Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and forty-eight, infrastructure moon

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1748, infrastructure of the moon

1748. Infrastructure Moon

Obsessive Liu Hao's concise and quick response somewhat surprised Emperor Zhenwu. Then Emperor Zhenwu quickly figured out the reason and simply responded with a smile, without anyone saying more.

Emperor Zhenwu casually sent a message to Li Jing, and soon, a new round of timber purchase orders was issued again. This time, it was naturally larger, and all comers were accepted. Li Jing even approached the Dragon Kingdom Australia base for this alone. Luo Bing.

The heaven community established on the moon cannot be at the same level as the suspended island community, not to mention that the moon at the other end of the passage will not set.

Even if it is a one-time construction, a huge industrial chain will be formed. Naturally, it is impossible to just let the bottom-level personnel of Longguo's Australian base do it.

Luo Bing is naturally very supportive of this. The revival of spiritual energy has incomparable benefits for all living beings, and plants are no exception. From a certain perspective, they are the biggest beneficiaries.

For this reason, the wilderness in any city must be cleaned up from time to time. Otherwise, in a few months, the original grove will most likely grow into a forest and become a playground for monsters.

How could Luo Bing miss such a good thing that could open up millions of acres of land by cutting down trees at once?

He has long wanted to expand his base again, but he knows that the local population of his dragon country is increasing. Such a thing can kill two birds with one stone. If possible, he is even willing to raise his hands and feet together.

He typed up a report, and soon, millions of people from the Dragon Kingdom were organized to arrive, carrying countless supplies, such as steel bars, cement, etc. Naturally, the first batch was sold to Li Jing, and more and more supplies continued to come. Come.

Countless machines were turned on again, following the group of tree fellers, pulling out the tree roots left on the ground one by one, and then hardening them, followed by large-scale development.

It is conceivable that even if the population of the future Dragon Kingdom Australia base exceeds 100 million, it will not shock people.

The existence of the teleportation array itself is the biggest bg. When the distance is weakened, the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base is not so much a base, but what is the difference from the mainland?

Aren't the teleportation arrays established in several directions in the southeast, northwest and northwest capable of teleporting people at any time?

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, knows that the city of Zhonghai is now so huge that ordinary people are at a loss.

That is to say, spiritual energy is revived, and all people practice spiritual practice. Otherwise, it would be impossible to develop like this. Big city disease is not just talk.

With this template in place, what’s wrong with Dragon Kingdom’s Australian base following suit?

If the Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base wasn't just on the front line, it probably wouldn't be left behind.

Obsessive Liu Hao has clearly felt that local construction has reached a stable stage, and the top management has plans to expand.

It can be said that now is the time for the wind to arrive.

You have to admit that sometimes the economic scale caused by large-scale infrastructure construction is so large that the number of people who benefit from it is so large.

The construction of the two moons in the Heavenly Palace and the expansion of the Dragon Kingdom in Australia are clearly the beginning of the starting point.

"Where are fellow Taoists going to sit down?"

"The islands among them are pretty good!"

Emperor Zhenwu answered very casually. From his words, it can be heard that he is not keen on the moon. Also, the link between the heavens and the world is Liu Hao's earth. Only by sitting here can we get greater opportunities from it.

He also knew that in a short period of time, Emperor Zhenwu would not be able to enter the Zhoutian Star Formation to fight. It might only be possible after Heavenly Court truly establishes a foothold on Liu Hao's Earth.

Although Zhang Bairen is the incarnation of Haotian, who can know what Nasi is thinking?

Besides Haotian, who else can give orders to him?

The affairs must not fall into the hands of Emperor Zhenwu, and the executor can only be Li Jingye, the King of Towers.

Obsessive Liu Hao also knew that Emperor Zhenwu chose the suspended island in front of him. More importantly, it was because the world passage of Emperor Xuanwu was right in front of him. Once there was any trouble, he could respond immediately.

But for some reminders, once or twice is enough. Any more will make people feel disgusted.

Even if one day in the future Emperor Zhenwu goes directly to the world of Emperor Xuanwu out of curiosity, Liu Hao will not be surprised at all.

In terms of adventurous spirit, who can compare with the monks?

The more advanced one is in cultivation, the smaller the chance of finding an opportunity, because in their eyes, opportunities in the eyes of sentient beings are mostly given by them and will not be seen by them.

In other words, once these advanced practitioners discover a possible opportunity, they will move forward even if they know that it is extremely dangerous.

It’s okay to hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening. Isn’t this the greatest statement for a Taoist?

In the monster battlefield, the monsters that have traveled from the world of Master Xuanwu are already sparse, and those who come from far away are almost all gone. What is left behind are the people living nearby. These people will never give up until they squeeze out the last bit of benefit.

Longguo Australia Base, with the return of countless quitters, the original desertedness has long since disappeared. The swarming crowds and the start of new large-scale infrastructure construction have also pushed this base up again. To put it simply, housing prices are going up again. Big rise.

Obsessed, Liu Hao transformed into a monk of about seventh level and mixed in the crowd. After a while, he also came to a mission hall.

This mission hall, said to be a hall, is actually no different from a huge industrial park, and the distinction is even more detailed.

From the level of the task, to the direction of the task, to the various branches of the task, and so on, it seems endless.

He walked all the way from the lowest level and watched all the way. He also found that there were countless recruitments. For example, the wood felling not long after it was put up was like a bottomless pit, and anyone could take it.

For another example, if you are looking for a certain herbal medicine, you may have been involved in it for more than ten years, and the acquisition has never stopped.

On it, he saw some tasks for monster beast cubs, the details of which were even more demanding, such as what could not be born more than three days ago, what could not be a monster beast, the mother must have died unfortunately, etc.

He also knew that those that truly obeyed were bound to be rare, or if they were not described in this way, it would be impossible to place them in this mission hall.

Following this task, Liu Hao also stayed for a while. He also found that there were few teams that were really willing to accept such a task.

Also, such a mission cannot have a large bounty. If you really have such strength, wouldn't it be better to just kill the monster?

Which of the monks who accept the mission here is not a smart person?

How could they not know that none of the monsters had any wisdom at all? As long as there is wisdom, the emotions will inevitably rise a lot. Once something goes out of line, the possibility of being besieged by the surrounding monsters is not too great. Is it necessary to take such a risk that is not worth much but is full of dangers?

Thinking about it this way, Obsessive Liu Hao could more or less guess that such a mission was probably released by a certain research structure, and it was just a matter of whether there were dates or no dates.

"Beast control? That's right. No matter how difficult it is, once it is achieved, the increased power of mankind will be huge. How can we stop researching it?"

Liu Hao is also obsessed with this. He has already had countless methods of controlling monster cubs, but he will not spread them. There is more than just cause and effect.

What's more important are the unspoken rules that a true master above the quasi-sage must abide by.

If you look at the ancient world, it seems like every monk is collecting mounts. In fact, those who actually own mounts are all famous people.

They would never deliberately spread such methods between heaven and earth, because such an approach would only cause greater shock and create more killings.

On the other hand, if it is a method developed by the low-level monks themselves, then everyone has to rely on their own abilities.

Even if Bai Ze knew about it, he could only praise him for his great talent.

This is the unspoken rule among high-level monks. No one declares it, but the real strong ones never cross it easily.

In the seventh-level mission hall, Liu Hao was obsessed with applying for a line of score cards. They looked like watches, holographic screens, and 3D projections. They could be spread out about half a square meter in front of him, including everything. Countless tradable items were displayed, but the price They all seem a little on the high side.

The specific reason, Obsessive Liu Hao naturally knows, is that the group of seventh-level monks is getting larger and larger, but the resources have not been improved on a large scale, resulting in demand exceeding supply, but this situation will not last for too long.

But many times, which monk doesn't want to be one step ahead?

Who doesn’t understand the principle of one step quickly and one step faster?

He collected the holographic watch and showed it, and immediately several people came up around him, all promoting their team. Teaming up can work anywhere, even if it is temporary.

As for Liu Hao's current environment on Earth, the seventh level is no longer the same as before. The level of monsters in the wild is no longer as unscrupulous as it was when Liu Hao was at the seventh level. Even in the outer reaches of the hunting grounds, those who encounter seventh-level monsters Possibilities abound, too.

As humans develop, monsters also progress.

Compared with the beginning, when most of the seventh-level monsters only relied on thick skin and thick flesh, they now have too many methods.

Even for more than half of the human race, there are many who can't get any benefit from the same seventh-level monsters when fighting against them, and there are even more people who have lost their lives because of it.

It’s understandable that there are more and more group gatherings.

Since he chose to hide himself, Obsessive Liu Hao naturally wanted to join a team, but he had his own calculations about how to choose him. After pushing away the promoters one by one, he wandered in the mission hall for a long time. Only then did I see what I was interested in.

The reason is that there is a familiar figure in this team, and this person is Beckham.

The peak of the seventh level was quite heavy. He had to lament that as a football superstar, this guy's talent in cultivation was really low.

In this team, there is also Beckham's daughter. There is a high probability that this guy joined the team because of this. As a father, why can't he understand?

Compared to Beckham, although his daughter is also at the seventh level, she seems too vain. It seems that she has just been promoted not long ago.

Who doesn't know that such monks are most likely to die in battle?

It is impossible for Beckham not to know this, but many things cannot be stopped by knowing.

It's like knowing the danger, but haven't countless people arrived in this mission hall?

Which monk doesn't stand out from countless dangers?

It's not like Beckham had never experienced it before. If he wanted to make his family live a better life, how could it be possible with the small salary of a primary school football coach?

He has a large group of children to support. As a football superstar before his aura was revived, he is a rich man and is used to living a high-quality life. How could he not be a big gambler?

In this process, he has already lost three children, but he does not dare to lose another one. The big shield he holds in his hand is the best protection for his heart.

He would rather not gain anything during this hunting trip, but still risk his life to protect his daughter.

Obsessed with Liu Hao's external display of cultivation, he is also at the peak of the seventh level. He is a professional talisman master, a back-row output, and a field control figure. Such a monk is very popular. When he joined, Beckham was the happiest person.

As a senior hunter, Beckham knows best the power of such a rare profession. Not to mention other things, there are only a few professions that can compare with him in terms of controlling the field with light to protect his teammates.

"My name is Beckham, and this is my daughter Xiaoqi!"

Good guy, this guy is also aware of current affairs. This is no longer as simple as changing his name, but completely giving up his surname and completely Chineseizing it.

That fluent Chinese is even more accented by the sound of "er". If you close your eyes, you will just think that you are a native of Beijing.

The same is true for his daughter. Obviously, the Beckham family has put a lot of energy into this aspect and understands what is most needed to integrate into the Dragon Kingdom.

It's no wonder that his father and daughter were accepted by a pure Dragon Country team. From their familiarity with each other, it can be seen that Beckham has long been a senior player among them.

As expected, Beckham's next words also revealed this situation. The reason why they gathered again to find new teammates here was to protect the safety of the descendants of the old players.

Their team obviously has a history of more than ten years, and they are like a real family.

After more than ten years of hard work, they have established a base of their own. This base is a building they purchased. All the team members live in it. Even if the old team members die unexpectedly, their descendants will also be among the team members. You can still live a good life with care.

Teams like this are bound to be rare in Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

In such a crisis-ridden world, who doesn’t understand how precious trust is?

Once a team like them is formed, as long as it persists for a generation, its solidity will be permanently strengthened. As long as no major accidents occur, they are happy to continue to trust it for generations to come.

They do not immediately choose to trust new entrants, and they also have their own set of testing procedures. Perhaps the best thing about them is that they have some words up front, which may seem a little silly, but they appear to be more sincere.

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