Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and sixty-two, summoning order

Dimensional Invasion of Real Earth 1762, Summoning Order

1762. Summoning order

Grand events often require a lot of time to prepare, but nowadays, there is not so much time to worry about it.

Almost on the second day after Luo Bing left, the scale of the fighting in the entire northern part of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base began to rise in a straight line, and Luo Bing's army originally stationed appeared at the forefront one by one.

The teleportation array at the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base has been flashing non-stop since yesterday.

The first batch to arrive were naturally the regular troops under the accounts of Dragon Kingdom and other members of the Yanhuang Alliance in Dragon Kingdom. Their numbers were unhesitating, giving the impression that they would come as many as they had.

Obsessive Liu Hao saw Li Yunlong and saw that this guy was still so carefree, and his personality had not changed at all even if he had reached Taiyi.

This guy is also the leader of Bright Sword World this time. He was directly brought back from the Vancouver base by Bright Sword World to lead the team. The one-time investment in the team is more than 2 million.

These teams can be classified as ‘newbies’ at first glance.

Of course, compared to Liu Hao's Earth, this novice's general cultivation level is only around the fourth or fifth level.

Compared with the army sent by the Bright Sword World, the average cultivation level of the arrivals from the Dragon Kingdom under one person is more than one level higher.

Also, they have their own unique world rules. They have no shortage of techniques and skills from the beginning, and they can naturally understand some beyond them.

After them, the Ming Empire army that arrived from Zongwu World was nearly half in number, but its average cultivation level was not inferior to that of the world under one person. This has to be said about Zhu Yuanzhang's powerful control ability.

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, knows that Zhu Yuanzhang's dozen sons are now fighting on the front line of the abyss. Once this guy is ruthless, he is more ruthless than anyone else.

On the abyss front, Zhu Yuanzhang has never been stingy with the troops he dispatched. For a long time, the number has remained at more than three million, and there has never been a shortage of generals. This guy's lack of security may have been developed since he was a child.

Since this guy has opened his eyes, his desire for land is much more terrifying than others. In the world of Zongwu, if it weren't for Yun Zhongzi's backup, Temujin would never have had anything to do with him.

Nowadays, the Ming Empire in Zongwu's world controls most of the world. Even Africa has not lost any of it. Temujin only has the western half of the world island, and has firmly defined the area for them, as if to raise them. Like a pig.

Zhu Yuanzhang can definitely do it. His rage is never inferior to anyone's.

As far as Liu Hao knows, even in the magical world at the other end of the Qinling Passage, Zhu Yuanzhang did not leave behind. He sent nearly a million people there. As for what he did, it was nothing more than collecting resources, cutting off a piece of land, and building a Ming Dynasty in it. Principality.

Perhaps seeing the arrival of Zhu Yuanzhang's Ming Empire army, Liu Hao was obsessed with thinking of Zhu Di. It seemed that this was also an opportunity. He might as well bring Zhu Di and Liu Bang into the event, even if they sent a small team.

"If Xiao Huohuo, whose fighting spirit turned into a horse, knew about it, he would definitely not miss it. This guy is a smart person!"

Obsessive Liu Hao is not afraid of expanding this event at all. He still doesn't know how many monsters there are in Australia. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is tens of billions. He will take advantage of this opportunity to give monsters in Australia a chance to expand. Cleaning things up is a good thing for both humans and monsters.

Population is the greatest resource, but sometimes the quality of the population is also an important factor.

Especially in a world like Reiki Resurrection.

You must know that no matter how many resources there are, they are still limited. If the quality of the population is too low, such as the demon clan, where the lowest level of demon beasts are too huge, it is also not a good thing.

They also need to be cleaned up to make way for the promotion of monsters with more talent in cultivation. Flowing water and immortality can also work here.

In other words, even if this event is expanded, wouldn't the senior leaders of the Australian Monster Clan be happy with it?

They have established their hunting grounds, but they have never given up on driving the low-level monsters from other areas here. However, the drive is always limited. The territory is only so large, and there are only so many that can be accommodated.

This means that there must be huge low-level monsters in other areas that these big monsters of the monster race look down upon, but they don't know how to clean them up.

The two sides have a tacit understanding in this regard.

However, once it expands, how it ends becomes a problem.

Once the big demons of the demon clan acquiesce, they will not stop lightly, and they will definitely not give up until they achieve their goals.

"It's not a big deal to extend the event for a longer period of time! As long as the Perfect World doesn't interfere during this period, there won't be any big surprises!"

Obsession. Such a thought flashed through Liu Hao's mind, and he made a decision in his heart. He thought about whether to go to the perfect world, but he quickly gave up.

He had to admit that sometimes accidents were needed, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with them if they happened.

Once the fighting starts, there is no stopping it.

A mobilization order soon appeared in the entire Dragon Kingdom Australia base. Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, spread his spiritual consciousness throughout the base city, and countless information was transmitted into his mind.

About ten kilometers along the coast from his seaside house, there is a large community with nearly 200 buildings, each of which is six stories high. There are all kinds of services in the community.

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This is the largest gathering place of the ninja world in Dragon Kingdom Australia, with nearly 100,000 people from all ninja villages living in the ninja world.

Here, the major ninja villages still occupy one side, and they are independent in several directions, but also seem to have natural dividing lines.

In the middle of the community is a building that looks like an exhibition hall. However, this is the office space of the major ninja villages and the seat of the community committee.

When the Longguo Australian Base call order was sent to the community, the head of the committee who stayed here did not seem to be surprised at all.

Ninjas have a natural habit of collecting information, and it is not surprising that they have received information before the summons arrives.

The consciousness that was obsessed with Liu Hao was also paying attention to them, because here, he saw many familiar figures. The person in charge of Konoha's hand in the office was none other than Nara Shikamaru;

Obviously, this guy has also stepped down from the position of Hokage of Konoha in the ninja world. In today's ninja world, the influence of the major ninja villages has become a hot potato, but here, it seems to be a little different.

The gap between them is like the difference between a rural village and a coastal city. The dishonest ninja naturally yearns for a higher place.

The obsessed Liu Hao no longer has any interest in who will take over as the new Hokage in Konoha, the ninja world. Many times he passes by there and has no interest in taking a second look.

It can't be said that he has changed his mind after seeing something different, but the ninja world really doesn't have much value now.

When the native population of the ninja world began to immigrate crazily one by one, its decline became inevitable.

For today's ninja world population, once they feel that they can do it, their first thought is to leave this big well, go to Saraang Port, and go to the major bases along the coast of Rokko. When they can gain a firm foothold in these bases, One by one, they began to think about the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base again.

They just moved all the way, as if they were upgrading and fighting monsters. During this process, many ninjas were buried in foreign lands, and many ninjas could only return to the ninja world in disgrace.

But once someone crosses these steps, this ninja will definitely become the real pillar of support for these ninja families, large and small. They will be variously depicted in their family trees and become the idols of the descendants who are left behind.

Those ninjas who could not reach the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base had no idea that it would not be a paradise once they got here.

Here, the shadow level is basically at the bottom, and can only wander around the outermost edge of the hunting ground. If you want to go further, you can only accumulate bit by bit. You will never be given any care here, and everything will be lost. You have to fight again on your own.

But even so, any ninja who arrives here has no intention of returning.

Because here, there are indeed benefits that rural places never have, that is, all kinds of skills and techniques can be purchased here as long as you have money.

In the ninja world, those expensive chakra weapons are simply cabbage here. The real ninja masters have dismissed them and are already upgrading and using legendary spiritual weapons.

They have lived here for a long time and found that the biggest benefit here is the cultivation of their descendants, which gives their descendants a natural advantage at the starting line.

Only now did they understand why Uzumaki Naruto wanted to settle here and directly made their family official residents of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

The gap in education is often the gap. Even in Liu Hao's Earth before the spiritual energy was revived, those who were crazy about settling in big cities would talk about the first advantage, wasn't education?

You can't say this is a natural conspiracy, because this gap has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has long been accepted by countless people.

The arriving ninjas never thought that this was done intentionally by the founders of the Dragon Kingdom Base.

But anyone who has experienced this gap will never want to go back to the past.

Just like Nara Shikamaru, after his son received education in the Dragon Kingdom, he had the most say in the changes. Even if his son had graduated from school, he never thought about returning to the small ninja world. Because he understands that his son will still have children. If this is the case, why bother?

Among the nearly 100,000 ninjas, if all of them could survive in the end, there would never be more than 10% who would return.

They are similar to those people who entered the big cities in the mortal world. They have been blinded by the neon lights and can no longer go back to farm.

They're used to the idea that anything they want can be purchased here, provided you're rich enough.

They will only think that this is the fairest place. As long as you work hard, even if you hunt the lowest monsters on the outside of the hunting ground, it will provide you with a space for improvement, and you can also calmly plan for yourself and your family and family behind you. s future.

When the summoning order was issued, they were excited, especially the lowest batch, because they understood that the Dragon Kingdom Base would never really regard them as cannon fodder. If they were not cultivated enough, there would be a lot of positions in the logistics position. Provide it to them, and they can also earn a lot from it.

What's more important is that they know that under the base commander's call order, the prices of the originally expensive 'treasures' will be greatly reduced. Once you accumulate merit, it is not impossible to exchange for anything.

If you are willing to go directly to the front line, the base will also provide monster meat that is difficult to purchase on a large scale. This is a real benefit to them.

Which of these ninjas doesn't know that the meat of monsters is not of much value to them, the ninjas who extract chakra, and it can only be used to exercise their bodies.

But monster meat not only replenishes the body, but also directly replenishes mental power. It is an excellent supplement for them to accumulate more chakra and upgrade to a higher level.

It can be said that when monsters invade, the nearly 100,000 ninjas in this community are the most desperate people.

It's just that their output is still at a disadvantage. Often, even if they work hard, they don't actually gain much. They are not willing to miss such an opportunity.

As the person in charge of Konoha here, Nara Shikamaru knows all about this.

He is already smart and naturally thinks more. From the content of the summons order, he saw that the base city under his feet will expand on a large scale. For him, what is more important is that after the urban expansion, more population problems can be introduced. .

As one of the top leaders of the ninja world, he knows best that the current ninja world is truly a national practice. The many bases along the coast of Rokko, Saraang Port cannot be said to be crowded with people from the ninja world, but they are not much different.

There is such good news that immigration is about to be opened, which is what Nara Shikamaru is most happy about.

He also knew that once the population of the ninja world arrived here, they would definitely be 'cut' from the past over time.

But so what, there are some problems that even if you know clearly you can't do anything about, they are unsolvable existences, and no matter how hard you struggle, it won't help.

In this case, don't think about it at all. There are many dangers in the world, and one day the ninja world itself will be destroyed due to an accident. There seems to be nothing wrong with this.

Here is where a hundred flowers truly bloom. Isn't he no longer the pure ninja he used to be?

He was like this, and his son was even more exaggerated. He even felt that when his grandson started to practice the so-called chakra, he would probably give up completely and turn to other systems.

He sometimes thought that the chakra that his world had maintained for more than a thousand years might disappear into the dust of history and be completely eliminated in a hundred years.

Some things are not subject to personal will. Once the general trend appears, everyone can only drift with it. Anyone who resists can only be crushed into powder and become eliminated.

He knew that the top master in the ninja world had actually gone his own way and was no longer a pure ninja.

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