not to mention receiving praise from others.

This was the case with Nokki Gao. She could still be reserved when someone else praised her, but from what Liu Hao said, the satisfaction in her heart was not ordinary. She now seemed to be truly in front of her parents and brothers. He proved himself to be average, and all the cells in his body were jumping for joy.

She chirped and described all the hard work she had put into the orange grove over the years, including the hardships and hardships, the joy of harvest, the confusion of not knowing the way forward, and the surprise of a sudden flash of inspiration;

Wait, wait, wait, she couldn't wait to explain, eager to show all the details to the obsessed Liu Hao.

Obsessive Liu Hao did not interrupt, but just listened with a smile, and nodded slightly from time to time to show his approval. This made Noqigao even more satisfied in his heart, and he was much more cheerful when explaining.

It wasn't until the sun set that Nuo Qigao stopped talking, and then realized that it was dinner time. She hurriedly pulled Liu Hao home with her obsession, and got into the kitchen at an extremely fast speed.

When they arrived at the dining table, Noqigao thought of Nami, and Liu Hao realized that Nami would occasionally call Noqigao. He would not admit that he suddenly felt a little sour.

He also understood that it was not difficult to get through his phone. Who knew which world he was wandering in when Nami called him?

To teach Nuo Qi Gao's 'talent', as long as you tell the other party that this skill can improve orange planting, there is no need to worry about Nuo Qi Gao being lazy. Even if Nuo Qi Gao's talent in this area is very low, others will spend a lot of time studying it. .

He stayed in the villa and small manor for more than half a month, and he had to admit that Noqi Gao really didn't have much talent in formations. He was also depressed. Fortunately, before leaving, Noqi Gao had finally got started, otherwise he would I really don’t know if I will take action myself.

During the more than half a month of getting along, my obsession with Liu Hao was not without its benefits.

From point to point, there may be some deviations, but it will never be unreasonable.

Nuo Qigao, isn't he a typical example among all living beings?

She may have begun to stand out, and is likely to become an elite and supporting figure in the orange industry in the future, but now, there is no difference between her and those at the bottom.

Obsessive Liu Hao had a premonition that in the next ten years or so, the days when the whole people were crazy about practicing cultivation might be gone forever.

This is not to say that the enthusiasm of the lower class people in the future for spiritual practice will be reduced.

Rather, it is as ferocious as any industry when it breaks out, and then calms down after industry consolidation.

Perhaps more than ten years from now, spiritual practice will no longer occupy the vast majority of people's time, and people will not regard it as everything.

They will still invest a lot of time in it, but they will definitely be much more rational.

At that time, more and more Nuoqigao will appear, and the various arts of cultivation will truly become one 'art' and 'craft' after another.

At that point in time, specialization will be even more widespread, and any farmer, for example, if they don't practice farming methods, they will be considered unqualified at all.

They will establish their talent in a certain industry early. If this talent coincides with their own preferences, the possibility of these people standing out will be much greater.

On the other hand, it can only be for life.

At that point in time, those who crazily pursue cultivation will also decline on a large scale. Of course, this does not mean that there will be no pursuit, but that cultivation and life will be well integrated.

Obsessive Liu Hao believes that this will be the inevitable development of the times and the law of the operation of human nature.

He also understands that such a future on his own earth will hardly last long because the danger has never gone away.

Therefore, division became inevitable.

For example, most of the "those with few ambitions" like Nuo Qigao will be moved away from Liu Hao's Earth and moved to some truly comfortable worlds, such as Liangjian World, Zongwu World, etc.

On this planet, the number of monsters and monsters will never decrease sharply, and the struggle for living space between them will never stop even if humans enter a period of peace.

This is the same as the division of industrial areas and agricultural areas before the revival of spiritual energy. Professional matters will only become more and more refined as time goes by.

You can’t deny that many ‘talented people’ will be delayed in this process.

But it cannot be denied that such changes will create the birth of more and more professional masters.

This may be a matter of gains and losses. Why doesn't destiny have a hand in it?

The laws of heaven and the laws of humanity, most of the time, they live in harmony and complement each other, but they are not the same after all. They will not part ways, but when they should stay close to themselves, they never let others Disappointed.

Just like the Dragon Kingdom football before the revival of spiritual energy, it claims to select 11 players from more than one billion people, but in reality?

The bottom base only has a few thousand numbers, and there are only so many registered football players. If it can get better, then there is something wrong.

Nowadays, primary school leagues are spread across all schools and even classes. If you choose to be a team member, even if you have a million, it is not a problem.

This is the way of humanity.

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