Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven, war begins

Dimensional invasion of real earth 1767, war begins

1767. Start

In any world, in any heaven, resources are limited. How to maximize the use of limited resources is the key to whether the heavens as a whole are strong.

Maybe you would think that among the many fantasy cultivation worlds, there are endless sects that are different from the aristocratic families?

In fact, there are essential differences between sects and aristocratic families. The biggest difference is the single and numerous surnames.

Even if the sect occupies a lot of resources, the disciples they accept come from countless people in the surrounding area, and they are definitely not from one family.

There may be large and small families in the sect, but even so, the continuation of these families will never be able to truly control the sect, because there will always be such talented people among the disciples.

Once these geniuses rise, they will definitely impact the original sect power system.

Even if these families knew this, they had to do it. Otherwise, without the continuous supply of talented people, the decline of the sect would become inevitable.

Once the sect declines, the only way left for these large and small families is to exterminate them.

These people know best the cruelty of the fantasy world of cultivation.

These elders of the sect can go to great lengths to acquire a true genius who was born from ordinary people, and use the sect's countless resources to cultivate him.

It is because they know that this is the foundation of the sect. If the same resources are used to train the disciples of their own family, the future they will receive will never reach the upper limit of their ideal.

In this way, it is absolutely impossible to truly ensure the safety of the sect family.

They can send the real "garbage" in their family directly into the mortal world, because they understand that wasting resources to cultivate these family "garbage" is what really harms them. With a slight shock, these garbage can only turn into ashes. It’s better not to do anything than to do it all.

Such differences ensure the existence of an upward channel for the bottom, and can also promote the progress of society at all levels.

Haven't you seen that many members of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance are open to these sects?

Wei Han, who did not see the Yanhuang Alliance accepting the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, always reminded Cao Mengde: Don't let the aristocratic family's tricks continue to spread in Liu Hao's earth.

Apart from the fact that Longguo Australia Base Women's College accepted Cao Cao's three daughters without passing any examination at the beginning, which one of them has now passed the exam based on their true ability?

Even Cai Wenji's sister is no exception. Cao Cao's Xiahou family has not had any daughter admitted to this university so far, which shows that some rules are not just words.

On the other hand, among these aristocratic families, great talents like Cai Wenji appeared and were directly hired as professors. However, after they entered the university, they taught all students.

These aristocratic families who entered Liu Hao's earth opened private schools in their own homes, and the Yanhuang Alliance would not pay attention to them. However, if they emphasized the loyalty of common students to the aristocratic families in their private schools, they would be greeted with severe suppression and lessons.

Although these rules are not stated explicitly, they must be followed by all members of the Yanhuang Alliance.

Zhu Yuanzhang in the Zongwu world has many daughters. To this day, only two of them have actually entered the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base to study, and Zhu Yuanzhang has not said anything about it.

The high-level members of the Yanhuang Alliance are all too aware of the fact that a thousand-mile dike breaks in an ant nest. What they have done is to solidify this floodgate from the very beginning. There are many unspoken rules like this.

The Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom intersects with the hunting grounds for thousands of kilometers, and a large-scale fight between humans and monsters has begun.

Since the revival of spiritual energy, this is the first time that humans have been the main attackers fighting monsters.

It is shocking to both humans and monsters.

When other countries or those surviving bases saw this news on the Internet, they suddenly realized that it seemed that humans had risen again and dared to take the initiative to attack the demon clan. In any case, they were extremely confident in themselves;

They realize that they have fallen behind, but they don't know that the real test that will meet them next is.

They can see these shocking news from the Internet, and so can the demon clan.

Especially those big monsters, the first thought is that they must continue to suppress humans, otherwise these humans will really go to heaven.

They also know that compared to the Dragon Kingdom, other surviving humans are nothing.

It's not like they haven't thought about simply gathering all the monsters from the entire planet to attack the mainland of Dragon Kingdom together.

But these thoughts are destined to only be thought about.

These great monsters know the state of high-end combat power of mankind best, not to mention those quasi-sages from the ancient world. Once they anger the Ziwei Emperor Liu Hao, they may be directly destroyed.

They also found that even if the mid-to-low-end combat power was far greater than that of humans themselves, it seemed meaningless. The biggest fist was not within their grasp, and they did not dare to gamble.

In other words, even if they saw the large-scale fighting between humans and monsters at Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, they did not see the big monsters actually taking action.

They can't do it themselves, but they can learn from the Australian monsters.

Isn't it just a monster? They don't think that their numbers are worse than humans in this regard. On the contrary, they are far greater than humans.

Those low-level monsters, such as wild boars, live in a single litter for a lifetime, and ten or eight are not too many at all. Moreover, they appear every year, and they have already become overrun.

They were extremely happy to see such an opportunity being born, and they just followed suit, so no one could put the blame on them, right?

This is the arrival of luck. As soon as he explained the butterfly effect, Liu Hao immediately understood the essence of it.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with this. Didn't Fang Yun happily come over to join in the fun?

Fang Yun could feel that the Zhou Han population he had established was slacking off. Didn't Liu Hao see that the same was true for his own Dragon Kingdom?

Sometimes it is necessary to put a tight spell on someone. Those who are truly proactive and diligent are always rare, and there seems to be nothing wrong with being passive.

Liu Hao's consciousness still covers the entire planet, and he can instantly know where there are changes. As he expected, the first follower was the Zhou-Han region established by Fang Yun.

Almost as soon as they saw the humans in Dragon Kingdom's Australian base taking the initiative to attack the monsters, they immediately started mobilizing and immediately chose to strike first.

They didn't know that the Zhou Han population under Fang Yun's tent wished these monsters were like this.

Taking the initiative to attack sounds very encouraging, but in fact, who doesn’t know the pros and cons?

This is already the difference between home and away games. Who doesn't know that although defending the city is passive, it is also the best way to reduce the proportion of human casualties?

The only difference is that this time there are too many Central American monsters. Those big monsters seem to have made up their mind to really clean up the middle and lower layers in their territory. With the help of human hands, at the same time It can also teach mankind a big lesson.

Liu Hao knew that the sage of Confucianism and Taoism had migrated to human beings, and his inner hatred for the demon clan destined this sudden fight to become extremely fierce.

Before the army of these monster beasts arrived, countless poems here had already risen into the sky, gathering the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth to form one big scene after another. Countless sharp blades pierced towards the advancing monster team, setting off a wave of chaos. Flowers of blood one after another.

They had no intention of saying hello. The monsters and beasts seemed to have known for a long time that the Confucian and Taoist Saints would take the lead. They ignored the casualties and increased the speed of the army, crushing countless ice-armed and iron horses, regardless of the low effect, and even more No matter layer after layer of low-level monster corpses were laid on the road ahead.

The monster beasts at the bottom have no right to speak in front of the monster clan. Even if they are ignorant and know that they will die if they charge forward, they do not dare to slow down their movements at all.

This is the case here, and it is also the case in the hunting grounds of Dragon Kingdom’s Australian base.

Compared with defending the city, the danger in the hunting grounds of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base is obviously greater.

Fortunately, there are always a lot of smart people, and the step-by-step method quickly spread on the front lines of the hunting ground. Using local materials is nothing more than temporary use. The tall logs in the hunting ground themselves need to be chopped down later, which is perfect for killing two birds with one stone.

But even so, compared to Zhou Han where Fang Yun was, the casualties were still not small.

Humans are no better than monsters. If injured, they can retreat for treatment. The complete logistics have long proven this.

From the very beginning of the establishment of the Dragon Kingdom Australian Base, there was never a shortage of means, whether it was herbal medicine or light magic, etc. When the participants found that the mortality rate was not as high as they thought, their courage would gradually increase;

Even the weakest, as time goes by, they find that it does not seem that they cannot go to the front line, and their poor combat ability does not mean that nothing can be arranged for them.

As weaklings, they know best that this is the time when they are most likely to change their destiny.

Because countless demon beast corpses can be seen everywhere along the way, it will naturally become much easier to find one or two demon pills that are most suitable for one's own talent.

Normally, it would be almost impossible for them to hunt on their own, and they don't have the strength to do it. They often go deeper to deliver food to higher-level monsters.

They also know that as auxiliary soldiers, the benefits they can get cannot be very high, but aren't too many monsters being killed now?

A sudden reversal of supply and demand is what they think is the real opportunity.

As the person in charge of the base, Luo Bing clearly understands the thoughts of these low-level monks. He also needs to mobilize these people to participate in logistics work. Whether it is transporting grain and grass to the front line or picking up harvests at the rear, countless people are needed to help.

He is happy to make settlements one day at a time during this process.

On the battlefield that stretches for thousands of kilometers, the number of monsters is far more than he imagined. He also knows that these big monsters deliberately caused trouble, but it has already happened, and it is impossible to come to the door to quarrel, right?

It happened to be the best way to kill countless middle and low-level monsters and collect countless demon pills for these auxiliary soldiers to use on the spot.

Luo Bing didn't expect these low- and middle-level monks to immediately rise to a higher level just because they earned these resources. He knew this was unrealistic.

The talent potential of these people only has this little potential. Even if it is stimulated, it will not be much higher in the future. Even if it is on the battlefield today, it will not play a decisive role. At most, it will be the icing on the cake.

But knowing is one thing, doing it or not is another.

After all, he is the base director of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base. How could he not know that his own base also needs a large number of such personnel?

We can't let those immortals deliver the goods, right?

We can't let these immortals enter the factory to make screws, right?

Some things always need someone to do them, and there must be more people serving the real masters and earning money from them.

So giving these middle- and lower-class monks a hope became something Luo Bing had to rely on.

The opportunity came to his door, how could he waste it?

Soon, this information and various examples appeared on the Internet. It seemed that everyone could find a good way out as long as they came here, and this guy's propaganda was perfect.

"It seems they are all targeting Novice Village!"

"Every one of the nearly two billion people has been practicing for ten or eight years now. It's time for them to leave the novice village!"

Fang Yun replied, seeming to be telling the obsessed Liu Hao that this guy also wanted a piece of the action.

"It seems that you have already communicated with them. How many people have you collected?"

"Zhou Han, more of the modern world population is still needed, just to introduce some new ideas!"

Liu Hao understands Fang Yun's words very well. Zhou Han has a lot of contact with the outside world, but in fact there are really not many people from other heavens joining Zhou Han. One is too far away, and the other is not suitable.

The sage world of Confucianism and Taoism is full of rituals. The more modern the world's population, the more difficult it is to adapt. They are used to all kinds of jokes, but they don't want to ruin a big event just because of a joke.

Fang Yun must have seen the flaws and had to take action himself.

But the population introduced by Fang Yun will not be too large, even one hundred and eighty thousand is already very impressive. Compared with the tens of millions calculated by Luo Bing, it is completely different;

This guy is already considering the population problem after the expansion of the new base. It is not an exaggeration to say that all comers are welcome, so naturally he will take the opportunity to advertise.

The effect is naturally very good.

There are more than two billion people in Xinshou Village, and there are always many who want to live a good life. These people are naturally willing to have a stable environment.

In the future, the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base will grow to have a population of over 100 million. Those who truly hunt every day will have a very good achievement if they occupy the third or fourth place.

Even in the cultivation era, as time goes by, the division of labor will inevitably become more refined. Luo Bing just saw it earlier than others.

It is indeed reasonable for this guy to be placed here and sit here for so long.

It's not just because he and Liu Hao have an extra layer of 'friend' relationship, their own abilities have always been equal to each other.

The only thing that is a bit of a drag may be that Luo Bing's cultivation talent is not really at the high end. He is more about catching up with the rhythm than being a leader.

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