Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty, Avalokitesvara’s Enlightenment

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1760, Avalokitesvara's enlightenment

1760. Avalokitesvara’s Enlightenment

Bai Ze is like this, why aren't the other quasi-sages in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation like this?

The Guanyin Bodhisattva, in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, is completely different from the Guanyin Bodhisattva before his arrival in the wild world.

Sometimes everyone must admit that independence is the greatest way to let go, and it is also the best way for a person to grow.

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In the ancient world, Guanshiyin seemed to be one of the few giants in Lingshan Buddhism, but in fact, everyone who knew it knew how much of any decision Guanshiyin made at that time came from herself?

As she walks between heaven and earth, how much of it is her own desired action?

How different is she from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who was arranged by Lingshan Buddhism to go to the underworld?

They are all one of the four great bodhisattvas, or the six great bodhisattvas.

But they are also ‘enfessed’ by Lingshan. Obtaining this honorable position means that they must bear this responsibility.

In ancient times, Guanshiyin was the Great Merciful and Compassionate Bodhisattva.

Wasn't this 'Great Mercy and Great Compassion' imposed on her by Lingshan Buddhism?

What is the difference between this and a modern group company assigning someone such as a "logistics manager"?

Even if this person has great logistics management talent in the eyes of the senior management, being arranged is being arranged, and whether the person is interested in it is completely different.

Such a 'forced' arrangement resulted in more mechanical 'work'.

From this point of view, how is Guanshiyin's work different from that of a nine-to-five office worker in his prehistoric days?

Perhaps in Guanshiyin's eyes, it was just a job. Her superiors had arranged a route for her and planned all aspects of her responsibilities.

Within this line and responsibility, even if you are given complete freedom, you still cannot escape the essence of a job.

People are often like this. The difference between active and passive is a huge gap.

Just like Avalokiteśvara, in the prehistoric times, she may have taken up the job happily at first, and at least she got a "reward", and she was promoted to the manager level.

But as time went by, didn't Guanshiyin doubt himself in his heart?

Will she wonder whether she is suitable for the 'Great Compassion'?

Is my "great kindness and compassion" because my position forces me to embark on this path, or is it because I already have this characteristic?

But don’t think that a mere doubt is no big deal.

In the world of spiritual practice, this kind of doubt is sometimes fatal, and it is also the biggest weakness in a monk's heart. Once it appears, it will sometimes make you stay in a certain realm forever, and you will never be able to break away.

Isn’t this the greatest tragedy of Buddhism?

They can't wait to label their own people and entrust them with countless honorable positions. However, in the end, these honorary positions often become the biggest shackles, and few people can escape them.

Isn’t the prehistoric Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva the greatest example?

Nowadays, I have to rely on "becoming a demon" to get rid of this shackles. That is the greatest sadness.

Buddhism can't wait to start the journey to the west to measure the tribulation. Is there no such factor?

Countless Buddhist masters have stagnated their own cultivation. Seeing that almost everyone is like this, they will sit down and discuss to get rid of it. In the end, everyone becomes a conspiracy to pursue more luck and help everyone. Break free.

But after Journey to the West is completed, how many people have truly escaped because of this luck?

In fact, there is no one, so in the end, it’s not all in vain?

They are like a very large group company, and the disease of large enterprises has entered the terminal stage.

In such a terminally ill super group company, what if you hold a high position?

How many decisions do you really make yourself?

Just like 99% of Avalokitesvara's actions are not following the arrangements of Tathagata Buddha?

Just like Tathagata himself, even if it is an important decision, we need to listen to the opinions of Jie Yin Zhunti?

It was really like being a monk for a day and hitting the clock for a day. Everyone saw prosperity, but in fact they were just like puppets on strings.

The longer time goes by, the more elusive their character will become. They can only restrict themselves to the "deep well" and can only see the sky that they have arranged.

Avalokitesvara is also lucky.

The link between the heavens and the world gave her the opportunity to step out of this sky. No matter whether Guanyin was willing at the beginning, now her heart is bound to have a "broader sea and sky".

She walked out of the ancient world and entered even the first-level earth. What she saw and heard, and any decision she made, no one told her what to do, it was all her own decision.

She does not need to bear the burden of 'great compassion'. Even the 'orders' given by Lingshan Buddhism before are now just something she can do casually in her spare time.

She really relaxed herself completely, and gradually recognized herself after removing all the burdens.

Only then did she realize that her 'great compassion' was indeed due to her talent in this area, and her talent in this area far exceeded anyone she had ever met.

This discovery allowed her to know how to act without anyone pushing her.

She changed from passive to truly active. Even if she discovered many problems in the process, whether it was right or wrong, it was a great promotion for her, allowing her to have her own thinking and form a true Thoughts that are unique to oneself.

This is the most essential improvement of Guanyin.

Even now, Avalokitesvara's cultivation realm has not improved much compared to when it came to prehistoric times, but it gives people a completely different "freshness".

That's right, Qinglong Liu Hao gave a "fresh" evaluation.

At this time, in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, Avalokitesvara is no longer a Buddha statue, but a real Buddhist cultivator.

It seems that Guanshiyin has not made much progress, but in fact, she has truly digested everything for her own use, and has truly mastered all the principles she possesses.

This change caused Guanshiyinzi's own combat effectiveness to increase by leaps and bounds, almost tenfold.

Among the powerful Buddhists, he is the top one.

Qinglong Liu Hao even saw that Guan Shiyin was not in any hurry to improve her realm and was no longer in a hurry to cut off her three corpses. She clearly wanted it to happen naturally. She also had a greater advantage than others, that is, to differentiate herself. 'Great Mercy and Compassion'.

She has long been accustomed to one thought turning into thousands. In the prehistoric times, there were countless Guanyin walking in the world, and there were endless forms of Thousand Hands, Sending Sons, etc.

Compared with Manjusri and Samantabhadra, she has clearly made her own path clear.

In the future, she may still be unable to catch up with Tathagata who has already set foot on the road, but there is still a high probability that she will follow closely.

Her unhurriedness has even been integrated into her own battle.

In front of him, Qinglong Liu Hao saw that Guanyin was always at ease, even if the opponent she faced was still much better than her.

Her whole body is always filled with her own way. Even if she does not have as clear a grasp of the law as Liu Hao, she often displays it through the way she has understood.

As her opponent, the Demon God of the Abyss is always influenced by Guanyin's rhythm, and occasionally is tempted by Guanyin's 'great compassion'.

You know, in terms of violence, the abyssal species are the real top ones, but even if they are like this, aren't they also affected by them?

The fleeting changes on the face of the Abyss Demon God cannot escape the gaze of Qinglong Liu Hao.

Have you seen any Abyss Demon God subconsciously restrain his strength during a life-and-death battle?

It seems that if you don't do this, you will feel guilty. Which abyss demon god has a "heart"?

You must know that in a life-and-death battle, when you exert yourself with all your strength, you have to restrain yourself slightly, so the trauma you bring to yourself is sometimes fatal.

It might even cause him serious injuries. Doesn't this Abyss Demon God himself know?

But it is like a fool, making mistakes again and again, and Guanyin seizes the opportunity to fight back again and again, causing double trauma to itself.

Qinglong Liu Hao knew that Guanshiyin's method also contained Buddhism's unique transformation, which could be transformed into the Abyss Demon God. Isn't it a brilliance?

If another person comes, even if it is Tathagata, he will probably only be able to achieve the same effect as Guanyin now, right?

Qinglong Liu Hao even felt that Guanyin was constantly trying, using the opponent of the Abyss Demon God as a whetstone to perfect his own 'supernatural power' bit by bit.

She has clearly developed a sense of confidence.

She already knew what she wanted.

Even if she returns to the Great Wilderness today, the Buddhas in Lingshan will not want her to obey any decree that she does not want to do.

She went from being forced to be independent to being truly independent now, which is very similar to Bai Ze.

Qinglong Liu Hao even felt that now that he was talking about 'Cihang' in front of Guanyin, Guanyin could laugh at him and be truly open-minded about his 'shameful betrayal'.

Perhaps Yuanshi Tianzun will also smile rarely when seeing the current 'Cihang'?

Qinglong Liu Hao is already thinking about how Guanshiyin will repay this karma in the future. Buddhism will definitely have a headache about this.

Qinglong Liu Hao doesn't think that this cause and effect will disappear without a trace. No matter how he explained it to Yuanshi Tianzun when he was first introduced, it has no meaning to Guanyin/Cihang himself.

If you want to truly cut off this cause and effect in your heart, you can only do it yourself, unless Guanshiyin has never thought that he can realize Hunyuan in the future, but how is that possible?

There is no monk who does not have this ambition. Even if he does not have it at the beginning, when the monk reaches the position of Guanyin step by step, he will definitely have this ambition. Otherwise, he will definitely be unqualified and will not be able to reach this level. of high position.

In the past, the reason why the Taoist Guanshiyin/Cihang did not have the idea of ​​​​repaying this karma was because she did not have a true self, which is also a kind of sadness.

Buddhism always gives people a sense of instability in this regard, as if it is the fruit of catalysis. It looks bright and beautiful on the outside, but in fact only they know best how it tastes.

Why they were called "side sects" in ancient times was not only because the orthodoxy was in Taoism, but also because they gave people the impression that they were really some crooked ways, always giving people a sense of impatience for quick success.

How similar is the prehistoric Buddhism to the Buddhism that was just introduced to the Central Plains Dynasty in Liu Hao's history?

Only through Buddhism, which they have absorbed many Taoist and Confucian scriptures over the years, can they truly be recognized by the people of the world.

Avalokitesvara is not the first to go on this upcoming journey of transformation in Buddhism.

Qinglong Liu Hao had a premonition that the many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas who would step into the heavens of Buddhism in the future might make changes one by one. It was just a matter of more or less.

Those who have changed a lot, such as Guanyin, will be the pillars of true Buddhism in the future. On the other hand, even if there is progress, it will not be much.

The will of sentient beings does not play much role most of the time, but without the approval of sentient beings, everything comes to nothing.

A niche circle can only stay within a niche circle, and its influence is naturally very limited.

Countless information circulates in all the heavens and worlds, but these are not the sentient beings who are easily deceived.

Just like in the modern world, if something is reasonable, even if it is covered in dust for a while, it will still come to light in the end, but if something is unreasonable, even if it is rampant, a huge number of people will be hurt in the end.

The way Buddhism forced salvation in the ancient times will definitely bring panic to people in all the worlds. Once Buddhism forms such a "personality", it will be a real game.

You must admit that with the fusion of all heavens and worlds, the thinking mode of the modern world will always dominate, and the modern world’s stance is often dominated by imitators. They are the group of people who need to be corrected the most, and they are also the ones who need to be corrected the most. The object of persuasion.

They don't care whether you are righteous or so-called "evil". They have their own way of distinguishing. They don't believe what you instill in them. They doubt everything, and you can't figure it out with just a few words.

Avalokitesvara is probably aware of this now.

She is not in a hurry to spread her moral principles everywhere, because she knows that persuading these people can only be done once or twice.

But no one will be willing to sit quietly and listen to you preaching truth again and again. Wouldn’t it be nice to cultivate yourself if you have that time?

She also knows that even if she wins over some of these people, in fact these people will not have much loyalty to her or Buddhism. The swing is still their inner insistence. For them, they are willing to accept anything that is beneficial. .

Even if the two are clearly diametrically opposed, even if they accept Buddhist techniques and see demonic powers, they still have the majority of those who accept them without hesitation.

Such people, in ancient times, would often not be accepted by Lingshan, and they must be guilty of great disrespect, but in all the worlds, this will become the real mainstream.

Because if you do this, you will always be able to live within your own small circle, and you will never truly become a part of the mainstream.

Because for any idea with huge influence, the first thing it needs is always the breadth of communication rather than the precision.

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