Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and forty-seven, small heaven

Dimensional Invasion of Real Earth 1747, Little Heaven

1747. Heavenly Court Copy

Emperor Zhenwu and King Li Jing of Tota arrived with millions of soldiers and generals from the ancient world, so they naturally needed to find a place to stay.

They didn't seem to want to have too much contact with the mortal world, so the moon became their choice.

One hundred and fifty million kilometers, to mortals, is a natural chasm, but to immortals, it doesn't seem like anything.

Especially in front of a powerful quasi-sage like Emperor Zhenwu, he was just walking through space.

They have no intention of going there right away. Even if they choose to settle on the moon, they still want to leave an 'office' in the mortal world.

Originally, the location of the Wuzhou Empire was naturally the best and the initial choice. But now, both Emperor Zhenwu and King Li Jing of Tota feel that there seems to be a better place, that is near the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

They have obtained unimaginable benefits from killing the world monsters of Master Xuanwu, so why would they choose to let go?

Do they know that if they are not lucky this time, they will not win the biggest benefit.

They don't think that without their arrival, this time the world monsters of Master Xuanwu invade Liu Hao, and the monks who come from the earth and heaven will not be able to resist, and they will only suffer some battle losses.

Faced with such huge benefits, how many people would not covet it?

Isn’t the overwhelming number of monks who arrived subsequently the best proof?

They also want to get closer, and they also want to be able to arrive as soon as possible when the monsters of Xuanwu Master invade the world next time. Not to mention being able to be like this time, they also want to get a big piece of it.

When Emperor Zhenwu and Obsessive Liu Hao talked about this, they naturally got a nod from Obsessive Liu Hao.

Australia now has tens of millions of square kilometers of land, and humans only occupy the tip of the iceberg. If we want to truly develop it, we don't know how many years and months it will take to achieve it. No matter how many forces are introduced, it is not too much.

Didn't Sun Quan and Liu Bei, who were originally from the mythical Three Kingdoms world, arrive for the same reason?

Obsessive Liu Hao originally thought that Emperor Zhenwu and Li Jing would choose a piece of land in Australia, but he didn't know that these two guys were full of imagination.

They flew directly around Australia, but in the end they chose to transform some uninhabited islands in the sea, lift them into the sky, and float them in the sky. It seemed that they were more accustomed to this.

There are countless such islands in the Pacific Ocean.

The reason why no one cares about them is not because they have no ability to survive, but more because they are like stars. Many of them have little value, and the input and output are not equal at all.

But these are not a problem at all for Heavenly Court. All they need is a place to stay, and any benefits above are not worth mentioning in their eyes.

Emperor Zhenwu selected many of them, hundreds of them, large and small, and directly suspended these islands in the sky to form a formation. Soon, these islands were filled with white clouds, and these white clouds were Walking on it is as hard as the earth.

Isn’t this building a tiny heaven?

The obsessed Liu Hao had to admit that Emperor Zhenwu and King Li Jing had made a good start.

He seems to be able to imagine that in the future, such suspended islands will appear in many areas of his own earth. This will simply trigger a new trend.

Even though he was obsessed with Liu Hao, he was also thinking about whether he could build one like this. Even if there was only one island, it would still be a supercar, right?

People are all obsessed with comparison. Liu Hao is more obsessed with just thinking about it. Others are most likely already weighing in their minds what kind of cultivation level is needed to copy.

He naturally knew that it was not too difficult to move a tiny island out of the sea and then float it in the air.

The key is still how to ensure the safety of the suspended island.

Don't think Liu Hao that there is no danger in the sky of the earth. In fact, even to this day, the danger in the sky is still not under the control of humans. Although the Bird Clan is much lower profile than the Monster Clan on the earth, they are not willing to control it themselves. Skyrim has a new competitor.

Facing the ancient heaven and quasi-sage masters like Emperor Zhenwu, they can only surrender, but others, even Daluo Jinxian, will most likely have to face the test of the great demons of the Bird Clan.

Even in the Dragon Kingdom, is this not the case now?

The number of monks on the human side of the Dragon Kingdom who now have the power to fly is so huge, but who has seen so many flyers in the wild?

Because everyone knows that once flying in the sky, the risk is even higher. If you are not careful, you may become the prey of birds and monsters.

In the sky, how much can they exert with their own cultivation? While controlling their own flight, they need constant energy output, and how much spare power can they leave to fight against one or even a group of people in the sky? Two's rival?

It is because we know these things so well that Dragon Kingdom still needs to vigorously develop transportation. Even if it is thousands of miles away, those who can build high-speed rail are willing to invest on a large scale. Who would be a fool? Who doesn't know that such an approach is laborious? Another waste of money?

It is not impossible to do anything. After all, masters are always in the minority. Even if the immortals develop to this day, they are still in the minority.

The floating island community established by Emperor Zhenwu and King Li Jing of Tota. This tiny heaven is not only dominated by Emperor Zhenwu. Even if the family's heritage is alone, it is at the top of many in the world.

Only they themselves know how many formations are arranged in this tiny heaven. In terms of protective capabilities, even if there is no Zhenwu Emperor sitting in charge, ordinary Da Luo Jinxian will not know how long it will take to break through.

In this regard, they are professionals.

Besides, among them there is a guy like Li Jing who is also very smart in the mortal world. Why don't they know what to leave a thought for outsiders?

Therefore, outside this tiny heaven, three islands are suspended. They are closely related to this tiny heaven, but they also seem to be isolated from it.

These three suspended islands are basically the deliberate actions of Li Jing, the king of towers, and they are also the external interfaces he deliberately left behind.

They know very well that now that they have entered the heavens, they can no longer do the things of isolation from the world.

Especially Li Jing, the king of towers, he knows best what Haotian has said in private.

He knew best that even if all the millions of heavenly soldiers he carried were completely dead, it would be nothing to the Great Heavenly Court and the Great Heavenly Lord Haotian.

What they need instead is to spread the 'power' of the ancient heaven to the heavens and tell them that there is such an existence that requires your common respect.

Li Jing was able to win the title of God of War in the world when he descended to earth, and his command was conceivable. He was a marshal in official history who was able to escape unscathed.

How could he not know that sometimes the more mysterious it is, the more it can arouse outsiders to watch and wonder. As long as these people watch and have curiosity in their hearts, they will think of various ways to understand them, and the original purpose will naturally be achieved. .

During this process, Li Jing understood that something needed to be released.

These three islands, which are outside the suspended island community, are the best connection points.

In the future, if possible, Li Jing would even be very willing to completely open up the entire Tiny Heaven to allow more outsiders to join in. These people are also the best development targets and can truly spread the name of the Great Heaven to all the heavens. Go into the world.

He knows best that relying on his loud voice will not be as good as others spreading it privately. This is the effect he wants.

He also doesn't want to be too proactive, because being too proactive may make the world more resistant to them. There is nothing wrong with taking things slowly.

After doing this, Li Jing was not done yet. He could have arranged for a large number of heavenly soldiers and generals to descend from the clouds and go to Australia to cut down the wood needed to build the palace, but he did not do so. Instead, he chose to purchase and outsource the work. The profits will also be shared.

The price he gave was not high, and all they paid was the countless monster meat they had accumulated. But even so, it attracted countless people to cheer for the construction of Heavenly Court.

With the revival of spiritual energy, there are countless giant trees throughout Liu Hao's earth. In the past, wood that was no more than the thickness of an arm, after so many years of spiritual energy nourishment, has often grown into a sky-high tree. It can be seen everywhere and can be harvested everywhere.

It only takes a little effort, and there is not much danger at all.

The people living at the bottom of the Dragon Kingdom Australia base are even more enthusiastic about this, and they can't wait to cut down and transport it 24 hours a day.

Compared to those with higher cultivation levels, they indeed receive very little every day, but so what?

They know best how expensive monster meat is in normal times, but many times even if they want to buy it, it is difficult for them to do so. It is already a great honor for them that the heavenly court can give them the opportunity. If it is less, they are unable to do so. , can't blame others.

That's monster meat, and the benefits to these low-level people are often better. The reason why they are reduced to the bottom is that their cultivation talents are indeed a bit hard to see? I can only devote more time to the satin body.

It can be said that the meat of these monsters is actually the most beneficial to them. Even if a giant tree is exchanged for just one bite, they are also the most enthusiastic group of people.

Obsessive Liu Hao watched it and had to admit that the arrangement of Li Jing, the king of towers, was extremely wonderful this time. He almost wiped out all the low-level personnel in the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base in one fell swoop, earning the respect from the bottom of their hearts.

In less than half a month, the entire floating island community has been completely transformed. Countless palaces have been built on it. Anyone who looks at it will be amazed.

Liu Hao, few people on Earth have truly seen the vastness of the ancient heaven. As far as the scenery is concerned, this floating island community has left a deep impression in their hearts.

It also leaves a mark on their hearts, thinking that in the future, when they have cultivated enough, building one seems to be their dream.

If there was such a home, how glorious would it be?

This is the inner thought of almost every low-level person. Perhaps when they reach a higher level, they will understand that this approach is not Meiji. With so many resources, is it not good to use them on themselves?

At least during this process, the obsessed Liu Hao saw the "desire" of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. They probably also thought in their hearts, "This is what a man should do," right?

Although this thought was only for a moment and would soon be replaced by reason, it also truly told them how terrifying it was to come from the prehistoric heaven.

Now I understand more why ‘myth’ can be called ‘myth’.

From this, they finally had an idea of ​​'Emperor Ziwei', which Liu Hao had never thought of.

Maybe this is reality.

Liu Hao seized the throne of Emperor Ziwei from the wilderness. Even his own Dragon Kingdom was very vague about this, and it was more about influence. Now with Tianting's actions, they still don't know. Liu Hao must have countless accounts of his own in the ancient times.

They didn't know how many men and horses belonged to the Great Emperor Ziwei of the Great Desolation, but compared with the heavenly soldiers and generals who arrived, they had an idea. They could almost suppress the entire Liu Hao Earth with them, right?

The senior officials who were thankful for this suddenly had a huge impact. Even those who knew nothing about this before, their inner respect for Liu Hao is bound to rise to a higher level now.

When Emperor Zhenwu returned from the moon, he immediately found Liu Hao, his obsession.

"It seems that fellow Taoist has also discovered the world passage on the moon! What are your plans, fellow Taoist?"

"There are some monks who have settled there, but the development of this area can only be limited to a limited extent. Since Heaven has chosen to settle there, it is natural to ignore it!"


How could Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, stop him? It's not too late for him to be happy!

After all, it is a world, and it is likely to continue to appear in the future. It is already in the moon, but there is still the moon at the other end of the passage. If you want to see human development, the comparison of input and output is definitely not optimistic. It depends on a few monks to do it. I don’t know when or when it will take effect.

But these things, given to the Heavenly Court, will only last for one or two years, and probably even shorter. This is a matter of peace and mutual benefit.

From the words of Emperor Zhenwu, Liu Hao also heard that Emperor Zhenwu went to the moon and conquered the monks who settled there. He also did not express any opinion on this;

He just regarded it as an opportunity for these monks. There seemed to be nothing wrong with them entering the Heavenly Court. He regarded it as a guide to help the ancient Heavenly Court develop the world beyond the moon passage.

There is an earth at the other end of the moon channel, and there is an earth above it?

On the earth, there is a modern world. The Dragon Kingdom has a population of more than one billion. As long as a small half of them are utilized, it will be a huge force. We are still our own people, so there is nothing to worry about.

As for the population outside the Dragon Kingdom at the other end of the passage, what does it have to do with him?

Therefore, what he gave Emperor Zhenwu was just a concise word "good".

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