Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, pressure

Dimensional invasion of the real earth 1775, pressure

1775. Pressure

Despair, not even Liu Bei and Sun Quan.

They just feel the difficulty of all the worlds.

Before they stepped into the heavens and worlds, the imagination in their hearts was absolutely wonderful. How could they not know that Cao Mengde, who was in the same world as them, had such extraordinary and rapid development after stepping into the heavens?

They thought that if they followed closely behind, they would surely become one of them and soon catch up with the development speed of Wei and Han under Cao Cao.

But when they really stepped into the heavens, they realized the huge gap between the beauty of imagination and the difficulty of reality.

Here, everything must be fought for by oneself, and the help given by other members of the Yanhuang Alliance is just help.

This kind of help is just the same as a teacher teaching students, telling you what is good, what is bad, and where the danger comes from. When you encounter real danger, the teacher can at most look after you, and you really need to take action. You can only face yourself.

They finally understood why they chose the site after they arrived. The first thing the teachers urged was to let them build cities. Now, these cities finally let them understand where they need to be.

They knew better that the monsters they faced were just a sideshow, and the real main army of monsters ignored them at all.

But even so, the inner pressure they have accumulated over the past few days is enough to make it difficult for them to sleep.

This is no longer the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, and the people fighting against us are no longer the human race.

Compared with humans, those monster beasts are indeed inferior in intelligence, but these monster beasts are far less afraid of death than the human army. It seems that when they come to attack the city, they never consider the damage ratio, as if they are just to temper their troops. The army came with iron will.

At the beginning, they were almost attacked by monsters several times, and several times they had to ask their generals to personally rescue them. Little did they know that this was breaking the rules.

Fortunately, the big demons of the demon clan didn't really focus on them, or they already knew about it and didn't care about it at all.

The only thing they were lucky about was that the soldiers they brought with them had indeed been trained in all aspects during this tragic battle, especially in terms of willpower, which was enough to move them.

Even if one of these soldiers is lost, they will feel heartache.

Fortunately, in terms of medical treatment, this was no longer the mythical Three Kingdoms world they originally lived in. As long as they didn't die on the spot, there was almost always the possibility of coming back, which made them somewhat relieved.

In fact, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and others stood directly on the city wall, giving orders to the army, and from time to time they even took action in person. How could those great monsters observing from high altitude not know?

They were a little angry for a time, thinking that this was human beings breaking the original agreement, but soon they realized that this was not the case.

Although this area can be said to be close to the hunting ground, it is already outside the hunting ground, and monsters are already attacking human territory.

In this way, it seems that it is no longer within the scope of their agreement with humans. Furthermore, they have also seen that those above the real immortal level do not fight all the time, but more often take action at critical moments. From this look, it seems that It's not unacceptable.

It's not like the big demons don't have information channels. They have never been prohibited from logging into the network maintained by the Dragon Kingdom.

I don’t know how many accounts they registered from. On the Internet, they pretend to be real humans, and it is never difficult to tell them apart. They have many ways to determine where Liu Bei and Sun Quan come from.

Soon I also learned the names of Liu Bei and Sun Quan, and naturally understood that they were just newcomers.

The big demons are also proud in their hearts. They are the ones who stand out among countless demon beasts. The pride in their hearts is never less than that of any human genius. Naturally, they don't bother to care so much about these newcomers.

They did not issue new orders, which allowed this area to continue like this. The monsters should attack, but that's all. It's impossible to say how much attention is paid to it.

Don't think that the monsters are now taking the initiative, so there is no pressure. Human beings are coming to the base in waves, as if they can arrive as many as they need. The high-level monsters among the monsters are also aware of this.

Naturally, they need to focus their greatest attention on the hunting ground front. They do not have a real commander-in-chief. More often, one person is responsible for an area and is responsible for how many armies of middle and low-level monsters attack the human fortresses.

They are also very clear about their own disadvantages. They know that their greatest advantage is actually quantity. Anyway, for them, aren't there as many monsters as there are in the middle and lower levels?

Even if Liu Hao is obsessed with it, what these high-level monsters are doing is smart. Such big explosions again and again are better than adding fuel to the fire.

The former, that is, such a big explosion, is like the blade of the wind, and every cut will draw blood.

If the refueling tactic is used, it seems that the human side will not have any rest time at all, but are the humans short of personnel?

Can't they take turns defending? The pressure would never be as huge as it is now.

The Monster Clan's approach is almost to allow as many people to participate as the number of humans coming;

They took the corpses of the low-level monsters to really tire out the human army. When they saw that the human side was exhausted to a certain level, the middle- and high-level monsters would swarm forward.

This kind of approach can often achieve the effect that these big monsters really want to see.

This was what they did last time, and they also broke through some gaps, causing the number of people who died on the human side to pile up in the same way.

The battlefield is never a family game. Even if both sides know where the bottom line is, when it's time to kill, which one will hold back?

Their method seems very simple, but it is not that difficult to crack.

Human beings are no better than monsters, their inner thoughts are much more complex;

When they see themselves fighting monsters, if the high-level monks around them are waiting, they will not care about you. They will only think that the high-level monks are simply paddling, and their morale will soon drop. Then That's what's truly terrifying.

Therefore, most of the ninth-level monks who come to various major areas will not go to the front lines in person, but choose to wait in the rear, always paying attention to the changes behind the monsters, and always waiting for the impact of high-level monsters.

They also put a lot of effort into it, even if they didn't do it themselves, such a passive choice was also stressful.

The demon clan has firmly seized this initiative. On the thousands-mile-long front, they have always been random. No one knows which high-level demon beasts will rise up at the next moment.

Here, if there were no personal hints from the big demons behind the sky, no one would believe it.

But similarly, the indirect participation of these great demons also falls within the scope of the agreement. Isn't the commander-in-chief of this war on the human side also Li Jing from the ancient world?

During the entire battle at the Dragon Kingdom's hunting ground in Australia, Liu Hao and Fang Yun could be called the real onlookers. They were really watching. Even if they saw heavy casualties on the human side, the two never took action. thought.

What the two of them most want to see is the growth of the human army. Facing some sudden and remote skills from the monsters and beasts, although they were a little unprepared at the beginning, they are now able to deal with them calmly.

Almost any special skill on the monster side will soon be spread throughout the entire front. In the rear, there will be a large number of staff to analyze it and tell the front fingers on the front how to deal with it.

They saw that on the human side, their own skills were gradually improving. They did not say how much the improvement effect was, but the improvement was an improvement, and the progress was absolutely undeniable.

This is the same as the progress of science and technology. With the emergence of any war, various ideas can always become reality, which greatly promotes the progress of science and technology.

Switching to the world of cultivation, it means the improvement of skills, and even the creation of many skills that originally only existed in imagination.

In the eyes of Liu Hao and Fang Yun, these methods are simply child's play, but compared to the middle and lower-level human monks, they are also a rare improvement.

Sometimes you have to admit that the people who know your class best are the people in your class.

Liu Hao and Fang Yun had already analyzed these skills thoroughly at the first glance, and could copy them the next moment and push them to higher damage.

But so what, higher damage must mean greater output, and the threshold must be rising. Can it be popularized by everyone as it was when it was first created?

In turn, the methods created by these middle- and lower-class monks, even if they are full of loopholes in the eyes of Liu Hao and Fang Yun, are still the best model to maximize the advantages of the middle- and lower-class monks;

Although it becomes a lot more difficult to get started, once you get started, it doesn't take much time to use it for your own use, which is enough.

Obsessed Liu Hao and Fang Yun naturally understand these principles. It's not like they didn't create a lot of skills for the people below them in the past, but what about these skills now?

Isn’t it true that it has not been widely promoted to all the people?

They are used to being in a high position and know too much, and sometimes it is not always a good thing.

It is as if everyone in Liu Haolong Kingdom now knows that the Qi training method from the ancient world must be the best method in all known heavens.

But so what? After truly devoting themselves to practice, how many people can withstand the difficulty of this realization?

On the other hand, the golden elixir method is a typical method that is easy to get started and has acceptable upper limits. The number of practitioners who have devoted themselves to it is countless.

Sometimes the choice does not require the best future, which is suitable for you. How to bring out your original greatest advantages is the real best choice.

In such a huge battlefield, with hundreds of millions of people fighting in it, the collision of wisdom will be unparalleled. One person is short and many are strong. This is truly reflected on this battlefield. incisively and vividly.

When the obsession with Liu Hao's consciousness returned to the complex ninja area of ​​Nara Shikamaru, he keenly discovered that the changes here were so vast.

He discovered that most of the escape techniques of these ninjas had evolved towards the Taoist Five Elements Escape Technique.

This kind of evolution may not be clear to the ninjas themselves, but in the eyes of Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, it has already taken shape.

He soon understood the reason. Without him, it would still be pressure.

In the face of the strongest contrast, before facing the real life and death, before vaguely realizing that the ninjutsu he insisted on may have been eliminated, all persistence seemed to be nothing.

These ninjas had to abandon their inner stubbornness. When all of them let go of their inner stubbornness and welcomed the change, the change naturally happened.

These changes, speaking of which, these ninjas have created a familiar anomaly, which is also called 'senjutsu chakra'.

The so-called magic in the eyes of ninjas is nothing more than natural energy, that is, the absorption of spiritual energy between heaven and earth, incorporated into the body, and integrated into one's own chakra, completely replacing the previous chakra regardless of you or me.

Such a description is easy to say, but not easy to do.

Almost every ninja knows how to absorb spiritual energy, and there is never a shortage of techniques in their hands, but why are there not many people doing it?

Isn't it the power of habit? Isn't it too easy to extract one's own chakra?

Many times, as soon as the idea of ​​​​enough appears, it will become one's biggest obstacle and the biggest source of inertia.

They will think that it is enough anyway, so why bother making those difficult changes?

This kind of inert thought is extremely difficult to break without facing real pressure.

These ninjas are the biggest example.

It is not difficult to absorb spiritual energy, but what is difficult is to truly and completely integrate the spiritual energy into one's own chakra, maintain it for a long time, and completely replace the original chakra system that can be extracted from the child's own body with almost a thought.

This itself requires a long-term process. This is not the one-to-one ratio that the Toad Immortal in the ninja world said, but the proportions in each body are different. Although the difference is subtle, it makes everyone You can only try to figure it out on your own, without any reference.

They didn't know that in the eyes of Liu Hao, who had achieved such magical chakra, it was still just the prototype of the Taoist Five Elements Escape Technique.

But if you think about it carefully, how many people actually master the Taoist Five Elements Escape Technique, even in the Liu Haolong Kingdom?

To put it bluntly, the art of calling wind and rain is not a use of the Five Elements Escape Technique?

This may not be said to be a special skill of the Taoist sect, but it definitely does not mean that the Five Elements Escape Technique is ordinary.

It's just that the Taoist sect is too high-end. Even if you learn a thing or two, you can't walk sideways in the world, but there is no problem in protecting yourself.

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