Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and thirty, temporary thoughts

1930. Temporary thought

With great merit comes great reward.

For Chen Xi, he never worried about his lack of skills and skills.

He had time to study these, and whether it was from Liu Hao or Yang Jian, the head of the base, they were happy to take care of Chen Xi.

This guy is not simple at all now. He is also completely different from when he entered the heavens. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has completely transformed.

This guy has crushed everyone from the mythical Three Kingdoms world. In silence, Chen Xi has proven the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit.

If he hadn't seen Liu Bei today, he would have thought of Chen Xi from Liu Bei, and Liu Hao would have almost forgotten this guy.

After counting with his fingers, Liu Hao was also a little bit dumbfounded.

He even wondered if Chen Xi was suffering from delusions of being persecuted. Is it necessary to keep such a low profile?

He even had to deny Chen Xi's intelligence and wise choices. He did not see Chen Xi's Dao Fruit in the long river of time on his own earth. He could only say that when this guy realized the Dao Daluo Dao Fruit, he chose the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms. .

As the first person in the mythical Three Kingdoms world, and Chen Xi who attained Daluo Daoguo in this world, he was naturally blessed by the mythical Three Kingdoms world.

This is equivalent to allowing Chen Xi to take back all the gains he should have made in the mythical Three Kingdoms world at once. In silence, he has greatly and long-term absorbed the energy that should belong to him in the mythical Three Kingdoms world. transport.

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This choice allowed Chen Xi to fill his biggest shortcoming.

It is also because of Chen Xi's choice that in the mythical Three Kingdoms world, as long as Chen Xi is still alive, the entire world will be guaranteed to have good weather and good harvests every year.

To a certain extent, Chen Xi's choice has given him the status of the God of Harvest in the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms.

Once Chen Xi enters the quasi-sage realm in the future, this 'divine throne' will truly be displayed in front of all living beings in the mythical Three Kingdoms world, letting them know that there is such a figure in their world to protect them.

At that time, Chen Xi's 'faith' will also be replenished at once and last for a long time or even forever.

This may be the child of destiny in this world, even if this child of destiny has been keeping a low profile and hiding from the beginning to the end.

Also because Chen Xi attained Daluo Daoguo in the Mythical Three Kingdoms, the development of the world of the Mythical Three Kingdoms truly entered the fast lane.

Sometimes, you have to admit that food is the basis of everything.

When there is no shortage of food, population growth will become inevitable. When the population increases significantly, the foundation will be solid and a large number of talents will emerge.

As for the mythical Three Kingdoms world that has been connected to the heavens, there is no need to worry about the pressure brought by the population explosion. It is nothing more than immigration into another world.

As for Liu Hao's Earth, he can digest as much as he comes.

Previously, Cao Mengde had somewhat hidden the benefits of exclusive access to the world, but now everyone is participating, and countless techniques and skills from all over the world have been gradually poured into it.

Over time, the mythical Three Kingdoms world will also be like the Dragon Kingdom on Liu Hao's earth, where a hundred schools of thought will contend in a real sense.

Their original advantage, that is, the talent of awakened individuals will still continue. If they find that their awakened talent is of greater benefit to themselves, they will naturally be willing to invest more energy in developing it and carry it forward to become the Mythical Three Kingdoms. Unique system.

In the future, it is not impossible for people like Chen Xi to continue to appear and achieve the ‘god status’ of the mythical Three Kingdoms themselves.

Just like Guan Yu on the monster battlefield right now, his awakened critical strike talent has been integrated into his own instincts. Even if he crosses the world, there is still no difference.

He has not only increased the critical strike to ten times, but with Guan Yu's development in the future, the doubling of the critical strike will only become more terrifying.

Even relying on this, even if Guan Yu of the Mythical Three Kingdoms does not merge with Guan Yu from the ancient times in the future, it is not impossible to fight across ranks.

Guan Yu is like this, and other people in the mythical Three Kingdoms world also have this possibility.

As for this, in Liu Hao's Earth, the ratio is much lower. This can be regarded as a gain or loss.

Every world has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is nothing more than how to maximize one's advantages and how to eliminate one's disadvantages through various means.

Isn't this the true meaning of practice?

In the deep passage of the sea below, three monsters with quasi-sage cultivation walked through. Almost as soon as they passed through the passage, they were caught in the 'Tian Luo Di Net' guarded by Emperor Zhenwu;

Perhaps because he found it a bit difficult to face the three quasi-holy monsters directly, and seeing that Obsessive Liu Hao was still watching the show outside, Emperor Zhenwu chose to send one of them directly to Obsessive Liu Hao.

However, the quasi-sage who was equivalent to beheading a corpse was no different from a toy in front of Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it;

But this time, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, did not choose to kill it. Instead, he directly put it into his sleeve, closed his five senses, and completely silenced him.

The reason why he did this was because he thought of a possibility, that is, whether he could be sent into the Zhoutian Star Formation on the front line of the abyss, and whether he could communicate with him and make him his own fighting force when facing the abyss.

Obsession Liu Hao has been to the world carried by Master Xuanwu, and has also had an overview of the entire world of Master Xuanwu, but that was just a quick glance, and it was even too late to even take a quick look at the flowers. It was nothing more than seeing the outline of the world of Master Xuanwu. , nothing more than sensing countless huge and terrifying auras during the process.

He didn't know how many monsters there were in the world that Master Xuanwu carried on his back, but he knew that since they could be called the bottom, they must not be rare.

Maybe they are like some rabbits in the mortal world, with huge reproductive capabilities?

Is it because of this ability to reproduce that they will not become extinct?

In the world of Master Xuanwu, they will not be taken seriously at all, and no one will even look at them at all. However, to countless heavens, they are already an extremely huge and terrifying force.

Even if their wisdom is not perfect, even if they still need a little time to evolve, even if they evolve to become fully intelligent, they may still have shortcomings of one kind or another, but so what?

Power is power. If you can use it for your own use, even if you become a high-level cannon fodder when facing the abyss, you will make a lot of money.

All he wanted to do was to give others a chance. With his level of cultivation, even if the experiment failed, it would only be a waste of effort and energy.

He also knows that even if he succeeds, it will probably be difficult to promote, because there are only a few people who can suppress high-level monsters as easily as he does. Others probably don't have the care to worry about it, and they won't put it into practice. Put the time and effort into it.

Because the more masters are, the less interested they are in external help. For them, all great power comes from themselves. There are very few people who can really help them. Only those who are like innate treasures can let them. Give birth to a coveted heart.

But how many innate treasures can there be in all the heavens and worlds?

Obsessive Liu Hao knew this very well, and the experiment he thought of temporarily was not developed for these top experts, but really thought of the hardships at the bottom.

He also suddenly remembered that on his own earth, it was very difficult for humans to conquer even low-level monsters. The so-called beast control methods seemed to be particularly difficult on his own earth.

He vaguely guessed that this was probably because of the large-scale development of the modern world, which had long buried disgust and resistance to humans in the genes of beasts.

This makes it so that even if many heavens are connected to Liu Hao's earth, there are very few people who successfully tame monsters. Even if they are captured and unable to resist, the vast majority would rather die than surrender, but they will choose to commit suicide if they have the opportunity;

As time goes by, the number of humans trying this aspect has become increasingly rare, to the point where they are simply ignored.

But monsters have this possibility. As mentioned earlier, because the world carried by Master Xuanwu is too vast, the gravity in it is so strong that it is indescribable, forcing the races in it to lag behind obviously in terms of spiritual perfection, even like The influx of earth monsters like Liu Hao is still not a complete group even if they reach the quasi-sage stage.

And isn't this kind of group of beasts naturally capable of being commanded?

The reason why no one has thought of this so far may be due to various reasons. For example, monsters are regarded as life-or-death enemies from the beginning and must be killed.

Another example is that they look too violent, too ugly, rough-skinned and fleshy, and the risk of control is too high. Even if they think about it, they choose to give up.

But these have never been a problem in the hands of the obsessed Liu Hao. He has used the law as the basis for control. Once he succeeds, even those with the same cultivation level as him will never be able to escape.

He had just made a decision in his mind. Another quasi-holy monster poured into the deep passage under the sea. This time, Emperor Zhenwu glanced at it, but did not continue to enter the sky and earth net formation. He was one against two, although it was not Panic is only limited to being calm. If you try again, you may not be unable to do what you want, but the effect will definitely be weakened a lot, so it is better to give up.

Seeing this, Obsessive Liu Hao did not wait. When the new quasi-holy monster had just passed through the passage, he had already waved his arm and put it into his sleeve again.

His casual writing was in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu the whole time, and it also made Emperor Zhenwu's inner sense of urgency rapidly increase.

World monks of the prehistoric level are even among the top group of people. Which one is not extremely arrogant in his heart?

Just like in the past, those quasi-sages who were sent, such as Guanyin, had no inner expectations at all before they arrived. It was as if they had been sent to the countryside, and they could only truly gain benefits in the world. Only then can we understand the value.

This was the case for Emperor Zhenwu at this time.

Even if he had just followed Haotian's decree before, it would probably be impossible for him to return now.

In fact, as the Tianluo Diwang array guarded by Emperor Zhenwu becomes more and more rounded, it also means that Emperor Zhenwu has become completely familiar with the world beyond the ancient world, even if it is only Liu Hao's earth now.

Even just this familiarity actually brought a lot of insights to Emperor Zhenwu.

Because this familiarization process is not a sort of sorting out of his own avenues and laws?

Reviewing the old and learning the new is a wise saying in all heavens.

One thing that Emperor Zhenwu knew very well at this time was that the breakthroughs that he originally felt would take years to accumulate seemed to have become much simpler in Liu Hao's Earth.

He could guess this feeling to some extent, and the most important point was because the solidity of Liu Hao's earth world was not as strong as in the prehistoric times.

But the reduction of these obstacles will not bring any side effects to the Great Emperor Zhenwu.

The Great Dao is the Great Dao, and the law is the law.

It is applicable in any heaven.

After breaking through in any heaven, returning to your own heaven, you can also exert your strength after the breakthrough. It is nothing more than spending a little time to get familiar with it again after returning.

But how could a cultivator like the Great Emperor Zhenwu care about time?

On the other side, the obsessed Liu Hao didn't know that the Great Emperor Zhenwu was so much in his heart at this time.

He caught a quasi-saint monster again, and seeing that there was no place on the battlefield that he needed to guard tightly, his mind had already been invested in his sleeves.

The same senseless closure, complete isolation.

But this time, he recalled the laws of "control" in his heart.

What he wanted was not a simple puppet, but to retain the wisdom of the monster and give the monster space for future wisdom to improve.

If possible, he would even choose to keep everything the monster originally had.

Unfortunately, he found that he seemed unable to achieve it.

He was only a sub-sage, not as good as Hunyuan, so how could he really control a certain law?

He was thinking about refining a law such as the "Beast Taming Card" at first.

But he gave up soon. If he suppressed it with external force, there might be more accidents. Instead of doing that, it would be better to start with the soul of the monster and integrate a chain of laws into it, so as to achieve real control and become the master of the monster.

He found that the laws of control seemed to belong to the laws of humanity, which were not as good as the laws of heaven and earth.

Humanity, we have to admit that emotions are the mainstream, even if it is a tamer, more of them are achieved through "captivity".

On the contrary, the laws of heaven and earth are much more domineering.

In other words, the actions of Obsession Liu Hao are definitely not as good as those of Azure Dragon Liu Hao and White Tiger Liu Hao.

Of course, the most important thing is the complexity of emotions. If the means are too big, it is very likely that the monster will lose its emotions gradually. If the means are too small, the risk will also increase. It is not that the monster will break free, but when controlling the monster, you can't do anything if the monster gets a little tantrum.

After he really started, he found that the difficulty was much greater than he imagined.

Even if the soul reaches the quasi-saint level, it has to admit its fragility, and the unconscious and imperfect monster soul is even more so.

He spent more than half an hour experimenting, and found that he failed shamefully in the end.

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