Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven, Zhang Sanfeng realized the Daluo Daoguo

1757. Zhang Sanfeng attained Daluo Daoguo

Obsessive Liu Hao did a little calculation and understood the reason why Crocodile Crocodile died.

To sum it up in one sentence, ‘others’ are always excluded.

It's like a human being locked up with a group of gorillas. If the human's force is not enough to suppress the group of gorillas, his fate can be imagined.

This curved crocodile is an example in mainland Australia. It was subdued by Xiao Long'er, but was not pulled into the sea. Instead, it was placed on the edge of the hunting area of ​​the demon clan. You can imagine the pressure it faced.

As a demon clan, it stands on the side of humans, and it is even more solitary.

In the early or even mid-term, the deterrence left by Liu Hao was enough to help this crooked crocodile dominate here. When he was hungry, he could grab some monsters or little monsters to fill his stomach.

But it was also because of this that there was a life-and-death feud between this crooked crocodile and the demon clan in Australia.

As Liu Hao gradually left the Australian continent, the killing intent of those monsters also gradually increased. After many collisions, when they found that the crooked crocodile was seriously injured and still not approached by Liu Hao, they He also gradually let go of his courage, and finally took the life of the crocodilian.

This process lasted for more than ten or twenty years. During this process, if Liu Hao or Xiao Longer approached Crocodile once and gave him a fixed reward, it would be enough to continue this deterrent effect.

It's a pity that both Liu Hao and Xiao Long'er have completely forgotten about this curved crocodile.

This is the 'tragedy' that Liu Hao discovered today.

Things have happened, and now it's too late even to shake your head.

The only thing Liu Hao can do is to find the reincarnation of this crooked crocodile through reincarnation.

But he didn't really take action. Without him, he still didn't want to get involved prematurely.

In fact, whether it was Liu Hao or Xiao Longer who was obsessed with it, the early benefits given to this crooked crocodile were very good.

These benefits are the real reason why this crooked crocodile can always stand at the top of the demon clan in Australia.

If this crooked crocodile relied on itself, it would have been overtaken by other demon clans in the future, and it would have become the food of other demon clans at a certain period of time.

It can only be said that this crocodile did not survive this disaster. If it is still alive now, it will be another opportunity to wait until Liu Hao remembers it today, and it will become the real Liu Hao on the top of the earth in the future. A member of the demon clan.

On the other hand, the body can only die and the Tao disappears. This is the cruelty of the world of cultivation!

The bigger reason here is actually the lack of character of this crooked crocodile. If this crooked crocodile can keep a low profile on the edge of the monster area of ​​the hunting ground and stop swallowing other little monsters from time to time, even if the disaster comes, it will probably be able to survive. past.

Liu Hao was obsessed with the "tragic experience" of this crooked crocodile, but he was not worried that it would happen to little Suanni.

Xiao Suanni has now been officially recognized by Obsessive Liu Hao as his mount, and his luck is already related to Liu Hao, and there are many connections. These lucks are enough to make it possible for disaster to happen, but the probability of getting there is still the same. Very big.

Outside the hut, Luo Bing arrived again.

"Is this a dragon species?"

"Suanni, your bloodline is not pure enough!"

Luo Bing's eyes shone with unparalleled envy, but he also knew that such an opportunity would never happen to him.

"Has the upper echelon of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance made it clear?"

"Yeah!" Luo Bing nodded back, and after a while he turned his attention away from Xiao Suanni: "Can you come forward?"

Facing Luo Bing's slightly pleading eyes, Liu Hao rolled his eyes directly: "Allowing you to use my tiger skin is the limit. I am too lazy to pay attention to such a trivial matter. Isn't it enough to give you advice?"

"Don't you want to get it right in one step?"

Luo Bing just gave it a try, but he really didn't think he could succeed.

"That's what I discovered. With this tiger skin, if you still can't negotiate, I can only say that you are unqualified!"

Luo Bing then chuckled. This was the purpose of his coming again. He didn't dare to pull out Liu Hao's tiger skin without obsessing Liu Hao and nodding.

With his current level of cultivation, how could he not know the cause and effect?

"It just so happens that the construction of the ancient heaven on the moon requires a lot of wood, so we can kill two birds with one stone!"

Luo Bing has already thought of more in his heart. He can only say that he is absolutely indispensable for being able to build Longguo's Australian base to its current scale.

"Will you take this Suan Ni away in the future?"

"Not in a hurry."

Obsessive Liu Hao did not give Luo Bing a clear answer, but he also revealed a lot.

In fact, after the death of the crooked crocodile, many changes also occurred in the hunting ground agreed upon between humans and the monsters on the Australian continent.

For example, more monsters step into it. Even if these monsters are not high level and can only be described as little monsters, they will not go too far into the human side of the hunting ground. But when they come, they will come, and they will inevitably increase the number of humans. The danger level of hunting groups in hunting grounds.

The death of Crocodile Crocodile is like losing a gate, making the hunting ground more complicated, not only for human hunters, but also for monsters.

How many humans are there in Australia?

Even if everyone enters this hunting ground and fights with the monsters in it every moment, the actual damage done to the monsters is not as much as the monsters themselves.

When the little monsters also enter it, the pressure they put on the monsters will only be greater, because the appetite of these little monsters is much stronger.

To put it another way, this hunting ground was supposed to be a paradise for monsters and beasts, but now it has become even more wild.

This may be what the demon clan in Australia doesn’t want to see. They don’t want the demon beasts at the bottom to have a comfortable life. If so, how can they select the ‘elite’ that the demon clan is happy to see?

Luo Bing understands this truth in his heart, but he must also think more. This is just a base of the Dragon Kingdom. Even if the human population increases sharply, it will only be sparse compared to the mainland;

A more violent hunting ground can make the hunting team in the base grow faster, but it will also inevitably increase the mortality rate. Why doesn't he want to be more balanced and truly take the initiative in his own hands.

It's a pity that Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, didn't give him the answer he wanted. He dismissed him directly without any hurry. He also told Luo Bing that it was impossible to rely on Xiao Suanni's power, so don't even think about it.

The obsessed Liu Hao also didn't say anything. He didn't drive Luo Bing away, but he also left a back door for Luo Bing and Xiao Suanni to get to know each other.

As for what kind of 'agreement' Luo Bing can reach with Xiao Suan Ni after they met, he will not care too much. Even if Xiao Suan Ni is really used by Luo Bing, that is Xiao Suan Ni's own business, and Xiao Suan Ni must also Ni himself will bear the pressure from all the great monsters in the Australian continent.

He just wanted to make sure that the little Suan Ni wouldn't be killed like the crocodilian.

Nowadays, he has long outlived the bad taste of interfering in other people's trajectories. If he encounters it, he can at most provide a small platform. How to make a decision is up to the person involved, and the consequences that need to be borne are also borne by the person involved.

To put it bluntly, even if Xiao Suanni died because of this one day, he would not be too sad, at most he would sigh.

It's not that he is ruthless enough, but that he knows very well that with his current cultivation level, he can only weakly resist the law of fate;

He is not yet qualified to help others resist the torrent of fate.


At this moment, Liu Hao was slightly surprised and randomly waved his hand in front of him. Perhaps Luo Bing was right in front of him and did not drop it.

The scene in front of me has changed drastically, as if I am in a starry sky and a long rushing river.

This is the passage of time. The two figures seemed to have crossed countless time and space. In a moment, they arrived at a place that surprised Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it. Here, a beard and hair were all white, and a figure in a Taoist robe towered into the sky.

This person is Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang Mountain.

"What a coincidence!"

As soon as the word "Qiao" in Obsession Liu Hao's mouth fell, another figure appeared in front of him. If it wasn't Emperor Zhenwu, who could it be?

The guy was smiling and clearly in a good mood.

Emperor Zhenwu's biggest focus is on the moon, but that doesn't mean he doesn't collect information from all the worlds. The situation of Wudang Mountain is the top priority for Emperor Zhenwu to collect. Who is Zhang Sanfeng? How could he not understand?

Such a sect that worships his Zhenwu Emperor is naturally his direct descendant.

He was so low-key in the ancient world, and not many human beings believed in him. Who would have thought that after entering the heavens, he seemed to have become one of the "mainstream" in reverse.

Now that this 'junior' has achieved his current achievements, one can imagine the joy in Emperor Zhenwu's heart.

Somehow, Emperor Zhenwu had already sensed that his luck had improved to a higher level.

He has made it clear that he wants to behead the second three corpses.

But he found that he didn't need to worry at all. Maybe it was just right to continue accumulating.

Because he understood what a talented and beautiful person this junior who founded the Wudang Sect was and who could understand the true meaning of Tai Chi by combining himself.

"Killing the chicken to get the egg", harvesting this luck at this time is the greatest "evil", and it may even cause all the descendants of the Wudang Sect who worship him to alienate themselves.

He would not do such a thing.

He understands that what he needs to do most now is to pass on more of his inheritance to the Wudang Sect, so that he can have a deeper connection with the Wudang Sect, even if it is not to gain luck from it.

How could he not know that this is the same as a hatchery? Only by making the 'chicken farm' bigger and stronger can he, the person being worshiped, earn more from it?

He believed that the Wudang Sect was also happy to do so, and Zhang Sanfeng, who was currently realizing the Daluo Dao Fruit in front of him, was also happy to accept it.

The principle that harmony leads to mutual benefit is still universal in all heavens and all realms.

Emperor Zhenwu did not reveal his thoughts at all, but Liu Hao, who was obsessed with him, had already guessed what Emperor Zhenwu was thinking.

Similarly, Liu Hao's reaction to Zhang Sanfeng is also clear.

The true meaning of Tai Chi was understood by Zhang Sanfeng on his own, without any help from the saint Laozi.

This is Zhang Sanfeng's own outstanding talent, but from ancient times to the present, it is only Zhang Sanfeng.

Even if he spread Tai Chi and it became a "national sport" in many modern worlds, so what?

How many people have truly understood the true meaning of Tai Chi?

It’s nothing more than relying on the Taoist rhyme in it.

It seems to be extremely easy to get started, but in fact, if you want to understand the great way and the rules from it, the difficulty is still extremely high.

It is like the sun high above. It seems to be right in front of you, but who can really touch it?

It's like two extremes, extremely easy and extremely difficult.

In fact, it is not the best inheritance method in Wudang Mountain.

Because those who really devote most of their energy to this Tao often find it extremely difficult. In other words, if you want to master Tai Chi from a deep level to a real master level, such as Taiyi and Daluo levels, the difficulty is even far greater than other methods. .

This makes Wudang Mountain really need the inheritance of Emperor Zhenwu. Otherwise, Wudang Mountain will really have to rely on Zhang Sanfeng alone to support its appearance in the future.

This is actually just a mutual need. When they meet each other, they are "ours". Both parties hope to make the Wudang Sect bigger and stronger. When they meet, it is just a matter of looking at each other.

From Liu Hao's point of view, he is also happy that the Wudang Sect has become stronger in the world.

Zhang Sanfeng's enlightenment today, Daluo Daoguo, is also something that Liu Hao is very happy about.

Don't think that Liu Hao has no pressure. In fact, he has greater inner pressure than anyone else.

Sometimes the more you know, the more you understand the vastness of the world and the power of all heavens and realms.

Relying on him alone, no matter how high your cultivation level is, how much effect can it have?

He can't be responsible for everything big and small, right?

He continued to help, and in turn, the Yanhuang Alliance continued to add real pillars, even if these pillars were not strong enough compared to some heavens.

But there is an essential difference between having and not having one. Compared with two, one is an essential improvement.

Obsessive Liu Hao had a premonition that the Yanhuang Alliance would also usher in a wave of climax. Geniuses are always in short supply in all the worlds. It's just about who can take the lead in seizing the opportunity to achieve their goals.

He also knew that only one or two Daluo Dao Fruits were nothing compared to the higher heavens like the Great Desolate, but at least they had caught up a little bit, right?

"Zhuge Liang, Zhang Zhiwei, now Zhang Zhiwei, next will be Feng Baobao, what next?"

"It seems that no one has appeared in my Earth Dragon Kingdom so far. Could it be that I am really responsible for most of my luck?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on Android and Apple. 】

Obsessed, Liu Hao quickly suppressed this doubt. He did not think that his conjecture was the truth. He realized the Daluo Dao Fruit in the prehistoric world, but he had snatched luck from many heavens. , in comparison, he did not win much luck on his own earth.

"Perhaps the next one will be in the Dragon Kingdom? Who will it be? Li Aotian?"

Obsessed, Liu Hao did not continue to think too much, nor did he peep because he was standing on the long river of time. Without him, there was no need, and it had no meaning.

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