Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine, Bai Ze’s changes

Dimensional Invasion of Real Earth 1759, Bai Ze’s Changes

1759. Bai Ze’s changes

Like Yang Jian, Sun Wukong naturally cannot escape.

This guy who left the incarnation of the 'Fighting and Victorious Buddha' in the wilderness, but not all of his power has arrived, can still face the true complete form of his opponent of the same level in the abyss.

The 'war' attribute Qinglong Liu Hao saw in the two of them was the most prominent.

It is as if they have never known fear, but are more excited about the increasingly difficult opponents. The most important thing is that they are making progress every moment. The mistakes they made in the previous battle will be completely different in the next time. may appear.

They improved faster than anyone else.

Even if Yang Jian has not yet understood the true law, he seems to have such a talent. Not only can he avoid the second mistake, but he can also make up for it as if he has gone through countless familiarizations.

They almost hit the spot the first time, they were born that way.

No wonder they all have the title of ‘God of Battle’.

Compared to them, others seem to be lagging behind in this regard.

But even so, this kind of progress is still a visible achievement for individuals.

The feeling within oneself is the clearest and most joyful.

Qinglong Liu Hao also knew that this had a lot to do with pressure. This was not just playing house, but a real battle of life and death.

If you make a mistake, you are likely to lose your life. Which monk can't be extremely careful?

This kind of stimulation of extreme potential is a great opportunity for any monk.

Opponents are not easy to find. They are evenly matched and require the enemy to be slightly taller than you;

Such an arrangement can only be made by someone like Qinglong Liu Hao, who has complete control over the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. The best arrangements are made for almost everyone who is willing to fight alone.

Moreover, not once or twice, but every time, any progress they made was seen by Qinglong Liu Hao and evaluated in his heart. Even after progress, the enemies they faced again were still so difficult to deal with.

It is this snowballing arrangement that has prompted almost everyone in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to improve.

In addition to their combat power, their cultivation is also being accumulated bit by bit. When they reach the bottleneck, they will not be in any hurry.

Because they can feel that their accumulation is continuing.

They will think that this is the time for them to build an excellent foundation, but their mentality will be better. They will think that as long as they continue to accumulate, it will only be a matter of time before they break through.

Almost all of their ideas can be realized.

Because accumulation is one of them, as well as the merit and luck they gained from the avenue after killing the visitors from the abyss in the process. These gains also push them to the next level.

This seems to have become a cycle, an extremely correct driving force, and everyone is very satisfied with it.

Nowadays, among the hundreds of millions of living beings in the Zhoutian Star Formation, no monks below the seventh level can be seen for a long time.

Even monsters are the same.

In the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, these monster beasts brought in by Bai Ze have not only improved their cultivation level but also purified their bloodline compared with before they entered. This kind of progress would not be possible if they were on their own earth. Know how many years it will take.

Especially the latter, in many cases, can only be promoted by time. Once the bloodline is purified, once it reaches a certain level, it often requires a lot of energy and resources to push it upward.

But within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, such purification not only made it easier, but also lowered the difficulty by countless amounts. From what many monsters originally thought was impossible, it has now become a reality.

As for how much the monsters lost in the process, even Bai Ze himself didn't care, so how could Qinglong Liu Hao care?

He saw that Bai Ze had replenished the army of monsters dozens of times during this period, ranging from three to four hundred million in number.

The monsters lost the most in the Zhoutian Star Formation, but it cannot be said that they gained the least.

Sometimes, the cruel brush selection has its own uniqueness, because those who are not qualified are often brushed aside during the process, and the remaining ones are often elites.

In the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, even though the monster clan lost the largest number, and even the loss rate of monster beasts was close to 50%, in fact, their overall strength increased tremendously.

Those 'monster elites' who can really stand out now finally have Bai Ze's eyes and are somewhat taken care of by Bai Ze.

Qinglong Liu Hao is most happy to see this situation. These people who are favored by Bai Ze and taken care of by Bai Ze are also the real direct descendants of Bai Ze.

This wise man from the demon clan has always traveled the world alone in the ancient world. No matter what the purpose was, such a situation has emerged, which has also changed Bai Ze's original thinking.

He was like a military envoy who was sent to the frontier. At first he was loyal to the ‘imperial court’, that is, Emperor Jun Taiyi, but what about now?

Even if Bai Ze didn't want to in his heart, he couldn't think more.

Sometimes a person's "improvement" is not what they want to do, but what drives them is those who follow them and work hard to conquer the world.

Because otherwise, these followers will not have a better future, and will even face an absolutely terrifying blow, a devastating blow.

These monsters and monsters who followed Bai Ze in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation to fight against the monsters of the abyss have completely different characteristics from the monsters in the Hundred Thousand Mountains southwest of the Dragon Kingdom.

Even if they know about the ancient world, they only know it. The concept of the ancient world only exists in their imagination, and they have never been exposed to it.

Everything they have comes from Bai Ze. Every time Bai Ze preaches to them, it is a promotion for their exercises, skills, and even the purification of their blood. Only Bai Ze can do this.

Someone else, who is that?

The cause and effect between them and Bai Ze can no longer be severed. The wiser the person, the more deliberately he can see through it at a glance.

In Qinglong Liu Hao's eyes, it was like countless threads protruding from them, and the one connected to them on the other end could only be Bai Ze.

This is no longer right or wrong, but simply a matter of stance.

Deep down in his heart, Qinglong Liu Hao sometimes felt pity for Bai Ze.

Who makes this guy's current behavior completely inconsistent with Bai Ze's "personality" in the wild world?

This is the most deadly.

Personality is a great thing if you keep doing it, and it will form everyone's understanding. Everyone will explain it to you and recognize that you should be like this.

But once it collapses, there will be endless doubts and no way to explain it.

In the prehistoric times, Bai Ze was a wise man, an aloof wise man, so aloof that he didn't even bother to form cliques.

For this reason, during the Lich Period, Bai Ze could be said to be the most trusted one among the two wise men of the Demon Clan, Emperor Taiyi;

Di Juntai's trust in Bai Ze can almost be said to be "obedient". They think that Bai Ze is doing all the planning and running for the demon clan, and does not care about personal gains and losses at all, just like a "monster clan saint" Sage.

Compared to Tu Shan, another wise man from the demon race, Bai Ze is so 'pure'.

But such 'purity' can no longer be seen in Bai Ze.

No matter what the reason is, there are so many talented people in Bai Ze’s tent now. So many elites from the demon clan only recognize Bai Ze. Who knows about Emperor Jun Taiyi?

For Dijun Taiyi, it was a loss of heart, but for Bai Ze, it was a real self-startup.

Qinglong Liu Hao can somewhat understand Bai Ze's mentality.

On the one hand, Bai Ze had already foreseen the return of Emperor Jun Taiyi, who was no longer the two "soaring heroic" emperors of the demon clan during the Lich period.

On the other hand, Bai Ze knew very well that even if he didn't do this, Di Juntai would no longer be as trustworthy as before.

Instead of doing this, it's better to let go, and you don't need to be bound by your past personality.

Qinglong Liu Hao also knew that Bai Ze's change was an improvement in self-awareness and a correct understanding of one's own obsessions.

He didn't know what Bai Ze's obsession was.

Let’s just think of it as ‘the rise of the demon clan’.

How could a person who entrusts the rise of the demon clan to others and someone who regards obsession as his goal be the same?

For the former, even if it takes countless years, ages, and countless calamities, it is impossible to cut off the incarnation of one's own obsession.

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But what about the latter? Even if it is still extremely difficult, there is always hope.

Bai Ze is now heading towards the right goal.

In the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, this is Bai Ze's biggest source of progress during this period.

He already had a premonition that Bai Ze was not far away from cutting off the incarnation of his obsession.

While cultivating your own followers, isn’t it a great promotion for yourself?

Qinglong Liu Hao saw that among Bai Ze's followers, there were already several Daluo Golden Immortals, and two of them had even reached the peak of Daluo Golden Immortals. As long as the opportunity came, it was not impossible to realize the Daluo Dao Fruit.

This is absolutely inseparable from Bai Ze's training.

Especially the mammoth at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, Qinglong Liu Hao is very familiar with it.

When this mammoth entered the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, it was only worthy of stepping into the Golden Immortal. Among the demon clans brought in by Bai Ze, it could only be regarded as mediocre.

It's like it's on fire, expanding every moment, catching up and overtaking it all the way, and this is how it has the strongest combat power under Bai Ze today.

His cultivation level is even more profound, and his luck is also the best among his fellow demons.

From it, Bai Zeke has never absorbed any luck. It seems that letting it go is the greatest cultivation.

The other demon clan is a snow wolf.

Compared with the heavy mammoth, this snow wolf seems too elegant.

Although he is obviously full of demonic aura, he gives the impression that he is a harmless pet. Both his appearance and personality seem to be more in line with Taoism.

If this guy took human form and wandered into human society, no one would be able to tell that he was a monster.

In Qinglong Liu Hao's eyes, it is also another demon clan that is very likely to realize the Great Luo Dao Fruit. Qinglong Liu Hao can even see the effort Bai Ze has spent on this snow wolf.

If the mammoth is a kind of breeding by Bai Ze, then the snow wolf is another attempt by Bai Ze, which is almost like disciple-like training.

This was clearly an 'experiment' planned by Bai Ze.

Bai Ze is still continuing this kind of 'experiment'. He is like cultivating a poisonous worm. He always likes to look for large numbers in the middle and lower classes, observe them all the way, give some guidance along the way, and push them a little when they enter each class. Then continue to observe.

These people being observed may be just simple monsters at first.

It is impossible for them to meet Bai Ze, and they will only hear Bai Ze's Taoist voice in their ears when they are resting or practicing.

They move forward all the way, and as long as they don't perish, they will always be paid attention to by Bai Ze, batch after batch, and now they are distributed in one realm after another.

They are lucky, but they are also the ones who have endured the cruelest selection.

The training of the monster clan will never give you the comfort that a greenhouse should have, but only endless pressure and fighting. They have always believed in the law of the jungle.

Even with Bai Ze's current level of cultivation, this character from the core of the demon race will still not change.

Bai Ze doesn't think that there is a need to change. If it's what Bai Ze thinks in his heart, will he still be a demon after he has changed?

Those monsters that have truly changed their character can no longer be called monsters. They are already 'Taoists' or 'Buddhists', at least in Bai Ze's eyes they are no longer companions.

Just like there are countless monster cities near Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base, have you seen Bai Ze take a look?

The human race calls humans who have lost their humanity ‘animals’. To the demon race, isn’t this statement true?

It’s just that the word ‘human’ was changed to the word ‘demon’.

For Bai Ze, these monster tribes can no longer be called monster tribes. He prefers to call them the 'spiritual beasts' classified by human monks.

For him, as long as the demon clan has not yet entered the quasi-sage realm, it is impossible to truly distinguish between human information and civilization, and he does not know at all whether it is calcium absorption or whether to give up after looking at it.

Before this stage, as long as you restrain and release your animal nature, everything else is not worth mentioning.

Distracting their energy will only make these monsters even more at a loss.

After all, the civilization of the demon race has never been as strong as the human race.

On the other hand, before this quasi-sage, those who could still maintain their beastly nature even if human civilization was eliminated were the "high-powered players" in Bai Ze's eyes, and they were also the ones who must be given the greatest protection.

Here are the mammoths and snow wolves seen in Qinglong Liu Hao's eyes.

It has to be said that in terms of vision, Bai Ze has never fallen behind others.

As long as Bai Ze succeeds in this 'experiment', the next Bai Ze will undergo the most complete change, and Qinglong Liu Hao will not be surprised at all if he even cuts off the incarnation of his obsession.

Personality is the most difficult to change, but once it changes, it means true awakening. Today's Bai Ze is the biggest example.

In the prehistoric times, no one who stepped into the quasi-sage was easy to deal with.

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