Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and twenty, different blessings

, Dimensional invasion of the real earth

1720. Different blessings

When the Geophysical Empire arrived with its mighty army, it wasn't just Liu Hao who felt a difference.

If those low-level worlds brought only a few benefits to Liu Hao's earth, then the large-scale arrival of the human race, the protagonists of the prehistoric world, would bring huge benefits to Liu Hao's earth.

This kind of comparison is like they are all supporting pillars. One of them is not a bamboo pole, but it is a real pillar reaching the sky.

Anyone with a higher level of cultivation can vaguely notice this obvious change.

It's nothing more than high or low, but if you want to know where the changes are, you have to be a quasi-sage.

Obsessive Liu Hao is naturally one of the best. After careful reflection in his heart, he fully understood where the biggest change came from;

But in an instant, Liu Hao's Three Thousand Laws of the Earth seemed to receive an inexplicable blessing.

It's not that the speaker's law of three thousand avenues has become more perfect, but that it has become more solid.

He didn't need to check at all to know clearly that the power of the 'Dragnet Array' set up by Heaven on the Pacific Ocean was bound to be even higher.

This is a real connection between Liu Hao's earth and the prehistoric world, which makes his own earth become thicker and more ancient.

This is a true blessing. If Liu Hao's earth world is allowed to evolve on its own, it may take thousands of years.

It is definitely a great benefit to our own planet.

He could foresee that the new wave of spiritual energy he was looking forward to would be closer because of the addition of Honghuang.

In fact, this spiritual energy tide is likely to become even more intense.

Before he could think about it, there was a wave of fluctuation in the space beside him, which forced him to gather his thoughts and guess who was coming.

The person who came was Fang Yun. The two had not seen each other for a while, and the aura on Fang Yun's body told him that this guy had caught up with the progress of his cultivation again, and even if Tathagata was compared with him, he would only be at a disadvantage.

Obviously, Fang Yun succeeded in the world of iron teeth and copper teeth.

This is clearly the aura of the 'Asian Saint'. It has just been entered and it will take time to consolidate. If Liu Hao had not changed the earth today, perhaps Fang Yun would have continued to practice quietly for a while.

Zhen Yuanzi naturally recognized Fang Yun, but Tathagata and Guangchengzi couldn't help being shocked when they saw it.

Whether they are Tathagata or Guangchengzi, they come from ancient times, and the pride and even arrogance in their hearts can be said to be vividly displayed.

For them, even though they know that the prehistoric world is not the only high world, they still have a look down on the other worlds. They never even think that anyone can surpass them in cultivation. Even Liu Hao, they can only Some would think it was just an accident, and think that Liu Hao is today's height more because of his entry into the ancient world.

The arrival of Fang Yun made them completely understand how ridiculous their arrogance was.

Since one can appear, it means that a lot of them are likely to appear in the future.

They had already seen the very familiar aura of hundreds of schools of thought from Fang Yun, but they still didn't understand that the practice system that they were originally not optimistic about was by no means as low-level as they imagined.

"Datang, no, it's Wutang!"

Fang Yun murmured in his mouth, swept through the vast team, then raised his head and looked at the three Tathagata.

"Buddha Tathagata taught Guangchengzi, I think you are very familiar with it!"

Liu Hao did not hide his obsession: "This person's name is Fang Yun, and he is in a world that all fellow Taoists know very well!"

"Fellow Taoist is a great talent! But a poor monk underestimated the heroes of the world!"

Tathagata is also open-minded. When he was obsessed with Liu Hao's introduction, he had obviously got rid of the arrogance in his heart. Although his words were full of praise, they also came from the heart.

"Buddha's name can be said to be resounding throughout the heavens, only then will you be blessed with courtesy!"

Fang Yun smiled and raised his hand towards Tathagata, without leaving Guangchengzi behind: "I have met fellow Taoists, and I heard that Fang Yun has learned a lot from the Taoist system. It is a great blessing to see the direct descendant of the teaching today!"

When Guang Chengzi heard the 'compliment' in Fang Yun's words, his heart instantly felt much better, and the original trace of jealousy also disappeared with these words.

It cannot be said that Fang Yun was polite because he knew Guang Chengzi's character, but what Fang Yun said was indeed the truth.

He not only borrowed Taoist methods, but even Buddhist scriptures, Fang Yun never stopped in Liu Hao's earth.

The Yanhuang civilization developed into the modern world. Although Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism all went their own way, the connection has never been severed. In many cases, it is normal for you to have me and me.

When you reach the state of Fang Yun, you are naturally willing to look at yourself from all angles, and you never think there is anything wrong with learning from others. If you do it, you will naturally not hide it and be frank.

However, the emergence of Fang Yun also gave Tathagata and Guangchengzi more ideas. Especially after letting go of their arrogance, they suddenly realized what the most precious thing in the world was.

The person in front of me is already more advanced than myself. He has learned from principles other than what he has learned. Why shouldn't he do the same?

As soon as this idea came out, the two of them couldn't help but feel relaxed physically and mentally. It was as if a breeze was blowing through their hearts, and their whole bodies were no longer so heavy.

"I've met fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi!"

Fang Yun then greeted Zhen Yuanzi, and Zhen Yuanzi also smiled and raised his hands: "A Taoist friend is a great talent, but a poor Taoist is not as good as him!"

"It's just a coincidence. If fellow Taoist friends are interested, I will naturally tell you everything!"

Fang Yun's words were within the expectations of Liu Hao, but they were beyond the expectations of Zhen Yuanzi, and even shocked Tathagata and Guang Chengzi.

They all understood that Fang Yun was willing to tell him how to break through the "sub-sage". It was a path that he had forcibly broken through with his own means, and it was something that no one had ever done before.

Especially the latter, Tathagata and Guang Chengzi were speechless for a long time, not knowing what words to use to describe their feelings at this time.

This is already the work of the Lord of One Dao. If Fang Yun steps into Hunyuan in the future, it is not an exaggeration to be honored as "one of the ancestors of Taoism".

Such means, but not hidden, have a sense of if you can think of it, I will tell you immediately, how can they not be surprised?

"No hurry!"

Zhen Yuanzi thanked with a smile. He did not say anything final. He clearly suppressed the temptation in his heart and was determined that he did not need to follow Fang Yun closely. He could also step out of the thorns.

Zhen Yuanzi's words also had the intention of a retreat. Unlike others, he would release his three corpses and would need to walk in the heavens and all realms in the future.

This also meant that it would be much more difficult for Zhen Yuanzi to integrate the three corpses into himself in the future. Even he could not guarantee that he would succeed. This could be considered a gain or loss.

So, leave a way out. If it really cannot be achieved in the future, it will not be too late to learn from Fang Yun's approach at that time.

On the side, Tathagata and Guangchengzi did not speak. They could naturally understand the true meaning of Zhen Yuanzi's words. They put down their inner pride in front of Fang Yun, but it did not mean that this pride would disappear without a trace. They did not intend to speak.

Seeing this, Fang Yun did not say much, and then turned to face Obsession Liu Hao, and just nodded with a slight smile, his eyes were still fixed on Xiao Honghu, and then he slowly took out a spiritual fruit.

This spiritual fruit is like a soaring ice crystal phoenix. If you look closely, you can even sense the sound of the phoenix singing, which shows that the level of this spiritual fruit is not low. More importantly, it is very suitable for Xiao Honghu's body.

"Is it for me?"

Xiao Honghu clearly drooled, and the claws that patted on Obsession Liu Hao's shoulders were tightly grasped on Obsession Liu Hao's shoulder bones, showing that he was already impatient.

But even so, Xiao Honghu still did not accept it. This inquiry was not only directed at Fang Yun, but also intended to consult Obsession Liu Hao.

Liu Hao, who was obsessed, naturally had no objection. He nodded slightly. Even though Xiao Honghu didn't see it at all, he had already received the signal. When Fang Yun nodded, she went straight to her mouth, stretched her neck, and immediately swallowed it into her stomach, and then shook her head and laughed to herself, as if she was savoring the sweetness of this fruit.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist, I think you must have benefited a lot this time, right?"

"Thanks, and also thanks to your Azure Dragon incarnation for teaching you many laws!"

"But each takes what he needs!"

While Liu Hao was saying this, he had a feeling in his heart that Azure Dragon Liu Hao had probably reached the peak of the sub-saint, and it was not far from proving the Dao of Hunyuan. He could even make an attempt anytime and anywhere, and the chance of success was bound to be not small.

He also knew that Azure Dragon Liu Hao would not be so fast, not to accumulate more, but to wait for the "Heavenly Dao" battle in the grave world.

He knew even more clearly that when Qinglong Liu Hao achieved the Dao of Hunyuan this time, he would definitely do it on his own Earth. Once it was achieved, even the last shackles of the saints of the prehistoric world who stepped into the heavens would be opened. At that time, it would be the day when the real great world would open.

I don’t know if the scene would be too grand at that time, causing the abyss to sense it. If so, it would be the biggest threat.

Obsessed Liu Hao couldn’t help but feel a little urgent in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face. He just talked to Fang Yun for a few words, and they were not the protagonists today.

Everyone turned their eyes to the bottom again. The mighty team continued. The number of people crossing the world channel had exceeded one million. They had to praise the vastness of the prehistoric world. Even the human kingdom had a population that exceeded too many heavens.

This also destined that the starting point of the Wu Tang Empire was higher than any other empire. The advantages were obvious, and the disadvantages were also obvious. That is, even if Wu Zhao and Li Zhi joined forces, the dominant power could only occupy half.

After them, many prehistoric forces had already taken root in the Wu Tang Empire when it built the territory of Beijuluzhou, and they could not get rid of them no matter what.

After an unknown period of time, people dressed in clothes other than soldiers finally appeared in the mighty team, among which there were many people in Taoist robes, but there were few monks.

Seeing these people coming, neither Guangchengzi nor Tathagata showed up, as if they had only come to watch from beginning to end.

But Zhinian Liu Hao and Fang Yun knew very well that Guangchengzi and Tathagata must have passed the "law" to specific people, and they did not intend to get involved immediately, but just left a seed, waiting to join in and share the benefits at any time in the future.

After a while, Zhang Chulan and others finally appeared behind this group, and Zhinian Liu Hao in the sky did not hide;

When they saw them, they didn't care about anything else, and flew up directly on the clouds, especially Feng Baobao, who rarely smiled and greeted Zhinian Liu Hao.

"Your master is willing to do it!"

"Master is very good!" Feng Baobao's conversation remained unchanged. It was not right to say that she was talking nonsense. She was always so special.

Zhang Chulan and the others were relaxed in front of the obsessive Liu Hao. They had no idea of ​​bowing and saluting. They just raised their hands and waved. It seemed that this was already polite, even Zhang Lingyu was the same.

Also facing the obsessive Liu Hao, if it were Qinglong Liu Hao or White Tiger Liu Hao, even if they stepped forward, they would not dare to be so casual.

"Hello, Mr. Fang!"

After saying hello to the obsessive Liu Hao, they then greeted Fang Yun, but this time it was real. Even if they were as casual as Zhang Chulan, they were not casual. On the contrary, Feng Baobao just nodded his head from beginning to end.

"It's not just us!" After Liu Hao said this, he didn't care what they thought and waved them directly in front of Tathagata and Guangchengzi.

By the way, his ears were also perked up, wanting to hear how Tathagata would react.

"Meet Senior Brother/Meet Senior Uncle!"

"I've seen the Buddha!"

There is still nothing going on with Feng Baobao here, she won't care about it, even if it's the Great Master of Xuandu, Feng Baobao is probably the same. When facing me, how many times has she called me master?

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Not only the entire prehistoric high-level people knew her character clearly, but at least Tathagata and Guangchengzi were aware of it, and they didn't feel any displeasure about it.

In the past, Tathagata of the Great Desolation would have smiled and said a few polite words at most, but today's Tathagata is completely different. The sincerity on his face can be seen clearly even by Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it across the space.

After responding to the greetings of Zhang Chulan and others, Tathagata unceremoniously took out a few golden lotus seeds. It turned out that the golden lotus seeds of merit in his body were nurtured by the years, but Tathagata was very precious.

This couldn't help but make Liu Hao feel different in his obsession, and the look of shock on Guang Chengzi's face flashed away.

Obsessive Liu Hao instantly understood the reason. Rather than saying that this was a meeting gift from the Tathagata to his descendants, it was better to say that it was Tathagata's heartfelt gratitude to Tongtian, and he instilled this gratitude into Tongtian's new direct disciples, that is, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu.

As for Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye, they just received the Tathagata's meritorious golden lotus seeds by the way, which is also a cause and effect.

"Why don't I get it?"

Guangchengzi also woke up from the surprise. Feng Baobao's voice made him dumbfounded. Even Tathagata could only twitch the corners of his mouth. This was a complete understanding of Feng Baobao's character.

As a second-dimensional disciple of the moral god Lao Tzu, if Feng Baobao really wants something good, where will he be short of it?

They knew that the only treasure of merit in the ancient world was Feng Baobao. Even if they said they were not jealous, it would be impossible.

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