Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and sixty-six, aristocratic family

Dimensional Invasion of Real Earth 1766, Aristocratic Family

1766, aristocratic family

These situations are all in the consciousness of Liu Hao, and there is no need to calculate at all. The essence can be seen with a little speculation.

He is also not worried about how much threat these monsters will bring to Novice Village, nor does he think that the humans in Novice Spring are necessarily terrible.

These human beings have all been in the world of biohazard, and they have never lacked combat experience. Although their levels are still very low, they can face these second and third level monsters head-on.

The obsessive Liu Hao could even foresee that this demon clan's arrangement would continue for a long time in the future.

Because for the monsters in the Rocky Mountains, they also need to eliminate these ‘junk’ at all times.

Driven to the direction of Novice Village in this way, these lowest-level monsters and humans fight with each other. From this large-scale fighting, will one or two monsters stand out even if they are not evenly protected?

Isn't this a surprise?

Doesn’t this also explain something to the lower-level monsters?

The obsessed Liu Hao even had a premonition that the demon clan in the Rocky Mountains would probably set a few examples, and their learning ability was not bad at all.

Even if they didn't think of this, wouldn't the ministers of the Great Qin Empire teach them to do this?

The Great Qin Empire also doesn't want to accept these garbage monsters.

When the time comes when the Great Qin Empire has established an alliance with the monsters in the Rocky Mountains, or simply accepted many of them, they will not be able to send people to continue to attack these low-level monsters.

At this time, using the humans in Novice Village to kill these low-level monsters and buy meat from them for the needs of the people is the real way to kill two birds with one stone.

At that time, the Great Qin Empire can really put more troops and people into the abyss front line to fight, and gain more merit and luck.

Especially the latter, that is what the Qin Empire really needs, and it is also the key to their future empire being able to advance to a higher level.

There is no need to think too much about how to choose. It is no wonder that the Great Qin Empire saw the change in the mentality of the big monsters of the Rocky Mountain Monster Clan and immediately sent ministers to contact them. It can be said that the two sides are in love with each other.

Obsessed, Liu Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, even in all the worlds, even across species, interests are still their carrier. This is the foundation of the law of humanity.

Interest is fundamental, but other factors, such as hatred, must not be ignored.

This was the case in the Zhou and Han Dynasties established by Fang Yun. Among the people who migrated from the world of Confucianism, Taoism and the Holy World, which one was not full of hatred for demons and barbarians from generation to generation?

When they migrated from the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism, every inch of land was taken from the hands of monsters and monsters.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Liu Hao's acceptance of monsters and monsters is the lowest among humans on Earth today.

Even if they have many large armies left behind in the territory linked to Amei, the real high-end combat power is still deployed at the south end, and they can only target the monsters and monsters in this direction.

They had had "peace" for a period of time before, but it didn't mean that they had relaxed at all. They were the most sensitive people to the changes in the demon clan and beasts among them.

Not long after Fang Yun arrived, Liu Hao's consciousness had already seen that the Confucian and Taoist saints began to gather more and more towards the south, and each one took out various cultural treasures.

Among them, the obsessed Liu Hao saw the 'grey robe' unique to the world of Confucianism and Taoism, which also made him frown slightly.

This is not the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism. Although the territory controlled by humans is still lagging behind the demon clan, it is absolutely impossible to be suppressed by the demon clan. Is it necessary to still retain these 'grey robes'?

Facing the obsessive Liu Hao's inquiry, Fang Yun just sighed slightly.

"Why don't I know? But some inertia is not that easy to change!"

Fang Yun glanced in the direction of his home, and when he took it back, he shook his head slightly: "It takes a long time to establish a sense of security."

How do you not know that you are obsessed with Liu Hao?

"Fellow Taoist, you didn't stop it? With your current authority, you won't be able to stop it, right?"

"Of course it is, otherwise the number of people in 'grey robes' would not be the only ones now! Most of these people are left over from the original world, and those who have joined later are now very rare!"

"I see, that makes sense!" Liu Hao finally let go of his obsession and sighed. He also knew that this was the same path for those with mediocre talents, ambitions, and huge faith in human beings.

But he did not express this clearly, and Fang Yun also did not say it.

"Furthermore, these 'grey robes' rarely go out to fight now, and there is no critical moment for humanity in my original world here.

Think of it as a unique kind of training. Having them on the front line can give other combatants some peace of mind! "

This is the reason why there is no absolute prohibition on Fang Yun. It cannot be said to be right, but it cannot be said to be wrong either.

The Holy World of Confucianism and Taoism has never thought about the greenhouse cultivation method. Fang Yun felt that something was wrong with the 'peace' for a period of time before. If it were replaced by many other heavens, perhaps they would like this peace to last longer. Some, right?

"How many demons and barbarians are left in your world now?"

"They still control most of the monster planet. I have moved the population, but I don't intend to occupy all of them. I just want to leave a training place and monitor it by the way!"

Liu Hao understands Fang Yun's arrangement very well.

Yaoman is a protagonist in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism. Even if he is kicked off the throne by humans, his power is still very powerful.

Fang Yun can completely wipe out these monsters, but is it necessary?

Once these monsters are completely destroyed, the humans among them will really be reduced to flowers in the greenhouse.

When the external threat is gone, human beings' nature of internal fighting will inevitably break out on a large scale. Fang Yunke never wants to see such a situation occur.

Instead of doing this, it is better to keep this threat and have him personally control it. Even if the overall combat power of the monsters still exceeds that of humans, it does not matter to the overall situation.

On the contrary, because of this, the pressure of the humans still exists, forcing them to move forward crazily driven by this 'whip' for a long time.

Perhaps it is also because there are still many threats, which makes it still impossible for the gray-robed people to be completely exterminated.

Fang Yun didn't want to leave this external threat to the Confucian and Taoist saints themselves. If the humans in the Confucian and Taoist saints' world can really completely wipe out these demons and barbarians in the future, he will probably move most of the population to Liu. Come from the vast earth.

This guy has never been a kind person, and his determination to kill has never been rarer than anyone else.

"Aristocratic family, can it still grow bigger?"

Fang Yun was also a little surprised by Obsession Liu Hao's inquiry. He seemed not to have thought that Obsession Liu Hao would be interested in the development of the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism, but he was just surprised and had no hidden intentions.

"If my world was not connected to the heavens, the family would have been suppressed many times by me, but now..."

Fang Yun did not continue to speak, but Liu Hao could already hear Fang Yun's "helplessness".

In other words, Fang Yun was too distracted by the original suppression of these aristocratic families, and planned to leave the decline of the aristocratic families to time.

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, does not think that Fang Yun did not promote basic education in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism.

He also knows that even with the promotion of basic education, the proportion of people who stand out among the common people is far less than that of aristocratic families. Even if the population is large, they can only rise from the lower classes in a short period of time.

Perhaps a hundred years later, the aristocratic family will find that they are increasingly unable to do what they want and can only hand over more high positions. But now, the foundation of the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism can only be theirs, and they must be retained.

The reason why he asked this question was actually because of his spiritual consciousness. Liu Hao saw that among the population of Zhou Han, the number of aristocratic families seemed to be very few. It could only be Fang Yun's deliberate decision.

This guy probably often observes the holy world of Confucianism and Taoism. As long as he sees the rising people, he will probably move these people and families to Liu Hao's earth.

Because otherwise, these talented people among the common people are likely to be suppressed or incorporated by the sage families of Confucianism and Taoism in the process of rising, or even in some small accidents. Loss of life.

Fang Yun probably didn't want to see such a situation happen, let alone such a person die amid the obstacles of his own human race. It doesn't matter if he had no choice but to do it on purpose.

As long as these talented people among the common people are moved to Liu Hao's earth, even if they are equally dangerous and die in the same battle, they are fighting for humanity itself, and their descendants will definitely receive greater care.

In addition, the Zhou Han family established by Fang Yun on Liu Hao's earth had very little control, or almost none.

Even the great scholars he selected were almost all from non-aristocratic families, and naturally they were on the side of the common people.

Fang Yun is not worried that these people will have new aristocratic families in the Zhou and Han kingdoms in the future. Even if a large number of great Confucians and semi-saints emerge among the outstanding ones, there is no need to worry.

This is not only the emergence of aristocratic families, which requires hundreds of years of accumulation, but also the existence of Liu Hao in all the worlds of the earth, making hundreds of millions of books displayed in front of everyone, and the common people know how to choose, and There is no need to 'entrust' yourself to the major families.

Haven't you seen that the people of the aristocratic families who migrated to Liu Hao's Earth from the Three Kingdoms in Mythology are now semi-independent?

In the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, even if these people rise up, can they not only choose to be the retainers and generals of the disciples of the famous families?

But on Liu Hao's Earth, as long as they think about it, there are many ways out for them. As long as they have talent, countless universities will open their doors to them. How much control can the family have over them?

Nowadays, these aristocratic families are more likely to 'bribe' these rising common people and show their affection to them.

Social changes and the rolling wheels of history, once started, can only move forward, and backward systems can only be eliminated. This is the truth in the history of Yan and Huang.

The people of Yanhuang have never been the 'ideological slaves' of Western civilization. They talk about all kinds of self-reliance, but in fact they have always been slaves of major aristocratic families.

Fang Yun's approach can only be said to be to let nature take its course, and it is because the emergence of the world forces him not to break the original system on a large scale.

Now it seems that his approach of ‘starting over from scratch’ also seems to have extraordinary results.

At least Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, does not think that Zhou Han, who has established his own destiny in the earth, must be any worse than the humans in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism.

Today's Fang Yun Zhou and Han lands are not just these lands. He controls all these lands and has linked the heavens within them, like a world of iron teeth and bronze teeth, with almost 100% control.

How many talents should these few heavens be able to cultivate? Once these talents are cultivated, how many times can the Confucian and Taoist sage families withstand many attacks?

A family with truly great wisdom is now looking for a way out.

Just like the Confucian family, the sage of Confucianism and Taoism, by chance, the Confucian scholars who appeared in the Dragon Kingdom originally wanted to establish a new Confucian system in Qufu, the Dragon Kingdom, but now?

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Liu Hao's Dragon Kingdom will not fulfill Kong Jinshi's wishes, and there is no need to personally suppress them. Reality will teach Kong Jinshi how ridiculous his ideas are.

When the people have awakened, do they still want to restart the family? It can only be said to be a dream.

Before the guy even started, he already realized how childish his thoughts were.

But having seen this essential change, this guy will definitely inform the Confucian family in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism about this gain, letting them understand that the surging trend is absolutely unstoppable.

Therefore, Fang Yun gave the migration quota to some Confucian disciples who were the most holy Confucian and Taoist people. After these Confucian disciples arrived, they were very sensible and did not gather together at all. Instead, they scattered among the major cities. Open, just like ordinary people.

On the other hand, if they still do what the great Confucian, Taoist, and sage families do, Fang Yun will definitely teach these guys a big lesson and make them understand that their era is completely gone.

When you reach the realm of Fang Yun, you will never be soft-hearted. Once you make a decision in your heart, they are often more decisive than anyone else, and they don't care how much influence your family had in the past.

He fully possesses the ability to push forward the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism, it is nothing more than what he thinks or not.

In fact, Liu Hao and Fang Yun are consistent in their thoughts on this point.

The strong one occupies more resources, both of them absolutely agree.

But when a strong person occupies resources, and the entire family is involved for generations, it is absolutely impossible.

Don't say that there are powerful men of the era in this family. The biggest possibility, or even the only possibility, of these strong men is that they have accumulated most of the resources.

Their rise was due to their unlimited suppression of the population of true geniuses. The resources they squandered gave the true geniuses the number of truly strong men they could cultivate, which could even be described as hundreds.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want such a strong person.

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