Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight, cruel selection

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1758, cruel selection

1758. Cruel brush selection

On the long river of time, countless Zhang Sanfeng's figures emerged from the long river of time, and merged into the towering Zhang Sanfeng one by one. This is the trinity of past, present and future, the only way to attain enlightenment, and it is also the most dangerous place to condense the Daluo Dao Fruit. .

At this time, luck has become the biggest obstacle. Once luck is insufficient, the newly formed Daluo Daoguo will probably collapse directly.

This possibility is impossible for Zhang Sanfeng.

The reason is that Zhang Sanfeng left countless legends in the world.

Compared with Master Zhang Zhiwei, he has already surpassed countless others in this aspect. As long as he attains enlightenment, there is almost no chance he will fail.

This is also the greatest support for those who can leave their mark in the world.

From this, the obsessed Liu Hao thought of Ying Zheng, and he had a premonition that the First Emperor, who had not long entered the world, seemed to be not far away from attaining the Daluo Daoguo.

He knew that Ying Zheng, who was in the prehistoric world, did not leave his Daluo Dao Fruit in the long river of prehistoric time.

Situations like this are not common in the prehistoric times, but they are not uncommon.

The prehistoric level is still so high that many quasi-sages directly transcended the level of Dao Fruit when they were at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, directly beheaded one of the three corpses, and directly stepped into the quasi-sage realm.

Maybe this is a gain and a loss?

Doesn't the emergence of the heavens and worlds give people like Ying Zheng, who have a "shadow" in many heavens, an opportunity to make up for themselves?

"This can be considered a kind of hang-up!"

Obsessed, Liu Hao shook his head slightly in his heart, with a strange smile on his face. He never thought that there was absolute fairness in the connection between the heavens and the worlds.

This kind of thing can only exist in fantasy.

Even if these people have left their names in many heavens, how many of them will be able to seize this opportunity and realize the Daluo Dao Fruit in the future?

On the other hand, didn’t Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei surpass Zhang Sanfeng and take the first step to achieve the Daluo Daoguo?

From this aspect, it seems that the relationship is still fair.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than whether you discovered the opportunity when it came, whether you caught it when you discovered it, whether you seized it, and whether you maximized it.

Over the long river of time, Zhang Sanfeng's condensed Daluo Dao Fruit has completely taken shape, which also shows that the other party is successful.

The three of them nodded to Zhang Sanfeng from afar. It seemed like they were right across from each other, but in fact they were separated by countless time and space.

Within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, Qinglong Liu Hao watched Zhang Sanfeng walk out of the river of time, and then nodded slightly.

From this point, it can also be seen that even though Obsessive Liu Hao thinks he has understood countless truths during this period, his cultivation level is still far behind Qinglong Liu Hao.

"Thank you for your protection, Emperor!"


Qinglong Liu Hao is also a typical person who is ruthless and doesn't talk much. As soon as he agreed, he turned around and immediately sent Zhang Sanfeng a new abyss opponent. The new opponent was obviously a higher level of cultivation than before, and he could do it with just a glance. The monster that stepped into the quasi-holy abyss.

He didn't care whether Zhang Sanfeng had stabilized his own realm, and he didn't give Zhang Sanfeng any time to adjust.

Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng didn't have much pressure on this, and he even wished he had a new opponent who could give him full play.

Within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, when Qinglong Liu Hao was in charge, this situation was the mainstream.

He has become accustomed to putting more than a little pressure on all participants, as if this can give everyone more room for improvement.

Conversely, once Qinglong Liu Hao takes the lead, the casualty rate will inevitably be higher than when Liu Hao takes the lead.

Qinglong Liu Hao has never considered this aspect of human nature. The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, and survival of the fittest are the laws of nature. This is also the law that Qinglong Liu Hao follows in his heart.

At this point, Qinglong Liu Hao also did not open the back door for his sister Liu Beier. At most, he focused his attention a little more and saved him when he saw real danger. The rest should be the same.

The benefits of his approach are also huge.

Once Fanding has passed, even if his cultivation level has not improved, his combat effectiveness will definitely jump a lot, and his potential will definitely be developed more.

When the monks get used to it, they will find that it is not a big deal, and they will be happy to follow this pressure closely.

The reason why Zhang Sanfeng was able to achieve Daluo Daoguo so quickly is still inseparable from Qinglong Liu Hao's approach.

He sat cross-legged at the core of the Zhoutian Star Array, with the pure white lotus twinkling faintly under his seat. From time to time, the aura of the abyss that permeated it was also drawn into it, and soon transformed into Liu Hao's aura equivalent to the earth.

He did not deliberately improve the level of these spiritual energies like Liu Hao, as if he recognized them as long as they were spiritual energies.

He knew that if he put his energy into it, he would not be able to upgrade this spiritual energy to the innate spiritual energy. These innate spiritual energy would be distributed to all participants. Even if he got a little bit, it would be a great supplement to these monks.

But so what?

Is it counterproductive?

This is the essential difference between Qinglong Liu Hao and Obsessive Liu Hao. No matter how much Obsessive Liu Hao says in his heart that he will not interfere, in fact it is still difficult to break free from this obsession.

On the other hand, if Qinglong Liu Hao just lets nature take its course, then he is truly too lazy to care.

He would rather put more energy into observing the monks among them, especially those he knew.

In his opinion, these talents are the real seed players and the real main force in resisting the invasion of the abyss in the future.

In his eyes, there was already a vague tendency to regard all living beings as ants.

There is not much difference between demons and humans.

It cannot be said that he has become more indifferent, but that he has become more short-term.

He had a premonition that once he entered the tomb world again, after coming out of it, he would be able to achieve Hunyuan as soon as possible.

Therefore, he has not really practiced for a long time, but every moment, he is comprehending the way of heaven and the great road. Even if he gains it occasionally, this gain will be indescribably huge for some quasi-sages.

The entire Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation seems to be the world in the hands of Qinglong Liu Hao. Whether it is the monsters from the abyss or the living beings who fight against the monsters in the abyss, they are just chess pieces in his eyes.

He has never thought about whether his state is good or bad. It is not just a habit.

Not to mention that he is already enjoying this process, but it is not far different.

Because of this, his control over the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation has reached a certain limit. Any movement seems to require only a thought. The entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation seems to have been integrated with him, regardless of you and me.

Just like at this moment, he saw that Uzumaki Naruto had been at a disadvantage for a long time and was already in danger. With a thought in his mind, the abyss monster seemed to be stuck, and it was directly separated from the most violent state. All the previous accumulation The explosions disappeared without a trace at this moment.

He did not continue to help Uzumaki Naruto, but he had actually prevented Uzumaki Naruto from losing his life.

As a Uzumaki Naruto who has fought countless times and accumulated countless combat experiences, seizing the opportunity is a required course.

Uzumaki Naruto doesn't care why his opponent has problems, and he doesn't have any time to think about it. The mortal level is what he needs to do now. If he counterattacks, he will pull out of the original disadvantageous situation and become the party that has the initiative.

Perhaps it will take a long time for Uzumaki Naruto to kill the abyss monster opponent with this, but being out of the fatal crisis will also be the time for Uzumaki Naruto to reap the benefits of this period of struggle.

Once these gains are completely taken into account, for Naruto Uzumaki, it will be an increase in combat effectiveness.

This kind of improvement is not the only one, but happens again and again, and everyone will be addicted to it.

Especially the sense of accomplishment that comes from this is even more intoxicating.

It can be said that monks who have survived time and time again will hardly think about stopping. They understand that there are many companions who have realized this benefit with them;

They know better that once they put down their steps, they may be surpassed by their companions in the next moment, and they will no longer be on the same level as others.

This is when Qinglong Liu Hao leads the formation. These monks have gained a lot besides killing the abyss monsters and gaining merit and luck.

It was as if endless hammers were beating on themselves, causing them to remain at the same level even though their cultivation level was still there, but in fact, their combat effectiveness had been tempered again and again to a level that was unimaginable in the past.

This will make them feel that through such training, they have become a true genius, a genius who can be recognized in all the worlds.

Many times, the real pleasure is not that your combat power is crushed by your realm, but that when your realm is equal, you easily take the fatal blow from your opponent.

In fact, most of these people who devote most of their energy to fighting the abyssal monsters on the front line of the abyss, not to mention all, have considerable ambitions in their hearts. They are not willing to be second to others, and they are more aware of the great power of the heavens and the world. Terror on stage.

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They have also experienced a lot. Perhaps earlier, when they were in the same realm, they were suppressed by others.

At that time, they will feel that they are just one of the many living beings, just ordinary people, just ordinary people in the middle and lower levels of the pyramid who exist to set off the real geniuses.

The more monks have such experience, the more they have an extraordinary obsession with it.

Cross-level challenges may be what they consider to be a symbol of ‘genius’.

Such imagination, in the past, they could only exist in fantasy.

Now, this time they have been tempered, and they have discovered that they also have such a possibility, and one can imagine their enthusiasm.

They will get out of this "inferiority" mentality, and through countless tempers, make themselves believe that they are not a member of the common people. The reason why they have such "shame" in the past is that they have no chance to use their genius. It’s just developed on one side.

Monk, self-confidence is very important, and sometimes it even determines the upper limit of a person's future.

When you firmly believe that you are a genius, the same bottlenecks often lead to breakthroughs only within a thin line.

On the other hand, you will appear hesitant in the face of breakthroughs, and you will think that maybe you are really not good at it, so it will become more and more difficult for you to break through, and you will stop here throughout your life.

As for the monks who died because of this, who will pay attention?

This in itself is a ‘survivor bias’.

After these people walked out of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, their insights were bound to be recognized by everyone. After all, these people were not isolated cases, but a considerable number.

As the leader, Qinglong Liu Hao has no reason not to understand these principles, and it is even done deliberately by Qinglong Liu Hao.

Basically, Qinglong Liu Hao did this deliberately to promote a 'general trend'.

Once such benefits spread, more monks will definitely be interested in the future, and more monks will inevitably be attracted to enter the Zhoutian Star Formation to resist the Abyss Army.

As for the humans and monsters who failed to survive during this process, they would not leave any mark on Qinglong Liu Hao's heart at all.

This may sound extremely cruel, but in fact cruelty is the biggest brushing option of Tiandao.

In contrast, these creatures who lost their lives were actually very lucky. At least the six paths of reincarnation have appeared and are running in this world.

These dead creatures, the merits and luck they accumulated in this process will never disappear just because they die. They will also be reincarnated with them, allowing their reincarnated bodies to become higher-level bloodlines. Demon clan, or humans with higher talents.

What you get is what you get, even if you cut off the past and need to start over, so what? Isn’t the starting point higher?

Compared with before, who can tell clearly whether it is a profit or a loss?

At least in the heart of Qinglong Liu Hao, he would never think that this kind of brush selection would be cruel. He would only think that this is what the way of heaven should be.

If there was no threat from the abyss, Qinglong Liu Hao might relax a little, such as lowering the pressure a little, but that's only if.

It can be said that Qinglong Liu Hao is definitely one of the people who knows how big the far-reaching threat is.

He must also pass on this pressure, preferably to everyone, every creature in the world, even if it is cruel.

At his level, what's the difference between right and wrong?

The pros and cons are not even included in Qinglong Liu Hao's calculations, only what he considers necessary and unnecessary. Once necessary, he will definitely do it without hesitation, even if it is more cruel.

Just like the current pressure within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, is it really the upper limit that Qinglong Liu Hao thinks in his heart?

How is that possible?

He wished that Zhang Sanfeng, who had attained the Daluo Daoguo, could inspire more potential. It would be best if he could arm-wrestle with the real Abyss Quasi-Saint Demon God in the realm of Daluo Daoguo and win.

In this regard, he has already seen the possibility from Yang Jian. This war god from the ancient Taoist sect seems to have great potential to be tapped in this regard, and he is also one of the few who has been given the greatest 'care' by Qinglong Liu Hao.

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