Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and fifty-three, unique inclusiveness

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1753, unique inclusiveness

1753. Unique inclusiveness

Any changes in society are traceable. They are driven by human beings and they also push forward human beings.

His initial characteristic is to force humans to adapt to the environment and change the environment while constantly adapting to the environment.

But the latter are always rare in number and are also called the elite of society.

Obviously, after the spiritual energy was revived, Liu Hao was definitely one of them, but more of them were in the middle and lower classes. Even now, they have to survive in the general environment, and the only thing they can change is the family around them.

In the Australian base city of Dragon Kingdom, Liu Hao saw a very different style of survival, and they had no choice but to do so.

At first, they had to do this, using all the weak members of the family to act as protons, but later, they found that the benefits of doing so were obviously greater, and over time, the current situation was formed.

They are actually an alternative village model, but this kind of village is mostly located in a moving building.

They are independent and not isolated from the outside world. They are still nodes one after another in the vast city.

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

They are fully wary of outsiders, but are also very willing to accept outsiders joining them.

Of course, the test involved will not be relaxed.

But for temporary teammates, they are more open-minded.

Because choosing any temporary teammate is a process based on their strength.

Just like the previous obsession with Liu Hao.

In any team, the person who controls the field is obviously the marshal.

How many teams have such ‘elites’?

It is no longer a question of how much leadership he needs, he also needs to have significant suppressive power, or simply have the most outstanding combat ability, being able to rush forward and withstand even when encountering the most dangerous situation.

Such characters are rare. It's not like they don't know how to recruit a monk who is more powerful than all the members.

But in this case, the distribution of profits becomes the biggest problem. You can't just give away more than half of the profits every time, right?

Once or twice is okay, but what about over time?

The complexity of human nature prevents them from making such a choice.

They would rather concentrate resources on training in their original team. For example, in the Beckham team, most of the resources will be concentrated on training a certain person for a period of time to see if this person can break through;

Once successful, it also means that they will benefit from a large-scale increase in the future and can continue to cultivate successors.

This approach is also adhered to by the vast majority of teams in Dragon Kingdom's Australian base cities.

They had acted like this before, step by step pushing the backbone of the entire team to the seventh level or even the seventh level peak.

After that, they concentrated their resources again and again, trying to make the strongest among them break through, but found that they all failed.

They gradually understood that with their talents and strength, it was not that difficult to achieve.

For a while, they had thought about giving up and pooling more resources to train the next generation. Xiao Qi of the Beckham family was also one of the two people who benefited.

They will continue to do this, and they are no longer in a hurry. It does not mean that they have resigned themselves to their fate, but they understand that the investment and return are not directly proportional.

It is even more important to consider the interests of all team and family members.

If Xiao Qi of the Beckham family does not have Liu Hao as a temporary teammate during this training, this practice will continue. After the next generation of family members appear at level seven one by one and ensure the minimum limit of their own team, they will Maybe even do a shock.

But now, this team obviously needs to change. By chance, it is also a chance.

They are all old hunters, and there is a lot of tacit understanding on how to choose them.

After Liu Hao left, the team held several high-level meetings and worked out a model that was more in line with the current resource allocation.

On the one hand, they are waiting for the elixir refined from the inner elixir of the eighth-level monster. On the other hand, they are also maintaining the previously designated policy. The last one is to increase investment in Fu Zhuan.

It was also the first time that they saw the Fu Zhuan Master's awesomeness, and they almost believed that this was a natural field control, so how could they be willing to miss it.

They calculated the investment and found that they didn't seem to need many resources. From the initial talisman paper and pen and ink, how much did it cost to buy some monster blood?

It seems that even the lowest-income families can maintain it, and there is no reason to miss it.

But how could they know that Liu Hao's obsession with controlling the field was impossible to replicate.

Of course, it cannot be said that they have embarked on a path of no return.

Any practice has its own uniqueness, and the power of the Talisman Master cannot be underestimated. Aren't these people themselves a huge ammunition depot?

You must know that things like talismans can be made in advance. You can accumulate a large number of them before going hunting, and they are also treasures that can be used by anyone.

They invest resources, and even if they train one person, it will still be of huge benefit to them.

Almost after the departure of Liu Hao, the entire Dragon Kingdom Australia base started a large-scale sales of books on talismans and seals. Not only did everyone have a copy, but it can also be said that no hunting team was left behind.

This is the ultimate promotion. You can say it is a coincidence, but you can also say that the real big shots determine the trend.

On this path of cultivation, it is much easier than the system of hundreds of schools of thought.

You must know that the difficulty of getting started in the Baijia Cultivation System can be said to be the lowest, but it is the most difficult to break through.

Reading is the method, understanding, absorbing and mastering is the key.

How many people are willing to devote most of their time to it?

This is the Tao, each has its own merits, but always reaches the same destination through different paths.

On the other hand, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with leaving Beckham's team, did not choose to leave the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

It can't be said that he didn't benefit from this trip. Even if he never really integrated into the hunting team from beginning to end, he still gained something from watching.

Seeing a leopard through a tube is also a kind of observation, in which we see social changes. Isn't it also a manifestation of humanity?

He has understood that the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base is special and is very different from the mainland.

This is a real hub where not only countless immigrants from Liu Hao's Earth are gathered here, but also visitors from many other worlds.

After arriving at Longguo's Australian base, most of these visitors will choose to settle here after a short period of adaptation.

Because the inclusiveness of this base city is not available in all areas of Liu Hao's earth.

He will not reject you because of where you come from, nor will he treat you differently because of your different ethnic groups. To put it bluntly, here, even if you are a demon clan, even if you are surprised, he should still accept you. will accept you.

Otherwise, this place would not become the most yearned-for 'holy land' for countless ninjas in the Naruto world. Now, more than 100,000 ninjas have settled here. They have taken root here and have completely forgotten the original ninja world.

This is also the place that many ethnic groups in the One Piece world yearn for. Even if they know that they need to go through countless dangers to get here, they will not hesitate.

Being able to allow Empress Hancock to move the entire ethnic group here is the biggest miracle in itself.

Haven't you seen that Garp Sengoku and others still stay here most of the time?

The people from the mythical Three Kingdoms world are also not rare. Even the aristocratic families among them all leave a house here, and they are willing to invest in the information gathered here from countless regions and heavens.

Just like the girls' school at the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, it has now become the most coveted 'White Moonlight' for women in the mythical Three Kingdoms.

It was as if Cao Mengde had always been willing to send many junior captains to study under Luo Bing's tent.

Just like the books that aristocratic families are most willing to collect, the latest editions can always be purchased in the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base cities.

All these and many benefits make them want to stop.

Choice is always a two-way street. Dragon Kingdom's Australian base has never been fortified. This is why this originally small base has developed into the largest city in the entire Liu Hao Earth, and it has been expanding. middle.

In the future, even if this place develops into a giant city with a population of hundreds of millions, Liu Hao will not be surprised at all.

He saw the most stubborn witch clan, which was able to laugh and laugh with humans in the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base city. He also saw the elves who were always wary of humans. They gathered together in twos and threes to go shopping and rushed to the city. This kind of safety and inclusiveness also has unique characteristics.

Obsession Liu Hao was able to spread the Tao of Talisman and Seal Writing very quickly throughout the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base city by such a coincidence. Isn't it also a product of this characteristic?

In this huge city, it seems that everyone has never doubted any path. For them, it seems that as long as it can be used by me, they never mind trying it.

Whether you say they are realistic or have an extraordinary pursuit of their own interests, isn't this also a manifestation of inclusiveness?

Obsessive Liu Hao could feel that the senior leaders of his own Dragon Kingdom and even the Yanhuang Alliance knew this very well, and deliberately amplified this inclusiveness.

Isn't this a huge testing ground?

Any Taoism or skill that can stand out here has obviously been accepted by all major ethnic groups, and has the value of being promoted by the whole people.

Such an excellent testing ground, as long as there is any smart person who knows it, he will not support it?

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with Liu Hao, can already have a premonition of the fighting spirit turning into a horse world. After knowing this place, Xiao Huohuo will probably let his own Medusa, Xiao Xun'er and others arrive, such as directly entering the girls' school.

It is bound to send many people from their world to set up offices here, because this is the most natural place to integrate countless ways of practice.

Here, there may not be that kind of extremely brilliant skills, but as long as the skills are put into it and through the collision of countless people, the real required popularity can be summarized.

It is even possible to forcefully upgrade this skill to one level or more.

Isn't this a method of using the power of all living beings?

For the original residents, they also benefited. When people sit at home, blessings come from the sky. They have planted sycamore trees, and the landing of the phoenix will be a matter of time.

This is also a kind of changing the environment, or even creating the environment, which is the result of the joint efforts of countless people.

It is also because of this that this place has been developed into what it is today.

In such a city that embraces all kinds of rivers, isn't it possible to understand the method of humanity and achieve multiple things with one stone?

The obsessed Liu Hao returned to the mission hall and changed his appearance. This time, he raised his cultivation level to the eighth level;

On the way back to the mission hall, he broke off a peach tree branch, casually refined a peach wood sword, and even suppressed it to the edge of an immortal weapon. But even so, he carried it on his back and attracted attention all the way.

This time, he played the role of a cultivator who thought he was an immortal sword. He had an ethereal aura that could be recognized at a glance even from 800 miles away.

The reason for this was because he rarely saw monks from this sect in this city.

Now that he has arrived, and since the way of talisman and seal script has been passed down, he might as well give some more possibilities.

But he will not take the initiative to pass down this knowledge. He is more of setting an example so that others can see the power of the Sword Immortal.

He knew very well that there was no such method of cultivation in this city, even if it was simple.

Sometimes it is like this. It is said that a certain way is very good, but if you have never seen it, you will not invest in it lightly, because human energy is limited, and if it cannot be guaranteed, you will always avoid it intentionally or unintentionally.

But when they see with their own eyes that this path is really awesome, they will invest some energy in research. What if they have talents in this field that they haven't realized yet?

Even if you are sure that you don’t have much talent in this field, what about your children?

You know, this is a way to fight from a distance.

It's better, but if you charge forward with a shield, you can only fight hand-to-hand, right?

It seems that compared with the archers, it does not fall behind at all. Can this one be integrated into the archers?

Not to mention other things, it must also increase the archer's field control, right?

These were almost all thought of before I was obsessed with Liu Hao's role.

But what he didn't understand was that the draw of the Sword Immortal's sword was the most attractive. It was also because the height he was standing at was too high, and he ignored this. Before he traveled through time, he thought hard about this journey. Countless.

There are countless people who can fly nowadays, but most of these flying methods are the use of their own mental power. In fact, the vast majority of people cannot fly for a long time, let alone use this method to escape.

The advantage of the Sword Immortal in handling swords can already be said to be a huge supplement.

Even if all other benefits are ignored, it can attract countless people to join it.

In fact, despite his obsession, Liu Hao still ignored that there are currently no personnel from the world of cultivation in the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom. Even in the world of Sword and Fairy, there are only a few who have truly entered the heavens, and they are all within the territory of their own Dragon Kingdom. rock.

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