Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and seventy four, difference

1774. Difference

The storm is about to come and the wind is filling the building.

The entire front line of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base hunting ground is now like this, with more and more human armies entering it.

Looking into the depths of the hunting ground from a distance, the figures of countless monster beasts are also displayed majestically in front of humans, as if they are boundless, as if countless tall trees still cannot hide the figures of these monster beasts.

No one knows how many monsters have gathered this time and how much land they have spread.

As an obsessive Liu Hao who has been watching from beginning to end, he watched the interesting changes with relish.

He discovered that on the monster side, every monster that entered the battlefield or was about to enter the battlefield was already an adult.

They seemed to also know about sustainable development. Those pregnant females and those immature cubs were all selected one by one to stay in place.

On the contrary, the forced migration of the adult monsters that originally lived on this land left enough living space and resources for these mother monsters and their cubs.

It can be expected that even the monsters that were forcibly relocated this time will not be able to return to their original land. In a year or two, the monsters in the entire Australian continent will still be in the same situation.

They have never lacked latecomers, but because of this redistribution of space, land, and resources, more latecomers will emerge.

This may be what the demon clan across the Australian continent really needs.

Those big demons have most likely discovered that they have always been non-interfering, and there are always very few elites born from it.

It was as if many high-level monsters who were doing nothing had occupied high positions and suppressed the growth of the new generation. The monster clan in the entire Australian continent had become a stagnant place. They simply took the opportunity to stir up the situation and achieve a complete improvement.

This is Liu Hao's own perception. He doesn't know whether this is a coincidence or whether this group of big monsters from Australia took the opportunity to reform.

On the human side, it's a mixed bag.

After this super war, the Australian continent is about to usher in a relatively peaceful time.

Countless monsters were slaughtered, and the meat made from their corpses alone was enough to feed hundreds of millions of people for several years.

In the next one or two years, there will be crazy construction of the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base. With those eight hundred miles of space, countless buildings will naturally have to keep up, and the resettlement of the population cannot stop.

But it doesn't mean that the hunting ground must stop. The demon clan will not be happy about this either.

They know better that once the humans in the base stop killing the monsters, the monsters can only extend their claws to their companions and start to devour each other.

It's just that the intensity is a little lower, and what should be there must also be there. This habit started from the moment it was born. If this world is not destroyed, it will definitely continue forever.

It's like the human side has always been promoting "killing demons and eliminating demons". Wouldn't the demon clan, which already has wisdom, come up with a slogan?

For example, "Humans taste super good" and the like. As long as the big monsters are willing, can't they be spread at any time?

During the prehistoric journey to the west, one mouthful of Tang Sanzang could lead to immortality. Who knows which one spread it originally?

But just such a slogan, doesn’t it mean that the entire demon clan on the journey to the west firmly believes in it?

Coming back to the present, judging from the density of monsters that gathered again, Liu Hao knew that the new round of war could not wait for a few more days.

Beside him, Fang Yun also watched the excitement with relish, and from time to time he would pick up grapes from the fruit plate and stuff them into his mouth.

"Aren't you worried at all about problems in the country you worked so hard to build?"

Obsessed, Liu Hao determined the time for the new battle, withdrew his consciousness, and seemed to want to relax physically and mentally. But when he saw Fang Yun's appearance, he also felt a rare trace of jealousy. How could this guy be so gloating about his misfortune?

"Even if there is a problem, it is a trivial matter. Even if some changes occur, just think of it as finding loopholes for Zhou Han!"

"You are open-minded!"

Obsessed, Liu Hao shook his head. He also knew the reason clearly. If there was a big problem, Fang Yun would not have sensed it early and would have taken action to suppress it.

What's more, it's not like there are no real masters in Zhou Han where Fang Yun established it.

The Imperial Clan's Di Ting was among them from beginning to end, and the little black dragon was also wandering in the nearby sea area?

Even if they are all in seclusion, if something unexpected happens, isn't it just a matter of suppressing them casually?

Today's Zhou Han is not the Zhou Han who was just established by Fang Yun. It can be said that in the entire Yanhuang Alliance, they, who come from the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism, are the most powerful individual members in the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

The level of their world is still far behind that of the prehistoric times, but their strength is truly a unified existence. If Fang Yun is willing, he can really mobilize all the power of the entire Confucian and Taoist holy world. combative.

This point has been too difficult in the prehistoric times. Even now, Hongjun can only order the saints under his command. Empress Nuwa, the lord of humanity, and Empress Houtun, the lord of the earth, will not obey Hongjun's orders. .

As a new member of the Yanhuang Alliance, the Wutang Empire represents the orthodox force of the ancient human race. Does Liu Hao still know how strong it is?

Even with the addition of Xiao Honghu, who Liu Hao stayed with Wu Zhao, Zhou Han, who really fought hard to establish Fang Yun, had no chance. Fang Yun is now no worse than Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it.

Even Liu Hao had to admit that Fang Yun was the real genius.

Does it really shine if you give it some sunshine, or is it some kind of brilliant thing?

Such a character is naturally the son of destiny in a higher world. Even if he leaves the original world, he can still become the strongest member, and there will never be any acclimatization to Fang Yun.

He could clearly see the Confucian incarnation chopped off from Fang Yun's body. More importantly, the Confucian incarnation had given birth to 'benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and trust' one by one, and he had become a Confucian and Taoist saint, Guang Mangye.

It can be said that this incarnation of Confucianism and Taoism in Fang Yun can arm-wrestle with the Tathagata Buddha in the prehistoric Lingshan Mountain and win.

How similar it is to the Tathagata's five great enlightened kings' methods!

And this is just a mere incarnation of Confucianism in Fang Yun.

He is not only the incarnation of Confucianism and Taoism, but also historians, doctors, Mohists, etc., but their fortunes have never failed at all. It is just that they have not been completely perfected. How low can his cultivation be?

You know, this guy has truly swallowed the world of heaven with iron teeth and bronze teeth. What he needs is just to temper himself. In the future, he will realize Hunyuan. Liu Hao never thinks that his obsession will be gone. Lucky for you.

This guy's ambition should never be underestimated. Even if Fang Yun proves Hunyuan in the future and breaks through to the high level of Hunyuan, that is, up to the seventh level of Hunyuan, Liu Hao will not be shocked at all. At most, he will accept it after being surprised. .

While the two were joking, they both directed their consciousness towards the area where Zhou Han was, glanced at it, and then took it back.

There really wasn’t much to see, and indeed everything was predictable.

Zhou Han seems to have no intention of continuing to expand the land. Also, they have just appeared in several heavens on their original land. When they need to digest it, where can they find the time to continue to expand?

Sometimes taking more land is not a good thing, it needs to be digested.

It was also at this glance that Obsessive Liu Hao saw another world besides the iron teeth and bronze teeth that Zhou Han was already digesting.

"That world, is it the two Jin Dynasties?"

"You can't hide it from fellow Taoists!"

Fang Yun did not hide it at all. From his concise words, one can also tell that Zhou Han's arrangement for the world of the two Jin Dynasties was to directly engulf the world, rather than granting a quota to the Yanhuang Alliance.

In this regard, Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, also has no surprise.

How could he not know what kind of urine is in Liangjin? This dynasty, in which men advocate wearing rouge and gouache, should end as soon as possible.

The Sima family was really unpopular in history.

Among the aristocratic families, Fang Yun will not be as cautious as his own Confucianism and Taoism Holy World, and will most likely break up the family. The so-called Wang Xie family is not even as good as an ant in front of Fang Yun.

They don't have any privileges in front of Fang Yun. Now on the battlefield between Zhou Han and the monsters, Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, saw the figures of these disciples of the aristocratic family. They must fight when it is time to fight, and they must die when they should. Besides, there was no haggling.

Compared with the battle at the hunting ground at Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, the only difference between Zhou Han's place was that the battlefield was less intense, but they never had any rest time, from morning to night, from the beginning until now.

But as the defenders of the city, they are still able to handle it with ease, and have not seen any city collapse so far.

There, the obsessed Liu Hao also saw many observers sent by members of the Yanhuang Alliance. The real use of the Baijia System depends on the Holy World of Confucianism and Taoism. This is also the consensus among all members of the Yanhuang Alliance.

Among them, the appearance of Changsun Wuji somewhat surprised the obsessed Liu Hao, but after thinking about it carefully, he thought it was reasonable.

The Wutang Empire, which comes from the ancient world, has its own monks who account for the majority among the hundreds of systems.

This is thanks to the introduction of many saints and countless sects into the Wutang Empire, otherwise its proportion would only be greater.

But sometimes the first mover is so overbearing. Once the power of habit takes over, it is very difficult to change.

Just like Changsun Wuji, this guy has already become an immortal in the Baijia system. If he is asked to switch to Taoism, he will inevitably have countless thoughts and think that he has finally taken root in the Baijia system. , to choose a new practice system, is it worth it?

Because of this, Obsessive Liu Hao knew very well that in the Geophysical Empire for a long time in the future, the practice systems of hundreds of schools would probably still dominate the mainstream, until the real Buddhist and Taoist sects showed their style one by one in the Wutang Empire, which was enough Only after attracting a large number of talents to join can mainstream subversion occur.

Liu Hao actually has nothing wrong with this.

Doesn’t he himself know how much water he, the founder of Baijia, has?

As far as he is concerned, how many eight systems has he refined? How much has been accumulated?

The Fang Yun in front of him is obviously more appropriate than him in this regard.

It's just that neither of them cares about this. They both leave these choices to time and the future.

"Then Ying Zheng's transformation into a dragon has already appeared. I wonder what the saint will think about it when he comes in the future?"

Fang Yun's words were inspired by the changes in the Great Qin Empire that the two of them had taken back their spiritual consciousness.

His words also made the obsessive Liu Hao stunned. As early as the beginning, when he passed on the method to Yingzheng to run the dynasty, why didn't he think of this factor?

It's just that I didn't expect it to appear so quickly. Here, I have to admit that this system of practice really fits the Qin Empire and the First Emperor of Ying Zheng.

It had only been a while since the last time Ying Zheng conquered the Black Dragon King. At that time, Ying Zheng's cultivation level was only comparable to that of Tai Yi.

But in today's consciousness, although Liu Hao and Fang Yun just glanced at each other, they could clearly see that Ying Zheng had reached the edge of Daluo and had truly transformed into a dragon.

The most important thing is that the two of them have seen that the national destiny of the Great Qin Empire has been hanging in the sky like the rising sun. If they want to cover up its glory, they have to take action personally.

You must know that this is a path to becoming a saint, not a path to chaos.

"Perhaps Empress Nuwa should be happy when she sees her!"

"Is it humane?" Fang Yun nodded slightly; "But is Ying Zheng really willing to put his Great Qin Empire under the control of Nuwa?"

"In ancient times, there was also Ying Zheng! His cultivation level is not low!"

Obsessed with the deep meaning behind Liu Hao's words, it became clear to Fang Yun that the meaning of these words is very simple. The prehistoric human race was created by the Nuwa Empress. Whether you believe it or not, it is all true. Of course, the government has nothing to say about this;

As long as one recognizes Nuwa's identity as the mother of the human race, isn't it a matter of course to succumb to her?

As long as this hurdle in my heart has passed, I can still gain a real backer and hang the identity of the future saint under humanity. Other saints can only grit their teeth and admit it even if they don't want to in their hearts.

The two of them only touched on this topic and will not participate in it in the future. It's not that they don't want to help Ying Zheng, but that this level can only be left to Ying Zheng's own troubles. Only after this has passed can it truly be over.

On the front line of the hunting ground, the demon clan has already made a move. The countless demon beasts that refused to accept have already let out real roars, as if giving orders and emboldening themselves.

Only then did the two of them direct their consciousness towards the front line again, but their focus was different.

This time, the obsessed Liu Hao devoted more energy to Cao Mengde's Wei Han, and to Liu Xuande and Sun Zhongmou who had just entered the heavens.

He saw the area where Cao Mengde was located. Although he was a little embarrassed, he could still say that he had a solid basis for advance and retreat.

But Liu Xuande and Sun Zhongmou could only rely on the city they had finally built to hold on.

Even so, there is still some danger, and at the critical moment, their generals still need to come to the rescue.

You know, in this battle, those above the Immortal level were restrained from taking action, which clearly shows the difficulty involved.

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