Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-Four, Sword Fairy Acting

Dimension Invasion of Real Earth 1754, Sword Fairy Acting

1754. Sword Fairy Acting

Sword Immortal is the combination of God and Qi, and it is also the ultimate embodiment of the development of foreign objects.

Most of his cultivation and combat power are concentrated on the fairy sword.

Therefore, the real introduction became the method of refining swords and fairy swords.

Not to mention the former, the latter, that is, the method of refining the fairy sword, is easy to say but difficult in fact.

What he needs is inheritance, a method of inheritance in which many formations are engraved into treasures.

This kind of inheritance can be said to be everywhere in the world of cultivation, and it can also be said that it has spread to the lowest level monks. However, on Liu Hao's earth, it is still new, and it is still very rare even on the Internet.

To put it bluntly, wouldn’t it be good for a real master to soar in the clouds?

Wouldn't it be nice to develop your own unique method of flying?

For example, 'The Art of Transforming Rainbow', such as 'Xingzi Jue' and so on.

Which one is not faster than the fairy sword?

No matter how good the monks in the world of cultivation are at controlling the fairy sword, which one is not like a snail in the face of these rapid speeds?

But it is undeniable that it is popular.

When Obsessive Liu Hao joined a team again, and while walking, stepping on the peach wood sword was like a magnetic levitation, all the team members' eyes were focused on him, and he also understood what makes the swordsman the most shining in the eyes of mortals.

Due to taboos, although no team member asked, he knew what these people were thinking, and after thinking about it for a while, he still did not choose to tell them.

He just put this idea into Luo Bing's mind across the space. As for how it will develop next, he is not interested in knowing.

Why doesn't he know the main reason why the senior leaders of Longguo and Yanhuang Alliance didn't vigorously promote it?

The dangers of the wild, the dangers of monsters and monsters are everywhere.

Controlling the fairy sword can bring everyone closer, but it can also make these people more "arrogant";

Thinking that you are faster, you will have a greater chance of escaping when you encounter monsters in the wild. However, you don't know that this is often when the real danger comes, so the chance of falling will inevitably increase, or even increase several times. .

This factor must be measured by decision makers.

That’s all for the adult monks. The key is that once this popularity spreads, even primary school students can’t use it. They don’t have much scruples. It’s like they got the favorite toy. They can’t wait to go out and show it off. After all, the possibility of never coming back is the real fear.

Almost as soon as he passed it on to Luo Bing, he understood that even if Luo Bing promoted it, he would definitely impose restrictions. For example, he would not announce the refining method of the fairy sword at the beginning.

Another example is that an area is set aside in the Dragon Kingdom Australia base specifically for children to study, and they are restricted to use it only here.

He believed that for all the above, the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance must have sufficient resources to rely on, but they were just not in a hurry.

The new team, just because of Liu Hao's joining, swaggered all the way. It wasn't until all of them went deep into the hunting ground that these eyes disappeared without a trace.

This time, there are not only eighth-level monks in the new team, but ninth-level monks account for the majority, and naturally they go deeper.

Half a day later, the new team arrived outside a valley and stopped.

Avoiding all possible conflicts along the way, this was clearly their goal in the first place.

Only then did the team members and obsession Liu Hao explain the reason. In the valley in front of them, there is a monster beast, the ninth level peak. It is the kind of monster beast that is likely to overcome the disaster and become an immortal in a short time. The value is naturally much higher.

The hunting team locked the target early and had even observed it several times before.

The reason why they came today was that they discovered that about half a month before this, this monster had a fierce battle with one of his enemies, and there must have been wounds on his body. They couldn't wait to take a gamble.

Situations like this are everywhere in the universe.

Risks and benefits coexist and are common to all heavens.

They have fully considered various possibilities, and being able to wait for this monster beast to be injured before starting the battle is already enough for them to be vigilant.

The reason why they introduced Obsessive Liu Hao as a temporary teammate in the mission hall was also based on many choices.

Liu Hao, the Eighth-Level Immortal Sword Obsession, will not get more benefits by joining, but he will also have the most likely surprise.

Unfortunately, they still miscalculated one thing, that is, even if this monster beast is injured, it is still not something they can deal with, because this monster beast is not about to pass the tribulation, but because it has failed to pass the tribulation and wants to attack again.

There is an essential difference between the two.

The monsters that are about to overcome the tribulation, no matter how much they accumulate, are still below the level of immortals. On the other hand, those who fail to survive the tribulation will already have the aura of an immortal in their body. It is not an exaggeration to call them 'half-step immortals'. .

Such half-step immortals have obviously escaped from the mortal world. The most significant point is that their combat power has doubled to the peak of the ninth level, and some may even increase several times.

To put it bluntly, if they had not carried Liu Hao's obsession with them today, they would not have been able to withstand the half-burning incense of this monster. The only future was for them to lose their lives.

A faint bitter smile flashed across Obsessive Liu Hao's face. He didn't know whether it was because he joined that the luck of these people improved, or whether it was because these people were destined to die that he joined them.

He subconsciously scanned the group of new teammates, lingering on two of them in particular, and the look of surprise on his face became more and more obvious.

He calculated slightly and finally had an answer in his mind.


"I see!"

Among the nine people in this group, seven had already taken root here when Liu Hao first established the Dragon Kingdom Australia base;

Because of this, their luck is somewhat closely related to the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

But even a tiny trace is a great blessing to them.

It can be said that the talents of these seven people are not good, they can only be said to be a member of the common people. However, it is because of this extremely small trace of luck that they have a chance to stand out among the lowest. Has grown to this day.

But it is obvious that this kind of growth has reached its limit. If you want to break through, you must break this layer of imprisonment.

As a result, disasters also occurred. Of course, their inner expectations and ambitions also led to the formation of today's group.

From another perspective, if they are happy to lie down from now on, their future life will not be very difficult.

This is the choice. If you cross it, you will be able to move forward again. On the other hand, everything will come to an end.

The original luck of these seven people could not coincide with the unexpected factor of being obsessed with Liu Hao. The reason why this happened was because of the last two members.

These two people are a couple. The man is a native of Liu Haolong Kingdom, and the woman is from the elves from the world passage world in the Nordic forest.

The reason why they have better luck is not only because they are married across races, but also because of their own union, they belong to the earliest batch.

Because of this, they received the blessings of the Dragon Kingdom and the Elf Clan. They became more or less their representatives, and therefore had this kind of luck.

They are like established models, with many eyes blessing and watching them. If the two major groups see them in danger, they will probably come to their rescue.

Therefore, Obsessive Liu Hao was chosen by chance and became the biggest insurance for their trip.

This is the mysterious and mysterious thing about luck. It is everywhere and plays its role all the time. It is also a law that has never been completely broken by all living beings from ancient times to the present.

It's so powerful that it can even use Liu Hao's obsession as a chess piece.

This is where Liu Hao’s wry smile comes from his obsession.

He shook his head slightly in his heart, simply too lazy to think about it, and pretended to be like other team members, as if he was recovering himself.

About half an hour later, the entire hunting team gathered together and held a real combat meeting. Here, Obsessive Liu Hao seemed a bit redundant, and the tasks given to him were free to perform. This also made Obsessive Liu Hao breathe a sigh of relief.

Rather than directly giving a task within a framework, wouldn't it be better to be able to protect this group of people without exposing more of their cultivation methods?

He also saw that this group of people didn't have many bad intentions, which was obviously proved by not pushing him to the front.

This arrangement also made the obsessed Liu Hao determined in his heart to save this group of people.

I have to say that Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, was worried about this group of people. According to their plan, they would definitely be noticed by this monster when they entered the valley. Once this happened, they would definitely be caught off guard.

Don't underestimate the intelligence of monsters. It's just pretending. How much brainpower does it take?

It's very likely that this demonic beast will completely pack up the group and take them away just by pretending.

Obsessive Liu Hao didn't want this accident to happen. He knew very well that if he watched, this group of people would never be the opponent of this monster beast. The best way was to let the monster beast's injuries continue to worsen. The scale weakens the combat effectiveness of this monster beast.

Therefore, he suppressed all possible accidents and kept the entire team within a hundred meters of the monster;

He also gave everyone time to prepare. He watched as the only ninth-level elf in the team opened the long bow in his hand, whizzing and sinking the specially made arrow into the original wound of the monster, causing a huge roar. The sound of wailing.

What appeared at the same time as the wailing sound was the means in the hands of all the team members, which were all smashed towards the monster beast. Every member tried their best to kill, regardless of the effect.

The obsessive Liu Hao among the gangsters was no exception. In his opinion, his imperial mahogany sword had already exerted the peak power of an eighth-level monk. He also chose the weakest point of the monster to attack and directly killed the monster. The animal is cut off cleanly between the two spans.

He has a wicked sense of humor, but the appearance of this monster makes him unhappy.

This is a sheep-like monster that has undergone many evolutions. What displeases Liu Hao the most is that its appearance looks very much like a sheep-headed man in Western culture. It makes him feel awkward no matter how he looks at it. , naturally they won’t be polite.

Fortunately, his method was launched when everyone was attacking. When everyone jumped out of the battle circle, no one knew who had shaved off the two spans of this monster. They all had weird expressions, but they also felt very sad.

But even so, no one stopped their actions. The elf's new arrow had already been shot, but this time it failed to achieve its goal.

Even if it was severely injured, this goat-headed human monster would never be easy to deal with. Although it was still not crushed in terms of steps and its body movements had been deformed, it was able to dodge a lot, making it impossible for the second arrow to continue shooting into its wound. Further trauma was avoided.

Not only that, it also blocked the hunting team's second attack with ease, allowing everyone to see the rough magic weapon in this guy's hand.

These are two multi-edged scimitars, which look like they are forged from sheep horns. Each one is two meters long. They are flying up and down in the hands of this goat-headed human monster. From time to time, there is a flash of light. It can be seen that this guy is using it. Got a lot of skills.

This guy has no intention of counterattack. Everyone can clearly see the ferocity on this guy's face. This ferocity is not just anger, but also twisted with great pain.

While blocking the attack, Liu Hao keenly saw the pause in this guy's movements. At that moment, he was not polite. In his thoughts, the peach wood sword turned and avoided the two multi-edged curved blades in this guy's hands. The knife blocked and stabbed straight towards the opponent's eyeball.

This time, it actually didn't have much lethality, but it had the urgency of a surprise attack, which also made the sheep-headed monster feel more panicked.

The people who were blocked just now are all experienced hunters. They were still a little dignified at this moment and couldn't care about anything else. A new round of methods appeared one after another, especially the human shields in the team, and they had no other thoughts. , all rushed forward in an instant.

There are two human shields, and the speed is not slow, but compared to the magic, it is just right.

When the two of them were about to approach the goat-headed monster, everyone's spells also arrived in front of the goat-headed man. Especially when the elf's third arrow was missed, it was pointed directly between the goat-headed man's two legs.

It is the instinct of any hunter to attack them and save them, and it is also the summary of their countless experiences. They will not have any sympathy and will always only add insult to injury.

In Liu Hao's obsessed eyes, just when his mahogany sword was about to be blocked by a sheep-headed man's multi-edged scimitar, another thought occurred to him. The mahogany sword glided away like a swimming fish, heading towards The man's original wound was cut away, and as he walked away, a trace of thunder flashed on the peach wood sword.

This time, it was Liu Hao who was obsessed with it and did it deliberately. As a guy who failed to overcome the tribulation, if you say that there is no shadow in his heart, it is absolutely impossible.

He didn't need to make the thunder on the peach wood sword have much power, he just needed to flicker and make even a trace of fear arise in the heart of the sheep-headed monster.

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