Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and sixty-one, grand event

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1761, grand event

1761. Grand event

At Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, Luo Bing arrived again with a smile on his face. Obviously, this time he got the desired answer after negotiating with the Australian monster clan.

The extension of more than 200 kilometers sounds very vast, but in fact it is nothing in the Australian continent which has grown tenfold.

When negotiating, with Liu Hao's tiger skin, the demon clan's retreat is the most reasonable thing.

They had seen the floating island group established by the Great Heaven in the waters north of Australia, and they actually had an answer in their minds, and all they needed was a step up.

What's more, there are still benefits to take care of them this time, such as jointly developing the discovered spirit stone veins, such as the giant trees felled from the exiting forest, which can still give some fees to the demon clan, etc.

There are many of them, and it feels like the demon clan has proposed many, and the humans have to agree, and the demon clan has given an explanation to the demon clan internally.

Of course, the Monster Tribe agreed, but it did not mean that they would help drive away the monsters within a range of 200 kilometers. They could only rely on humans themselves to do so.

It is almost clearly telling the human side that if you can't do it, all agreements will be in vain.

There was never any worry about this in Luo Bing's smile, even though he knew that during the advancement process, the demon clan would definitely give some secret tricks.

Now is not the beginning of the revival of spiritual energy. The demon clan has grown, but humans have never fallen behind, but have caught up a lot. Human wisdom will never disappoint.

For Luo Bing, the happiest thing is the expansion of the base again. This time, it has grown almost six times, from the original width of 40 kilometers along the coast to 240 kilometers in one go. With such a vast space, there is real potential.

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Such a surge in width has greater significance for Luo Bing, that is, the strategic depth has finally grown from scratch, and the defense of the army has become more calm.

Many times, even if both sides know that a real war is impossible, can you really rest assured?

Once an accident occurs, tens of millions of people will die. As the person in charge, one cannot be too cautious.

But in doing so, the waste of manpower is the most distressing, and the waste of resources is also huge.

An army of two to three million people must be drawn out in normal numbers every day. They cannot do anything and must watch for possible attacks by monsters and beasts;

In this process, you must also let all the soldiers who waste half of ordinary people's time catch up with everyone's progress or even surpass it a little bit. Then, you can only invest a larger amount of resources.

This advancement finally found a job for these soldiers, and they were able to step into the hunting grounds openly and hunt the monster beasts that extended for 200 kilometers.

It can be said that Luo Bing is the one who is most excited.

This large army under his account has been rotated several times in the past few years. It seems to be a resort, but what general doesn't want to have a big battle?

He knew better that with his army of several million, he would not be a match for the hundreds of millions of monster beasts in the hunting grounds.

Don't think that if you advance the hunting ground for 200 kilometers, the only targets you will fight are the monsters within these 200 kilometers.

The demon clan in Australia recognized this agreement. How much of it was a helpless move?

Haven't they ever thought about a small revenge? Anyway, as far as they are concerned, monsters and monsters can be as much or as little as they want. It's just to let the bottom breed more freely. No matter how many people die, they won't regret it.

They will never miss such a rare arm wrestling experience.

Obviously, this journey of human advancement is bound to be a big battle.

The most important thing is that the monsters are also likely to fight back. Don't think that people are fools who will only passively resist.

The agreement is formed, and if the humans can't handle it on their own, the monsters will probably die of joy.

This will be a huge ‘event’.

It is likely to involve the participation of tens of millions of humans, and the sooner it is started, the better. Those monster clans may have already given notice to some high-level monsters within the two hundred kilometers.

Don't think that these high-level monsters will choose to escape because they think they are a huge risk.

The Yao clan may not have formed a tacit political atmosphere to control the internal situation, but it is by no means non-existent.

It is as if these high-level monsters have been notified by the big monsters of the monster clan. If they choose to migrate immediately after getting the news, what awaits them will be a storm of punishment.

In other words, by notifying these high-level monsters, the monster clan is telling them that they can retreat when they are unable to resist, they can leave after being injured, and they can even command the monster army from a distance after the organization is perfected. However, Never just walk away.

The monsters and monsters on the Australian mainland once drove all the humans in them to extinction, and their inner pride cannot be doubted.

They could bow their heads and admit defeat in the face of a defenseless opponent like Liu Hao, but no one would believe it if they said that their morale had been knocked to the dust.

At least Luo Bing was ready for a full-scale war. The most important thing for him when he arrived today was to ensure that Liu Hao would stay here during this period to ensure the bottom line of safety of the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base city.

The Dragon Kingdom finally settled here and built the base to its current scale. No accidents were allowed, and no monsters were allowed to attack and enter the city.

The bottom line is always extremely important.

For example, once the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base city is attacked by monsters, even if the impact is only a few hundred meters away, it will give people the feeling that the danger is greatly increased, and it will definitely cause cracks in the hearts of the people who have finally migrated. .

The sense of security is either 100% or 100%. Once there are cracks, the cost of making up for it is absolutely unimaginable.

In this regard, the obsessed Liu Hao agreed to the pain. How could he be happy to see the birth of such a product concept?

Here, it is related to the strategy of Long Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance, and he does not want any surprises to occur.

In fact, at his level of cultivation, if he wanted to intimidate, he would not need to sit there for a long time. To put it bluntly, he raised his aura at this time and sent it to these big monsters from the Australian continent thousands of miles away. Our small deterrent is enough.

But he would not do this, without him, because if he did so, the level would completely eliminate the possible pressure, which would not be a good thing for the next grand event, and the experience effect would be much smaller. .

He knew better that neither Luo Bing nor the Dragon Kingdom or the Yanhuang Alliance could bring back the monks on the abyss frontline to participate.

This is not only unnecessary, but also the intention of taking this opportunity to draw more of the local population out for training.

The security level in the Dragon Kingdom is naturally different from that outside the mainland. Therefore, security is often provided, but in fact it gives people a state that is too stable.

In such an environment, slacking off is absolutely inevitable.

To put it bluntly, even if the pressure is not enough, people will naturally be tempted to carry it.

This balance point is not so easy to adjust. With the Dragon Kingdom being such a large area, each region is different, and the situation they face is also uneven. Especially in those areas where the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance have invested more power, their security Sex even reminds people of Chengdu before the revival of spiritual energy.

The soil and water support the people. In the feudal era, there was still a gap between the north and the south where civilization and martial arts flourished.

The Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance have naturally promoted this, such as calling for it, but the effect is not very good.

After all, ambitious people are still in the minority, and those who want a peaceful life are definitely the majority.

But as the dangers in the world become more and more approaching, and when the invasion of the abyss becomes more and more fearful, it becomes understandable to encourage more people to join.

Profit and inducement is indeed an excellent way to promote, but the effect of interests and crises complementing each other is better. There is no reason not to use it, and it is time to use it.

Obsessive Liu Hao felt that the arrival of the ancient heaven had put great pressure on the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance. Even if Emperor Zhenwu and King Li Jing of Tota did not make any move, the pressure was real.

The higher the level, the more they understand the importance of the right to speak. How much right to speak is ultimately determined by one's own strength. Whether individually or as a whole, they are all part of the strength.

How to improve the whole, that is, the average cultivation level of everyone, the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance have done countless things before, and almost all methods have been used. When they have reached a limit, it is time to let go. .

Obsessive Liu Hao has already foreseen that the next actions of Dragon Kingdom and Yanhuang Alliance will change more and more. From the original stability, it is very likely to develop into "slightly extreme".

They will adjust the size ratio of 'rewards', such as giving larger subsidies to those fighting on the front line and those in areas that are more exposed to danger.

Another example would be to increase taxes on those local teams that still choose to be comfortable in the future, etc.

Sometimes the effect of policy adjustments is so obvious. Are they not promoting a "general trend" and creating a new trend?

For Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, he has wanted such a change for several years, but he has not chosen to push it personally. Waiting for this news, it is not a kind of peace of mind for him.

Luo Bing got the answer from Obsessive Liu Hao and left happily. Before leaving, he took away some spiritual fruit resources that Obsessive Liu Hao had given him. These resources originally came from the tribute of Xiao Suanni. , he himself doesn’t need it, and giving part of it to Luo Bing can be regarded as a kind of recognition and support.

He is not worried that something unexpected will happen to the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base city during the upcoming grand event. In other words, he is already prepared for many monks to die in this grand event.

But compared to the Dragon Kingdom's base city in Australia, he was more worried about Liu Bei and Sun Quan, whose foothold was not yet stable.

As for Cao Mengde, even if there is some crisis, Liu Hao believes that they can get through it, but what about Liu Bei and Sun Quan?

They almost went into battle naked, and it was impossible for them to attack. When the event started, their biggest problem was how to protect the city they had finally built.

Obsessed, Liu Hao thought of Gao Shun's army that had previously fought against the monsters coming from the world of Master Xuanwu.

He was not worried that there would be no population to help Liu Bei and Sun Quan defend the city. The number of monks from the mainland would be huge by then, and any arrangement would be enough to help.

But sometimes some factors also need to be considered. For the newly arrived Sun Quan and Liu Bei, once too many people with modern thinking patterns enter, even if these cities are protected, the resulting thinking changes are likely to This will cause the soldiers and people led by Liu Bei and Sun Quan to directly alienate them.

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with this, has to consider this factor, and the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance must also weigh it carefully.

For any member of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance, whether it is Liu Bei or Sun Quan's forces, they can only be called Xiao Laka. They can be said to be attractive, but if they are coveted, it is absolutely impossible. .

All members of the Yanhuang Alliance also have an unspoken rule among themselves, that is, their respective independence.

None of them have thought about annexing the other side. They have all been allocated a lot of development land and population in the heavens, and they have no more thoughts about it.

As for the talents of civil servants and generals under Liu Bei and Sun Quan, you can only praise them. You can recruit them privately, but poaching them in the name of brazenness will be despised by all members.

It is also because of this tacit understanding that they do not want to end the power of Liu Bei and Sun Quan who have finally entered the heavens because of a small accident.

It's like giving newbies a small protection period. During this period, all members are willing to help, but it's just help. They still have this magnanimity.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao shook his head again. He felt that he didn't need to take action. Perhaps at this time, Cao Mengde had already sent people to find Chen Gong on Lu Han Island.

In this event, Lu Fengxian's forces are around, so there is no reason to exclude them. It is most suitable to arrange for them to help defend Liu Bei and Sun Quan.

Thinking that Lu Bu's men would participate, Liu Hao was obsessed with thinking about the Wutang Empire that had just entered the heavens;

Such an event, even if it is tens of thousands of miles away; according to the personalities of Li Zhi and Wu Zhao, they will probably not miss it. At least a small team must be sent to participate, even if it is to get familiar with the major members of the Yanhuang Alliance. of.

Moreover, as Wu Zhao, who has attached great importance to intelligence in history, there is no reason to miss such an opportunity. After all, in this process, it is also a big need for Wu Zhao to collect the areas where members of all parties are good at.

Whether it is Wu Zhao or Li Zhi, the ambition in their hearts is not lower than anyone else, especially Wu Zhao, the only female emperor in the history of Yan and Huang, the wildness in her heart can be clearly seen by anyone, such a guy How could you see the excitement and not join in?

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