Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, meritorious service

1777. Merit exchange method

Obsessive Liu Hao saw the familiar Beckham team among these teams, and even saw the Beckham family's Xiao Qi among them.

In fact, when these people took over this mission, they were a little panicked. They were not worried about poor results or unsuccessful calculations, but they were worried that there would be monsters who did not respect martial ethics and would take action in anger when they saw their defeat.

But as they went deeper, even if they heard the demon clan roaring, the worrying situation still did not happen.

They didn't know that there was a tacit understanding among the powerful, and they only thought that the real monsters were also blocked by human monks. This completely calmed down the panic in their hearts, and the power exerted in their hands suddenly rose.

They had never experienced such a harvest like chopping melons and vegetables before, but when they thought it would last for a long time, the order came from the rear, and they could only stop and return without being satisfied.

After they returned to the fortress, they discovered that it was not that there were no hidden high-level monsters on the demon clan's side, but that they needed to be mobilized from further away, knowing that they would not have such good luck next time.

They are still excited, because this time the harvest is not ordinary.

This gain is not just the gain from killing monsters, but also the real reward from taking on this mission.

And these rewards, for them in the past, they had to risk their lives to achieve. They were personally guided by real immortal masters, and they could only be met but not sought.

For them, this is the true road to heaven.

No one's needs are exactly the same, but most people's needs are the same.

Progress is something that any monk looks forward to, because the progress of a monk means his own evolution. The effect of evolution is an increase in lifespan. It also means that having more time to practice will definitely bring greater success. hope.

But what they don't know is that for them, this reward is more of an early benefit, because it won't be long before the expansion of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base is completed, and such a 'reward' will probably change. It has to become common.

The reason for this is still because of the pressure brought by the threat of the abyss.

To put it bluntly, I just hope that more monks can join in the deep thoughts and shallow thoughts in the future.

These monks who can reach level seven or above through their own efforts are naturally the best supplements. With a little training, maybe there will be surprises?

Of course, the major members of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance are all rulers, and they know better that there is an essential difference between direct gifts and the benefits that these monks can get through their own efforts.

If it is too easy to obtain, it is often easier to be shelved.

Many cultivation techniques have been circulated on the Internet, but how many of them have actually invested a lot of time in studying these techniques and thereby improving their own techniques?

You must know that the more basic a technique is, the more it contains the principles of heaven and earth in all aspects.

But for these basic exercises, most people only think that their value is limited. Things that are free of money seem to have lost their true value.

Most people just follow the crowd when it comes to their judgment of preciousness. They can only use one simple sentence to describe the reason why something is precious, that is, 'things are rare and valuable'.

But do you think the real thing is more expensive than loose stools?

In the desert, it is difficult to find a green plant. Its preciousness is inevitable. However, it is also difficult to find a piece of shit in it. But you can say that this dirty thing is also very precious in the desert. ?

Any manifestation of value cannot be separated from an essential premise, which is ‘demand’.

Just like the 'luxury goods' that were hyped before the revival of spiritual energy, the biggest reason why they are so valuable is nothing more than the 'vanity needs' of human beings themselves.

How much are they really worth? Who knows a little bit about it?

On the other hand, even if the prices of necessities are suppressed to the limit, they are still necessities and cannot survive without them.

In many human gathering places outside the Dragon Kingdom, isn't it common for people to stick a straw on their head just for a bite to eat?

If the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance hadn't fully disclosed these basic skills and taken nothing away from them, how many of these humans who couldn't even fill their stomachs would have been able to survive until now?

From this point of view, whether it is the Dragon Kingdom or the Yanhuang Alliance, their contributions to Liu Hao's humankind on earth can be described as immeasurable.

However, in addition to the basic skills, it is not really a good thing to continue to make the skills that seem to be a higher level public.

When people get used to getting things unconditionally, they often become tired. They become like a flock of sheep that have lost their goal, at a loss as to what to do. There are many people who really know how to move forward.

You must admit one thing, that is, individual humans are intelligent, but group humans are often blindly obedient.

At this time, guidance becomes necessary. You must tell them that there is a step ahead, and after crossing it, there will be another scene.

After they know this step, they will no longer be confused, but will do all kinds of research to find ways to climb the step, whether it is with the help of tools or working together, they will change the blind obedience in the past and become Become a real initiative.

You can say that this is a hook released by the upper-level personnel for traction purposes.

But so what, wouldn’t it be great if most people benefited from it?

If you want everyone to be satisfied, it may never happen even once in all the worlds and over countless years.

As a practitioner of the Law of Humanity, Liu Hao is extremely knowledgeable in this regard.

What is the difference between the so-called rules of the human world and the thousands of laws between heaven and earth?

It's just that there are different makers. Once these rules are formulated, they will be fair to everyone to a certain extent.

What you think is unfair is simply that you are not a member of the vested interest class.

The laws between heaven and earth, which one of the truly powerful people, such as the Quasi-Sage, doesn't know how to use them?

From this aspect, even the laws between heaven and earth are never fair.

In front of me, the guidance method of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance has spread in just half a day. When this group of hunters returns, and when they truly realize the benefits, everyone else around them will be confused. envious?

In almost one day, he developed the inner passion of all the personnel participating in the monster war in the entire Dragon Kingdom Australia base, letting them know that with their current participation, there were better rewards waiting for them to strive for.

Immortal level is out of reach for most monks.

No one can be sure what the rate of monks entering the Immortal Stage is, but they believe that it will never exceed the 10% chance.

Which of them doesn't know that the students who are admitted to the famous schools in Dragon Kingdom must far exceed this ratio?

Don’t they know how much of a difference there is between someone who teaches and someone who doesn’t?

But in the past, such good things basically only existed in dreams. When the opportunity really appeared in front of them, even if it was still difficult, it was their greatest hope.

This time, wouldn't it be that some of the 20,000 to 30,000 old seventh-level residents in the base directly benefited from it?

The next time the opportunity arises, can't it be my turn?

Anyone who steps into the world of spiritual practice, and anyone who wants to continue to climb to the top in the world of spiritual practice, is never short of such things as working hard. It is just about whether there is value in working hard.

When these seventh-level hunters were organized to listen to the immortal-level monks explaining the way of cultivation, when the news spread throughout the thousands-mile front;

Obsessed, Liu Hao watched as the morale of the combatants on the entire front increased greatly.

Naturally, the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance had no reason to let go of the rising trend. They had always been experts in taking advantage of the situation.

Therefore, in the exchange of meritorious deeds, many exchanges that were not available before were opened. The high-level exchange items, even a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure, could be directly taken out by the Dragon Kingdom, which fully shows that this emphasis is not just talk.

This acquired spiritual treasure was clearly refined by Liu Hao, who imitated the refining method of the Great White Tiger. Regardless of its power or the many Taoist restrictions in it, it is enough to increase the combat effectiveness of anyone who obtains it. One level or more.

Of course, if you want to redeem it, the merit value is enough to dazzle people. For the real middle and lower class, it can almost only be looked at.

What they really wanted to exchange for did not disappoint them in the slightest, such as exchange for courses taught by immortal monks, such as some kind of elixir that requires the entire hunting team to work hard to pick, or such as extracting according to different systems. skills.

Wait, wait, etc., there are all kinds of strange things, it seems that everything you can imagine is contained in it, it is just a matter of whether you are willing to invest more energy in earning merit.

The emergence of this merit exchange list seems to have started a real battle for the general situation, and it has also greatly promoted the sense of urgency in the hearts of all monks.

They are also happy. This is not only an extra way forward, but also the direction of their progress is provided in front of them. It also means that the treasure they originally hoped for may really become something in their hands one day in the future.

Hope, sometimes it's like this, when you can't see or touch it, more of his evil may be fantasy.

But when they are displayed in front of everyone, the enthusiasm will be fanatical.

No one is worried that this is just a temporary opening, because some things once open cannot be closed at all.

After they calmed down, their first thought was to clarify the target they wanted to redeem, and then designate their own plan to accumulate the required merit points.

They are also worried that there are not as many exchange items as they imagined, and good things will never spread. They know this truth clearly. There are fast hands and slow hands, and the competition is speed, the speed of accumulating the required merit points.

So, among the onlookers who were obsessed with Liu Hao and Fang Yun, they saw many hunters who were originally more willing to fish safely in the rear. One by one, they walked into the front line and silently picked up their long-cherished trump cards. , looking at the monster beasts that had just retreated from a distance.

Some of these people have even secretly lurked around the monsters. They are not trying to assassinate high-level monsters. They are not stupid. The reason why they choose to take on these most dangerous tasks is not because of these tasks. Merit value is higher?

There is never a shortage of ambitious people in any world. How to truly inspire these ambitions, utilize them, and maximize value is always a question.

At present, it seems that this arrangement between the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance may not be the best method, but it is also the most appropriate one.

Obsessive Liu Hao and Fang Yun both know that the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom under their feet is the first testing ground for this master. Once it works, they are bound to be the best in the entire land controlled by the Yanhuang Alliance. Promote it.

They never thought that the senior officials of the Yanhuang Alliance would simply push the matter away, and other supporting plans might appear in the future. The purpose was naturally to select the people they really needed in the future.

They just provide a stage and then watch with cold eyes. Only when people with bad talent and luck appear, will they invest more resources in cultivating them.

But at that time, they may need to compete, such as with some ancient sects, such as with each other.

But so what, those who really benefit in the end cannot escape them.

Today, whether it is the Dragon Kingdom or any member of the Yanhuang Alliance, the materials they have collected have reached a certain level. If these materials are just placed in the warehouse, it would be the biggest waste.

They also know that this is a catalytic method. To a certain extent, most of those who have been selected may still be able to stand out in the future. What they do is mostly just a little earlier.

But so what? Most are not complete, and there will always be surprises.

In addition, choosing to wait is never a good thing. The higher the level, the more they believe that the most important thing to do is to control the general trend, rather than just follow the general trend.

As for what they think is the general trend, it is hard to say whether they are obsessed with the general trend in Liu Hao's eyes.

From the perspective of Liu Hao and Fang Yun, they are also happy to see the hard work of the top leaders of the Yanhuang Alliance. Even if what they gain in the future is what they should have gained, they are still willing to see this hard work.

They will not go through the passage of time to see whether this struggle is valuable or how much it is worth.

They are not Qinglong Liu Hao. One of them majors in the law of humanity, and the other is a practitioner of civilization. They both firmly believe in the concept that man can conquer nature, and they are most happy to see mankind take action.

Especially obsessed with Liu Hao, he suddenly thought that Xiao Suanni had sent a lot of 'treasures' this time. To him, these treasures could only quench his thirst, but for monks below the immortal level, Said, it is very likely that their fate has changed, and they now have a place to go.

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