Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-five, Guan Yu

1725. Guan Yu

In the Pacific, the battle to destroy monsters continues.

The number of people arriving from the Dou Qi Horse Transformation World exceeds 300,000.

Inside, Obsessive Liu Hao saw many familiar figures, such as Xiao Xun'er, Medusa and so on.

But he only paused slightly on these people. At most, he watched these people perform one and a half moves and then gave up. In fact, there was nothing to see.

On the contrary, Xiao Huohuo, perhaps because he has stepped into the heavens, has sincerely recognized and adopted many Taoist methods, which has made his methods now more changed than in the world of Dou Qi Transformed into Horses.

But one thing remains constant, and that is the 'Flame Lotus' in Xiao Huohuo's hand.

This is also a guy who insists that 'art is explosion'.

It's just that Xiao Huohuo's insistence on the 'explosion' was more about enjoying the power than wanting to see the fireworks at that moment.

What he wanted was results, which also allowed Xiao Huohuo to make more improvements to the 'Flame Lotus' he launched.

For example, finding the right moment, looking for the enemy's weak spot and then blasting it, or simply launching the 'Fire Lotus' into the enemy's body like running water, and then launching a big wave.

His fighting method cannot be said to be vulgar. It is more that Xiao Huohuo is experimenting and saving his strength on the battlefield.

Obsessive Liu Hao clearly felt that Xiao Huohuo maintained his peak aura almost all the time.

This is a strategy that balances output and absorption. It can be achieved to this extent on a huge battlefield. Everyone will have walked through the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. They are already used to being cautious in their hearts. Even at the most critical moment, he will never disrupt his rhythm.

Another reason, Liu Hao's obsession can be understood after a little thought, it is still due to his duty;

For Xiao Huohuo, how many monsters he killed today was not his goal. What he wanted more was that the people he brought with him would still be intact when they returned.

What he wants is to be able to calmly save one of his own when he sees one of them in crisis.

Also, for Xiao Huohuo, it is not easy to improve in the short term. During this period of time, he still needs to understand himself more, and does not need long-term retreat to achieve it. On the contrary, his time is very leisurely, and Just enough to sit calmly.

He also felt great pressure. In the world of Dou Qi turning into horses, he was at the top, but in the world, he was just getting started.

Others don't understand the power of the ancient world, how can Xiao Huohuo not understand?

He is even more aware that his Dou Qi horse world cannot be completely integrated with the heavens. What he needs to do is to integrate into the backbone system of the heavens.

He himself has no problem at all, but what about others?

Even for his own women, Xiao Xun'er and Medusa, the process was a bit reluctant, and they still haven't fully succeeded after bumping into each other, let alone other people.

He knew that he could not force it from above, but the comparison between the battle against the monsters today made him see changes.

Those who were hesitant before will definitely become more open-minded after today, and those who are stubborn will have a hard time maintaining their persistence after today.

From the perspective of being obsessed with Liu Hao, he is happy to see such changes happen. Of course, he doesn't care whether it is good or bad.

In fact, there is no difference at all from a strong civilization assimilating a weak civilization.

The foundation is the foundation, it cannot be achieved by bragging for a long time.

At the beginning of the recovery of spiritual energy, Liu Hao was so happy when he got the Sixth Form of the One Piece World Navy. But now, this set of skills has declined crazily, and has even become no different from the 'Military Body Fist'.

There is only one reason for this, and that is the availability of better methods of physical exercise;

It is a substitute that combines the efforts of many Yanhuang civilizations and the efforts of countless researchers. Not only is it much more powerful than the Sixth Form of the Navy, but it is more in line with the Yanhuang people themselves.

In other words, the Sixth Form of the Navy has become more of a supporting skill, and most people only learn a few of them and use them in battle.

It has returned to where it belongs.

In the future, the alternative satin methods summarized by researchers will only become more perfect and more effective.

It is even likely to become the most basic training method for Yanhuang people.

Don’t think that its upper limit is very low. How is that possible?

It should be noted that the Perfect World's Great Desolate Satin Body Technique is incorporated into it. During the process, many medicinal bath modes can also be used for blessing.

Thanks to the efforts of many members of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance, these medicinal materials have been widely cultivated. Although they can be purchased anywhere, it is not difficult.

Being open to all rivers has always been the greatest advantage of the Yanhuang civilization. Isn't the method of refining medicine and alchemy that has been integrated into the world of Dou Qi Transformed into Horses into all the worlds of Zhonghai University, Dragon Kingdom, and the Yanhuang Alliance an obvious example?

This is also the reason why Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, does not care at all about whether the arrivals in the fighting spirit horse world will change his traditional practice mode in the future.

They don't have such vision, not even Xiao Huohuo.

Height has always been the most important factor that determines a person's gaze.

When you only have that little height, you can never see the farther scenery.

But again, these people's choices cannot be said to necessarily lead to losers.

In contrast, one thing everyone knows is that no matter which path you take, the number of people who successfully reach the summit is still extremely rare.

Most people just go a little further.

How many of these people who were carried into the heavens by Xiao Huohuo truly have great luck and great opportunities?

It's no wonder that Liu Hao, who is obsessed with them, is not even willing to stay with them for a while.

He watched Xiao Huohuo try various "flaming lotuses" on enemy monsters again and again, and the colors were even more colorful. This was also a unique specialty of the Dou Qi Horse Transformation World.

You can't say that people are just looking for trouble, and they have to distinguish every little flame so carefully.

From another perspective, why not?

Is it possible that the flame that is born when a piece of paper burns is the same as the flame that emerges when a drop of kerosene burns?

The difference here is not only the color, but also the temperature.

Mortals are still making more use of the different temperatures between these flames, and Xiao Huohuo is just taking advantage of the greater characteristics of these flames.

These many flames, in Xiao Huohuo's hands, are like playing cards one after another, which he has played out. This also shows that this guy's talent in the field of flames is absolutely superb.

This was even more true after Xiao Huohuo attained Daluo Daoguo.

He no longer needs to reach out to condense these flame lotuses on his palms. He has completely cut off the intermediary. Perhaps it won't be long before he can achieve it in a single thought.

The monsters that Xiao Huohuo fought were on the same level as him. What they lacked was just whether they had realized the Daluo Dao Fruit. But in Xiao Huohuo's hands, they were no different from children. You can handle it however you want.

It's not that he lacks the means and skills to kill with one strike, but it's simply not necessary.

Obsessed Liu Hao almost watched Xiao Huohuo's progress in controlling the 'Flame Lotus'. Xiao Huohuo, who had been filling the cup from beginning to end, did not move at all, but there was never a shortage of 'Flame Lotus' one after another.

The monster was under Xiao Huohuo's control from beginning to end, and was killed by force.

Kill them, collect them in your bag, check the surrounding tents, and wait for the next opponent to arrive.

Xiao Huohuo was very calm and calm throughout the whole process.

His performance also greatly inspired the team he brought with him. Under the leadership of Xiao Xun'er, Medusa and others, they also had a small climax.

Unfortunately, their performance is at best like this. First of all, they are not familiar with them, and they also lack the means to truly kill monsters. Their rough skin and thick flesh are sometimes so difficult to deal with.

During this period of time, there was still a steady stream of people coming to kill the monsters. Occasionally, the obsessed Liu Hao could take another look, but today he could not take his eyes away from Xiao Huohuo.

Those who arrived were people he was very familiar with, the three Liu Bei brothers.

He originally thought that after Liu Bei and Sun Quan arrived, they should rush to the Abyss front line to gain merit, but the reality was that there were a lot of chores.

Also, they are not just a small team, but the equivalent of a country relocation, a complete change of focus, and there are so many things waiting for them to deal with.

If it weren't for the fact that this place was not far from the city group base they established, it would probably be difficult to appear here.

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It can also be seen from the team they brought that they had no intention of really fighting a war. They only numbered a few thousand, and they were even just soldiers under their tent.

He was somewhat regretful that he did not see Zhao Zilong who was talking about him in his heart.

But when the three Liu Bei brothers showed their weapons, the golden light flashed slightly in his eyes.

"Did the weapon originally evolve, or was it reforged after entering the heavens?"

Obsessed, Liu Hao did not use his spiritual consciousness to check deliberately, but waited indifferently for the three people to fight to observe.

Not long after, Zhang Fei was the first to be unable to bear it. He shouted loudly, and the black dragon horse under him roared and galloped out. Black thunder and lightning flashed above the eight-foot-long spear in his hand. Like a bullet, it cuts off a monster in an instant.

This guy's moves are quite simple, giving people a feeling of great skill and frustration, but their lethality is not low at all.

The thick-skinned monster was like a piece of wood under Zhang Fei's eight-foot-long spear, allowing it to pass even if it was slightly obstructed.

What's more critical is that on Zhang Fei's eight-foot spear, when the black thunder penetrated the monster, it immediately went straight into the monster's body and exploded instantly.

This method is absolutely cunning. Meng Zhangfei has always been a scholar. If he really thinks that this guy is a reckless man, he will be dead.

The monster had just let out a pitiful roar, and a flash of white light was seen, and the pitiful wailing had completely disappeared.

"Second brother came just in time, hahaha!"

This sword could only be caused by Guan Yu's arrival. It was not only just right, but also a carefully calculated move. Obviously this was not the first time the two had cooperated.

Guan Yu only nodded slightly when he praised Zhang Fei, and his two red phoenix eyes did not change at all. It was not until Liu Xuande finally arrived and put away the monster's body that he spoke:

"This guy is quite thick-skinned!"

"What the second brother said is true, ordinary monsters are incomparable!"

"Second brother, third brother, be careful. When we come here, we have to adapt more. How much benefit we will receive is not part of the plan!"

"yes, Sir!"

The two of them were so 'honest' in front of Liu Bei. If it were anyone else, the same words would have sounded provocative to them.

Obsessed Liu Hao, who was watching from the sidelines, could feel the "arrogance" in Guan Yu that could not be hidden at all, as if it was radiating out with every move.

After observing for a long time, he had to admit that maybe this was Guan Yu's own buff.

Even though he had just responded to Liu Bei, he still hadn't restrained himself at all.

He seems to be the product of a combination of body shape, facial features, and appearance.

Over time, perhaps Guan Yu himself became accustomed to other people's 'gossip' and gradually mastered this temperament.

Because of this, he became the unique Guan Yunchang.

From the top of Guan Yu's head, Liu Hao saw the gathering of dense wisps of luck. Its source was unknown, but it was very firm.

Compared to Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei were not at all.

This is definitely the biggest gain for Guan Yu when he stepped into the heavens. It was the result of the fate that came from somewhere and the belief of many heavens.

Liu Hao could see that Guan Yu had begun to suppress his own cultivation, otherwise the Guan Yu he saw today would have surpassed Zhang Fei by a lot.

"This guy will only show a little tenderness to Liu Bei and Zhang Fei in his heart!"

Standing on the white clouds in the void, a smile flashed across Liu Hao's face, and he raised his head and scanned the four heavenly kings in the "Tian Luo Earth Net Formation" in heaven.

He knew that there was another Guan Yu in the ancient heaven, but he had a lot of 'friendship' with the four heavenly kings.

However, everyone in the "Dragnet Formation" is extremely busy. More and more monsters are coming, which makes them have to devote 100% of their energy.

They also enjoy it. Obviously, Emperor Zhenwu has informed the monsters of their benefits, and benefits have always been the biggest motivation.

Below, the three Liu Bei brothers did not choose to act separately, and the soldiers and horses they brought followed them. The three formed a military formation, but the effect was not as good as Gao Shun's trapped formation.

These soldiers and horses are more of a bonus to Liu Bei, just like the auxiliary fuel tanks of a fighter jet, while Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are more likely to wander in front of the team;

During the cooperation, Zhang Fei came out as a human shield, and Guan Yu was always able to find the opportunity to strike the final blow. He was obviously a nine-foot-tall man, but he managed to deliver the output that only a top assassin could have.

Both Zhang Fei and Guan Yu can be said to have restrained themselves, and they are still serving Liu Bei more.

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