Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and eighteen, the arrival of the little swan

1718. The arrival of the little swan

Obsession Liu Hao's sigh came from his heart, and it also gave him an additional thought in his mind, whether Gao Shun needed to be reminded.

Some very basic formation methods have long been circulated in the Dragon Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

Most of these basic formations come from ancient times and were basically collected by Liu Hao, but they have not been updated for a long time.

It cannot be said that its value is limited. In many cases, the more basic things are, the more precious they are.

As a general under Lu Han, Gao Shun was obsessed with Liu Hao and did not think that Gao Shun had not collected all these basic formations.

Trapped in the military formation, Liu Hao clearly saw the integration of many basic formations, which obviously explained everything.

That is, even if Gao Shun has a thorough understanding of these basic formations, he is not far behind.

However, Liu Hao later went to more than one world, especially the world of tombs and the world of mortals cultivating immortals, especially the latter, where the use of formations has spread to every corner of the monks.

Although it cannot be said that the basic formations of these two worlds are better, it is because they have been widely used and have been studied countless times, and the 'simple formations' derived from them are countless.

These simplest formations are often the best basic formation annotations.

He is the answer after gathering countless monks' inspiration. He not only brings together everyone's strengths, but also has unique guiding significance.

How can one person's wisdom, no matter how high it is, be compared to tens of billions?

In the world of mortals cultivating immortals, Liu Hao has collected the most formations like these. These simplest formations, compared to those high-end formations, are of great value to Gao Shun.

You must know that the method of trapping the army that Gao Shun understood was not due to his understanding of the law. It was not the product of a high-level person, but was built up bit by bit from the bottom up, and even more so. Especially rare.

"That's all, there is no need to hand it over to Gao Shun personally, to the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance. Sooner or later, Gao Shun will get it. Thanks to seeing you, otherwise I don't know when I will be able to remember the preciousness of these formations. !”

Obsessive Liu Hao was talking to himself while selecting a piece of mutton-fat white jade in the warehouse;

In the blink of an eye, the mutton-fat white jade has been reshaped, and in just a few breaths, it has turned into a jade slip, and then countless 'basic formations' from tombs and the world of mortals cultivating immortals are engraved on it.

After it was completed, Obsession Liu Hao had no intention of recalling or checking it, so he threw it out into the space. In another flash, the jade slip had appeared in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom and flew into the person that Obsession Liu Hao was thinking about. in hand.

He didn't care what happened next. In his eyes, Gao Shun killed a Taiyi Celestial Monster again. Compared with the beginning, Gao Shun seemed to be very familiar with it now;

It was as if Gao Shun had already locked onto the enemy's weakness. Even though he was still somewhat at a disadvantage, the time it took to kill the opponent had been reduced by more than half.

This is already a significant improvement, not only because of experience, but also because of the growth of Gao Shun's own strength, even if he is still at the peak of Jinxian.

He glanced at the weapon in Gao Shun's hand, his heart moved slightly, and then he shook his head again:...

"This appreciation is really big!"

He still gave up the idea of ​​giving Gao Shun the weapon in the end. He could already get to where he is today by relying on himself, so why should he do something extra?

The Chang Ge in Gao Shun's hand has been following Gao Shun for who knows how long. It may have been just an ordinary soldier from the beginning, but now it is no different from a top spiritual weapon. In the future, it will be a matter of course for it to be nurtured by Gao Shun and continue to evolve. As for what it can achieve. Doesn't it depend on Gao Shun's inner thoughts?

If he saw Gao Shun changing his weapons in the future, it wouldn't be too late for him to take action.

He does appreciate Gao Shun, a general who did not leave many records in the Three Kingdoms era. Once Gao Shun's own low profile, it is not that Gao Shun cannot go higher, but that he chooses to do so.

If Gao Shun and Zhang Liao make the same choice, Gao Shun will be one of the five good generals under Cao Mengde.

"How many good generals have disappeared in the long river of history like Gao Shun? Times make heroes better than this!"

Obsessed, Liu Hao thought of the group of tents in Liu Bangpei County, whether it was Xiao He or Fan Hui, even Cao Shen and Chen Pi, if there was not a good platform for them to display, how could they leave such a glorious reputation in history? ?

Did Zhu Yuanzhang's group of civil servants and military generals, including Li Shanchang, Xu Da, Tang He and others, already possess the talents of prime ministers and marshals when they first followed Zhu Yuanzhang?

Haven't they learned countless experiences from victory and defeat and forged themselves into peerless soldiers?

The Gao Shun in front of him jumped out of his original destiny and moved towards the real world. Even if he is still not famous now, will there really be no sky for him in the future?

Is there any stage comparable to the great competition among the heavens and the worlds?

In all the heavens and worlds, there must be countless submissive people in front of you, right?

Many of them may be buried in the mountains after a failure, but as long as they survive, they will surely release their own bright light.

Among the countless protagonists, how many are not just because they survived to the end?

How many people with higher talents than themselves have spread along their road of bones and bones?

"It's nothing more than the winner and the loser!"

This is not because Liu Hao is obsessed with something again, but because he has gained another understanding of the laws of humanity. This understanding has also made his temperament change a little bit, but the specifics are very different. It's hard to tell clearly.

This change only took a few breaths, and Liu Hao returned to his original lazy state again;

His eyes had been withdrawn from Gao Shun, and he looked around again, but he didn't find anyone who interested him, which made him somewhat boring.

At this moment, a monstrous force rose between the whole world. As soon as this force appeared, the temperature of the entire Liu Hao earth dropped a lot. It was as if at this moment, the entire earth was swept by a cold wave, and every corner was covered with cold waves. Didn't let go.

Fortunately, this momentum went away just as quickly as it came. As the momentum subsided, the original cooling gradually picked up.

The battlefield in front of them was somewhat affected by this momentum, especially the monsters. It seemed that in just a moment, their own violence had been suppressed, and they themselves became somewhat timid. …

There are also monsters who are almost the same as them, but these monsters know the reason very well, which is simply bloodline suppression. The new arrival on Liu Hao's earth is clearly a 'big monster' with monstrous cultivation. His bloodline Its purity is unheard of.

Human beings also have this perception to some extent, and the uneasy thoughts in their hearts will not disappear until they get the exact news.

This naturally did not include Liu Hao's obsession. At this time, a trace of joy flashed on his face.

He was very clear about that momentum, which had clearly surpassed that of a quasi-sage for a long time. The cold wave was simply the product of the arrivals peeking into their own earth.

Deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains of the Dragon Kingdom, above the passage between the earth and the prehistoric world, at this time, a white bird in the form of a phoenix with a body size of about 100 meters was spreading its wings in the sky, restraining its pressure, and a soft cry came from her mouth, It spread throughout the entire earth in an instant.

"Little Honghu..."

A friendly greeting came to her ear, causing her to chirp and become a little more cheerful.

Little did he know that these few calls of hers had already caused the entire hundred thousand monsters from the mountain monster clan to crawl to the ground.

All this was seen by Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it. He even saw the helplessness and despair on the face of Jiu Ying who stayed behind.

In the prehistoric times, Xiao Honghu was "low-key". She rarely or even once had a real fight with others. But after reaching a certain level of cultivation, who doesn't know that Xiao Honghu is not someone ordinary people can mess with?

Jiuying, who was sent by Liu Hao to guard the earth as a prehistoric monster clan, was naturally one of them. Compared to others, Jiuying knew the information about Xiao Honghu better.

He knew that Di Jun and Tai Yi had talked about wanting to conquer Little Honghu several times, but in the end they didn't dare to actually take action.

Obviously, both Di Jun and Tai Yi had observed Xiao Honghu closely, and both knew that even if the two of them went together, they would probably not be able to win. In the end, they had no choice but to let it go. However, they also told their subordinates this information. That is Jiu Ying and others.

If only his cultivation level were higher, Jiu Ying would not have a desperate expression. The reason for this is that he knew that Xiao Honghu had a child's mentality.

It's the hardest to communicate with naughty children, and they won't be able to reason with you.

If anyone else had arrived, even if they were saints, Jiu Ying would have gone up to see the ceremony. However, Xiao Honghu, Jiu Ying was a Muggle instead.

His despair did not last long. When the obsessive figure of Liu Hao appeared in his sight, a long-lost joy flickered on his face.

If there are several characters who can make the "Honghu" in front of him obedient, Liu Hao must be the most important one. At least he is not worried about "accidents" happening to the 100,000 mountain monster clan he is in charge of.

As soon as Obsession Liu Hao appeared, the size of the little swan flying in the sky shrank immediately. By the time the little swan flew close to Obsession Liu Hao, it was only the size of a basketball.

She circled around Liu Hao's shoulder for several times, and the chirping in her mouth was like a song floating between heaven and earth. Her joyful mood infected everyone who listened, and most creatures couldn't help but have a smile on their faces. Come. …

"Is it the power of the Phoenix Totem?"

Obsessive Liu Hao did not speak, but the smile on his face did not resist showing because he understood the truth.

He stretched out his big hand to let the little bird stay above him, and watched as the little bird walked along his arm and stepped onto his shoulder, found a position that he thought was the best and sat down, its slender neck wrapped around his neck, rubbing intimately.

At this moment, he felt that Xiao Honghu looked at him as if he were seeing his 'parents', and the softness on his face added another layer of emotion.

He did not ask why Xiao Honghu arrived. He knew very well that the Wutang Empire jointly ruled by Wu Zhao and Li Zhi would soon enter the heavens.

He didn't ask, but it didn't mean that Xiao Honghu didn't tell. Just like a child who couldn't wait to show off his achievements, after hugging Liu Hao affectionately for a while, Xiao Honghu immediately chirped and told everything he knew.

Wu Zhao and Li Zhi didn't mean to let Xiao Honghu serve as an outpost for them. They wanted to tell Liu Hao through Xiao Honghu that they were coming.

Here, Wu Zhao and Li Zhi are somewhat lacking in confidence.

Also, across a world, even though I know a lot of information, how can I completely eliminate the anxiety in my heart?

If you are worried, go to your parents. If you don’t have parents, you will naturally go to the teacher.

Wu Zhao and Li Zhi were both emperors, but they never felt embarrassed about it. For them, they would never let go of any power they could use.

They know very well what role a strong leader can play when arriving in this world, and how many possible troubles can be avoided.

In addition, from his obsession, Liu Hao also realized that even in Luzhou, the ancient northern capital, the pressure on Wu Zhao and Li Zhi was not small.

Also, when almost all the prehistoric forces are thinking of laying out their plans through the Wutang Empire, as the emperor of the Wutang Empire, if they are heartless, it can only mean that they are not qualified at all.

And historical records have told everyone that neither Li Zhi nor Wu Zhao can be called merely qualified when they are on the throne of the emperor.

In other words, Wu Zhao and Li Zhi still wanted to take advantage of Liu Hao's 'power'. After choosing, there was no one more suitable than Xiao Honghu.

Otherwise, with Xiao Honghu's character, even if she enters another world, she will not deliberately exude her aura. She is just a child. How can she have such thoughts?

Telling the world has always been a way for adults.

Obsessive Liu Hao was not unhappy at all about Wu Zhao and Li Zhi's thoughts. On the contrary, he was happy that his 'disciple' took advantage of the situation. It was not his initiative and others could not 'blame' him for this.

As for the incompleteness of the layout of many forces that may result from this, he is even more happy to watch.

Almost at the same moment when he appeared, Guangchengzi also arrived at the same time;

But Guangchengzi did not reveal his figure. He just nodded to Liu Hao in the distance. He knew clearly that this was a plot, but he had no choice but to admit it. There was a little helplessness in this guy's eyes. Liu Hao was obsessed with it. Seeing it clearly makes me feel happier.

At this time, another figure appeared next to Guangchengzi, and it was Tathagata who arrived.

The arrival of Tathagata made the obsessed Liu Hao think more.

Giving up 'everything' from the beginning, Tathagata should not have come, but appearing today can only mean that Tathagata has other thoughts in his heart.

In the ancient times, after Tathagata left, it is unknown whether other Buddhas would take over the position of the current Buddha.

But as long as Tathagata appears, even if Maitreya takes over, what will happen?

This is the 'prestige' accumulated over countless years, and its direct descendants have long been distributed in all aspects. How can it be replaced in this little time? . .

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