Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and fifty-two, culture

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1752, culture

1752. Team culture analysis

Everyone knows that the process of spiritual practice is always accompanied by countless choices.

On the one hand, it requires every practitioner to master numerous techniques, and on the other hand, it forces you to abandon countless techniques.

It itself is a path that requires both complexity and expertise. It seems very contradictory, but this is the reality.

Because no matter how talented you are, you will find that you don’t have that much time to master everything.

Similarly, even if you want to devote all your time to practicing your most talented aspect, you will not be able to do it.

For example, if you choose to make alchemy as your main business, once you invest in it, you will still find that even if you devote all your time to it, you will not be able to learn everything.

You cannot be the Supreme Being, born with infinite lifespan. You must constantly compete with the world for your lifespan, and the accumulation of your own cultivation realm will have to consume more than half of your energy.

When you make a choice and abandon many elixir recipes on the road to alchemy, you will also find that there are some things that you cannot do even if you want to abandon them.

For example, do you want to pay attention to the medicinal materials among the elixirs that you have abandoned?

Even if you don't refine it yourself, you can pick it or buy it if you accidentally see it in the future. That is valuable, and who would want to miss it?

Even if you have never thought about learning alchemy yourself, do you still need to be familiar with these medicinal materials?

Traveling to the wild, if deep into the forest, is not just for killing monsters.

Many times, after killing monsters for several days and nights, what you get may not be as cost-effective as a simple elixir picked by someone else.

Moreover, this is often not the case.

You have memorized these medicinal materials, don't you think of memorizing some elixirs as well?

When you took the medicinal materials to the alchemist to refine the required elixir, didn't you ever think that they might be deceiving you?

Obviously you only need one plant, but you are told that you must have three plants. If you are a novice in this regard, you may have to thank others and bow in various ways if you are deceived.

Who doesn't know that once medicinal materials are scarce, picking each plant will be difficult and dangerous. Even if you buy each plant, don't you wait for various peaks?

If you are a casual practitioner, you often need to be more aware of this, because once you are deceived, the biggest possibility in the future is to admit defeat and be laughed at.

As a casual cultivator, you strive to the extreme at every stage, calculating your own wealth and maximizing your contribution to your own practice.

You didn't waste any resources. It's very likely that your next magic weapon cannot be upgraded, which only leads to your death in the hands of the enemy. It may also be that you simply have one less rejuvenation pill than the opponent, and you are killed by the enemy.

On this road, as long as you have a little more knowledge, it may be an unimaginable wealth for you, or it may be the straw that saves your life at critical moments.

You want to specialize, but you find that you have to browse and write down all the miscellaneous knowledge you know, even if you have never thought of moving forward on these paths.

Therefore, you will find that in those cultivation worlds, any monk at the fifth or sixth level is often full of knowledge and seems to know everything.

If you have a sect to back you, can you stay in the sect for the rest of your life?

You also need experience. Once you experience it, you must face all dangers, even if you have companions by your side.

Are you sure that your companions have no other thoughts?

Things like killing people and seizing treasures happen every quarter of an hour in the world of cultivation. One moment you are good to me, or he is good to others, and the next moment you may be parting ways and fighting each other because of a certain treasure.

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When you and your companions see a certain elixir, if you don't recognize it, it is very likely that your head will fall to the ground in the next moment.

If you don’t know or recognize it, you can’t be very prepared for it. If you know that the benefits are touching, you must also know how big the benefits are.

Just knowing these elixirs is not enough, you need to make predictions before seeing the elixirs.

For example, this environment is likely to grow a unique elixir. When you see such an environment from a distance, you can make various predictions. Not only do you need to be prepared for possible dangers around you, but you also need to be prepared for the brothers and sisters who are with you. .

The reality is so cruel.

Don't they know that learning and memorizing this knowledge requires spending countless hours on it?

They knew it too well, but they had to do it.

Choose the lesser of two evils. This principle will not become useless just because you leave the mortal world.

How come Mo Han, who lives in the world of mortals cultivating immortals, can always retreat behind everyone before danger comes, leaving himself an escape route.

Isn't it because this guy has more predictions than others?

Why can he make such predictions time and time again? Doesn't he know a little more information than others?

He is always able to retreat behind everyone in crisis after crisis, and then escape through danger. This is the guarantee for others to climb higher mountains.

Don't think that this knowledge and information has become dispensable in the modern world of spiritual practice. If you see it, you can check it out. In the real world, where can you have so much time for you to search quietly?

If you do this, it will only make you die faster.

On the contrary, it is because of such a search path that you have to learn more. Only if your accumulation is deeper than others, is often the beginning of your ability to predict before danger.

Just like the tiger you meet in the wild, you don't need to run faster than the tiger, but if you are one step slower, everything will only stop here.

This countless information also revealed the special nature of Liu Hao's earth team.

They all know that they have no advantage over others in this regard, and they will never be the best.

Therefore, they chose to form a team, divide all the knowledge into several sections, and let everyone in the team remember a section to make up for their own shortcomings.

They know that the team must have back-to-back trust, so there is a situation like Liu Hao's banquet.

In this community, this situation has become the norm.

They knew that this was the case, otherwise no one would be able to guarantee that they would dare to hand over their backs.

They also know that even so, it is still impossible to guarantee 100%. Once they encounter a treasure that is truly valuable to a certain level, the possibility of abandoning their family still exists.

But so what? The possibility of encountering this situation is very slim. They all know that they are just a member of the bottom class, and they are the most sensible group of people.

Obsessive Liu Hao has a feeling that this family-oriented model has probably become the mainstream in the Australian base of Longguo, and is even inevitable with the development of the times.

In such a newly constructed base, everything starts from scratch. The so-called sect has never existed before. What came here is due to luck and hard work, but it becomes more pure.

They accepted people from all walks of life and even from all major worlds, and gradually formed the cultural structure they have today. In the future, this cultural structure will most likely continue and gradually develop into a practicing 'family'.

For example, if a descendant of a member of the team at the banquet reaches the ninth level or even the immortal level, it will basically be the day when the whole family leaves.

This is not something that everyone can continue to do if they want to stay together, but reality forces them to make a choice.

Either this guy who is beyond the upper level leaves alone, or he takes his family and joins another higher level team.

In the former case, leaving this person seems to be a better choice, but there are still many problems involved.

First of all, you must admit that the reason why this person has grown so far is inseparable from the entire team. Whether it is care or resource allocation, it will be inevitable.

You have to give feedback, but if it lasts for a long time, it will inevitably drag down the person's own path.

How much feedback will be given becomes a question. When he leaves and returns after working hard outside, can the good things he brought with him be handed over to the original team in a grand manner?

Even if he is arrogant, will other family members believe it?

Once this trust is broken, it is impossible to rebuild it. Rather than doing this, it would be better for the entire family to leave.

At least until everyone in the family leaves, these rewards will always satisfy everyone.

In other words, even if everyone is dissatisfied and leaves, it doesn't matter.

Of course, this is only possible, or it may be that everyone is very generous and places more of their trust in the future, choosing to recognize it, letting this person go and work hard alone, and waiting for this person's feedback in the future.

The other side of this hypothesis also exists.

If a family member in the team cannot keep up with the rhythm, it will be inevitable for this family to be eliminated from the team.

The team can wait for your family for a while, but it will never continue to support you.

Unless your family itself has its own unique and irreplaceable role in the team, such as an alchemist, a weapon refiner, etc.

But for such a guy, doesn't he live a very satisfactory life alone?

As far as Liu Hao saw in this team, there was no alchemist or weapon refiner.

Such guys will often choose to join a certain university or join some research institutions. Only in this way can they be given greater possibilities to stimulate their talents in this area.

In worse cases, renting a small shop yourself may be a way out.

Compared to joining such a small team, how many resources can be provided to them?

Their only possibility is to train their own offspring, hoping that one of their descendants will have a certain talent in these areas, so that they can save more and make greater use of their resources.

If the offspring they cultivated were more talented, they would be equally willing to invest together to build a store unique to their team, just like a subsidiary under the group, so that everyone's distribution would appear reasonable.

Thanks to the modern world, countless mortals have long been exploring this aspect, and countless roads have been opened, allowing them to have such a choice, and making them willing to invest resources in training in this area.

What they don’t know is that the blue ocean in their eyes now will not be the red ocean in the future.

They think about cultivating their own offspring and look forward to the emergence of a person who can make greater use of the team's resources. Don't other teams have this idea?

It's like seeing the value of fungus, everyone chooses to plant it. When next year, they will find that the price is not at all what they want. After a year of busy work, all they get is food and clothing.

It cannot be said that their vision is not far-sighted enough. Many times, even if you tell them that this will become a reality, they will not believe it, or they will think it is irrelevant. The worst is not to maximize the resources of their own team. Did you take advantage of it?

Of course, it does not rule out that even if they know it, they will still make such a choice.

There is nothing we can do about this. The team itself does not need some goals.

Whether it’s the team in front of Liu Hao, other teams in the community, or many similar teams in Longguo’s Australian base.

Most of the main players among them have developed their "potential" to a bottleneck, and many of them have not even improved at all for a long time.

At this time, if they are not given a purpose, confusion will destroy them.

Therefore, even if they know that this goal does not have much future, the team will still step into it without hesitation.

This team is lucky to have met the obsessed Liu Hao. A small blessing has given them the possibility to break free from the original shackles, and there is a high probability of success.

Once they break through, their mentality will undergo earth-shaking changes, and this change is likely to last for decades.

Decades later, God knows what the world will look like. How many of them will still survive?

On the other hand, if there is a lack of clear goals, even if the team trusts each other, it is not far from falling apart.

Once a practitioner becomes confused, it is very dangerous.

For example, practicing the devil's way, or becoming possessed by evil spirits. This situation is normal in any heaven where cultivation is the mainstay. In many heavens, the biggest villains are probably one of these confused people.

Are there too few practitioners who go to extremes?

Those who are close to their longevity, once they risk their lives, there are really no taboos.

Obsessed with the Zhetian in Liu Hao's impression, that group of people were annihilating living beings one era after another, just to absorb the vitality of these living beings and add to their own longevity.

Who can guarantee that Liu Hao's earth will not be in such a situation in the future?

In any world, there are always people who go to extremes.

During the banquet, a little girl happily ran up to Obsessive Liu Hao, held up the talisman she had drawn, and waited for Obsessive Liu Hao's praise.

Her depiction cannot be said to be a success, but it cannot be said to be a failure either.

In fact, she did invest everything. If her homework were replaced with talisman paper, it would be able to spark a little light.

As the first presenter, Liu Hao is naturally willing to support him.

He took out his original talisman pen and gave it to the little girl with a smile.

He also knew it was time to leave.

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