Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine, pros and cons

1729. Pros and cons

The path is chosen by the person. Now that you have made the choice, don't regret it, because regret will be completely useless and will only make you more depressed.

But which path to choose, many people follow the trend rather than choosing it themselves.

This is also the normal state of any heaven, country, or society.

Because most of the time, the environment is the biggest obstacle.

For example, when you are in a village, 99% of the villagers around you are Satin people. At this time, even if you have a high talent for Qi training, even if you have noticed it, you still have to put more Qi into it in the end. Put all your energy into the satin body.

You will find that if you do not do this, the people around you will look at you with colored glasses;

Even if you can ignore these colored glasses and decide to put more energy into Qi training, you will find that you must understand it yourself;

Because there is no teacher around who can really teach you, naturally, your efficiency will be much lower.

You can only distance yourself from those in the outside world who have the same Qi training talent as you. When you really come into contact with the outside world, your self-confidence in Qi training will inevitably be affected.

You will find that Qigong practitioners of your age, even if you think you have good talent in this area, are only comparable to those at the bottom of the outside world, and your inner doubts will become deeper and deeper.

Once you have doubts, you will subconsciously make an escape option. At this time, you will often follow the old path of the villagers and put more energy into satin body;

Because after all, many villagers and relatives have already walked on this road, there is no need to worry about no one to guide.

When you truly realize it that day, you will find that your original advantages have disappeared. At this time, you will find that you have no choice.

This is the greatest tragedy of the world under a single system.

You can only do this, this is the only way to go, and everything around you is like this. Even if you have other ideas, you will only be despised.

When you introduce other paths, even if they seem better, how many are really willing to accept them?

They have become accustomed to the original road, and they know very well that the original road is very smooth. They are afraid that if they fall down again and again on their new road, any risks involved will be magnified by them, so that privately they will still keep the original road. .

This makes it impossible for them to drive comfortably on the original roads, and they have to invest half of their energy into new roads.

They can only become victims among the Forerunners. How many of them can truly be determined?

As a monk who has attained Daluo Daoguo, Xiao Huohuo knows this very well. He knows even more clearly that now that he has made a choice, he must bear the disadvantages.

On the contrary, Liu Hao from the Earth Dragon Kingdom has never had such worries.

You have to admit that if something like heritage is not enough, sometimes it is better to have nothing at all.

When the foundation is insufficient, there is actually some, half a bottle of water hanging around, this is incomplete and that is lacking, but even so, it forces everyone to devote themselves to it, who will care about the many disadvantages.

At this time, when a new road appears in front of you, you are already in a dilemma. Even if you can really go further if you understand the new road, how many people are willing to let go of everything they have worked so hard to accumulate?

Even if you make a choice at this time, do you dare to guarantee that you will have talents that others do not have on this new path?

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When you are in a dilemma, haven't you already made a choice?

Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom is one of those worlds that has no foundation in the revival of spiritual energy.

At this time, they are willing to accept any possible attempt, and they are also willing to invest a large number of people into it, not only for themselves, but also to pave a way for future generations.

They are willing to accept everything and tolerate everything. As long as they think it is beneficial to practice, they will not miss any exercises or skills;

They will crazily absorb all possible nutrients, even if it is just to improve themselves a little.

No matter if you are from Naruto, Death, or One Piece, as long as you get it, you will not give up at all, and will invest countless people in research, and distribute it to everyone according to its characteristics, allowing them to choose.

That is to say, because there are so many paths to choose from, even if everyone invests time in any one of them in the early stage, over time, they will find out which aspect they are really more talented in, and they will naturally devote more energy to it in the later stage. This way.

They have been accustomed to this from the beginning. In the future, when they find better practices and skills that are more suitable for them, they will not hesitate at all to switch;

In this way, they will not only find the path that best suits them, but also fill these paths bit by bit, lighting up the light for countless others who come after them.

This is also the real reason why practitioners in Liu Haolong Kingdom and many Yanhuang Alliances are blooming.

They seem to be in disarray, but in fact they each have something to gain and are content with themselves.

Even if they find that their physical, qi, and god refining talents are mediocre, they will not worry at all. They will just choose one, or simply choose them all.

They will not be confused from the beginning. Only in this way can they catch up with and surpass many other civilizations in the world with the accumulation of time.

They never envy those civilizations with higher levels, nor do they feel jealous at all because of this. They understand that what they lack is just the accumulation of time.

At this time, Liu Hao's role was reflected, because they knew that they were not without backers. If those civilizations really had other thoughts about themselves, there would be people to help them and let them walk calmly through the years.

Just like when the Qinling Magic World was discovered, all the worlds in the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance were filled with endless worries, fearing that the 'god' of the Qinling Magic World would accidentally discover this world passage. Then a crazy attack.

They developed it tremblingly and carefully. During that period, there were numerous magic and fighting qi techniques from the magical world, whether from the Dragon Kingdom or the Yanhuang Alliance, and there were countless learners.

But when Liu Hao's cultivation level caught up, they realized that these worries in their hearts were completely unnecessary, and there was no need to rush for success.

Instead, he suppressed the other party. Even if he had countless gods, weren't they already completely suppressed by Liu Hao?

If this is the case, why bother letting countless people invest in this path?

It was also during this period that countless people changed their minds. They put aside all their inner worries and naturally understood that they could make their own choices and choose the true path that was most beneficial to them.

As a result, the magic and fighting spirit that originally occupied a large number of people in the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance have also rapidly decreased, and now they have become the choice of a few people.

And these people who were chosen really understand that they do have talents in magic that no one else has. Even if they are in the Qinling Magic World, they are still among the top people.

This is the same as when most of the 'masters' of the Dragon Kingdom practiced the inner breath from the world of Zongwu.

But now, how many people still practice these inner breath techniques?

Even in Zongwu World, these inner breath techniques have been completely changed after countless immortal cultivation information, right?

Whether it is the Dragon Kingdom or the Yanhuang Alliance, their foundations are no longer what they used to be. The basic skills disclosed on the Internet are among the top and top skills among the many heavens linked to Liu Hao's earth. One is an existence that will cause 'turmoil in the world' whenever it appears.

These basic skills can be downloaded and understood by the creatures who have entered the heavens and Liu Hao's earth as long as they have a mobile phone.

Xiao Huohuo had spent a lot of time on this before, but the effect was only marginal.

But now, they have discovered the gap between themselves, and that trace of hesitation has naturally disappeared. After all, no one is a fool.

Of course, even if they make a choice, some of their original advantages will still be retained.

This is the biggest benefit of entering the world. When you find that on this big stage, as long as you don't make progress, you will be eliminated, you will be forced to move forward quickly;

It's like there is a wild dog chasing you behind your butt. If you slow down even a little bit, you will be bitten or even killed.

This is the consensus of almost everyone who has set foot in Liu Hao’s world.

The current Liu Bei, when he was still in the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, never thought there was anything wrong with his own cultivation. He only thought that as a 'lord', he neither needed to kill him personally nor would he be killed by his subordinates. Laughing', there is no pressure at all,

But now?

There are countless people who have personally rushed to kill Liu Hao after setting foot on the earth, but the latter is what Liu Bei is most worried about.

He discovered that among all the forces in the world, even if the king's cultivation level was not at the top, he must be among the top group of people.

In this world where strength determines the right to speak, no matter how high your wisdom is, it will not have much effect. Even if the civil servants and generals you led before have fully recognized you, there is no guarantee that they will still think this way in the future. It will continue forever.

After these people have stepped onto the big stage of the universe, their original 'ideals' must have undergone incredible changes, and they no longer value the original one-third of an acre;

But if you want to go higher and further, your original thinking is completely unworkable.

For example, Mi Zhu was originally under Liu Bei's account.

This guy was considered a well-known minister in the mythical Three Kingdoms Shu Han. At that time, Mi Zhu was more pursuing family wealth, such as buying more land in Shu Han to inherit the family, and training more descendants to enter the Shu Han regime.

But now?

Mi Zhu found that everything she originally pursued seemed to have no value.

On the big stage of the universe, the so-called family land is not worth mentioning at all. Even if it is given to you, you cannot protect it. If you don't have this fist, people will not reason with you.

Here, whoever has a stronger fist has more say. Even if your money has accumulated like a mountain, you are just garbage in the eyes of others. If you are told to kill you, you will be beaten to death without any hesitation.

He will find that the original Shu Han is just a little Kaka on Liu Hao's earth. This is because they gave you the face and care of the Yanhuang people, and it is not at all based on the face of you, Liu Bei, the Lord of Shu Han.

In other words, his lord was simply not able to protect the lives and property of his ministers in the big stage of the universe.

At this time, if you say that Mi Zhu has no other thoughts in her heart, Liu Bei will never believe it.

This is human nature. Even if Mi Zhu was loyal to him before, it is very hard to say now.

Liu Bei found that it seemed that except for his second and third brothers, no one else could be trusted 100%.

Just like the monster battlefield, if Mi Zhu and others, in these days, would they choose to be like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, investing a lot of energy to protect him and Liu Bei's leveling?

How is that possible?

He found that after working hard all his life, in the end, his biggest support was still his second and third brothers.

His jealousy of Cao Cao has reached a crazy level.

He even didn't know that if the Mythical Three Kingdoms were not connected to the heavens, a guy named Chen Xi would assist him and make him the biggest boss in the world of the Mythical Three Kingdoms.

Fortunately he didn't know, otherwise Liu Bei would have had to vomit blood.

Speaking of which, Chen Xi is quite low-key.

When Liu Hao entered the Mythical Three Kingdoms and gathered a group of people to cause trouble in Liaodong, there was not a lot of movement;

As a time traveler who is familiar with the plot of the Three Kingdoms, it is impossible for Chen Xi not to understand the changes here, but this guy has always been watching quietly from a distance, and has never approached to ask any questions.

So much so that Liu Hao never thought about the existence of such a character in the mythical Three Kingdoms.

This guy seemed to be just watching quietly from the sidelines, putting all his energy into his own practice.

Liu Hao even thought that Chen Xi might have already been the best in the mythical Three Kingdoms world.

If Chen Xi hadn't discovered the existence of the world passage from Cao Mengde, this guy would probably still be hiding.

It is also because of Chen Xi's low profile that few people are really familiar with him now. His soul, which originally came from the modern world, has entered the heavens. Whether he meets ancient people or visitors from the modern world, he will not have any feelings at all. Communication barriers.

To put it bluntly, the ancient people who communicated with him would only think that Chen Xi came from the ancient world, while the modern people who communicated with Chen Xi also thought that he was just a modern person who likes to dress up in ancient costumes.

He is the real great hermit in the city.

If Liu Hao hadn't caught this guy, it's possible that no one would have noticed that there was such an outstanding person for decades or even hundreds of years.

Liu Hao arranged for him to go to Longguo's Vancouver base. Even if he just lived there, the weather in the surrounding area was smooth and any land developed around it had a good harvest every year. But he really knew that it was because Chen Xi was here that it worked. It was Liu Hao. There are only a limited number of them.

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