Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-four, from a high position

1724. From a high position

Liu Hao, who was obsessed with the Wutang Empire, had already deduced the arrival of the Wutang Empire, but in just a moment, he no longer needed to make a move or layout. Wu Zhao and Li Zhi also needed to say respectfully when they saw him. Teacher', that's enough.

Any more actions will make many forces in the prehistoric world taboo one after another, so why make yourself uncomfortable?

He also believed that after the Yanhuang Alliance came into contact with the Wutang Empire, both Wu Zhao and Li Zhi knew what to choose.

Any emperor is afraid that the empire he controls is not big enough or strong enough, and he has the dream of expanding his territory.

But these dreams are all based on pros and cons.

No real emperor would like to see the empire in turmoil due to aggressive military activities; and no real emperor would let Mount Manan go, leaving the people of his empire to be bullied by others.

Wu Zhao and Li Zhi knew exactly what kind of important responsibilities they were shouldering when they arrived.

What they want is not unbridled expansion of territory. What they want is nothing more than more land to support more people.

They had plenty of space in the prehistoric northern Julu Continent, and the Wutang Empire's base in the southern Zhanbu Continent was even greater.

They stepped into the heavens to raise the flag of their Wutang Empire high and let the heavens and worlds know that there is such a powerful human empire that cannot be provoked.

Therefore, in the deduction of Liu Hao's obsession, after the Wutang Empire consolidated its basic base, it would still think more about setting up bases abroad;

For example, near the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom, it imitates the incarnation of the Three Kingdoms.

For example, we have to win a piece of our own territory at Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base.

Their arrival is in itself a facade to shoulder the great struggle between the heavens and the world. Facing the abyss, they will never retreat. They need to be at the forefront sometimes to establish the prestige of the Wutang Empire and let the heavens collapse clearly. The majesty of the prehistoric world.

They could never become enemies of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Civilization.

At most, it's just a matter of competing for more and greater say in it.

In this kind of competition, even if the Wutang Empire did not come, wouldn't its members always exist?

Isn't this internal competition?

It's like a group of brothers are together, but they can't fight for the boss?

However, this kind of internal competition is more about fighting for overall strength. Experts like Liu Hao will not participate in it.

The great masters who followed the Wutang Empire would also not use their strength to exert pressure within the Yanhuang Alliance.

Because once this happens, the entire Yanhuang Alliance will think that your structure is too small, and even if there is resistance to you in their hearts, it will be a huge blow to this participant.

Because of this conflict, it is very likely that this participant will lose its spread within the entire Yanhuang Alliance, which means that it will be impossible to even build a temple and cease to exist.

For example, among all the members of the Yanhuang Alliance, which one does not know that there is a heaven in his or her own civilization?

But how many immortals and gods are there in heaven, and who can truly understand them?

For example, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, the common people within the Yanhuang Alliance may be ignorantly aware that there is such a great god among the four emperors of heaven, but who is this great god, what kind of achievements and abilities does he have, and how many people know about it?

Which member of the Yanhuang Alliance cannot accomplish such a 'blockade'?

As long as you ignore it, it will be enough to keep it in a corner for a long time or even forever, making it meaningless no matter how hard you struggle.

On the other hand, for any true 'great god', what they want is not just the spread of the world. When their reputation and orthodoxy have considerable influence within the entire Yanhuang Alliance, they Isn't his luck slowly improving?

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Therefore, among the many forces that followed the Geophysical Prospecting Empire in the prehistoric times, the truly powerful ones among these forces never really stood on the stage. Their support was mostly given by their own monks, and they were open and aboveboard.

But you would be a fool to participate in it yourself.

Isn't that what Liu Hao is like?

He had never paid the slightest attention to what was going on among the major members of the Yanhuang Alliance, and he had never thought of getting involved.

He even supported the rise of so many empires, from Ying Zheng to Liu Bang, from Zhu Yuanzhang to Zhu Di, from Cao Mengde within the Three Kingdoms, to now letting go of the entire Three Kingdoms and stepping into the heavens, or the Wutang Empire that has just arrived.

Which one here does not have Liu Hao?

But when they truly entered their home planet, Liu Hao just let it go and never delayed in the slightest.

On the contrary, Liu Hao's approach gave him an unparalleled reputation within the Yanhuang Alliance;

Within the entire Yanhuang Alliance, not all people know who Emperor Ziwei is, but there are definitely many who know.

This is true mutual support, and it is also the result that all powerful people want most.

In order for them to be called a small group that is truly aloof, they must also have their own reserve.

What they want more is to be in a high position. For example, Haotian sends Emperor Zhenwu to arrive with millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, and launches a mighty battle. As long as such a huge scene is seen by others, it is the most ideal for them. reward.

In the Pacific Ocean, monsters from the world of Master Xuanwu are still pouring in.

The population gathered here is also getting larger and larger, especially the armies from the One Piece world, which are emerging in endlessly.

Where have these people seen such vast power before?

Anyone who comes here will be shocked if they see the battle mode of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

At this time, which one of them would not inquire about the origins of these heavenly soldiers and generals?

Once you know it, this brand has been engraved deep in your heart. Even if you don't contribute your own beliefs, the respect in your heart will already be filled with your whole body.

If next, by chance, they get a copy of the exercises, skills, and treasures from the ancient heaven, which one of these people would not regard them as treasures?

If they were given a chance to switch to one of them, the chances of not just 100%, but 70% to 80% would definitely be underestimated.

After stepping into Liu Hao's earth from the fighting spirit horse world, isn't he also one of the army of monsters coming to kill them?

Not everyone can become Xiao Huohuo. Such a 'protagonist' can only be a very small number of people.

And most people can only be called ordinary beings. In their inner hearts, they have never thought that climbing to the sky in one step, climbing one step after another, is the way they want most and think they are the most stable.

They don’t say that their edges have been smoothed by life, but they never lack self-knowledge.

If there is an opportunity to form a team, if there is an opportunity to form a truly strong team, most of them will not hesitate to do it.

It's like the world of Dou Qi turning into a horse. When Xiao Huohuo became the Supreme in the mortal world, weren't there countless people who followed him?

Do these people really not know that their following does not mean much to Xiao Huohuo?

Do they really think that Xiao Huohuo can clearly remember every subordinate who followed him?

How is that possible?

The reason why they still choose to follow is because they know that even if they cannot get the maximum benefit, they can still ensure their own safety by joining this team.

that is it.

Now, haven't they already gotten what they want?

Such a thing as stepping into all the heavens and worlds has never appeared in their previous concepts, but now it has happened to them.

They stepped into Liu Hao's Earth and immediately discovered that in the Dou Qi Horse Transformation World, those high-level exercises, skills and elixirs could be seen everywhere;

Those masters who were in awe of them, as if they didn't need money, just threw it to them to study at will, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to keep up with the progress, causing the masters to be embarrassed in all the worlds.

They had just adapted to the world, had just improved a lot in cultivation, and were once again carried around by the masters. They came here with great awe, thinking that they were already prepared in their hearts, but when they saw Nothing comes as a shock;

But in fact, when they saw the vast power of the 'Drawing Net Formation' that they didn't know how to describe in words, the only thing they could do was to open their mouths wide and blankly clear their minds. Leave a blank space.

The vast scene in front of them had already exceeded the limit of their imagination. Among the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, the one with the lowest cultivation level was much more than Dou Di in their eyes;

It was as if they finally understood what the truly powerful Heavens looked like, and they realized that even if they became a small soldier among them, they were not even qualified.

They were extremely envious and wondered whether they would have the chance to be a part of it.

Although they didn't understand it very well, they knew the meaning of 'formation' from the experts who brought them here.

Isn't this the group that I most want to join?

After a long time, they woke up from the shock, turned their attention to other areas, and saw the trap camp led by Gao Shun. This sight made the golden light shine in their eyes again.

Above the void, Xiao Huohuo stood respectfully beside the obsessed Liu Hao.

"Emperor, can you allow my men to join Gao Shun's camp and experience training?"

Obviously, Xiao Huohuo is also a sensible person and knows how to get the maximum benefit for his account.

Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, height is indeed more coveted, but if you want to get what you need from it, you will have to pay more. Xiao Huohuo quickly gave up and chose to continue to wait and see.

But in the camp, the soldiers who could be seen from time to time improved their cultivation, but it was difficult for him to resist this temptation.

In the fighting spirit-turned-horse world, Xiao Huohuo's basic base is more of his original mortal world. Even though the spiritual energy is now more intense, the progress of improving his cultivation is still slow and unhurried. If there is no comparison, it can be recognized, but look Who can ignore the soldiers arriving at the trapped camp so quickly?

"It's nothing more than a transaction. How could you not know that Lu Fengxian? He loves money very much!"

Obsession Liu Hao replied to Xiao Huohuo, causing Xiao Huohuo's eyes to light up. At that moment, without saying any more, he bowed to Obsession Liu Hao again, then turned around and rushed below.

Before he arrived, he had already inquired about the value of the monster's meat, so he couldn't miss it when he arrived.

In fact, Xiao Huohuo did not go to the front line of the abyss, and Liu Hao was also a little surprised.

But after thinking about it again, I think this is reasonable.

Xiao Huohuo is no better than others. This guy has a world population that needs to be resettled. To a certain extent, he is no different from some emperors of the heavens.

During this period of time, this guy is most likely resettling the population in his own world, settling followers who migrate to the planet below, formulating various rules, communicating with many known forces, etc., etc., and it is definitely A very busy person.

The reason why these guys, Fighting Qi Transformed into Horses, waited until now to appear on the monster battlefield must be more than half of the factors involved.

Their arrival also shows that these people who entered the world of Dou Qi into Horses can be regarded as standing on their feet.

"It's not too far away from the Amazon rainforest. They've probably had a few fights with the Amazon monsters during this time, right?"

Obsessive Liu Haoke never thinks that some things can be solved by just talking about numbers.

More often than not, equal strength is needed, and only in this way can you prove that you have the qualifications to compete with the other party.

Obsessed Liu Hao could feel from the respect given by Xiao Huohuo that this guy wanted to join the Yanhuang Alliance, but thinking about it, he also knew that it would be very difficult.

This guy's choice to lie dormant and wait for the right moment couldn't be more correct.

On the contrary, Xiao Huohuo firmly determined the method of killing three corpses in a row, which surprised Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it.

It's not that this road is not suitable for Xiao Huohuo, but this guy made up his mind so quickly.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems reasonable that such a decision happened to Xiao Huohuo. After all, this guy is also a time traveler from the Dragon Kingdom civilization, so having such recognition is nothing.

"Do you know that collecting flames is more difficult?"

"No, this guy simply noticed it when he was realizing the Daluo Dao Fruit!"

"That's right, the elemental system has never lacked competitors. It is even more incomprehensible than the ancient ones. Putting it in all the worlds, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as countless."

"Maybe Xiao Huohuo's heart is not because of fear, but because he doesn't want to spend more energy fighting against these countless competitors?"

Many speculations flashed through Liu Hao's mind, but in the end he just shook his head;

He also knew that this must be because Xiao Huohuo assumed the role of the ruler of the heavens;

This fellow must believe that he must step into the quasi-sage realm as soon as possible. Only in this way can he truly have some right to speak and ensure that following him into the tent of the heavens will not be called around by others in the future.

There is no so-called right or wrong here, it can only be said to be your own choice.

But Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, still appreciates Xiao Huohuo's ability to bear this pressure.

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