Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-six, Liu Bei

1726. Liu Bei

It cannot be said that Liu Guanzhang was training troops, nor could he say that he was not.

Even though Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are still the biggest output points of this team, in fact, with various cooperation, the dominance has always been in Liu Bei's hands;

In other words, this is simply Guan Yu and Zhang Fei helping Liu Bei level up.

In the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, when Liu Bei and Sun Quan learned about the existence of the heavens and the world, and when they got the confirmation of the information from Cao Mengde, their hearts were absolutely wonderful.

It feels like I united with others to block you Cao Mengde, but you are telling me: I am just teasing you.

When they heard this sentence, Liu Bei and Sun Quan felt as much sense of accomplishment as they had in the past, and how excited they felt at that moment.

When they truly stepped into the heavens, they discovered that all their previous achievements and successes were nothing but frogs in the well.

In the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, only he, Liu Xuande, understands the hard work he put into starting a business. How could he have so much time to practice along the way?

This also makes Liu Bei's current cultivation level simply not good enough among all the worlds.

But among all the worlds, no king in the world will treat you politely just because you come from a certain world. If someone is unhappy, a anger will probably kill you in Qingshan.

Liu Bei now has such a sense of urgency. In the past, he felt that the immortal peak was enough. After all, he was also a king and did not need to go into battle in person.

But what about now? Could it be that after building a group of cities in this world, we can still only stay in the palace?

He can guarantee that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will remain loyal to him as always, but what about the others?

The establishment of the Shu Han Dynasty is more practical than saying that it is a group of people working together to make achievements, rather than being like-minded.

It is obviously impossible for the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms to return to the previous Han Dynasty. The establishment of the Three Kingdoms has become an established fact.

Then, for those who subsequently step into the heavens, as time goes by, the 'ideal' changes in these people's hearts will become inevitable.

Don't those original aristocratic families want their families to leave their names in the world?

Don’t you want your family to become a real immortal family?

Those generals, even if they are not from aristocratic families now, don't they have any ideas?

For the Yanhuang people, consideration for future generations is deeply ingrained in their bones.

Once this idea is born deep in their hearts, it means that they can never be expelled and can only move in this direction. Then, will they still be loyal to Liu Xuande like they did in the Shu Han territory of the mythical Three Kingdoms?

This is an inevitable future, at least in Liu Bei's imagination it is bound to happen.

He must think about the Shu Han that he finally established, and he must also think about himself.

He found that as time went by, his own cultivation became the biggest obstacle.

He realized that if his cultivation could overwhelm everyone under his command, all the situations that might happen in the future would be nothing.

Even the generals and aristocratic families under his own account will get more benefits from themselves by relying on themselves, and the group headed by Liu Bei will only become more united.

He counted over and over again and found that the most reliable ones were still his second and third brothers. In one word, both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei chose to cooperate without hesitation. This is what Liu Hao saw today. scene.

This is basically to increase Liu Xuande's combat experience, increase his ability to march and form formations, and also to gain military exploits for Liu Xuande's personal troops.

For this reason, Liu Bei didn't even take Zhao Yun and Chen Dao with him. He really chose to go into battle himself and pick up the dust all the way.

However, he also knows that his talent is indeed not top-notch in this area. Taking advantage of the good opportunity now, he can add a little more if he can.

He is a monarch, and many things are always around him, but he cannot escape just because he wants to.

When he saw from the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that Zhuge Liang, who originally belonged to him, did not follow him at all, his heart collapsed for a time.

If such a guy who once dominated the prime minister position for thousands of years was under his own account, how could he be so busy now? There was no time to even practice.

Liu Bei was not thin-skinned at all. His first thought at that time was to pay another visit to the thatched cottage. After all, he had also seen the "Three Kingdoms". Even if it had not been established in his own world, he had some "emotions" with him, right?

It's a pity that he couldn't find Zhuge Liang at all. Whether it was from Cao Mengde or Luo Bing, he didn't know where the guy Kong Ming had gone.

He also knew about 'King of Qin Liu Hao'. After entering this world, he realized what Liu Hao represented, and only then did he realize that he still held the title of 'Emperor Ziwei'.

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That was one of the Heavenly Emperors. How could he, a mere human king, be able to gain the eyes of the other party?

He could only bury this thought and wait for future opportunities. The reason why he couldn't wait to come as soon as he heard about the monster outbreak was because he had purchased monster meat before;

It was a treasure that even my second and third brothers found very beneficial if they ate it. If he didn't take the opportunity to snatch some of it, the money it would cost him in the future would probably make him, the Lord of the Shu Han, feel heartbroken.

Only when you truly step into all the worlds can you truly understand your own poverty. This is no joke.

To put it bluntly, Liu Hao's Earth is the hub of the heavens and the world. The treasures here are indeed countless.

Even if it is a magical medicine to improve one's own qualifications, it is not impossible.

It’s nothing more than whether you can afford the cost, nothing more than whether your wealth can pay for it.

At least the Liu Xuande in front of him is not good enough. Even though he comes from the mythical Three Kingdoms and is one of the three major lords, he has very little money to pay for it.

This is actually the helplessness of being a monarch.

This is especially true compared to tyrants and foolish kings.

After all, tyrants and cowardly kings can still be more unscrupulous. It is better to pay with the treasury, which is nothing more than being scolded by the ministers and the people.

But how could Liu Xuande dare to do this?

His design has been promoted early. Once it is done, it will be the real collapse of his design. The "group company" that was finally established will go bankrupt immediately, and even Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will leave him.

This persona has brought him endless benefits, but it is also a great constraint.

For example, if you change the protagonist, the monsters Liu Bei hunts today are the private property of the monarch and can be used at will, even if they are sold.

But in the hands of Liu Xuande, this is not possible. They must take them all home and truly enjoy and share them with the people.

Even just part of it.

He must give rewards to those generals and ministers who truly follow him, even if he feels very painful in his heart when giving, he must do it.

Because he has enjoyed the benefits, he must bear the drawbacks.

He and Sun Quan moved almost at the same time, and his journey was obviously much farther than Sun Quan's, but what about now?

Isn't it because of his personality that the people under his tent are willing to believe in him?

He and Sun Quan selected sites in Australia at the same time and built city clusters almost at the same time. Now, he has almost completed most of it, but Sun Quan has not been able to complete even half.

To put it bluntly, Shu Han's trust in Liu Bei is far higher than Soochow Wu's trust in Sun Quan.

Liu Bei also knew that once Sun Quan knew about Zhou Yu, this progress would be nothing, and he felt that he had nothing to be proud of.

His obsession with Zhuge Liang is something that others will never understand.

In that book, Zhuge Liang is almost perfect, and he is a famous minister through the ages who can almost support his stupid son 'Adou'.

Even if the future is found and it is impossible for them to continue to be under his account, they will still take care of him for the reasons recorded in the book, right?

That was Zhuge Liang who had followed Emperor Ziwei for a long time. What kind of cultivation should he have now?

At least it's not inferior to Zhou Yu, right?

This is almost what Liu Bei is thinking about. Of course, he has no intention to think about it now, even though he knows that Emperor Ziwei is watching from the white clouds in the sky.

With the help of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he clearly felt that when he devoted all his strength to the battle, his cultivation level was improving. This was a slight breakthrough under heavy pressure. He had a premonition that the peak of immortality that he had stayed at for a long time would definitely come after this time. Take it to the next level.

He was very happy in his heart, and the movements in his hands became a little faster and more fierce.

Little did he know that Liu Hao's obsession didn't stay with him for much time, and more energy was spent on Guan Yu.

Obsessive Liu Hao also had to admit that it was Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang who truly stepped into the heavens like a rising dragon, at least in the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms.

Because compared to all the other civil servants and generals from the mythical Three Kingdoms world, only Zhuge Liang can compare with him.

You know, Zhuge Liang has a lot of background. He has returned to Liu Hao's earth and has merged the two worlds.

And what about Guan Yu?

Nowadays, people are just absorbing the ‘belief’ of many heavens.

In the eyes of the obsessed Liu Hao, even if Guan Yu has been suppressing his own cultivation, the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand can be seen to be different when he cuts again and again.

That is almost a significant improvement, whether it is speed or strength, whether it is sharpness or effect, they are all improving.

He almost watched as every time Guan Yu fell, the white light grew in size, became more dazzling, and lasted longer.

Even if Guan Yu is just cooperating now, the effect he has exerted is much better than that of Zhang Fei.

Even if Guan Yu is just wandering around a lot of the time, no matter how well the aura on Guan Yu's body is restrained, as a hostile monster, he dare not ignore it at all and must focus more energy on Guan Yu.

That kind of ultimate assassin method is clearly displayed in front of you, as if there is a long knife on your neck anytime and anywhere, making your hair stand on end. How can you use your full strength to fight against Liu Bei and Zhang Fei?

It can be said that even if Guan Yu just stood there, the monster could only exert 50% to 60% of its strength. But once more was invested, even a little bit, the body and head would be separated and become a trophy in the hands of Liu Guanzhang.

This situation lasted for several days. On this day, when they killed a monster again, Liu Bei waved his hand and then led the team back slowly.

It's time for this guy to break through.

In fact, people break through every day on the battlefield, especially those monks below the Immortal level.

It is easier to break through when facing the fighting of monsters than when facing the fighting of monsters.

The real reason for this, Obsessive Liu Hao can understand after a little thought, and that is the ancient aura from the world of Master Xuanwu.

It was the original power of the world that Master Xuanwu swallowed up countless worlds. As countless monsters poured into Liu Hao's earth, even if just a trace was absorbed by the monks, the benefits would be endless.

He may have very few qualifications to improve monks, but the eternal meaning within them is the best reward.

Any 'eternal' aura has its own Taoist charm, and there are many of them, and it is likely that they also carry some laws.

It not only helps you break through bottlenecks, but also catalyzes your original talents.

Although these effects seem to be very low, and most of them can only be reflected on lower monks, they are enough.

At least this number of 'companions' breakthroughs in cultivation that can be seen every day have already made all participants feel proud.

In fact, even this effect is still relatively weak compared to the Abyss Front.

But the undeniable fact is that this place is more suitable for physical training.

This is especially true for generals like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

After Liu Bei's breakthrough, Zhang Fei's breakthrough was probably not far away, and the soldiers they brought with them were also somewhat beneficial.

But compared to Gao Shun's camp, it's really nothing.

Liu Hao has a feeling that Gao Shun will be extremely busy in the coming days.

This guy's status in the Pacific Ocean and even Liu Hao's planet will be greatly improved.

No one can ignore what can bring benefits to people. Now that it has been seen by many people, even Lu Fengxian does not dare to stop it. He is just extracting some benefits from it.

Even forces outside the Three Kingdoms, even Luo Bing from Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, Qin Shihuang who has entered the heavens, etc., will most likely come to ask for a spot in person.

But there is one thing that everyone will follow.

That is, they may persuade Gao Shun to promote it. If Gao Shun is not willing, no one will put pressure.

This unspoken rule is only issued as an explicit document within the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

Everyone who has entered the cultivation world understands that things like ‘unique talent’ are sometimes so unreasonable and must be protected, otherwise it would be a small gain but a big loss.

In fact, the real upper management will not come forward to persuade even if they really want to. They abide by the rules more and maintain the rules more.

Below, after Liu Bei's breakthrough, he couldn't hide the joy in his body. The smile on his face was like a hundred flowers in bloom. But when his eyes glanced at Gao Shun's team, he immediately felt a little stiff. After a long time, he sighed. A sound.

"Then Lu Fengxian really got lucky!"

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