Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nineteen, Tathagata Zhenyuan Guangcheng

1719. Tathagata, Guangchengzi and Zhenyuanzi

Compared to the calculations in Tathagata's mind, Liu Hao was more obsessed with the 'Orochimaru' on Tathagata's wrist.

This guy is also pitiful, and he deserves to suffer this fate.

Originally, Liu Hao was obsessed with thinking that it would take longer for Orochimaru to escape, but the appearance of Tathagata today turned out to be a coincidence for Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru also calls Liu Hao 'boss'. If he turns a blind eye when he sees him, that's not Liu Hao's character.

He spoke to Tathagata and explained a few words. Tathagata didn't say anything about the conditions. He just stretched out his arm and shook it gently. Orochimaru transformed into a human form again, with a faint trace of fear and unwillingness on his face.

Compared to Orochimaru's emotions, Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, is more concerned about the changes in Orochimaru. Fortunately, Tathagata is no longer the Lingshan Buddha from the ancient times, otherwise Orochimaru would not have been saved today.

More or less, he escaped.

Accepting fate will not happen to Orochimaru, but he is 100% aware of current affairs.

Facing Tathagata Buddha, Orochimaru was given to him for free. How could he have any chance to fight back for his initial resistance?

How do you not know that you are no different from an ant in front of Tathagata?

He escaped from the cage, his body was still tense, but this tension was only momentary. When he realized that he was unable to resist at all, he relaxed completely. When he saw the changes in the outside world, he realized that the reason why he escaped was basically Because of Liu Hao's appearance.

Liu Hao, who was obsessed at this time, had no time to talk to Orochimaru, and just nodded slightly to Orochimaru from across the space;

It was also at this glance that Obsessive Liu Hao had already seen the changes in Orochimaru during this period.

Being forcibly detained by the Tathagata, not to mention listening to the Tathagata preaching every day, is not much different. If there is no change at all, then it is really not the Tathagata.

It was Orochimaru's biggest blessing that he was not forcibly converted. However, listening to many Buddhist scriptures somewhat made Orochimaru's gloominess disappear a lot.

At this time, Orochimaru gave the obsessed Liu Hao a kind of "Naruto plot finale period", and the repentant Orochimaru looked almost the same.

The whole person has become a lot calmer. It's not that Orochimaru's obsession has disappeared now, but that he no longer regards this obsession as his only pursuit.

Also, after all, Orochimaru's cultivation level is quite high now, and his longevity is still quite long compared to his current animal life, so why worry?

The 'elegant and easy-going' Orochimaru is obsessed with Liu Hao and I don't know whether it's good or bad.

But it seems like that’s not bad either.

He believed that Orochimaru could not really escape into Buddhism, and that was definitely not Orochimaru's character.

He could feel from Orochimaru that this guy didn't seem to have much ill will towards Tathagata.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually a big snake pill.

If you can't beat it, then learn from it.

Since Orochimaru changed his destiny, he has embarked on a completely different path. It is okay to say that he is still a ninja now, but the complexity of what he has learned completely overshadows 99% of the people on the earth.

This is only reasonable for Orochimaru, who has a big hobby in research.

It is also because of this that Orochimaru gives people the impression that he is mixed but not good. He seems to know a little bit of everything, but if you say he is proficient in one, you can't tell. Even if it is ninjutsu, Orochimaru is now compared to those in the ninja world. There is also a big gap between the 'real ninjas' who specialize in ninjutsu.

Orochimaru has become a different person, with 30% to 40% ninja and 20% to 30% magician. It seems that as long as he feels that it is useful to him, he doesn't want to miss it at all.

This means that Orochimaru's combat effectiveness has not actually caught up with his own cultivation progress.

In addition, this guy devoted more time to research and rarely fought outside, so it became what it is now.

During the period of time when he was forcibly detained by Tathagata, Orochimaru listened to Tathagata's explanation of the scriptures, and to some extent he understood some Buddhist principles and learned some Buddhist methods.

He didn't have any sectarian views. As long as he thought it was beneficial to him, he would never give up, which also gave Orochimaru a hint of Buddhism.

This is Orochimaru's fusion of the techniques he learned. The advantage is that Orochimaru's current cultivation level does not look so arrogant.

It cannot be said that Orochimaru's current merged technique is definitely the most suitable for him, but compared with before, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is better than before.

Don't think that listening to the Tathagata's sermons has little effect. In fact, its effect is huge. The big demons on the journey to the west have already given you the answer.

As for Orochimaru's debt to Tathagata, that has nothing to do with Liu Hao's obsession.

The worst outcome would be to be 'saved' by Tathagata. Today's Tathagata would not save Orochimaru into a 'puppet'.

As long as Orochimaru still makes the final decision in consciousness, the choice must be made by Orochimaru himself, so what?

Obsession Liu Hao has a little bit of 'prejudice' against Buddhism, but that's all.

Compared with those in the West, they are still part of the Yanhuang civilization.

Just when Obsessive Liu Hao was about to withdraw his gaze, there was another fluctuation in the medical diagnosis space beside Tathagata and Guangchengzi. In a moment, a figure with an immortal spirit appeared and turned reality into reality;

The person who came was actually Zhen Yuanzi, and it was his deity who came in person.

He was polite, and as soon as he arrived, he took the lead in saluting Tathagata, Guangchengzi and Liu Hao with a smile on his face, and the 'ground whisk' in his hand still had a glimmer of brilliance.

Obviously, it was the spiritual treasure in Shou's hand that Zhen Yuanzi broke through the space. When it comes to space, Zhen Yuanzi is by no means an ordinary person.

"Congratulations to my fellow Taoist for breaking away from the shackles and enlightening yourself!"

After saying hello, Zhen Yuanzi's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he held his hand towards Tathagata again.


Tathagata's words were still clear, and the excitement in his heart had long been under control, but from Tathagata's voice, Liu Hao could still feel the joy of Tathagata Buddha.

In the prehistoric times, Tathagata's cultivation was considered to be unparalleled. Among the saints, not only was he unique, but he was also similar. There were very few who could truly compare with him.

But even so, the whole world's true respect for him was still due to the huge power of Buddhism.

Doesn’t he himself know how complicated the perception of Tathagata is in his heart?

But today, Tathagata clearly felt the 'respect' in Zhen Yuanzi's congratulatory words.

This is a true recognition, a true recognition of his Tathagata as a peer, not because of Buddhism, and definitely not because of the two saints behind Buddhism. It is completely earned by his Tathagata himself. .

The former is because of the respect that power brings, and the latter is because of the respect that one's own strength deserves.

The difference between the two is very clear to Tathagata.

He could feel that even though he was now on his own path, there was still a big gap between him and Zhen Yuanzi.

He couldn't see how far the distance was, but the obsessive Liu Hao who was watching could see clearly at a glance.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi was not so much at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, but rather half-stepped into the sub-sage stage.

The last three corpses of Obsession on Zhen Yuanzi can be killed almost at any time.

The reason why he still keeps it is mainly because Zhen Yuanzi wants to continue to accumulate some money and is not in a hurry at all.

Obviously, the two three corpse incarnations that Zhen Yuanzi chopped off must have been 'wandering' among the heavens and the world, and they will not let any of the heavens go, because they understand that as long as they step into it, the enfeoffed land of the mountain god The more people bring them, the greater the benefits they will bring to Zhen Yuanzi.

Every time they step into a heaven and complete these characters, they leave behind a Taoist inheritance, and their subsequent development does not require them to follow up at all times.

Every mountain god and land they entrust will be a seed, large and small, that has been spread to these heavens. Even if there are changes in the future, as long as these mountain gods and lands do not die, they will definitely be able to rise again.

Because this practice system, after enfeoffing the lands of these mountain gods, introduced a brand new practice system to these heavens, and there is no reason why the will of heaven and earth in these heavens would not approve it.

Isn't this in itself a matter of mutual benefit?

Obsessive Liu Hao also knows that there are some heavens, such as the tomb world and the perfect world. It is not that simple for Zhen Yuanzi to achieve it. If he just sends a three-corpse incarnation to go there, he will probably not be able to achieve it.

Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi understands this principle best: first the easy and then the difficult.

How does Zhen Yuanzi view these difficult and expensive heavens? Should he mark them down first and wait until they are finally integrated into the incarnation and go there in person?

Or should you ignore it for now and kill the three corpses of your obsession first when the time comes?

Obsessive Liu Hao doesn't think that Zhen Yuanzi will turn a blind eye to these heavens. In many cases, even if dozens of lower worlds are combined, their value may not be comparable to these heavens.

Because not all heavens have the same fate, spreading one's own orthodoxy in a low-level world is like collecting a portion of the water source ratio from a pond, and you will always get a certain amount.

But in the vast ocean, no matter how low this ratio is, the income is likely to exceed the sum of all water sources in many worlds.

Unless Zhen Yuanzi can forcibly raise the level of this world with the mountain god land system, the two are simply not the same.

Obsessive Liu Hao also believes that in some remote heavens, Zhen Yuanzi will definitely make an attempt. This is something that no high-ranking monk will miss.

As for whether it can succeed, it really doesn’t matter too much, because even if it fails, you can still learn from it principles that have never been discovered before.

This was not only guessed by Liu Hao, but Tathagata on the side also realized it. In comparison, Guangchengzi was inferior in this aspect.

This also gave Guang Chengzi a greater sense of urgency in his heart. He was so proud in his heart. However, as the direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, it can be said that he learned a lot about pride from Yuanshi Tianzun.

This pride made Guang Chengzi a little silent. Even if he wanted to ask in his heart, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

He thought of his junior brother Yun Zhongzi, this junior brother who entered the heavens early, and few news came back after that. How is he doing now?

Has it improved a lot?

Little did he know that Yun Zhongzi's cultivation level today was actually much higher than his. Even if he faced Zhen Yuanzi directly, he would not be afraid at all.

This is the greatest benefit of stepping into the heavens and worlds.

But just because these heavens are much different from the prehistoric world, they don't have much value.

On the contrary, since every world can be regarded as one of the heavens, it must have its own unique advantages in some aspects or aspects.

If three people are walking together, they must have my teacher. This applies equally to all heavens and all realms.

Guangchengzi finally understood his master's true intention of sending him out of the mountain gate.

In the eyes of the saint, the mere layout of the Wutang Empire was not as valuable as he had thought before.

He smiled wildly in his heart and became much more open-minded. Both Liu Hao and Tathagata Zhen Yuanzi saw his changes one by one, and neither of them had any words of congratulations. They understood Guang Chengzi's character better. , it’s best not to say anything.

"This is the location of Pindao's Taoist Temple in the Middle World. If you two have time in the future, you might as well come and discuss the Tao!"

There was no obsession with Liu Hao in Zhen Yuanzi's invitation, but he did not ignore it, but Liu Hao had already known it clearly.

"Good!" Guangchengzi was the first to respond;

"Great kindness!" The smile on Tathagata's face became even brighter.

None of them had any intention of further communication, and they all knew that the protagonist today was not them.

After saying these words, several people turned their sights to the passage between the two worlds, and waited quietly, not feeling at all that their identities should not wait.

In fact, the three of them would occasionally cast their eyes on the little swan on Liu Hao's shoulder, and they felt somewhat 'depressed' in their hearts.

Only they themselves know how hard they have practiced along the way. In comparison, Xiao Honghu, despite his childish nature, is already superior to them. It is absolutely impossible to say that they don't have a little bit of 'jealousy' in their hearts.

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They also knew that if they were given a choice, they would never be willing to be like Xiao Honghu. That would be no different from the 'imprisonment' world. The road was smooth sailing, but the process was inevitably not exciting enough. It can only be said that everyone has their own differences. The opportunity is also.

The waiting of everyone did not last long, not long after;

The slight fluctuation coming from the entrance of the passage all means that the Wutang Empire, on behalf of the entire prehistoric world, is about to enter the heavens.

Before this, even if many quasi-sage masters came to Liu Hao's earth, they could only be explored in the wild world.

His position as the protagonist of the prehistoric world of human race is not just something he talks about.

As expected, the first people to walk out were Wu Zhao and Li Zhi, followed by a mighty army.

As a landowner, Liu Hao obviously feels that his earth has a little more charm.

This feeling is as if there is an extra point of support in the earth and the world, making it more stable.

This put a smile on the face of Obsessive Liu Hao. Thinking about it, any world that steps into their own earth can benefit from their own earth world, but at the same time, their arrival is not doing anything for their own earth. The earth adds bricks?

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